Given a Haskell type signature, is it possible to generate the code automatically? - haskell

What it says in the title. If I write a type signature, is it possible to algorithmically generate an expression which has that type signature?
It seems plausible that it might be possible to do this. We already know that if the type is a special-case of a library function's type signature, Hoogle can find that function algorithmically. On the other hand, many simple problems relating to general expressions are actually unsolvable (e.g., it is impossible to know if two functions do the same thing), so it's hardly implausible that this is one of them.
It's probably bad form to ask several questions all at once, but I'd like to know:
Can it be done?
If so, how?
If not, are there any restricted situations where it becomes possible?
It's quite possible for two distinct expressions to have the same type signature. Can you compute all of them? Or even some of them?
Does anybody have working code which does this stuff for real?

Djinn does this for a restricted subset of Haskell types, corresponding to a first-order logic. It can't manage recursive types or types that require recursion to implement, though; so, for instance, it can't write a term of type (a -> a) -> a (the type of fix), which corresponds to the proposition "if a implies a, then a", which is clearly false; you can use it to prove anything. Indeed, this is why fix gives rise to ⊥.
If you do allow fix, then writing a program to give a term of any type is trivial; the program would simply print fix id for every type.
Djinn is mostly a toy, but it can do some fun things, like deriving the correct Monad instances for Reader and Cont given the types of return and (>>=). You can try it out by installing the djinn package, or using lambdabot, which integrates it as the #djinn command.

Oleg at has an implementation of this. There is a short introduction here but the literate Haskell source contains the details and the description of the process. (I'm not sure how this corresponds to Djinn in power, but it is another example.)
There are cases where is no unique function:
fst', snd' :: (a, a) -> a
fst' (a,_) = a
snd' (_,b) = b
Not only this; there are cases where there are an infinite number of functions:
list0, list1, list2 :: [a] -> a
list0 l = l !! 0
list1 l = l !! 1
list2 l = l !! 2
-- etc.
-- Or
mkList0, mkList1, mkList2 :: a -> [a]
mkList0 _ = []
mkList1 a = [a]
mkList2 a = [a,a]
-- etc.
(If you only want total functions, then consider [a] as restricted to infinite lists for list0, list1 etc, i.e. data List a = Cons a (List a))
In fact, if you have recursive types, any types involving these correspond to an infinite number of functions. However, at least in the case above, there is a countable number of functions, so it is possible to create an (infinite) list containing all of them. But, I think the type [a] -> [a] corresponds to an uncountably infinite number of functions (again restrict [a] to infinite lists) so you can't even enumerate them all!
(Summary: there are types that correspond to a finite, countably infinite and uncountably infinite number of functions.)

This is impossible in general (and for languages like Haskell that does not even has the strong normalization property), and only possible in some (very) special cases (and for more restricted languages), such as when a codomain type has the only one constructor (for example, a function f :: forall a. a -> () can be determined uniquely). In order to reduce a set of possible definitions for a given signature to a singleton set with just one definition need to give more restrictions (in the form of additional properties, for example, it is still difficult to imagine how this can be helpful without giving an example of use).
From the (n-)categorical point of view types corresponds to objects, terms corresponds to arrows (constructors also corresponds to arrows), and function definitions corresponds to 2-arrows. The question is analogous to the question of whether one can construct a 2-category with the required properties by specifying only a set of objects. It's impossible since you need either an explicit construction for arrows and 2-arrows (i.e., writing terms and definitions), or deductive system which allows to deduce the necessary structure using a certain set of properties (that still need to be defined explicitly).
There is also an interesting question: given an ADT (i.e., subcategory of Hask) is it possible to automatically derive instances for Typeable, Data (yes, using SYB), Traversable, Foldable, Functor, Pointed, Applicative, Monad, etc (?). In this case, we have the necessary signatures as well as additional properties (for example, the monad laws, although these properties can not be expressed in Haskell, but they can be expressed in a language with dependent types). There is some interesting constructions:
which shows what can be done for the list ADT.

The question is actually rather deep and I'm not sure of the answer, if you're asking about the full glory of Haskell types including type families, GADT's, etc.
What you're asking is whether a program can automatically prove that an arbitrary type is inhabited (contains a value) by exhibiting such a value. A principle called the Curry-Howard Correspondence says that types can be interpreted as mathematical propositions, and the type is inhabited if the proposition is constructively provable. So you're asking if there is a program that can prove a certain class of propositions to be theorems. In a language like Agda, the type system is powerful enough to express arbitrary mathematical propositions, and proving arbitrary ones is undecidable by Gödel's incompleteness theorem. On the other hand, if you drop down to (say) pure Hindley-Milner, you get a much weaker and (I think) decidable system. With Haskell 98, I'm not sure, because type classes are supposed to be able to be equivalent to GADT's.
With GADT's, I don't know if it's decidable or not, though maybe some more knowledgeable folks here would know right away. For example it might be possible to encode the halting problem for a given Turing machine as a GADT, so there is a value of that type iff the machine halts. In that case, inhabitability is clearly undecidable. But, maybe such an encoding isn't quite possible, even with type families. I'm not currently fluent enough in this subject for it to be obvious to me either way, though as I said, maybe someone else here knows the answer.
(Update:) Oh a much simpler interpretation of your question occurs to me: you may be asking if every Haskell type is inhabited. The answer is obviously not. Consider the polymorphic type
a -> b
There is no function with that signature (not counting something like unsafeCoerce, which makes the type system inconsistent).


Monad "unboxing"

My question came up while following the tutorial Functors, Applicatives, And Monads In Pictures and its JavaScript version.
When the text says that functor unwraps value from the context, I understand that a Just 5 -> 5 transformation is happening. As per What does the "Just" syntax mean in Haskell? , Just is "defined in scope" of the Maybe monad.
My question is what is so magical about the whole unwrapping thing? I mean, what is the problem of having some language rule which automatically unwraps the "scoped" variables? It looks to me that this action is merely a lookup in some kind of a table where the symbol Just 5 corresponds to the integer 5.
My question is inspired by the JavaScript version, where Just 5 is prototype array instance. So unwrapping is, indeed, not rocket science at all.
Is this a "for-computation" type of reason or a "for-programmer" one? Why do we distinguish Just 5 from 5 on the programming language level?
First of all, I don't think you can understand Monads and the like without understanding a Haskell like type system (i.e. without learning a language like Haskell). Yes, there are many tutorials that claim otherwise, but I've read a lot of them before learning Haskell and I didn't get it. So my advice: If you want to understand Monads learn at least some Haskell.
To your question "Why do we distinguish Just 5 from 5 on the programming language level?". For type safety. In most languages that happen not to be Haskell null, nil, whatever, is often used to represent the absence of a value. This however often results in things like NullPointerExceptions, because you didn't anticipate that a value may not be there.
In Haskell there is no null. So if you have a value of type Int, or anything else, that value can not be null. You are guarantied that there is a value. Great! But sometimes you actually want/need to encode the absence of a value. In Haskell we use Maybe for that. So something of type Maybe Int can either be something like Just 5 or Nothing. This way it is explicit that the value may not be there and you can not accidentally forget that it might be Nothing because you have to explicitly unwrap the value.
This has nothing really to do with Monads, except that Maybe happens to implement the Monad type class (a type class is a bit like a Java interface, if you are familiar with Java). That is Maybe is not primarily a Monad, but just happens to also be a Monad.
I think you're looking at this from the wrong direction. Monad is explicitly not about unwrapping. Monad is about composition.
It lets you combine (not necessarily apply) a function of type a -> m b with a value of type m a to get a value of type m b. I can understand where you might think the obvious way to do that is unwrapping the value of type m a into an value of type a. But very few Monad instances work that way. In fact, the only ones that can work that way are the ones that are equivalent to the Identity type. For nearly all instances of Monad, it's just not possible to unwrap a value.
Consider Maybe. Unwrapping a value of type Maybe a into a value of type a is impossible when the starting value is Nothing. Monadic composition has to do something more interesting than just unwrapping.
Consider []. Unwrapping a value of type [a] into a value of type a is impossible unless the input just happens to be a list of length 1. In every other case, monadic composition is doing something more interesting than unwrapping.
Consider IO. A value like getLine :: IO String doesn't contain a String value. It's plain impossible to unwrap, because it isn't wrapping something. Monadic composition of IO values doesn't unwrap anything. It combines IO values into more complex IO values.
I think it's worthwhile to adjust your perspective on what Monad means. If it were only an unwrapping interface, it would be pretty useless. It's more subtle, though. It's a composition interface.
A possible example is this: consider the Haskell type Maybe (Maybe Int). Its values can be of the following form
Just Nothing
Just (Just n) for some integer n
Without the Just wrapper we couldn't distinguish between the first two.
Indeed, the whole point of the optional type Maybe a is to add a new value (Nothing) to an existing type a. To ensure such Nothing is indeed a fresh value, we wrap the other values inside Just.
It also helps during type inference. When we see the function call f 'a' we can see that f is called at the type Char, and not at type Maybe Char or Maybe (Maybe Char). The typeclass system would allow f to have a different implementation in each of these cases (this is similar to "overloading" in some OOP languages).
My question is, what is so magical about the whole unwrapping thing?
There is nothing magical about it. You can use garden-variety pattern matching (here in the shape of a case expression) to define...
mapMaybe :: (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b
mapMaybe f mx = case mx of
Just x -> Just (f x)
_ -> mx
... which is exactly the same than fmap for Maybe. The only thing the Functor class adds -- and it is a very useful thing, make no mistake -- is an extra level of abstraction that covers various structures that can be mapped over.
Why do we distinguish Just 5 from 5 on programming language level?
More meaningful than the distinction between Just 5 and 5 is the one between their types -- e.g. between Maybe Intand Int. If you have x :: Int, you can be certain x is an Int value you can work with. If you have mx :: Maybe Int, however, you have no such certainty, as the Int might be missing (i.e. mx might be Nothing), and the type system forces you to acknowledge and deal with this possibility.
See also: jpath's answer for further comments on the usefulness of Maybe (which isn't necessarily tied to classes such as Functor and Monad); Carl's answer for further comments on the usefulness of classes like Functor and Monad (beyond the Maybe example).
What "unwrap" means depends on the container. Maybe is just one example. "Unwrapping" means something completely different when the container is [] instead of Maybe.
The magical about the whole unwrapping thing is the abstraction: In a Monad we have a notion of "unwrapping" which abstracts the nature of the container; and then it starts to get "magical"...
You ask what Just means: Just is nothing but a Datatype constructor in Haskell defined via a data declaration like :
data Maybe a = Just a | Nothing
Just take a value of type a and creates a value of type Maybe a. It's Haskell's way to distinguigh values of type a from values of type Maybe a
First of all, you need to remove monads from your question. They have nothing to do this. Treat this articles as one of the points of view on the monads, maybe it does not suit you, you may still little understood in the type system that would understand monads in haskell.
And so, your question can be rephrased as: Why is there no implicit conversion Just 5 => 5? But answer is very simple. Because value Just 5 has type Maybe Integer, so this value may would be Nothing, but what must do compiler in this case? Only programmer can resolve this situation.
But there is more uncomfortable question. There are types, for example, newtype Identity a = Identity a. It's just wrapper around some value. So, why is there no impliciti conversion Identity a => a?
The simple answer is - an attempt to realize this would lead to a different system types, which would not have had many fine qualities that exist in the current. According to this, it can be sacrificed for the benefit of other possibilities.

Why do we need Control.Lens.Reified?

Why do we need Control.Lens.Reified? Is there some reason I can't place a Lens directly into a container? What does reify mean anyway?
We need reified lenses because Haskell's type system is predicative. I don't know the technical details of exactly what that means, but it prohibits types like
[Lens s t a b]
For some purposes, it's acceptable to use
Functor f => [(a -> f b) -> s -> f t]
instead, but when you reach into that, you don't get a Lens; you get a LensLike specialized to some functor or another. The ReifiedBlah newtypes let you hang on to the full polymorphism.
Operationally, [ReifiedLens s t a b] is a list of functions each of which takes a Functor f dictionary, while forall f . Functor f => [LensLike f s t a b] is a function that takes a Functor f dictionary and returns a list.
As for what "reify" means, well, the dictionary will say something, and that seems to translate into a rather stunning variety of specific meanings in Haskell. So no comment on that.
The problem is that, in Haskell, type abstraction and application are completely implicit; the compiler is supposed to insert them where needed. Various attempts at designing 'impredicative' extensions, where the compiler would make clever guesses where to put them, have failed; so the safest thing ends up being relying on the Haskell 98 rules:
Type abstractions occur only at the top level of a function definition.
Type applications occur immediately whenever a variable with a polymorphic type is used in an expression.
So if I define a simple lens:[1]
lensHead f [] = pure []
lensHead f (x:xn) = (:xn) <$> f x
and use it in an expression:
lensHead gets automatically applied to some set of type parameters; at which point it's no longer a lens, because it's not polymorphic in the functor anymore. The take-away is: an expression always has some monomorphic type; so it's not a lens. (You'll note that the lens functions take arguments of type Getter and Setter, which are monomorphic types, for similar reasons to this. But a [Getter s a] isn't a list of lenses, because they've been specialized to only getters.)
What does reify mean? The dictionary definition is 'make real'. 'Reifying' is used in philosophy to refer to the act of regarding or treating something as real (rather than ideal or abstract). In programming, it tends to refer to taking something that normally can't be treated as a data structure and representing it as one. For example, in really old Lisps, there didn't use to be first-class functions; instead, you had to use S-Expressions to pass 'functions' around, and eval them when you needed to call the function. The S-Expressions represented the functions in a way you could manipulate in the program, which is referred to as reification.
In Haskell, we don't typically need such elaborate reification strategies as Lisp S-Expressions, partly because the language is designed to avoid needing them; but since
newtype ReifiedLens s t a b = ReifiedLens (Lens s t a b)
has the same effect of taking a polymorphic value and turning it into a true first-class value, it's referred to as reification.
Why does this work, if expressions always have monomorphic types? Well, because the Rank2Types extension adds a third rule:
Type abstractions occur at the top-level of the arguments to certain functions, with so-called rank 2 types.
ReifiedLens is such a rank-2 function; so when you say
ReifiedLens l
you get a type lambda around the argument to ReifiedLens, and then l is applied immediately to the the lambda-bound type argument. So l is effectively just eta-expanded. (Compilers are free to eta-reduce this and just use l directly).
Then, when you say
f (ReifiedLens l) = ...
on the right-hand side, l is a variable with polymorphic type, so every use of l is immediately implicitly assigned to whatever type arguments are needed for the expression to type-check. So everything works the way you expect.
The other way to think about is that, if you say
newtype ReifiedLens s t a b = ReifiedLens { unReify :: Lens s t a b }
the two functions ReifiedLens and unReify act like explicit type abstraction and application operators; this allows the compiler to identify where you want the abstractions and applications to take place well enough that the issues with impredicative type systems don't come up.
[1] In lens terminology, this is apparently called something other than a 'lens'; my entire knowledge of lenses comes from SPJ's presentation on them so I have no way to verify that. The point remains, since the polymorphism is still necessary to make it work as both a getter and a setter.

What is predicativity?

I have pretty decent intuition about types Haskell prohibits as "impredicative": namely ones where a forall appears in an argument to a type constructor other than ->. But just what is predicativity? What makes it important? How does it relate to the word "predicate"?
The central question of these type systems is: "Can you substitute a polymorphic type in for a type variable?". Predicative type systems are the no-nonsense schoolmarm answering, "ABSOLUTELY NOT", while impredicative type systems are your carefree buddy who thinks that sounds like a fun idea and what could possibly go wrong?
Now, Haskell muddies the discussion a bit because it believes polymorphism should be useful but invisible. So for the remainder of this post, I will be writing in a dialect of Haskell where uses of forall are not just allowed but required. This way we can distinguish between the type a, which is a monomorphic type which draws its value from a typing environment that we can define later, and the type forall a. a, which is one of the harder polymorphic types to inhabit. We'll also allow forall to go pretty much anywhere in a type -- as we'll see, GHC restricts its type syntax as a "fail-fast" mechanism rather than as a technical requirement.
Suppose we have told the compiler id :: forall a. a -> a. Can we later ask to use id as if it had type (forall b. b) -> (forall b. b)? Impredicative type systems are okay with this, because we can instantiate the quantifier in id's type to forall b. b, and substitute forall b. b for a everywhere in the result. Predicative type systems are a bit more wary of that: only monomorphic types are allowed in. (So if we had a particular b, we could write id :: b -> b.)
There's a similar story about [] :: forall a. [a] and (:) :: forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]. While your carefree buddy may be okay with [] :: [forall b. b] and (:) :: (forall b. b) -> [forall b. b] -> [forall b. b], the predicative schoolmarm isn't, so much. In fact, as you can see from the only two constructors of lists, there is no way to produce lists containing polymorphic values without instantiating the type variable in their constructors to a polymorphic value. So although the type [forall b. b] is allowed in our dialect of Haskell, it isn't really sensible -- there's no (terminating) terms of that type. This motivates GHC's decision to complain if you even think about such a type -- it's the compiler's way of telling you "don't bother".*
Well, what makes the schoolmarm so strict? As usual, the answer is about keeping type-checking and type-inference doable. Type inference for impredicative types is right out. Type checking seems like it might be possible, but it's bloody complicated and nobody wants to maintain that.
On the other hand, some might object that GHC is perfectly happy with some types that appear to require impredicativity:
> :set -Rank2Types
> :t id :: (forall b. b) -> (forall b. b)
{- no complaint, but very chatty -}
It turns out that some slightly-restricted versions of impredicativity are not too bad: specifically, type-checking higher-rank types (which allow type variables to be substituted by polymorphic types when they are only arguments to (->)) is relatively simple. You do lose type inference above rank-2, and principal types above rank-1, but sometimes higher rank types are just what the doctor ordered.
I don't know about the etymology of the word, though.
* You might wonder whether you can do something like this:
data FooTy a where
FooTm :: FooTy (forall a. a)
Then you would get a term (FooTm) whose type had something polymorphic as an argument to something other than (->) (namely, FooTy), you don't have to cross the schoolmarm to do it, and so the belief "applying non-(->) stuff to polymorphic types isn't useful because you can't make them" would be invalidated. GHC doesn't let you write FooTy, and I will admit I'm not sure whether there's a principled reason for the restriction or not.
(Quick update some years later: there is a good, principled reason that FooTm is still not okay. Namely, the way that GADTs are implemented in GHC is via type equalities, so the expanded type of FooTm is actually FooTm :: forall a. (a ~ forall b. b) => FooTy a. Hence to actually use FooTm, one would indeed need to instantiate a type variable with a polymorphic type. Thanks to Stephanie Weirich for pointing this out to me.)
Let me just add a point regarding the "etymology" issue, since the other answer by #DanielWagner covers much of the technical ground.
A predicate on something like a is a -> Bool. Now a predicate logic is one that can in some sense reason about predicates -- so if we have some predicate P and we can talk about, for a given a, P(a), now in a "predicate logic" (such as first-order logic) we can also say ∀a. P(a). So we can quantify over variables and discuss the behavior of predicates over such things.
Now, in turn, we say a statement is predicative if all of the things a predicate is applied to are introduced prior to it. So statements are "predicated on" things that already exist. In turn, a statement is impredicative if it can in some sense refer to itself by its "bootstraps".
So in the case of e.g. the id example above, we find that we can give a type to id such that it takes something of the type of id to something else of the type of id. So now we can give a function a type where an quantified variable (introduced by forall a.) can "expand" to be the same type as that of the entire function itself!
Hence impredicativity introduces a possibility of a certain "self reference". But wait, you might say, wouldn't such a thing lead to contradiction? The answer is: "well, sometimes." In particular, "System F" which is the polymorphic lambda calculus and the essential "core" of GHC's "core" language allows a form of impredicativity that nonetheless has two levels -- the value level, and the type level, which is allowed to quantify over itself. In this two-level stratification, we can have impredicativity and not contradiction/paradox.
Although note that this neat trick is very delicate and easy to screw up by the addition of more features, as this collection of articles by Oleg indicates:
I'd like to make a comment on the etymology issue, since #sclv's answer isn't quite right (etymologically, not conceptually).
Go back in time, to the days of Russell when everything is set theory— including logic. One of the logical notions of particular import is the "principle of comprehension"; that is, given some logical predicate φ:A→2 we would like to have some principle to determine the set of all elements satisfying that predicate, written as "{x | φ(x) }" or some variation thereon. The key point to bear in mind is that "sets" and "predicates" are viewed as being fundamentally different things: predicates are mappings from objects to truth values, and sets are objects. Thus, for example, we may allow quantifying over sets but not quantifying over predicates.
Now, Russell was rather concerned by his eponymous paradox, and sought some way to get rid of it. There are numerous fixes, but the one of interest here is to restrict the principle of comprehension. But first, the formal definition of the principle: ∃S.∀x.S x ↔︎ φ(x); that is, for our particular φ there exists some object (i.e., set) S such that for every object (also a set, but thought of as an element) x, we have that S x (you can think of this as meaning "x∈S", though logicians of the time gave "∈" a different meaning than mere juxtaposition) is true just in case φ(x) is true. If we take the principle exactly as written then we end up with an impredicative theory. However, we can place restrictions on which φ we're allowed to take the comprehension of. (For example, if we say that φ must not contain any second-order quantifiers.) Thus, for any restriction R, if a set S is determined (i.e., generated via comprehension) by some R-predicate, then we say that S is "R-predicative". If every set in our language is R-predicative then we say that our language is "R-predicative". And then, as is often the case with hyphenated prefix things, the prefix gets dropped off and left implicit, whence "predicative" languages. And, naturally, languages which are not predicative are "impredicative".
That's the old school etymology. Since those days the terms have gone off and gotten lives of their own. The ways we use "predicative" and "impredicative" today are quite different, because the things we're concerned about have changed. So it can sometimes be a bit hard to see how the heck our modern usage ties back to this stuff. Honestly, I don't think knowing the etymology really helps any in terms of figuring out what the words are really about (these days).

Are typeclasses essential?

I once asked a question on haskell beginners, whether to use data/newtype or a typeclass. In my particular case it turned out that no typeclass was required. Additionally Tom Ellis gave me a brilliant advice, what to do when in doubt:
The simplest way of answering this which is mostly correct is:
use data
I know that typeclasses can make a few things a bit prettier, but not much AFIK. It also strikes me that typeclasses are mostly used for brain stem stuff, wheras in newer stuff, new typeclasses hardly ever get introduced and everything is done with data/newtype.
Now I wonder if there are cases where typeclasses are absolutely required and things could not be expressed with data/newtype?
Answering a similar question on StackOverflow Gabriel Gonzales said
Use type classes if:
There is only one correct behavior per given type
The type class has associated equations (i.e. "laws") that all instances must satisfy
Hmm ..
Or are typeclasses and data/newtype somewhat competing concepts which coexist for historical reasons?
I would argue that typeclasses are an essential part of Haskell.
They are the part of Haskell that makes it the easiest language I know of to refactor, and they are a great asset to your being able to reason about the correctness of code.
So, let's talk about dictionary passing.
Now, any sort of dictionary passing is a big improvement in the state of affairs in traditional object oriented languages. We know how to do OOP with vtables in C++. However, the vtable is 'part of the object' in OOP languages. Fusing the vtable with the object forces your code into a form where you have a rigid discipline about who can extend the core types with new features, its really only the original author of the class who has to incorporate all the things others want to bake into their type. This leads to "lava flow code" and all sorts of other design antipatterns, etc.
Languages like C# give you the ability to hack in extension methods to fake new stuff, and "traits" in languages like scala and multiple inheritance in other languages let you delegate some of the work as well, but they are partial solutions.
When you split the vtable from the objects they manipulate you get a heady rush of power. You can now pass them around wherever you want, but then of course you need to name them and talk about them. The ML discipline around modules / functors and the explicit dictionary passing style take this approach.
Typeclasses take a slightly different tack. We rely on uniqueness of a typeclass instance for a given type and it is in large part it is this choice permits us to get away with such simple core data types.
Because we can move the use of the dictionaries to the use sites, and don't have to carry them around with the data types and we can rely upon the fact that when we do so nothing has changed about the behavior of the code.
Mechanical translation of the code to more complex manually passed dictionaries loses the uniqueness of such a dictionary at a given type. Passing the dictionaries in at different points in your program now leads to programs with greatly differing behavior. You may or may not have to remember the dictionaries your data type was constructed with, and woe betide you if you want to have conditional behavior based on what your arguments are.
For simple examples like Set you can get away with a manual dictionary translation. The price doesn't seem so high. You have to bake in the dictionary for, say, how you want to sort the Set when you make the object and then insert/lookup, would just preserve your choice. This might be a cost you can bear. When you union two Sets now, of course, its up in the air which ordering you get. Maybe you take the smaller and insert it into the larger, but then the ordering would change willy nilly, so instead you have to take say, the left and always insert it into the right, or document this haphazard behavior. You're now being forced into suboptimal performing solutions in the interest of 'flexibility'.
But Set is a trivial example. There you might bake an index into the type about which instance it was you are using, there is only one class involved. What happens when you want more complex behavior? One of the things we do with Haskell is work with monad transformers. Now you have lots of instances floating around -- and you don't have a good place to store them all, MonadReader, MonadWriter, MonadState, etc. may all apply.. conditionally, based on the underlying monad. what happens when you hoist and swap it out and now different things may or may not apply?
Carrying around an explicit dictionaries for this is a lot of work, there isn't a good place to store them and you are asking users to adopt a global program transformation to adopt this practice.
These are the things that typeclasses make effortless.
Do I believe you should use them for everything?
Not by a long shot.
But I can't agree with the other replies here that they are inessential to Haskell.
Haskell is the only language that supplies them and they are critical to at least my ability to think in this language, and are a huge part of why I consider Haskell home.
I do agree with a few things here, use typeclasses when there are laws and when the choice is unambiguous.
I'd challenge however, that if you don't have laws or if the choice isn't unambiguous, you may not know enough about how to model the problem domain, and should be seeking something for which you can fit it into the typeclass mold, possibly even into existing abstractions -- and when you finally find that solution, you'll find you can easily reuse it.
Typeclasses are, in most cases, inessential. Any typeclass code can be mechanically converted into dictionary-passing style. They mainly provide convenience, sometimes an essential amount of convenience (cf. kmett's answer).
Sometimes the single-instance property of typeclasses is used to enforce invariants. For example, you could not convert Data.Set into dictionary-passing style safely, because if you inserted twice with two different Ord dictionaries, you could break the data structure invariant. Of course you could still convert any working code to working code in dictionary-passing style, but you would not be able to outlaw as much broken code.
Laws are another important cultural aspect to typeclasses. The compiler does not enforce laws, but Haskell programmers expect typeclasses to come with laws that all the instances satisfy. This can be leveraged to provide stonger guarantees about some functions. This advantage comes only from the conventions of the community, and is not a formal property of a language.
To answer that part of the question:
"typeclasses and data/newtype somewhat competing concepts"
No. Typeclasses are an extension to the type system, that allows you to make constraints on polymorphic arguments. Like most things in programming, they are, of course, syntactic sugar [so they aren't essential in the sense that their use can't be replaced by anything else]. That doesn't mean they're superfluous. It just means you could express similar things using other language facilities, but you'd lose some clarity while you're at it. Dictionary passing can be used for mostly the same things, but it's ultimately less strict in the type system because it allows changing behavior at runtime (which is also an excellent example of where you'd use dictionary passing instead of type classes).
Data and newtype still mean exactly the same thing whether you have typeclasses or not: Introduce a new type, in the case of data as new kind of data structure, and in case of newtype as a typesafe variant of type.
To expand slightly on my comment I would suggest always starting by using data and dictionary passing. If the boilerplate and manual instance plumbing becomes too much to bear then consider introducing a typeclass. I suspect this approach generally leads to a cleaner design.
I just want to make a really mundane point about syntax.
People tend to underestimate the convenience afforded by type classes, probably because they have never tried Haskell without using any. This is a "the grass is greener on the other side of the fence" sort of phenomenon.
while :: Monad m -> m Bool -> m a -> m ()
while m p body = (>>=) m p $ \x ->
if x
then (>>) m body (while m p body)
else return m ()
average :: Floating a -> a -> a -> a -> a
average f a b c = (/) f ((+) (floatingToNum f) a ((+) (floatingToNum f) b c))
(fromInteger (floatingToNum f) 3)
This is the historical motivation for type classes and it remains valid today. If we didn't have type classes, we'd certainly need some kind of replacement for it to avoid writing monstrosities like these. (Maybe something like record puns or Agda's "open".)
I know that typeclasses can make a few things a bit prettier, but not much AFIK.
Bit prettier?? No! Way prettier! (as others have already noted)
However the answer to this really depends very much where this question comes from.
If Haskell is your tool of choice for serious software engineering, typeclasses are
powerful and essential.
If you are a beginner using haskell to learn (functional) programming, the complexity and difficulty of typeclasses can outweigh the advantages – certainly at the beginning of your studies.
Here are a couple of examples comparing ghc with gofer (predecessor of hugs,
predecessor of modern haskell):
? 1 ++ [2,3,4]
ERROR: Type error in application
*** expression :: 1 ++ [2,3,4]
*** term :: 1
*** type :: Int
*** does not match :: [Int]
Now compare with ghc:
Prelude> 1 ++ [2,3,4]
No instance for (Num [a0]) arising from the literal `1'
Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (Num [a0])
In the first argument of `(++)', namely `1'
In the expression: 1 ++ [2, 3, 4]
In an equation for `it': it = 1 ++ [2, 3, 4]
No instance for (Num a0) arising from the literal `2'
The type variable `a0' is ambiguous
Possible fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s)
Note: there are several potential instances:
instance Num Double -- Defined in `GHC.Float'
instance Num Float -- Defined in `GHC.Float'
instance Integral a => Num (GHC.Real.Ratio a)
-- Defined in `GHC.Real' three others
In the expression: 2
In the second argument of `(++)', namely `[2, 3, 4]'
In the expression: 1 ++ [2, 3, 4]
This should suggest that error-message-wise, not only are typeclasses not prettier, they can be uglier!
One can go all the way (in gofer) and use the 'simple prelude' that uses
no typeclasses at all. This makes it quite unrealistic for serious programming
but real neat for wrapping your head round Hindley-Milner:
Standard Prelude
? :t (==)
(==) :: Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
? :t (+)
(+) :: Num a => a -> a -> a
Simple Prelude
? :t (==)
(==) :: a -> a -> Bool
? :t (+)
(+) :: Int -> Int -> Int

When to expose constructors of a data type when designing data structures?

When designing data structures in functional languages there are 2 options:
Expose their constructors and pattern match on them.
Hide their constructors and use higher-level functions to examine the data structures.
In what cases, what is appropriate?
Pattern matching can make code much more readable or simpler. On the other hand, if we need to change something in the definition of a data type then all places where we pattern-match on them (or construct them) need to be updated.
I've been asking this question myself for some time. Often it happens to me that I start with a simple data structure (or even a type alias) and it seems that constructors + pattern matching will be the easiest approach and produce a clean and readable code. But later things get more complicated, I have to change the data type definition and refactor a big part of the code.
The essential factor for me is the answer to the following question:
Is the structure of my datatype relevant to the outside world?
For example, the internal structure of the list datatype is very much relevant to the outside world - it has an inductive structure that is certainly very useful to expose to consumers, because they construct functions that proceed by induction on the structure of the list. If the list is finite, then these functions are guaranteed to terminate. Also, defining functions in this way makes it easy to provide properties about them, again by induction.
By contrast, it is best for the Set datatype to be kept abstract. Internally, it is implemented as a tree in the containers package. However, it might as well have been implemented using arrays, or (more usefully in a functional setting) with a tree with a slightly different structure and respecting different invariants (balanced or unbalanced, branching factor, etc). The need to enforce any invariants above and over those that the constructors already enforce through their types, by the way, precludes letting the datatype be concrete.
The essential difference between the list example and the set example is that the Set datatype is only relevant for the operations that are possible on Set's. Whereas lists are relevant because the standard library already provides many functions to act on them, but in addition their structure is relevant.
As a sidenote, one might object that actually the inductive structure of lists, which is so fundamental to write functions whose termination and behaviour is easy to reason about, is captured abstractly by two functions that consume lists: foldr and foldl. Given these two basic list operators, most functions do not need to inspect the structure of a list at all, and so it could be argued that lists too coud be kept abstract. This argument generalizes to many other similar structures, such as all Traversable structures, all Foldable structures, etc. However, it is nigh impossible to capture all possible recursion patterns on lists, and in fact many functions aren't recursive at all. Given only foldr and foldl, one would, writing head for example would still be possible, though quite tedious:
head xs = fromJust $ foldl (\b x -> maybe (Just x) Just b) Nothing xs
We're much better off just giving away the internal structure of the list.
One final point is that sometimes the actual representation of a datatype isn't relevant to the outside world, because say it is some kind of optimised and might not be the canonical representation, or there isn't a single "canonical" representation. In these cases, you'll want to keep your datatype abstract, but offer "views" of your datatype, which do provide concrete representations that can be pattern matched on.
One example would be if wanted to define a Complex datatype of complex numbers, where both cartesian forms and polar forms can be considered canonical. In this case, you would keep Complex abstract, but export two views, ie functions polar and cartesian that return a pair of a length and an angle or a coordinate in the cartesian plane, respectively.
Well, the rule is pretty simple: If it's easy to construct wrong values by using the actual constructors, then don't allow them to be used directly, but instead provide smart constructors. This is the path followed by some data structures like Map and Set, which are easy to get wrong.
Then there are the types for which it's impossible or hard to construct inconsistent/wrong values either because the type doesn't allow that at all or because you would need to introduce bottoms. The length-indexed list type (commonly called Vec) and most monads are examples of that.
Ultimately this is your own decision. Put yourself into the user's perspective and make the tradeoff between convenience and safety. If there is no tradeoff, then always expose the constructors. Otherwise your library users will hate you for the unnecessary opacity.
If the data type serves a simple purpose (like Maybe a) and no (explicit or implicit) assumptions about the data type can be violated by directly constructing a value via the data constructors, I would expose the constructors.
On the other hand, if the data type is more complex (like a balanced tree) and/or it's internal representation is likely to change, I usually hide the constructors.
When using a package, there's an unwritten rule that the interface exposed by a non-internal module should be "safe" to use on the given data type. Considering the balanced tree example, exposing the data constructors allows one to (accidentally) construct an unbalanced tree, and so the assumed runtime guarantees for searching the tree etc might be violated.
If the type is used to represent values with a canonical definition and representation (many mathematical objects fall into this category), and it's not possible to construct "invalid" values using the type, then you should expose the constructors.
For example, if you're representing something like two dimensional points with your own type (including a newtype), you might as well expose the constructor. The reality is that a change to this datatype is not going to be a change in how 2d points are represented, it's going to be a change in your need to use 2d points (maybe you're generalising to 3d space, maybe you're adding a concept of layers, or whatever), and is almost certain to need attention in the parts of the code using values of this type no matter what you do.[1]
A complex type representing something specific to your application or field is quite likely to undergo changes to the representation while continuing to support similar operations. Therefore you only want other modules depending on the operations, not on the internal structure. So you shouldn't expose the constructors.
Other types represent things with canonical definitions but not canonical representations. Everyone knows the properties expected of maps and sets, but there are lots of different ways of representing values that support those properties. So you again only want other modules depending on the operations they support, not on the particular representations.
Some types, whether or not they are if simple with canonical representations, allow the construction of values in the program which don't represent a valid value in the abstract concept the type is supposed to represent. A simple example would be a type representing a self-balancing binary search tree; client code with access to the constructors could easily construct invalid trees. Exposing the constructors either means you need to assume that such values passed in from outside may be invalid and therefore you need to make something sensible happen even for bizarre values, or means that it's the responsibility of the programmers working with your interface to ensure they don't violate any assumptions. It's usually better to just keep such types from being constructed directly outside your module.
Basically it comes down to the concept your type is supposed to represent. If your concept maps in a very simple and obvious[2] way directly to values in some data type which isn't "more inclusive" than the concept due to the compiler being unable to check needed invariants, then the concept is pretty much "the same" as the data type, and exposing its structure is fine. If not, then you probably need to keep the structure hidden.
[1] A likely change though would be to change which numeric type you're using for the coordinate values, so you probably do have to think about how to minimise the impact of such changes. That's pretty orthogonal to whether or not you expose the constructors though.
[2] "Obvious" here meaning that if you asked 10 people independently to come up with a data type representing the concept they would all come back with the same thing, modulo changing the names.
I would propose a different, noticeably more restrictive rule than most people. The central criterion would be:
Do you guarantee that this type will never, ever change? If so, exposing the constructors might be a good idea. Good luck with that, though!
But the types for which you can make that guarantee tend to be very simple, generic "foundation" types like Maybe, Either or [], which one could arguably write once and then never revisit again.
Though even those can be questioned, because they do get revisited from time to time; there's people who have used Church-encoded versions of Maybe and List in various contexts for performance reasons, e.g.:
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
newtype Maybe' a = Maybe' { elimMaybe' :: forall r. r -> (a -> r) -> r }
nothing = Maybe' $ \z k -> z
just x = Maybe' $ \z k -> k x
newtype List' a = List' { elimList' :: forall r. (a -> r -> r) -> r -> r }
nil = List' $ \k z -> z
cons x xs = List' $ \k z -> k x (elimList' k z xs)
These two examples highlight something important: you can replace the Maybe' type's implementation shown above with any other implementation as long as it supports the following three functions:
nothing :: Maybe' a
just :: a -> Maybe' a
elimMaybe' :: Maybe' a -> r -> (a -> r) -> r
...and the following laws:
elimMaybe' nothing z x == z
elimMaybe' (just x) z f == f x
And this technique can be applied to any algebraic data type. Which to me says that pattern matching against concrete constructors is just insufficiently abstract; it doesn't really gain you anything that you can't get out of the abstract constructors + destructor pattern, and it loses implementation flexibility.
