I want to know how many check-ins has happened in a particular interval of time (foursquare venue search with startAt and endAt timestamp) at a location. (I have its geo-corrdinates)
So, I am trying to use FourSquare Venue Search with startAt and endAt information. The command works and gives output, but results are same as if without startAt and endAt term.
Example with start and end timestamp, https://api.foursquare.com/v2/venues/search?ll=-34.02977,151.10533&radius=100&startAt=1287421200&endAt=1287428399&limit=50
but the above command give almost the same result as
1) I am wondering if Foursquare and kept an option to add these parameters and processes them ?
2) Although mentioned on FourSquare's website that all Venue API do not require authentication, "Venue Stats" does (it can solve my problem)
3) any possible solution is welcomed.
startAt and endAt are not supported parameters for venue/search. Granular information about check-in history for a venue are only made available to the venue's manager.
Does anyone know what the Foursquare venues/search return? Does it give the up-to-date Foursquare venues or all the venues ever created for an area? I read this page https://developer.foursquare.com/docs/venues/search but it was not that specific. It goes like: "Returns a list of venues near the current location, optionally matching a search term". Does anyone have more information about this?
In my experience, the search request doesn't distinguish user created places like "Joe Bob's House" from a business like "Starbucks." It returns all of the nearby places best matched to this particular user if the intent is to checkin, or all of the nearby places if the intent is to browse for "coffee," for example.
Does that answer your question?
You should take a closer look at the intent parameter on that page. You can specify the type of results you're looking for. Depending on your needs, you might also want to check out venues/explore
I was looking through the Foursquare API about Venue Events and found out that there is a difference between the documentation and the actual response.
In the documentation (https://developer.foursquare.com/docs/responses/event), it says that there can be fields such as startAt and endAt in the response. It doesn't mention a field called date.
However, when you go to the expolorer (https://developer.foursquare.com/docs/explore#req=venues/40afe980f964a5203bf31ee3/events), you can see that there is a field called date which contains the seconds from Unix epoch.
Is it because the allDay field is set to true?
Thanks for bringing up this inconsistency in the docs—the date field is there for an all-day event. We'll add this to the documentation.
For the Foursquare api
Venues visited by a user
I was wondering if we can change the sort of the venues coming back? It appears to be sorted by alpha. It would be helpful to sort by most recent checkin. Or in addition to the beenHere field add a last_checkin_id: or just date would be fine.
Is there a sort query string parameter that i am missing?
The venuehistory endpoint simply returns all the venues that a user has been to. If you're looking to sort venues by most recent check-in, consider using the user/checkins endpoint instead.
i'm building a small application for searching on venues by it's name
i'm using the Foursquare API v2 . the venue search interface
the problem is you have to state the LL property or the near property
so queires that work now is search for macdonald's near chigaco
but what if i want to search for all venues with that keyword , without satisfying a place near it ?
You currently need to pass a location (ll or near) for venues/search -- foursquare does not support searching for venues without a geographical scope.
There is a highly experimental "global" intent for venues search, but it's not supported in any way.
We are planning to use foursquare api to get venue in a particular city. I want data of all the food outlets in a particular city. I have managed to get the categories list but not sure how to get venues from that particular category in a particular city or area.
Please share some tutorials or document which i can check out.
One way of doing what you want will be using the Venues Platform for browsing according to a category ID.
Look at venue search API reference.
Example of using it:
I know that 4bf58dd8d48988d11f941735 is nightlife (just picked the first one I saw)
So I will call the API (the ll is someplace in New York):
https://api.foursquare.com/v2/venues/search?ll=40.7268,-73.9972&categoryId=4bf58dd8d48988d11f941735&limit=50&intent=browse&radius=1500&your ids/oauth
Or use the explorer to see results right away.
Important, read the search API and the parameters used here to alter behavior to your needs.
Another very important thing, the API parameters are case sensitive!! (so if they want categoryId, categoryid will not work :) )