Haskell replace element in list - haskell

Is there any built-in function to replace an element at a given index in haskell?
Should give:
["bar", "bar", "foo"]
I know i could make my own function, but it just seems it should be built-in.

If you need to update elements at a specific index, lists aren't the most efficient data structure for that. You might want to consider using Seq from Data.Sequence instead, in which case the function you're looking for is update :: Int -> a -> Seq a -> Seq a.
> import Data.Sequence
> update 2 "foo" $ fromList ["bar", "bar", "bar"]
fromList ["bar","bar","foo"]

As far as I know (and can find) it does not exist by default. However, there exists splitAt in Data.List so:
replaceAtIndex n item ls = a ++ (item:b) where (a, (_:b)) = splitAt n ls
This is O(N) though. If you find yourself doing this a lot, look at another datatype such as array.

There is actual arrays, but lists are really singly linked lists and the notion of replacing an element is not quite as obvious (and accessing an element at a given index may indicate that you shouldn't be using a list, so operations that might encourage it are avoided).

Try this solution:
import Data.List
replaceAtIndex :: Int -> a -> [a] -> [a]
replaceAtIndex i x xs = take i xs ++ [x] ++ drop (i+1) xs
It works as follows:
get the first i items, add the value 'x', add the rest of i+1 items


How to create Haskell function that returns every third element from a list of ints

I want to create a function that returns every third int from a list of ints without using any predefined functions. For example, everyThird [1,2,3,4,5] --> [1,4]
everyThird:: [a] -> [a]
Could I just continue to iterate over the list using tail and appending to a new list every third call? I am new to Haskell and very confused with all of this
One other way of doing this is to handle three different base cases, in all of which we're at the end of the list and the list is less than three elements long, and one recursive case, where the list is at least three elements long:
everyThird :: [a] -> [a]
everyThird [] = []
everyThird [x] = [x]
everyThird [x, _] = [x]
everyThird (x:_:_:xs) = x:everyThird xs
You want to do exactly what you said: iterate over the list and include the element only on each third call. However, there's a problem. Haskell is a funny language where the idea of "changing" a variable doesn't make sense, so the usual approach of "have a counter variable i which tells us whether we're on the third element or not" won't work in the usual way. Instead, we'll create a recursive helper function to maintain the count for us.
everyThird :: [Int] -> [Int]
everyThird xs = helper 0 xs
where helper _ [] = []
helper 0 (x : xs) = x : helper 2 xs
helper n (_ : xs) = helper (n - 1) xs
We have three cases in the helper.
If the list is empty, stop and return the empty list.
If the counter is at 0 (that is, if we're on the third element), make a list starting with the current element and ending with the rest of the computation.
If the counter is not at zero, count down and continue iteration.
Because of the way pattern matching works, it will try these three statements in order.
Notice how we use an additional argument to be the counter variable since we can't mutate the variable like we would in an imperative language. Also, notice how we construct the list recursively; we never "append" to an existing list because that would imply that we're mutating the list. We simply build the list up from scratch and end up with the correct result on the first go round.
Haskell doesn't have classical iteration (i.e. no loops), at least not without monads, but you can use similar logic as you would in a for loop by zipping your list with indexes [0..] and applying appropriate functions from Data.List.
E.g. What you need to do is filter every third element:
everyThirdWithIndexes list = filter (\x -> snd x `mod` 3 == 0) $ zip list [0..]
Of course you have to get rid of the indexes, there are two elegant ways you can do this:
everyThird list = map (fst) . everyThirdWithIndexes list
-- or:
everyThird list = fst . unzip . everyThirdWithIndexes list
If you're not familiar with filter and map, you can define a simple recursion that builds a list from every first element of a list, drops the next two and then adds another from a new function call:
everyThird [] = [] -- both in case if the list is empty and the end case
everyThird (x:xs) = x : everyThird (drop 2 xs)
EDIT: If you have any questions about these solutions (e.g. some syntax that you are not familiar with), feel free to ask in the comments. :)
One classic approach:
everyThird xs = [x | (1,x) <- zip (cycle [1..3]) xs]
You can also use chunksOf from Data.List.Split to seperate the lists into chunks of 3, then just map the first element of each:
import Data.List.Split
everyThird :: [a] -> [a]
everyThird xs = map head $ chunksOf 3 xs
Which works as follows:
*Main> everyThird [1,2,3,4,5]
Note: You may need to run cabal install split to use chunksOf.

Print elements of list that are repeated in Haskell

I want to print those elements that appear more than once in the list. can you please tell me how can I do that.. I am new to haskell.
for example if I have [1,2,3,3,2,4,5,6,5] that i want to get only [2,3,5] because these are the repeated elements in list.
Another solution: First sort the list, then group equal elements and take only the ones that appear multiple times:
>>> :m + Data.Maybe Data.List
>>> let xs = [1..100000] ++ [8,18..100] ++ [10,132,235]
>>> let safeSnd = listToMaybe . drop 1
>>> mapMaybe safeSnd $ group $ sort xs
group $ sort xs is a list of lists where each list contains all equal elements.
mapMaybe safe2nd returns only those lists that have a 2nd element (= the orignal element occured more than once in the orginal list).
This is method should be faster than the one using nub, especially for large lists.
Data.Map.Lazy and Data.Map.Strict are host to a bunch of interesting functions for constructing maps (association maps, dictionaries, whatever you want to call them). One of them is fromListWith
fromListWith :: Ord k => (a -> a -> a) -> [(k, a)] -> Map k a
What you want to build is a map that tells you, for each value in your input list, how often it occurs. The values would be the keys of the map (type k), their counts would be the values associated with the keys (type a). You could use the following expression for that:
fromListWith (+) . map (\x -> (x, 1))
First, all values in the list are put into a tuple, together with a count of one. Then, fromListWith builds a map from the list; if a key already exists, it computes a new count using (+).
Once you've done this, you're only interested in the elements that occur more than once. For this, you can use filter (> 1) from Data.Map.
Finally, you just want to know all keys that remain in the map. Use the function keys for this.
In the end, you get the following module:
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
findDuplicates :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
= M.keys
. M.filter (> 1)
. M.fromListWith (+)
. map (\x -> (x, 1 :: Integer))
It's common practice to import certain packages like Data.Map qualified, to avoid name conflicts between modules (e.g. filter from Data.Map and the one from Prelude are very different). In this situation, it's best to choose Data.Map.Strict; see the explanation at the top of Data.Map.
The complexity of this method should be O(n log n).
I thought it could be optimized by using a boolean flag to indicate that the value is a duplicate. However, this turned out to be about 20% slower.
You're basically looking for the list of elements that are not unique, or in other words, the difference between the original list and the list of unique elements. In code:
xs \\ (nub xs)
If you don't want to have duplicates in the result list, you'll want to call nub again:
nub $ xs \\ (nub xs)

Create New List from List of [String] in Haskell

Assuming I have a list like this
let a =[["Warning:","Route","1543","must","Stop","on","Link","11881"],["Warning:","Route","1578","must","Stop","on","Link","12171"]]
And I want to extract third element of each list inside it, i.e I want to get the resultant as ["1543","1578"]
I wrote the following piece of code for obtaining it, but it is not working:
foldr (\acc x -> (x !! 2):acc) [] a
Here's a safe way to do what you want to do using a list comprehension and pattern matching
let a' = [x | (_:(_:(x:_))) <- a]
This will iterate over the list a, look at all sublists of length at least 3, and return the third element of each such sublist.
This solution will silently ignore sublists of length less than 3. To work around this, and gain some flexibility, you can write a function that uses Maybe in its return type; if the list has a third element, it will return Just the third element, otherwise it will return Nothing.
takeThird :: [a] -> Maybe a
takeThird (_:(_:(x:_))) = Just x
takeThird _ = Nothing
Then, you can write a safe version of your operation using a list comprehension:
let safea = [takeThird x | x <- a]
And from that you can create a version that may drop elements:
let maybedropa = [x | Just x <- safea]
An alternative solution using the recent lens library (Control.lens) would:
import Control.Lens
>a^..traverse.(element 2)
Not using the infix notation:
>toListOf (traverse.(element 2)) a
'traverse' visits each element of a traversable, in this case the list, and (element 2) grabs the element with the 2 index and toListOf gathers it all into a list. This method has the advantage that if decide to complicate your data structure later you just need to write your own lens interface to it if it does not already have one.
Let say instead of a [[String]] you have [[(Annotation, String)]] and you just want the String portion just like above. Then all you need to do is the _2 tuple accessor.
a^..traverse.(element 2)._2

Can you use pattern matching to bind the last element of a list?

Since there is a way to bind the head and tail of a list via pattern matching, I'm wondering if you can use pattern matching to bind the last element of a list?
Yes, you can, using the ViewPatterns extension.
Prelude> :set -XViewPatterns
Prelude> let f (last -> x) = x*2
Prelude> f [1, 2, 3]
Note that this pattern will always succeed, though, so you'll probably want to add a pattern for the case where the list is empty, else last will throw an exception.
Prelude> f []
*** Exception: Prelude.last: empty list
Also note that this is just syntactic sugar. Unlike normal pattern matching, this is O(n), since you're still accessing the last element of a singly-linked list. If you need more efficient access, consider using a different data structure such as Data.Sequence, which offers O(1) access to both ends.
You can use ViewPatterns to do pattern matching at the end of a list, so let's do
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
and use reverse as the viewFunction, because it always succeeds, so for example
printLast :: Show a => IO ()
printLast (reverse -> (x:_)) = print x
printLast _ = putStrLn "Sorry, there wasn't a last element to print."
This is safe in the sense that it doesn't throw any exceptions as long as you covered all the possibilities.
(You could rewrite it to return a Maybe, for example.)
The syntax
mainFunction (viewFunction -> pattern) = resultExpression
is syntactic sugar for
mainFunction x = case viewFunction x of pattern -> resultExpression
so you can see it actually just reverses the list then pattern matches that, but it feels nicer.
viewFunction is just any function you like.
(One of the aims of the extension was to allow people to cleanly and easily use accessor functions
for pattern matching so they didn't have to use the underlying structure of their data type when
defining functions on it.)
The other answers explain the ViewPatterns-based solutions. If you want to make it more pattern matching-like, you can package that into a PatternSynonym:
tailLast :: [a] -> Maybe ([a], a)
tailLast xs#(_:_) = Just (init xs, last xs)
tailLast _ = Nothing
pattern Split x1 xs xn = x1 : (tailLast -> Just (xs, xn))
and then write your function as e.g.
foo :: [a] -> (a, [a], a)
foo (Split head mid last) = (head, mid, last)
foo _ = error "foo: empty list"
This is my first day of Haskell programming and I also encountered the same issue, but I could not resolve to use some kind of external artifact as suggested in previous solutions.
My feeling about Haskell is that if the core language has no solution for your problem, then the solution is to transform your problem until it works for the language.
In this case transforming the problem means transforming a tail problem into a head problem, which seems the only supported operation in pattern matching. It turns that you can easily do that using a list inversion, then work on the reversed list using head elements as you would use tail elements in the original list, and finally, if necessary, revert the result back to initial order (eg. if it was a list).
For example, given a list of integers (eg. [1,2,3,4,5,6]), assume we want to build this list in which every second element of the original list starting from the end is replaced by its double (exercise taken from Homework1 of this excellent introduction to Haskell) : [2,2,6,4,10,6].
Then we can use the following:
revert :: [Integer] -> [Integer]
revert [] = []
revert (x:[]) = [x]
revert (x:xs) = (revert xs) ++ [x]
doubleSecond :: [Integer] -> [Integer]
doubleSecond [] = []
doubleSecond (x:[]) = [x]
doubleSecond (x:y:xs) = (x:2*y : (doubleSecond xs))
doubleBeforeLast :: [Integer] -> [Integer]
doubleBeforeLast l = ( revert (doubleSecond (revert l)) )
main = putStrLn (show (doubleBeforeLast [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]))
It's obviously much longer than previous solutions, but it feels more Haskell-ish to me.

Fastest way to get the last element of a list in Haskell

What is the fastest way to get the last element of a list in Haskell. Also in next iteration, I want to remove first and last element of the list. What is the most elegant way to do it? I am trying list comprehension, but that does not look very efficient!
You can use the last function to get the last element of a list.
As for how to remove the first and last elements, you could use (init . tail), but I don't know how efficient that is.
I think this image from Learn You A Haskell shows the list functions fairly well:
last and init will do the job just fine for a one-off. However they are both O(n), so if you need to manipulate both ends of a list often, as you seem to imply, you might want to consider using Data.Sequence instead, which supports O(1) insertion and removal of items at both ends.
I'll post the Prelude implementation since it hasn't been posted yet:
listLast :: [a] -> a
listLast [x] = x --base case is when there's just one element remaining
listLast (_:xs) = listLast xs --if there's anything in the head, continue until there's one element left
listLast [] = error "Can't do last of an empty list!"
Note that I changed the function name to listLast so that it can be run without conflicting with normal Prelude. You could, of course, do import Prelude hiding(last).
To remove first and last:
take (len(l)-2) (drop 1 l)
or maybe
init (drop 1 l)
This also results in almost optimal code.
This answer focuses on dealing with weird conditions (like empty lists) in a maximally flexible way, and on building up bigger functions from smaller ones using some library functions. It's not the best answer for someone first learning about lists, but rather a couple steps past that.
For the following, you will need
import Control.Monad ((>=>))
and you will need to either use GHC 7.10 and import Data.List (uncons) or define
uncons :: [a] -> Maybe (a, [a])
uncons [] = Nothing
uncons (x:xs) = Just (x,xs)
You can write a safe form of init like this:
init' :: [x] -> Maybe [x]
init' = foldr go Nothing
go x mxs = Just (maybe [] (x:) mxs)
A version of tail can be written
tail' :: [a] -> Maybe [a]
tail' = fmap snd . uncons
So then you can get a maybefied
trim' :: [a] -> Maybe [a]
trim' = init' >=> tail'
The >=> is a sort of backwards monadic composition. init' >=> tail' is a function that applies init' to its argument to get a Maybe [a]. If it gets Nothing, it returns that. If it gets Just xs, it applies tail' to xs and returns that.
From this, you can easily make a trimmer that trims lists with 0, 1, or 2 elements down to empty lists:
trim :: [a] -> [a]
trim = maybe [] id . trim'
last' :: [a] -> a
last' ys = foldl1 (\_ -> \x -> x) ys
It is O(n), just like the built in library function list.
(head.reverse) [1..100]
Is an alternative to last to get the last element.
drop 1 (take (length [1..100] - 1) [1..100])
removes the first and last list element. The source for drop and take look like it might be faster than (init . tail).
(reverse.drop 1) ((reverse.drop 1) [1..100])
is another variant. But I guess slower because of the double reversal.
