Linux capabilities (setcap) seems to disable LD_LIBRARY_PATH - linux

I use LD_LIBRARY_PATH to set the path of a certain user library for an application. But if I set capabilities on this application
sudo setcap CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE=eip myapplication
then LD_LIBRARY_PATH seems to be ignored. When I launch the program, Linux complains that it cannot find a certain shared library.
I guess that there's some kind of protection kicking in, to prevent applications with extended rights from being hijacked. Is there a workaround?

As already stated in other answers, this behavior is intended. There is some kind of workaround if you can compile (or at least link) the application yourself. Then you can pass -Wl,-rpath <yourDynamicLibraryPath> to gcc or -rpath <yourDynamicLibraryPath> to ld and you won't have to specify LD_LIBRARY_PATH at all on execution.

The solution to this problem on linux is as follows:
go to directory
$cd /etc/
create a new file
$touch xyz.conf
open this file using any editor
$vi xyz.conf
Add the your dynamic library path in this file line by line for e.g. if your path is as follows:
then there should be three entries in this file as follows:
Then save this file and execute the following command:
All the above mentioned operation need to be performed from root login

The man page for sudo explains:
Note that the dynamic linker on most operating systems will remove
variables that can control dynamic linking from the environment of
setuid executables, including sudo. Depending on the operating system
this may include RLD*, DYLD*, LD_, LDR_, LIBPATH, SHLIB_PATH, and
others. These type of variables are removed from the environment
before sudo even begins execution and, as such, it is not possible for
sudo to preserve them.
As this link explains, the actual mechanism for doing this is in glibc. If the UID does not match the EUID (which is the case for any setuid program, including sudo), then all "unsecure environment variables" are removed. Thus, a program with elevated privileges runs without alteration.

Yes, it's disabled for security reasons.

An alternative to consider is to "correct" a poorly compiled ELF shared library and/or executable using patchelf to set the rpath. is not always the sure bet. It will work if whatever you are running was compiled properly. In my case, with a particular specially packaged vendor's apache product, it was compiled so poorly: They did not even use unique .so filenames so they conflicted with .so filenames from RPMs in the base RHEL repositories that provided some pretty critical commonly used libraries. So this was the only option to isolate how they were used. Using against those shared objects in the vendor's lib path would have blown away a lot of stuff, that included yum, along with glibc shared library failures, system-wide.


C++ executable fails to link to shared library after scp

So I am working on a project that is intended to run on a remote server. I develop the program on a local pc, compile it, then upload it to the remote server. Both the local pc and the remote server are run on CentOS 7.7.
The program is developed using the CLion IDE, configured with CMake. The program depends a few shared libraries, which are supposed to link to the executable according to what I wrote in CMake. At my local PC, I can compile and run the program perfectly. However, after I scp the whole directory of the project to the remote server, the executable fails to run. It cannot find any of the ".so" files, according to what ldd says.
This is my CMakeList.txt, with every path being relative path, instead of absolute path.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.15)
set(SOURCE_PATH_ src)
add_executable(YS_Test ${SOURCE_FILES_})
target_link_libraries(YS_Test ${PROJECT_LIBS_})
Please do not tell me to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to fix my issue. The program worked fine on my local pc without LD_LIBRARY_PATH, so I expect it to run on the remote server without LD_LIBRARY_PATH. I would like to know what is really going on here, instead of a work around. Thanks!
If I understand your problem correctly, you want to ship your compiled YS_Test program along with some dependencies and have it run on a remote server. By default an executable will only look in the directories configured in /etc/, which will not include the deploy path.
Note: Typically you do not deploy your entire build directory but only the compiled artifacts and dependencies. For this answer I will assume you deploy the binary and its dependencies to the same directory.
You have two options:
Require users of your program to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH, either by themselves or by a wrapper script. This variable will instruct the dynamic linker to look in the specified directories as well. Even if you do not like this solution, it is by far the most common approach.
Add -Wl,-rpath='$ORIGIN' to your linker options. This will add a DT_RUNPATH attribute to the executable's dynamic section. As you are using CMake you can also set this using BUILD_RPATH and/or INSTALL_RPATH target properties.
The manpage describes this attribute as follows:
If a shared object dependency does not contain a slash, then it is
searched for in the following order:
Using the directories specified in the DT_RUNPATH dynamic section
attribute of the binary if present.
The $ORIGIN part expands to the directory containing the program or shared
If you really insist on shipping your build directory (eg during development), you can take a look at the CMake BUILD_RPATH_USE_ORIGIN property (and its usual global counterpart CMAKE_BUILD_RPATH_USE_ORIGIN), this will embed relative paths into binaries instead of absolute paths.
As you don't want a workaround (#Botje has given you two already), I will try an explanation instead. In your development machine, if you use this command:
ldd YS_Test
You will see all the shared libraries used by your program, with their corresponding paths. The are found at your 'api/lib/linux' directory, but resolved with full absolute paths. If you do the same at your server, some shared objects can't be resolved because they aren't at the same location.
If you use one of these commands (not sure which are available in Centos):
chrpath --list YS_Test
patchelf --print-rpath YS_Test
You will see the RPATH or RUNPATH tags embedded in your program. This is the path used by the Linux linker to locate dependencies that are outside the standard ld locations. You may find extended explanations on Internet about this, like this one or the Wikipedia article.
Breaking my promise, I give you a third workaround: use patchelf or chrpath at your server after scp to change the embedded RPATH tag, pointing it relative to $ORIGIN (which represents the program location).

Set environmental vars and enable core dumps in autotools build

I am using Autotools for my current project. I'm using Ubuntu and Linux mint. With Autotools I can tell it to check a users's system to check for any required libraries my project needs in order to function properly. Now I would like to check if a user's system has enabled core dumps and if not, then execute the command ulimit -c unlimited to enable core dumps. How and where do I specify this?
Also, once the user has executed the make command to compile the source code, they execute sudo make install in order to move the binaries at /usr/local/bin/MYPROJECT. I want to add the location of my project's binaries into the path environmental variable, so that the user can execute any of the binaries in my project from a terminal without the need of typing the full path. How and where do I specify this in Autotools?
I'm thinking this is something I would add in the file, but I haven't found any examples on how I can do this. Any help would be appreciated.
It sounds as if you basically misunderstand what installation of a software
package on Linux is about.
The job of autotools is to build a portable installation package of your
software. When I install your package, it does not become your decision
whether programs that crash will generate core dumps on my computer
when I run them. It does not become your decision what PATH I use to
invoke programs by unqualified name. These are my decisions or defaults
that I have accepted from my OS distribution.
If you execute ulimit -c unlimited, the command will in any case
only apply to the shell in which it is invoked. It doesn't
reconfigure the host system (!).
If you would like users to be able to invoke your program by unqualified
name, the normal procedure is make your package install it by default in the place,
/usr/local/bin, that unix-like OSes traditionally add to a
user's default PATH for finding locally installed programs. That is
where autotools will configure it to be installed, by default. Change it
only if you don't want your program to be in the user's default PATH.
And in any case, a user can decide where your software is installed by
passing --prefix=/path/of/my/choice to the ./configure command. Unless
you have some unavoidable reason not to, make your package installation
use the defaults that everybody expects and leave it up to the installing user
to change them.
Bottom line: You are asking how to do installation actions with autotools that
are not meant to be done with autotools, because they are not meant to be
done by package installations.

Can I avoid exporting LD_LIBRARY_PATH by hardcoding library paths in the executable?

I'm zipping a pre-built (no source/object files) binary application for distribution. The binary application requires a couple of libraries not included by default. The only way I seem to be able to get the application to start on the end-user is by including a that sets the library path to the current directory:
However, I'd really like to allow the user to just unzip the zip and doubleclick MyApp.out (without the shell script). Can I edit MyApp.out to search the current directory for the library? I've done something similar on OSX using install_name_tool, but that tool isn't available here.
You want to set the rpath. See this answer. So link using
gcc yourobjects*.o -L/some/lib/dir/ -lsome -Wl,-rpath,.
But you might want even to use -Wl,-rpath,$PWD or perhaps -Wl,-rpath,'$ORIGIN'. See this.
You could also (and this should work for a pre-built executable) configure your /etc/ by adding a line there with an absolute path (of the directory containing the lib), then running ldconfig -v ... See ldconfig(8)
I would suggest adding /usr/local/lib into /etc/ and making a symlink from /usr/local/lib/ to e.g. $HOME/ etc... (then run ldconfig ...). I don't think adding a user specific directory to /etc/ is reasonable ...
PS. What you really want is to package your application (e.g. as a *.deb package for Debian or Ubuntu, or an *.rpm for Fedora or Redhat). Package management systems handle dependencies!

is it possible to suppress user libraries from system libraies in linux

I'm creating a application that is using a pre-compiled third party shared library files.To use these I'm required to set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH or create a conf file under /etc/, My problem is There is a system already available under /usr/lib/.The third party Library also has a . If I create /etc/ file, I'm not able to use "YUM installer" .
I'm getting the error
Pycurl error occured ,
Compile time Version is higher than the Linking version
I'm worried to remove the application as it may break the features in that third party library that I'm making use of(making my application meaning less) and I can't neglect the system library either .
Is it possible to use these two libraries without any conflict as I mentioned above.
PS : Setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH too causes the same problem
Create a script that sets and exports $LD_LIBRARY_PATH before invoking the executable. The variable will disappear once the script exits.
If you have 2 conflicting libs and one is system, another one is a user app, don't put application.conf into /etc/ Instead use something like ~your_user_name/custom_conf , put your application.conf file there (eventually you may need to edit it adding the path to the proper version of should be not in system dirs as well rather in ~your_user_name/lib. You can make a wrapper for your app where you set $LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:~your_user_name/lib as Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams suggested or compile your app explicitly pointing out which library to link (use linker flags -L /full/path/to/your/

How to link shared libraries in local directory, OSX vs Linux

I have some shared/dynamic libraries installed in a sandbox directory. I'm building some applications which link agains the libraries. I'm running into what appears to be a difference between OSX and Linux in this regard and I'm not sure what the (best) solution is.
On OSX the location of library itself is recorded into the library, so that if your applications links against it, the executable knows where to look for the library at runtime. This works like expected with my sandbox, because the executable looks there instead of system wide install paths.
On Linux I can't get this to work. Apparently the library location is not present in the library itself. As I understand it you have to add the folders which contain libraries to /etc/ and regenerate the ld cache by running ldconfig.
This doesn't seem to do the trick for me because my libraries are located inside a users home directory. It looks like ldconfig doesn't like that, which makes sense actually.
How can I solve this? I don't want to move the libraries out of my sandbox.
On Linux, run your program with the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH set to your sandbox dir.
(I remember having used a flag -R to include library paths in the binary, but either it has been removed from gcc or it was only available on BSD systems.)
On Linux you should set LD_RUN_PATH to your sandbox dir. This is better than setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH because you're telling the linker where the library is at link time, rather than telling the shared library loader at run time.
See: Link
