Difference between static library and relocatable object file? - linux

What is the difference between static library and relocatable object file? Or between dynamic library and shared object file.
And if it's not equal things, what have dynamic library, that allows to link with it, but shared object file doesn't?

A static library is basically just a collection of object files. It's typically just an ar archive of object files. Using ar, you can extract object files from the library, add different object files to it, etc.
Generally speaking, the difference between a dynamic library and a shared object file is the target -- Windows uses dynamic libraries, Linux uses shared objects. There is a little more difference than that, but not a whole lot.

Dynamic (shared) libraries uses PIC code - the code will work regardless of the actual physical location of the library that is used by multiple executables in memory.
Static libraries are linked into the executable during the linking phased to create the executable.
The advantage of dynamic libraries is the smaller footprint of the executable in memory. The advantage of static libraries is that you can just deliver the executable without the need to have the dynamic libraries and run a little faster and no effort is required to enable the library to exist anywhere in physical memory.

Shard libraries save disk space if they are used by more than one executable. If multiple executable's that use the same function from a shared lib. are running each will get its own copy. Neither executable on disk will include that function's code but rather a reference to the shared lib.


What is a 'library' file? ie: shared library

For example, the description of /lib/ is that it contents shared library files for the system.
What exactly is a library? Are we talking about library files similarly to importing a library in C? What is contained in a library file and what are they used for?
What relation does it have to a .dll
A library is just a block of code, and sometimes data, that can be used by other programs. Objects in a static library get physically included in a program's code at linking time, and each program using them will have its own copy. Objects in a shared library will be accessed by a program at run time. A .dll is just Microsoft's word for a shared library, the equivalent on Linux would usually be .so.
A library is a collection of routines that can be called from different programs or libraries. Dynamic (shared) libraries can be loaded at runtime, so the library can be swapped without having to recompile the programs using it. /lib/ contains the libraries available on your operating system, but they don't have to be C libraries.
.dll is the Windows equivalent of shared libraries (.so).

examining text segment in a statically linked executable

I have a statically linked application binary that links against multiple user libraries and the pthread library. The application only uses a limited set of functions from each of these libraries. From a previous post Size of a library and the executable and from my experiments I realize that the linker only includes functions(in the executable) that are used/needed and not the entire contents of library.
I want to find out which functions from each of the respective libraries are linked
to the executable and their addresses (VMA). Ultimately I want to compile a list that contains the start and the end Virtual Memory Addresses (VMAs) for the each of the libraries based on the functions (in the library) that are mapped to the text segment.
One approach to do this is to make a list of functions in the library and then look for each of these functions in the executable and the corresponding Virtual Memory address it is mapped to. But this seems rather tedious to me. Is there a simpler way to accomplish this? Thanks.
I want to find out which functions from each of the respective libraries are linked to the executable and their addresses (VMA).
Add -Wl,-Map=foo.map argument to your link line. The resulting foo.map file will tell you all of the above.
Ultimately I want to compile a list that contains the start and the end Virtual Memory Addresses (VMAs) for the each of the libraries
That assumes that the linker does not re-order functions (and thus all functions from a single library occupy continuous range of text addresses). This assumption is probably true in simple cases, but in no way is guaranteed. See e.g. this patch.

Installing package from source on an initial ram filesystem

I'm trying to install multiple packages into an initial ram file system. I'm using uclibc as my C library. This could be a stupid question but...
Would the compiled program also need a C library installed onto the initramfs?
Am I right in thinking that when a program is compiled from source, it is compiled into some sort of executable? Will the application on the initramfs be ready to run once I have make installed (with the correct prefix and providing dependencies are met )?
Whether a compiled program needs a C library - or any kind of library, for that matter - depends on how it was linked.
In general, if your program was linked statically then it does not have any external dependencies - it only needs a working kernel. The executable code of any library that it depends on will have been incorporated into the final executable.
If, on the other hand, it is linked dynamically, then it still needs the shared object files of the libraries it depends on. On Linux, most library shared objects (also known as shared libraries) follow the convention of having a filename with either a .so extension or, in general, a *.so.* format. For example /lib/libssl3.so and /lib/libncurses.so.5.9 are both shared libraries on my system.
It is also possible to have an executable that is statically linked against some libraries and dynamically linked against others. A common case where this happens is when rare or proprietary libraries are linked in statically, while standard system libraries are linked in dynamically.

Any downsides to using statically linked applications on Linux?

I seen several discussions here on the subject, but wanted to ask about my particular situation:
If I have some 3rd part libraries which my application is using, and I'd like to link them together in order to save myself the hassle in LD_LIBRARY, etc., is there any downside to it on Linux, other then larger file size?
Also, is it possible to statically link only some libraries, and other (standard Linux libraries) to link dynamically?
It is indeed possible to dynamically link against some libraries and statically link against others.
It sounds like what you really want to do is dynamically link against the system libraries, and statically link against the nonstandard ones that a user may not have installed (or that different users may have different installations of).
That's perfectly reasonable.
It's not generally a good idea to statically link against system libraries, especially libc.
It can often make sense to statically link against libraries that do not come with the OS and that will not be distributed with your application.
There are some bits of libc - those that use nsswitch - that need to load libraries dynamically. This can cause problems if you want to produce a completely static binary.
Statically linking your 3rd party libraries into your application should be completely fine.
The statically linked binary will be larger than if you had uses a shared library, but I find that disadvantage outweight the library path hassles, provided I control the distribution of all the libraries involved. If you are dependant on a particular distros shared libraries, then you have no choice but to use dynamic linking.
The main disadvantage I see is your application loses any automatic bugfixes that might be applied to a shared library. On the flip-side you don't get new bugs.
Static linking does not just affect the file size of the library, it also affects the memory footprint and start up time of the application. Dynamically linked libraries are loaded once no matter how many programs use them. Statically linked libraries must be loaded once per program that uses them (because they are now part of that program).
To answer your second question, yes, it is possible to have dynamic and static libraries linked to the same application. Just be careful to avoid interlibrary dependencies so you don't have a problem with library order. You should be able to list the libraries in any arbitrary order. Where I work, we prefer to list them alphabetically.
Edit: To link a static library, use the flag -lfoo. To add a directory to the library search path, use -L/path/to/libfoo.
Edit: You don't have to link a dynamic library. Your program can use a function provided by your compiler to open a dynamic library at run time, or you can link it at compile time and the compiler will resolve the symbols but not include them in the binary. See pjc50's comment below.
Statically linking will make your binary bulky, but you wont need to have a shared version of that library on the target runtime environment. This is especially the case while developing embedded apps.

Wanted to know in detail about how shared libraries work vis-a-vis static library

I am working on creating and linking shared library (.so). While working with them, many questions popped up which i could not find satisying answers when i searched for them, hence putting them here. The questions about shared libraries i have are:
1.) How is shared library different than static library? What are the Key differences in way they are created, they execute?
2.) In case of a shared library at what point are the addresses where a particular function in shared library will be loaded and run from, given? Who gives those functions is load/run addresses?
3.) Will an application linked against shared library be slower in execution as compared to that which is linked with a static library?
4.) Will application executable size differ in these two cases?
5.) Can one do source level debugging of by stepping into functions defined inside a shared library? Is any thing extra needed to make these functions visible to the application?
6.) What are pros and cons in using either kind of library?
See this SO question When to use dynamic vs. static libraries and this HOWTO.
