Raphael - find bounding box of text BEFORE printing - text

Afternoon All,
I'm trying to draw a dynamic "ruler" which can be zoomed (along with the rest of the page) and is annotated, using Raphael.
I've found Raphael's pathBBox() and isBBoxIntersect very useful for determining if a graduation should be printed at a certain point or if it would be too close to another and should thus be skipped.
Now I need to annotate some of the graduations and want to follow a similar method - annotate the largest graduations, working down to the smallest level of detail but skipping drawing the text if it would intersect with some already drawn.
Unfortunately my look through the Raphael docs have only shown me the Paper.print() and Paper.text() methods, both of which add to the paper. This means I would have to add, then find the bbox and test, then remove if bad - which is potentially rather slow.
Is there a way to find the dimensions of some text I want to print without printing it, such that I can manually create a bbox object and test it against my stored bboxes?
As always, thanks very much in advance! :-)

You can use .getBBox() on text:
var text = paper.text(...);
if (text.getBBox().width > max) ...;
I didn't see this documented officially, but it works, and apparently cross-browser.


React Virtualized List - How do you use the measureAllRows method on a List?

I'm trying to render my list of data using the WindowScroller and List from react-virtualized, but for some reason, only a portion of my data is rendering. I've read over the docs and I believe I have all the necessary props...help is appreciated!
Taking my List out of the WindowScroller renders everything correctly, but I'd like to keep the WindowScroller to give scrolling controls to the parent element.
There are 100 items in my data set, but only a portion of them are rendering.
Here is a sandbox with an example: https://codesandbox.io/s/jolly-gagarin-vczki1?file=/src/App.js
I believe I've found the cause of my error! It seems that the height in the List element is the issue; it's not large enough thus cutting off my data. Because my List has no fixed height to begin with (height depends entirely on the number of children), I think I need a way to dynamically calculate the height of the List. I did find a method for List elements called measureAllRows, but I can't get it to work :( (see my sandbox above)
I found a really hacky way to do it; by setting the List element's height prop to Infinity, I can get all of my items to render. This doesn't feel like a good way to solve the problem, but it does fix my issue with a dynamic list height.
The answer below helped when just using AutoSizer, but I was curious... if I were to put my AutoSizer into a WindowScroller like so: https://codesandbox.io/s/ecstatic-sunset-g4k3ly?file=/src/App.js, how could I achieve a similar fix for displaying all of my data?
I can say that the problem lies in one of the parent div for WindowScroller component which is causing this behaviour.
The overflow property cannot be set to auto for WindowScroller to work. If you try executing only the windowScroller part without modal window it works as expected.
I was also stuck with similar problem and this worked for me, in your code try removing the autoheight parameter and get the height from the autosizer.

Function to bring an element to front in phaser 3?

I want to bring an ArcadeSprite element in front of all other elements.
Is there any function in phaser 3 to do it?
Thanks in advance
ArcadeSprites have the Depth component that you can use to control which elements are displayed on top of others (think of it as a z-index).
You can do something like myArcadeSprite.depth = SOME_NUMBER_HERE.
I want to say there are also some bringToFront type of methods floating around somewhere in Phaser, but I can't seem to find them.

Drawing icons in the middle of polygons - earth plugin

I was wondering if there is a good way to draw icons (markers) in the middle of polygons, using kml in google earth plugin.
Currently I solve this by calculating the middle, and for every polygon adding a placemark with the icon in the calculated center.
But then i have to make sure that when I remove the polygom I remove the marker also.
Is there a way to make them connected and not seperate like that?
Thank you!
You could encapsulate the placemark and polygon objects into a single object, allowing you to create custom "PlacemarkPolygons" passing in any options you require. So you would have.
function PlacemarkPolygons(options) {
// your set up...
To see what I mean take a look at this "CustomOverlay" example that wraps a groundOverlay and a polygon to provide click events for the groundOverlay.
Although the Google Earth API objects are different from yours, the principal would be exactly the same. You would define a custom object that wraps the two API objects that you want to associate together, along with any methods that help you to use it.

Combining Multiple SVG Transformations

I'm new to Snap.svg and SVG and experimenting with transformations (an illustraiting plunk can be found here). Basically I'm trying to move, scale and rotate a shape according to its configuration. This is what I've found out so far:
rotating around a point is possible with rotate(angle, x, y)
there is no direct transform method to scale around a point but it can be done as described in "SVG Essentials"
However combining these transforms doesn't give me the expected result - my expected calculated center of the shape differs from the rendered one. Can anyone give me some pointers on how to correctly put these transforms together?
To combine transforms, I would use Snaps own transformString format. I would first have a read of my previous answer on SO here, this is slightly different so posting a slightly different example and answer.
Whilst Snap can use SVGs transform strings (rotate() scale() transform()). They don't by default centre around itself for example, whereas Snaps (and Raphaels) do. This makes it a bit easier. For more complex situations, one may need to look into Matrix methods, but I think the following should be ok...
Snaps transformString uses string t (transform), s (scale), r (rotate), and you can add them repeatedly if wanted.
Here is an example of both methods, to highlight the difference.
jsfiddle here
s = Snap(400, 620);
var r1 = s.rect(0, 0, 100, 100).attr({
fill : 'blue',
stroke : 'black',
opacity: 0.5
var r2 = r1.clone().attr({ fill: "red" });
r1.transform('t100,100s2,2r45'); //typical Snap way, rotation/scale around centre
r2.transform('translate(100,100) scale(2,2,) rotate(45)'); //SVG way
The getBBox() method should be pretty reliable as far as I know (maybe post up a separate question on SO if you find an example where it is wrong)

AVVideocomposition AVPlayerItem position of video-layer

I used Apple's AVEdit-Demo, tweaked it a little and was able to add CALayers with animations and images to the video-composition. So far, this works fine.
It uses AVVideoComposition and AVPlayer/AVPlayerItem to merge videos (and show them - the export rendering is a little different).
I added a layer with a png with some transparent areas, sort of like a mask, that hides parts of the video. Now I need to move the video-layer, so I can adjust the hidden parts (a.k.a. the visible part). The Mask covers the whole screen (in a CALayer), so moving the Mask-Layer isn't an option.
I didn't find any properties or methods, to adjust the position of the video-layer...
Any Ideas?
Found it...
I had to access the AVMutableCompositionTrack in the AVMutableVideoComposition and set the preferredTransform there (CGAffineTransformTranslate).
However - the Docs state, that this should be possible in a AVMutableComposition as well (AVAssetTrack setPreferredTransform).
I couldn't get this to work, though.
