how secure is an iframe - security

I'm in the process of making a portal website and I wanted to include an iframe which would route people to an intranet. Is there any downsides to this as far as security is concerned?

I think that maybe there's a misunderstanding on your side regarding the function of IFrames: An <iframe> will not route anything. It just tells the user's browser which URL to fetch and show inside it. This means that
People need access to the intranet to actually load the contents of the <iframe>, which might not be what you expected.
It's not a security risk per se.

It is no more or less secure than giving those people direct web access to that intranet.
If you really want to know whether something is "secure" or not, you need to specify the types of threat that you need to protect against, what your tolerance is for breaks in that security, and what additional mechanisms that you have taken to secure your site (for example password authentication, NTLM, SSL, etc).


When to use random tokens to prevent XSS?

This isn't a language specific question, but I am using PHP5.
I am working on a project that has some amount of PII. Legally we are required to secure this data from hacking attempts, and because of that I have been researching best practices for defending common attack types. Obviously all database calls are using parameterized queries, and all data provided by the user is sanitized to prevent injection. I have also implemented sessions and methods to prevent session hijacking.
When it comes to defending against XSS attacks on forms, best practice seems to be to include a hidden input with a form token, then after the post to check the tokens match. There are further ways to make this more secure.
I have imagined one type of attack and haven't found a solution for it. What if a malicious site loads a hidden iframe pointed at my site (eg, view-member.php?id=1234) and because the victim user is logged into my site, their session continues in that iframe. What is stopping this malicious site from iterating through the IDs and ripping the data to get ahold of PII? Should I be creating a unique token for each page view, and checking that token when the page loads?
I am not 100% sure, but assuming my site is using HTTPS, the browser should warn the user and/or prevent the connection. Is that correct? Is that enough security?
In fact, everytime you present a form or any kind of interaction, you should include a randomized, verifiable piece of information that changes every time. This is not for preventing XSS but CSRF:
The main problem is: An attacker can just send automated requests to your input-handling script without going through the "pain" of filling in your form manually (or even visit your page).
However, you won't prevent XSS attacks with this technique, as XSS attacks are mainly user input containing executable code (javascript) that is not filtered by the input validation. So to prevent XSS as well, you should always make sure not to deliver unfiltered user-generated content anywhere.
HTTPS won't help you in either case unless you use client-side certificates that allow access to your website only from trusted clients. HTTPS mainly acts as a transmission scrambler and identity verifier but does not prevent a bot from sending valid (but malicious) data to your form.
Hosting a website in an iFrame does not grant the attacker the permission to read cookies or information from the target page (that would be awful) as long as you follow the same-origin policy:
With this, only domains you whitelist will get access to information hosted on your page.

How do I protect sensitive information from cross site access?

My web application displays some sensitive information to a logged in user. The user visits another site without explicitly logging out of my site first. How do I ensure that the other site can not access the sensitive information without accept from me or the user?
If for example my sensitive data is in JavaScript format, the other site can include it in a script tag and read the side effects. I could continue on building a blacklist, but I do not want to enumerate what is unsafe. I want to know what is safe, but I can not find any documentation of this.
UPDATE: In my example JavaScript from the victim site was executed on the attacker's site, not the other way around, which would have been Cross Site Scripting.
Another example is images, where any other site can read the width and height, but I don't think they can read the content, but they can display it.
A third example is that everything without an X-Frame-Options header can be loaded into an iframe, and from there it is possible to steal the data by tricking the user into doing drag-and-drop or copy-and-paste.
The key point of Cross Site Attack is to ensure that your input from user which is going to be displayed, is legal, not containing some scripts. You may stop it at the beginning.
If for example my sensitive data is in JavaScript format, the other site can include it in a script tag
Yep! So don't put it in JavaScript/JSONP format.
The usual fix for passing back JSON or JS code is to put something unexecutable at the front to cause a syntax error or a hang (for(;;); is popular). So including the resource as a <script> doesn't get the attacker anywhere. When you access it from your own site you can fetch it with an XMLHttpRequest and chop off the prefix before evaluating it.
(A workaround that doesn't work is checking window.location in the returned script: when you're being included in an attacker's page they have control of the JavaScript environment and could sabotage the built-in objects to do unexpected things.)
Since I did not get the answer I was looking for here, I asked in another forum an got the answer. It is here:!topic/
I also found this page which answers my question:
First of all like superpdm states, design your app from the ground up to ensure that either the sensitive information is not stored on the client side in the first place or that it is unintelligible to a malicious users.
Additionally, for items of data you don't have much control over, you can take advantage of inbuilt HTTP controls like HttpOnly that tries to ensure that client-side scripts will not have access to cookies like your session token and so forth. Setting httpOnly on your cookies will go a long way to ensure malicious vbscripts, javascripts etc will not read or modify your client-side tokens.
I think some confusion is still in our web-security knowledge world. You are afraid of Cross Site Request Forgery, and yet describing and looking for solution to Cross Site Scripting.
Cross Site Scripting is a vulnerability that allows malicious person to inject some unwanted content into your site. It may be some text, but it also may be some JS code or VB or Java Applet (I mentioned applets because they can be used to circumvent protection provided by the httpOnly flag). And thus if your aware user clicks on the malicious link he may get his data stolen. It depends on amount of sensitive data presented to the user. Clicking on a link is not only attack vector for XSS attack, If you present to users unfiltered contents provided by other users, someone may also inject some evil code and do some damage. He does not need to steal someone's cookie to get what he wants. And it has notnig to do with visiting other site while still being logged to your app. I recommend:XSS
Cross Site Request Forgery is a vulnerability that allows someone to construct specially crafted form and present it to Logged in user, user after submitting this form may execute operation in your app that he didin't intended. Operation may be transfer, password change, or user add. And this is the threat you are worried about, if user holds session with your app and visits site with such form which gets auto-submited with JS such request gets authenticated, and operation executed. And httpOnly will not protect from it because attacker does not need to access sessionId stored in cookies. I recommend: CSRF

Security by obscurity: what about URLs?

first of all, the question from a naive point of view:
I've got a WebApplication with a URL to a product like Products?id=123. Let's say I've got an administration page reachable from Products?id=123&editable=true.
If I consider that no one will ever try to enable the editable parameter, and thus don't need any further security mechanism to protect this page, that's security by obscurity, and that's not a good idea, right?
In my real case problem, it's slightly more subtle: is there any danger in allowing anyone to know my administration URLS? for instance, while working with XSL, I would like to write:
<xsl:if test="/webAlbums/mode/#admin">
(compute edit link)
but wouldn't it be easier for a potential attacker to find a weakness in 'important' pages?
Security through obscurity is barely security at all. Don't count on it.
You should make an authentication system that prevents people from using the admin page through actual security.
As for people knowing your admin URLs, it should be fine as long as your admin page is protected and there is no sensitive data being shown in the URL (such as the internal representation of a data type, the internal ID of some data, etc).
Daniel Miessler gives another element of response in his blog, the one I had in mind when I wrote the question but couldn't formulate:
Obscurity as a Layer makes a system with already good defenses more difficult to target, which improves its overall security posture.
Security Through Obscurity means that, once targeted, the system will be defenseless, i.e. all its security comes from secrecy.
Hiding configuration URLs from unauthenticated clients adds a layer of security, on top of standard authentication mechanisms.
If crackers don't know where the door is, they will be less likely to try to force it!
That's what he does by changing its SSHd port to 24, port scanner will locate the SSH server, but automatic brute-force scripts will only try the default one.
Results? after a weekend, 18,000 attacks on port 22 and 5 on port 24 (he let both ports open to permit the comparison).
You are actually in luck, as what you are proposing is actually not security by obscurity, but actually a perfectly sound security technique called Obscure URL.
To make it work, you need to make sure a part of the URL is as hard to guess as a strong password. It doesn't really matter where you include it, as long as the page cannot be edited unless that part is correct.
Insecure example:
Secure examples:
I don't do web programming, so I may be a bit off-base here, but I think there are a few things to consider:
Just like any other authentication system, if you access the admin page without HTTPS, the page request (which contains the effective "password") is being sent in the clear.
Unless configured to do otherwise, browsers will retain history and cache for the the admin page. This makes the secret URL more available to attackers or even anyone who uses your machine.
As with all passwords, if the secret URL is simple enough, there is a reasonable possibility that it could be brute forced. Something like &editable=true doesn't strike me as secure.
But if handled properly, this should be just as secure as a conventional authentication system.

Is it secure to submit from a HTTP form to HTTPS?

Is it acceptable to submit from an http form through https? It seems like it should be secure, but it allows for a man in the middle attack (here is a good discussion). There are sites like that allow you to sign-in from an http page but does an https post. In my site, the request is to have an http landing page but be able to login securely. Is it not worth the possible security risk and should I just make all users go to a secure page to login (or make the landing page secure)?
Posting a form from an http page to an https page does encrypt the data in the form when it is transmitted in the most simple terms. If there is a man-in-the-middle attack, the browser will warn you.
However, if the original http form was subjected to man-in-the-middle and the https post-back address was modified by the attacker, then you will get no warning. The data will still actually be encrypted, but the man-in-the-middle attacker would be able to decrypt (since he sent you the key in the first place) and read the data.
Also, if the form is sending things back through other means (scripted connections) there may be a possibility of unencrypted data being sent over the wire before the form is posted (although any good website would never do this with any kind of sensitive data).
Is there any reason not to use HTTPS for the entire transaction? If you can't find a very good one, use it!
It's arguably simpler than switching protocols.
The MITM risk is real.
Following your link, the user "Helios" makes an excellent point that using 100% HTTPS is far less confusing to the user.
This kind of thing is popping up all over the net, especially in sites for which login is optional. However, it's inherently unsafe, for quite subtle reasons, and gives the user a false sense of security. I think there was an article about this recently on
The danger is that while you sent your page with a post target of "https://xxx", the page in which that reference occurs is not secure, so it can be modified in transit by an attacker to point to any URL the attacker wishes. So if I visit your site, I must view the source to verify my credentials are being posted to a secure address, and that verification has relevance only for that particular submit. If I return tomorrow, I must view source again, since that particular delivery of the page may have been attacked and the post target subverted - if I don't verify every single time, by the time I know the post target was subverted, it's too late - I've already sent my credentials to the attacker's URL.
You should only provide a link to the login page; and the login page and everything thereafter should be HTTPS for as long as you are logged in. And, really, there is no reason not to; the burden of SSL is on the initial negotiation; the subsequent connections will use SSL session caching and the symmetric crypto used for the link data is actually extremely low overhead.
IE Blog explains: Critical Mistake #1: Non-HTTPS Login pages (even if submitting to a HTTPS page)
How does the user know that the form is being submitted via HTTPS? Most browsers have no such UI cue.
How could the user know that it was going to the right HTTPS page? If the login form was delivered via HTTP, there's no guarantee it hasn't been changed between the server and the client.
Jay and Kiwi are right about the MITM attack. However, its important to note that the attacker doesn't have to break the form and give some error message; the attacker can instead insert JavaScript to send the form data twice, once to him and once to you.
But, honestly, you have to ask, what's the chance of an attacker intercepting your login page and modifying it in flight? How's it compare to the risk of (a) doing a MITM attack strait on the SSL session, and hoping the user presses "OK" to continue; (b) doing the MITM on your initial redirect to SSL (e.g., from to and redirecting to instead, which is under the attacker's control; (c) You having a XSS, XSRF, or SQL injection flaw somewhere on your site.
Yes, I'd suggest running the login form under SSL, there isn't any reason not to. But I wouldn't worry much if it weren't, there are probably much lower hanging fruit.
The above answer is from 2008. Since then, a lot of additional threats have become apparent. E.g., access sites from random untrusted networks such as WiFi hotspots (where anyone nearby may be able to pull off that attack). Now I'd say yes, you definitely should encrypt your login page, and further your entire site. Further, there are now solutions to the initial redirect problem (HTTP Strict Transport Security). The Open Web Application Security Project makes several best practices guides available.
This post is the key one. Yes, if the user's data is sent to you, it will have arrived somewhere securely. But there is no reason to believe that somewhere will be your site. The attacker isn't just going to get to listen to the data moving in each direction at this point. He'll be the other end of the user's session. The your site is just going to think the user never bothered to submit the form.
For me (as an end-user), the value of an HTTPS session is not only that the data is encrypted, but that I have verification that the page I'm typing my super-secrets into has come from the place I want it to.
Having the form in a non-HTTPS session defeats that assurance.
(I know - this is just another way of saying that the form is subject to an MITM attack).
No, it's not secure to go from HTTP to HTTPS. The originating and resulting points of the request must be HTTPS for the secure channel to be established and utilized.
Everyone suggesting that you provide only a link to the login page seems to be forgetting that the link could easily be changed using a MITM attack.
One of the biggest things missed out in all of the above is that there is a general trend to place a login on a home page (Huge trend in User Experience Trends).
The big problem here is that Google does not like to search secure pages with good reason, so all those Devs who are wondering why not make it all secure, well if you want your page invisible to Google, secure it all. Else, the second best option to post from http to https is the lesser of two evils at this point?
I think the main consideration of this question has to do with the URL that users know and the protocol scheme (http:)that browsers substitute by default.
In that case, the normal behavior of a site that wants to ensure an encrypted channel is to have the http://home-page redirect to https://home-page. There is still a spoofing / MitM opportunity, but if it is by DNS poisoning, the risk is no higher than if one starts out with the https: URL. If a different domain name comes back, you need to worry then.
This is probably safe enough. After all, if you are subject to a targetted MitM, you might as well start worrying about keyboard loggers, your local HOSTS file, and all sorts of other ways of finding out about your secure transactions involving your system already being owned.

URL Based Authentication Link

What are some good suggestions or resources to look at to help me secure a single click URL based authentication?
Essentially, the situation is a third party system which accepts an HTTPS request, through the browser, where you supply authentication information (un, pw, authkey, etc...). The service then, upon authenticating the provided credentials, will allow or deny login access. The point being, that if someone clicks on the link, they're automatically granted access to this third party system.
Currently, there isn't a whole lot of security surrounding the whole process, (which isn't a big deal because the product isn't in production yet) and the third party is willing to make some modifications to secure this up a bit.
I've already determined I need to hash the information, and probably even submit it via a POST to prevent it from showing information in the browser history. But I'd like a little input on how you all would handle something like this.
[Edit: Requests are and will continue being sent via HTTPS. I also modified the HTTP previously used to be HTTPS]
Don't think about "secure this up a bit". It's either secure from the ground up, or it's got holes that will cost you dearly.
Look at HTTP Digest Authentication. It's simple, reliable and works well under most circumstances.
Look at the top-10 vulnerabilities. Be sure you understand and address each one.
You should probably use HTTPS to avoid the credentials being eavesdropped upon while in transit to the third party web server.
Protect yourself from using stale link to gain access to the application. Make the link be dependent on current time value
