setting file permissions with installshield limited edition - file-permissions

The installshield LE has deprecated features. Setting file permssions has been disabled. Is there a way to set file permssions. I tried running a post installation exe which uses icacls to set permissions but requires admin privileges to set permissions. Is there a way to grant admin privileges to setup installer. Or, is there a better way to do this.

Read my "Augmenting InstallShield" blog series:
Here is one similar example:
Augmenting InstallShield using Windows Installer XML - Certificates
Augmenting InstallShield using Windows Installer XML - Windows Services
The concept is you leverage most of the free abilities of InstallShield Limited Edition along with injecting some additional free abilities of Windows Installer XML. In this case you'd author a wxs file that has a Permissions element for the directory. Once you build your MSM in WiX you add it to your ISLE project and associate it to a feature and directory. ( Right click the module and select properties then select INSTALLDIR from the drop down. )

Manually edit the .isl file
Locate and entry like this:
<table name="File">
<col key="yes" def="s72">File</col>
<col def="s72">Component_</col>
<col def="s255">FileName</col>
<col def="i4">FileSize</col>
<col def="S72">Version</col>
<col def="S20">Language</col>
<col def="I2">Attributes</col>
<col def="i2">Sequence</col>
<col def="S255">ISBuildSourcePath</col>
<col def="I4">ISAttributes</col>
<col def="S72">ISComponentSubFolder_</col>
<row><td>myfile.sdf2</td><td>ISX_DEFAULTCOMPONENT6</td><td>LottoDB.sdf</td><td>0</td><td/><td/><td>0</td><td>1</td><td>C:\Users\Mauro\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Projects\MySolution\MayProject\MyFile.sdf</td><td>1</td><td/></row>
...where MyFile.sdf is the file whose permissions must be set.
Next, locate an entry like this (or add it):
<table name="ISLockPermissions">
<col key="yes" def="s72">LockObject</col>
<col key="yes" def="s32">Table</col>
<col key="yes" def="S255">Domain</col>
<col key="yes" def="s255">User</col>
<col def="I4">Permission</col>
<col def="I4">Attributes</col>
Note the the column Name in table File corresponds to column LockObject in table ISLockPermissions.
Permissions 1610809791 is "Write".

This is not supported by the limited edition.
A solution is to use a different setup authoring tool which allows setting file permissions or at least running deferred custom actions with no impersonation. Perhaps this list will help:


Shopware6: Plugin configuration is missing

I'm writing my first Shopware 6 plugin and following this howto
But the navigation entry for Plugins will not show up. (URL: admin#/sw/settings/index) and the menu looks like this:
but it should look like this:
My plugin is active (checked in backend), the tables were created, so I guess it is loaded.
I copied the config.xml file from the tutorial into my plugin and validated it (just to be sure).
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<config xmlns:xsi=""
<title>Basic Configuration</title>
<title lang="de-DE">Grundeinstellungen</title>
<label>eMail address</label>
<label lang="de-DE">E-Mailadresse</label>
<placeholder lang="de-DE"></placeholder>
<helpText>Please fill in your personal eMail address</helpText>
<helpText lang="de-DE">Bitte trage deine persönliche E-Mailadresse ein</helpText>
<input-field type="single-select">
<name>English smtp</name>
<name lang="de-DE">German smtp</name>
<name>English pop3</name>
<name lang="de-DE">German pop3</name>
<label>Mail method</label>
<label lang="de-DE">Versand-Protokoll</label>
<title>Advanced Configuration</title>
<title lang="de-DE">Erweiterte Einstellungen</title>
<input-field type="password">
<label>Secret token</label>
<label lang="de-DE">Geheimschlüssel</label>
<helpText>Your secret token for xyz...</helpText>
<helpText lang="de-DE">Dein geheimer Schlüssel für xyz...</helpText>
So what is the precondition to show the Plugin navigation entry?
Ok, the problem is, I'm looking at the wrong place.
for the settings tab, you will need an own module with an settingItem
-- Shyim
If one is using a config.xml as I do, you can configure it within the plugin configuration hidden behind the three dots.

adding 'share this' to the bottom of orchard CMS blog posts

Any advice on how / or where I can include the 'share this' script so I can include social sharing buttons at the bottom of my Orchard CMS blog posts. Ideally I would not use the gallery or any installer, simply just the classic implementation -- which I have done before, but I am not sure in which file I can add my script in Orchard's MVC architecture.
Use Shape Tracing, to identify the different templates that build up a Blog Post. Some of those templates are shared throughout the app, so learn also about Alternates.
Look at ~/Common/Views/Parts.Common.Metadata.cshtml
To override this view, you should copy it to your Themes Views folder, and modify as you wish.
If you wish to modify this template only for blog post, name your new file Parts.Common.Metadata-BlogPost.cshtml in the themes views folder. This is an Alternate and BlogPost tell Orchard to use this template only with content types that are BlogPosts.
I've been using a very simple HTML widget to do that on my own blog, since sharing is essentially a client-side thing, and it was by far the simplest option. Here's the HTML I use in that widget:
<img src="/media/foo/Icons/squaretwitter.svg" style="width: 20px; height: 20px;" alt="Tweet this" title="Tweet this" />
<img src="/media/foo/Icons/squarefacebook.svg" style="width: 20px; height: 20px;" alt="Share this on Facebook" title="Share this on Facebook" />
<img src="/media/foo/Icons/squaregoogleplus.svg" style="width: 20px; height: 20px;" alt="Share this on Google+" title="Share this on Google+" />
<img src="/media/foo/Icons/squarereddit.svg" style="width: 20px; height: 20px;" alt="Share this on Reddit" title="Share this on Reddit" />
Notice that I'm not using a sharing script, but am using static links instead, because I want to keep the page as lean and fast-loading as possible and I think those scripts are a significant burden for little benefit. You can however if you prefer put script into an HTML widget, and it would totally work.
There are also a few ready-to-use modules on the gallery for that sort of thing, that would enable you to just add a part to the blog content type and be done with it.

Im trying to display latest post from my sharepoint discussion board to my main page?

I have a community site with a discussion board and I would like to display a few of the latest posts on my main start-up page?
How would one go about it in SharePoint 2013?
The proposed solution allows to modify Discussion List web part properties that are not available from UI.
Enable web part Export capabilities
In order to modify web part properties that are not available from UI, we need to enable Export capabilities:
Add Discussions List on the page.
Open the page in SharePoint Designer (SPD)
Find the property ExportControlledProperties and set its value
to True in order to enable web part Export capabilities
Save the page in SPD
Change web part properties
From now the export action have to be available as shown on picture below
Assume we need to display the 4 latest discussions.
Discussion default view (Subject) has the following properties:
<RowLimit Paged="TRUE">20</RowLimit>
In order to change these properties follow the steps below:
Export web part file
Find the property XmlDefinition and change RowLimit element
Paged attribute to FALSE and value to 4
Upload and add web part on page
How to display Discussions using CQWP
In order to aggregate Discussions from a different site you could utilize Content Query web part (CQWP).
add Content Query web part (located under Content Roollup category)
go to web part settings and specify the Querysettings as shown on picture below
and specify Sorting settings as shown on picture
Here is a List Style I found that made the CQWP work properly.
<xsl:template name="DiscussionStyle" match="Row [#Style='DiscussionStyle']" mode="itemstyle">
<xsl:variable name="DisplayTitle">
<xsl:call-template name="OuterTemplate.GetTitle">
<xsl:with-param name="Title" select="#Title"/>
<xsl:with-param name="UrlColumnName" select="'LinkUrl'"/>
<table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3" width="100%">
<td class="S2StyleTitle" colspan="2">
<xsl:call-template name="OuterTemplate.CallPresenceStatusIconTemplate"/>
<a href="{#LinkUrl}" title="{#LinkToolTip}" style="font-size:11px;">
<xsl:value-of select="$DisplayTitle"/>
<tr class="S2StyleBorder">
<td class="S2StyleDescription" valign="top">
<span style="color:#808080"><strong>Posted</strong>:
<xsl:value-of select="#PubDate"/>
How to Configure a Custom Item Style for a Discussion Board using the Content Query Web Part

How to programmatically customize editform.aspx/newform.aspx with SP2007?

I have been looking for a solution for hours but I can't manage to customize my list forms. Although it is very easy to modify the form under SPDesigner, I can't find a way to do the same in VS2008.
Does anyone know the way to customize a form programmatically ?
Thank you very much
The best way to customize newform.asxp and editform.aspx (in my opinion) could be :
On a new visual studio solution :
Define your content type for the list
Define a list shema based on the CT
In the section "forms" in the schema.xml define your own aspx for editform.aspx and newform.aspx like
<Form Type="DisplayForm" Url="DispForm.aspx" SetupPath="pages\form.aspx" WebPartZoneID="Main" />
<Form Type="EditForm" Url="EditForm.aspx" SetupPath="features\$SharePoint.Feature.DeploymentPath$\YourListDefinitionPathInSolution\YourEditForm.aspx" UseLegacyForm="True" WebPartZoneID="Main" />
<Form Type="NewForm" Url="NewForm.aspx" SetupPath="features\$SharePoint.Feature.DeploymentPath$\YourListDefinitionPathInSolution\YourEditForm.aspx" UseLegacyForm="True" WebPartZoneID="Main" />
In this blog post you will find the good recipe : Create custom SharePoint 2010 list form for deployment in a Visual Studio 2010 project
EDIT : sorry, recipe for 2010 version :-(
What you are suggesting does not sound like best practice, the newform.aspx, editform.aspx, etc. are the SharePoint out-of-the-box forms for the list and should probably be left alone.
What changes are you making? Simple changes like increasing the size of text boxes or substantial changes?
You can create your own forms if the changes are substantial

How can the width of a SharePoint:FormField be adjusted?

Within MOSS2007, I'm building a custom form (newform2.aspx) for a list, and having a real problem trying to adjust the width of my form fields.
Here is some of the code I'm trying to adjust:
<td colspan="3" style="padding-top:5px; padding-bottom:5px; width:100%; ">DescriptionText<br/>
<SharePoint:FormField runat="server" id="ff16{$Pos}" ControlMode="New" FieldName="Jobsite" __designer:bind="{ddwrt:DataBind('i',concat('ff16',$Pos),'Value','ValueChanged','ID',ddwrt:EscapeDelims(string(#ID)),'#Jobsite')}"/>
I've tried setting DisplaySize within the Form:Field control, and it changes within SharePoint Designer, but when I view the actual page, the box always remains at it's default length.
Nothing like solving your own question. ;)
I found that wrapping the FormField control in <div>'s in combination with the DisplaySize attribute gave me the control I needed to format the fields properly.
I tried to insert text input into table and had same trouble.
as style into PlaceHolderAdditionalPageHead placeholder:
Add this in your custom page. It works for me under SharePoint 2010.
<style type="text/css">.ms-long{width:100%;}</style>"
