MATLAB string handling - string

I want to calculate the frequency of each word in a string. For that I need to turn string into an array (matrix) of words.
For example take "Hello world, can I ask you on a date?" and turn it into
['Hello' 'world,' 'can' 'I' 'ask' 'you' 'on' 'a' 'date?']
Then I can go over each entry and count every appearance of a particular word.
Is there a way to make an array (matrix) of words in MATLAB, instead of array of just chars?

Here is a little simpler regexp:
words = regexp(s,'\w+','match');
\w here means any symbol that can appear in words (including underscore).
Notice that the last question mark will not be included. Do you need it for counting words actually?

Regular expressions
s = 'Hello world, can I ask you on a date?'
slist = regexp(s, '[^ ]*', 'match')
slist =
'Hello' 'world,' 'can' 'I' 'ask' 'you' 'on' 'a' 'date?'

Another way to do it is like this:
s = cell(java.lang.String('Hello world, can I ask you on a date?').split('[^\w]+'));
I.e. by creating a Java String object and using its methods to do the work, then converting back to a cell array of strings. Not necessarily the best way to do a job this simple, but Java has a rich library of string handling methods & classes that can come in handy.
Matlab's ability to switch into Java at the drop of a hat can come in handy sometimes - for example, when parsing & writing XML.


How to split in string with comma, backslash, and keep the comma and backslash at their position in python

I have string like this
My address 47/8,New Jersey, USA
I want to split like this
['My','address', '47/', '8,', 'New Jersey', 'USA']
There is no easy way to split the string in this fashion.
You could use {list_var} = {string_var}.split(" ") or use {list_var} = {string_var}.split(",") but it won't be exactly how you want it.
You could use something that measures the length of the list after doing the operations above on them and decide how you want to behave with the list after using the length to determine what variables would be in given positions within the list.

String matching without using builtin functions

I want to search for a query (a string) in a subject (another string).
The query may appear in whole or in parts, but will not be rearranged. For instance, if the query is 'da', and the subject is 'dura', it is still a match.
I am not allowed to use string functions like strfind or find.
The constraints make this actually quite straightforward with a single loop. Imagine you have two indices initially pointing at the first character of both strings, now compare them - if they don't match, increment the subject index and try again. If they do, increment both. If you've reached the end of the query at that point, you've found it. The actual implementation should be simple enough, and I don't want to do all the work for you ;)
If this is homework, I suggest you look at the explanation which precedes the code and then try for yourself, before looking at the actual code.
The code below looks for all occurrences of chars of the query string within the subject string (variables m; and related ii, jj). It then tests all possible orders of those occurrences (variable test). An order is "acceptable" if it contains all desired chars (cond1) in increasing positions (cond2). The result (variable result) is affirmative if there is at least one acceptable order.
subject = 'this is a test string';
query = 'ten';
m = bsxfun(#eq, subject.', query);
%'// m: test if each char of query equals each char of subject
[ii jj] = find(m);
jj = jj.'; %'// ii: which char of query is found within subject...
ii = ii.'; %'// jj: ... and at which position
test = nchoosek(1:numel(jj),numel(query)).'; %'// test all possible orders
cond1 = all(jj(test) == repmat((1:numel(query)).',1,size(test,2)));
%'// cond1: for each order, are all chars of query found in subject?
cond2 = all(diff(ii(test))>0);
%// cond2: for each order, are the found chars in increasing positions?
result = any(cond1 & cond2); %// final result: 1 or 0
The code could be improved by using a better approach as regards to test, i.e. not testing all possible orders given by nchoosek.
Matlab allows you to view the source of built-in functions, so you could always try reading the code to see how the Matlab developers did it (although it will probably be very complex). (thanks Luis for the correction)
Finding a string in another string is a basic computer science problem. You can read up on it in any number of resources, such as Wikipedia.
Your requirement of non-rearranging partial matches recalls the bioinformatics problem of mapping splice variants to a genomic sequence.
You may solve your problem by using a sequence alignment algorithm such as Smith-Waterman, modified to work with all English characters and not just DNA bases.
Is this question actually from bioinformatics? If so, you should tag it as such.

Multiline string literal in Matlab?

Is there a multiline string literal syntax in Matlab or is it necessary to concatenate multiple lines?
I found the verbatim package, but it only works in an m-file or function and not interactively within editor cells.
EDIT: I am particularly after readbility and ease of modifying the literal in the code (imagine it contains indented blocks of different levels) - it is easy to make multiline strings, but I am looking for the most convenient sytax for doing that.
So far I have
t = {...
t = cellfun(#(x) [x sprintf('\n')],t,'Unif',false);
t = horzcat(t{:});
which gives size(t) = 1 8, but is obviously a bit of a mess.
EDIT 2: Basically verbatim does what I want except it doesn't work in Editor cells, but maybe my best bet is to update it so it does. I think it should be possible to get current open file and cursor position from the java interface to the Editor. The problem would be if there were multiple verbatim calls in the same cell how would you distinguish between them.
I'd go for:
multiline = sprintf([ ...
'Line 1\n'...
'Line 2\n'...
Matlab is an oddball in that escape processing in strings is a function of the printf family of functions instead of the string literal syntax. And no multiline literals. Oh well.
I've ended up doing two things. First, make CR() and LF() functions that just return processed \r and \n respectively, so you can use them as pseudo-literals in your code. I prefer doing this way rather than sending entire strings through sprintf(), because there might be other backslashes in there you didn't want processed as escape sequences (e.g. if some of your strings came from function arguments or input read from elsewhere).
function out = CR()
out = char(13); % # sprintf('\r')
function out = LF()
out = char(10); % # sprintf('\n');
Second, make a join(glue, strs) function that works like Perl's join or the cellfun/horzcat code in your example, but without the final trailing separator.
function out = join(glue, strs)
strs = strs(:)';
strs(2,:) = {glue};
strs = strs(:)';
strs(end) = [];
out = cat(2, strs{:});
And then use it with cell literals like you do.
str = join(LF, {
You don't need the "..." ellipses in cell literals like this; omitting them does a vertical vector construction, and it's fine if the rows have different lengths of char strings because they're each getting stuck inside a cell. That alone should save you some typing.
Bit of an old thread but I got this
multiline = join([
"Line 1"
"Line 2"
], newline)
I think if makes things pretty easy but obviously it depends on what one is looking for :)

Make string manipulation more convenient in Mathematica

With Mathematica I always feel that strings are "second class citizens." Compared to a language such as PERL, one must juggle a lot of code to accomplish the same task.
The available functionality is not bad, but the syntax is uncomfortable. While there are a few shorthand forms such as <> for StringJoin and ~~ for StringExpression, most of the string functionality lacks such syntax, and uses clumsy names like: StringReplace, StringDrop, StringReverse, Characters, CharacterRange, FromCharacterCode, and RegularExpression.
In Mathematica strings are handled like mathematical objects, allowing 5 "a" + "b" where "a" and "b" act as symbols. This is a feature that I would not change, even if that would not break stacks of code. Nevertheless it precludes certain terse string syntax, wherein the expression 5 "a" + "b" would be rendered "aaaaab" for example.
What is the best way to make string manipulation more convenient in Mathematica?
Ideas that come to mind, either alone or in combination, are:
Overload existing functions to work on strings, e.g. Take, Replace, Reverse.
This was the original topic of my question to which Sasha replied. It was seen as inadvisable.
Use shortened names for string functions, e.g. StringReplace >> StrRpl, Characters >> Chrs, RegularExpression >> "RegEx"
Create new infix syntax for string functions, and possibly new string operations.
Create a new container for strings, e.g. str["string"], and then definitions for various functions. (This was suggested by Leonid Shifrin.)
A variable of (4), expand strings (automatically?) to characters, e.g. "string" >> str["s","t","r","i","n","g"] so that the characters can be seen by Part, Take, etc.
Call another language such as PERL from within Mathematica to handle string processing.
Create new string functions that conglomerate frequently used sequences of operations.
I think the reason these operations have String* names is that they have tiny differences compared to their list counterparts. Specifically compare Cases to StringCases.
Now the way to to achieve what you want is to do it like this:
{Drop, Cases, Take, Reverse};
ToStringHead[Drop] = StringDrop;
ToStringHead[Take] = StringTake;
ToStringHead[Cases] = StringCases;
ToStringHead[Reverse] = StringReverse;
String /:
HoldPattern[(h : Drop | Cases | Take | Reverse)[s_String, rest__]] :=
With[{head = ToStringHead[h]}, head[s, rest]]
RemoveOverloading[] :=
UpValues[String] =
x_ /; ! FreeQ[Unevaluated[x], (Drop | Cases | Take | Reverse)]]
You get to load stuff with Get or Need, and remove the overloading with RemoveOverloading[] called with the correct context.
In[21]:= Cases["this is a sentence", RegularExpression["\\s\\w\\w\\s"]]
Out[21]= {" is "}
In[22]:= Take["This is dangerous", -9]
Out[22]= "dangerous"
In[23]:= Drop["This is dangerous", -9]
Out[23]= "This is "
I do not think doing this is the right way to go, though. You might consider introducing shorter symbols in some context which would automatically evaluate to String* symbols

Modifying a character in a string in Lua

Is there any way to replace a character at position N in a string in Lua.
This is what I've come up with so far:
function replace_char(pos, str, r)
return str:sub(pos, pos - 1) .. r .. str:sub(pos + 1, str:len())
str = replace_char(2, "aaaaaa", "X")
I can't use gsub either as that would replace every capture, not just the capture at position N.
Strings in Lua are immutable. That means, that any solution that replaces text in a string must end up constructing a new string with the desired content. For the specific case of replacing a single character with some other content, you will need to split the original string into a prefix part and a postfix part, and concatenate them back together around the new content.
This variation on your code:
function replace_char(pos, str, r)
return str:sub(1, pos-1) .. r .. str:sub(pos+1)
is the most direct translation to straightforward Lua. It is probably fast enough for most purposes. I've fixed the bug that the prefix should be the first pos-1 chars, and taken advantage of the fact that if the last argument to string.sub is missing it is assumed to be -1 which is equivalent to the end of the string.
But do note that it creates a number of temporary strings that will hang around in the string store until garbage collection eats them. The temporaries for the prefix and postfix can't be avoided in any solution. But this also has to create a temporary for the first .. operator to be consumed by the second.
It is possible that one of two alternate approaches could be faster. The first is the solution offered by PaĆ­lo Ebermann, but with one small tweak:
function replace_char2(pos, str, r)
return ("%s%s%s"):format(str:sub(1,pos-1), r, str:sub(pos+1))
This uses string.format to do the assembly of the result in the hopes that it can guess the final buffer size without needing extra temporary objects.
But do beware that string.format is likely to have issues with any \0 characters in any string that it passes through its %s format. Specifically, since it is implemented in terms of standard C's sprintf() function, it would be reasonable to expect it to terminate the substituted string at the first occurrence of \0. (Noted by user Delusional Logic in a comment.)
A third alternative that comes to mind is this:
function replace_char3(pos, str, r)
return table.concat{str:sub(1,pos-1), r, str:sub(pos+1)}
table.concat efficiently concatenates a list of strings into a final result. It has an optional second argument which is text to insert between the strings, which defaults to "" which suits our purpose here.
My guess is that unless your strings are huge and you do this substitution frequently, you won't see any practical performance differences between these methods. However, I've been surprised before, so profile your application to verify there is a bottleneck, and benchmark potential solutions carefully.
You should use pos inside your function instead of literal 1 and 3, but apart from this it looks good. Since Lua strings are immutable you can't really do much better than this.
"%s%s%s":format(str:sub(1,pos-1), r, str:sub(pos+1, str:len())
is more efficient than the .. operator, but I doubt it - if it turns out to be a bottleneck, measure it (and then decide to implement this replacement function in C).
With luajit, you can use the FFI library to cast the string to a list of unsigned charts:
local ffi = require 'ffi'
txt = 'test'
ptr = ffi.cast('uint8_t*', txt)
ptr[1] = string.byte('o')
