how to build a subversion service? - linux

I want to build a workspace with subversion, and I followed some tutorials;
Install subversion --OK
svnadmin create /var/svn/repos --OK
rebuild the conf file (delete "#" in passwd,authz,svnserve.conf).
sartup the server (svnserve -d -r /var/svn/repos) --have no return
import something (svn import /var/svn/import /var/svn/repos) --also no return
test the service (svn info svn://localhost/var/home/repos)
svn: warning: W160013: URL 'svn://localhost/var/svn/repos' non-existent in revision 1 svn: E200009: Could not list all targets
because some targets don't exist
Which step is wrong? Did I miss something important?

The path is wrong in step 6. svnserve interprets paths as local paths within the repository it is serving. Try this:
svn info svn://localhost/


Get file commit time in GitPython

How we can get the commit time of file (blob) via Gitpython while traversing the tree?
I need to get commit time of each FILE (not directory) in the full repo/tree. Something as we get via command git log -1 --pretty="format:%cI" <file_path>
repo = git.Repo('some_repo')
tree = repo.tree().traverse()
for blob in tree:
if os.path.isfile(blob.abspath):
# get commit_time of blob something like 'git log -1 --pretty="format:%cI" blob.path'
# this works but create mess with environment
# os.popen(f'git log -1 --pretty="format:%cI" {str(blob.path)}').read()
I tried by traversing the full directory with pathlib.Path then passing the git directory by command git -C <path_to_git_dir> log -1 --pretty="format:%cI" <file_path>, but it created mess as this code has to be run within another git repository , hence preferred using gitPython not via git from environment.

Git difftool directory with bcompare

I defined my git config with git config --global diff.tool bc3
When I do git difftool --dir-diff, a becompare windows opens but I can't compare local file to remote.
On left panel, I see all remote files containing a difference with local files.
On right panel, I see theses file but only as shortcut to local file.
I can't compare a file to a shortcut. Is there a way to configure git or becompare to compare all files local to remote ?
git difftool --dir-diff will always create these symlinks when you compare something to your worktree.
There seems to be a specific setting for symlinks in Beyond Compare's menu :
under : Session > Session Settings > Handling
there should be a section : File Handling
with a checkbox : Follow symbolic links
Try checking that box.

How to use Custom Hooks with GitLab CE on Ubuntu 20.04 - VPS?

When I push from my local workspace to the target repo in GitLab on my remote VPS, I want GitLab run a script and ask a beta repo on the same VPS to git checkout and pull in order to check my changes.
Current configurations
Gitlab configurations
Suppose you already have a project in your admin area, you just need to get it's relative path
Admin area > Projects
Select your project
Get the path in the project profil (hashed for this case)
Create a new directory in this location called custom_hooks.
sudo su
cd /var/opt/gitlab/git-data/repositories/hashed/path/of/project
mkdir custom_hooks
Inside the new custom_hooks directory, create a file with a name matching the hook type. For a post-receive hook the file name should be post-receive with no extension.
cd custom_hooks
nano post-receive
Write the code to make the server hook function as expected. Hooks can be in any language. Ensure the ‘shebang’ at the top properly reflects the language type. In that case the script code used is :
cd /var/repo/beta.git && git checkout master && git up # --[see the note 2 below]
Make the hook file executable and make sure it’s owned by Git.
chmod +x post-receive
Note 1 :
You can find more informations about git hooks here : GitLab Documentation : Server hooks
VPS configurations
Create new alias with #RichardHansen recommandations
git config --global alias.up '!git remote update -p; git merge --ff-only #{u}'
Note 2 :
During my researches, I've found an interesting answer about git pull on the forum.
I've decided to follow that advice and I made an alias named git up.
What is important is that :
it works with all (non-ancient) versions of Git,
it fetches all upstream branches (not just the branch you're currently working on), and;
it cleans out old origin/* branches that no longer exist upstream.
You can find more informations about "In what cases could git pull be harmful ?" here :
Link to answer
Create a directory for git repos only and access it to process Hooks configurations
# Create a repo for the project in apache area
mkdir /var/www/beta
# Create the git repo only folder
cd /var
mkdir repo && cd repo
# Create git repo and init
mkdir beta.git && cd beta.git
git init --bare # --bare means that our folder will have no source files, just the version control.
# Add gitlab remote
git remote add gitlab
# Accessing hooks folder to create script
cd hooks
cat > pre-receive
# On the blank line, write this script then 'ctrl + d' to save and press enter to exit
git --work-tree=/var/www/beta --git-dir=/var/repo/beta.git checkout -f
# Make the file executable
chmod +x post-receive
Note 3 :
'git-dir' is the path to the git repository. With 'work-tree', we can define a different path to where the files will actually be transferred to.
The 'post-receive' hook will be looked into every time a push is completed and will set the path where the files will be transferred to /var/www/beta in that case.
Local Workspace configurations
# Create in your workspace a folder to hold the project
cd /path/to/workspace
mkdir project && cd project
# Initialize git and add gitlab remote
git init
git remote add gitlab ssh://
# Create an index.html file and send the initial commit
nano index.html
# copy this into the file then 'ctrl + x' then 'y' then 'enter' to save
<title>Welcome to Beta domain!</title>
<h1>Success! The beta virtual host is working!</h1>
# prepare the changes and then send the commit
git status
git add index.html
git commit -m "chore: add index.html :tada: :rocket:"
git push gitlab master
The expected result of this process is that when the git push gitlab master is done, the hook inside the gitlab hashed directory of the project, run a script who make something like this :
# Access the beta.git directory
cd /var/repo/beta.git
# Run command for updating repo
git checkout master && git up
# If we access the beta folder in apache area we should see index.html
cd /var/www/beta
No result.
No error messages.
How can I set up a process like this one ?
There is something in my process I did not take in consideration ?

Git - Automatic pulling in server

I'm desperately trying to prepare a correct environment for a new project. We plan to work locally with Xampp with my team and then push everything on a testing server, so I've started to learn git and its specificities.
When I try to push everything is ok, but then I want my server to automatically pull the updated files where it was cloned. So I created a post-update file which is like this.
echo "Mise en production..."
cd /home/test/public_html/
unset GET_DIR
git fetch origin master
The problem is I get this error
remote: Mise en production...
remote: fatal: Not a git repository: '.'
Is there a better solution that would be efficient ?
Thanks everyone.
Your attempted solution works, but you have overlooked one detail.
When changing into /home/test/public_html/, you need to realize that this directory is not a Git repository and hence, you cannot fetch into it. To make this work, execute the following once.
$ cd /home/test/public_html
$ git init
$ git remote add origin [path/to/git/repo]
After that, you'll be able to git fetch and git pull in /home/test/public_html.
The [path/to/git/repo] should be a relative or absolute path to the directory that contains your repository. This is the directory that has directories branches, hooks, info, et cetera.
It seems you need that after the local repo changes are pushed to a testing server, then you also want the local changes are pushed to your server. So you can use post-update hook to do that:
In the testing server, edit the contents of hooks/post-update file as below:
echo "Mise en production..."
branch=$(git symbolic-ref HEAD | sed -e 's,.*/\(.*\),\1,')
git push -u /path/for/your/server $branch
echo "push to my server "

GIT: Can't Push (Strange Config Issue)

I'm on a fresh install of Linux Mint.
I'm getting the following error when trying to push from any repository:
error: Malformed value for push.default: simple
error: Must be one of nothing, matching, tracking or current.
fatal: bad config file line 8 in /home/leng/.gitconfig
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
This is very odd, because I definitely have a version that supports the simple push behavior.
The output of git --version is git version
The contents of ~/.gitconfig:
name = My Name
email =
ui = true
default = simple
Here's where it gets creepy.
If I change the behavior to matching (or to nothing, tracking, or current, for that matter), then attempt to push, I get the same exact error message. How is that possible? Is it caching the config somehow? I've even tried rebooting. I've even tried purging GIT completely from the system (and deleting ~/.gitconfig) then reinstalling it.
If I delete the [push] section completely from the .gitconfig file (or if I delete the file entirely), then try to push, then I get this:
Git 2.0 from 'matching' to 'simple'. To squelch this message
and maintain the current behavior after the default changes, use:
git config --global push.default matching
To squelch this message and adopt the new behavior now, use:
git config --global push.default simple
See 'git help config' and search for 'push.default' for further information.
(the 'simple' mode was introduced in Git 1.7.11. Use the similar mode
'current' instead of 'simple' if you sometimes use older versions of Git)
error: Malformed value for push.default: simple
error: Must be one of nothing, matching, tracking or current.
fatal: bad config file line 8 in /home/leng/.gitconfig
fatal: Could not read from remote repository. it appears to be both acknowledging that I haven't chosen a pushing behavior, but then also saying that I've chosen an unsupported behavior. What on earth is going on here?
I even get the error if I delete ~/.gitconfig completely.
Can anyone help me out with this witchcraft?
Here is a .git/config file requested:
repositoryformatversion = 0
filemode = true
bare = false
logallrefupdates = true
[remote "origin"]
url = ssh://{my remote repo}
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
[branch "master"]
remote = origin
merge = refs/heads/master
Okay, so I fixed it, but the method is absolute witchcraft.
I tried to isolate the problem by purging GIT, deleting the config file, reinstalling GIT, then creating a local bare repository, then cloning it, then attempting to push from there. Pretty much like this:
sudo apt-get purge git-core
rm -f ~/.gitconfig
sudo apt-get install git-core
cd /git
mkdir foo
cd foo
git init --bare
cd /var/www
git clone /git/foo
cd foo
touch blah.txt
git add -A
git config --global "Name"
git config --global ""
git commit -m "Blah"
git push
...same exact error message, no change there. (Still some serious witchcraft.)
Then, I deleted one of my repositories that doesn't have a local origin (it connects to its origin via SSH) and cloned the repository anew after deleting it (with a fresh git clone ssh://... command).
I got an error from the clone command:
remote: Malformed value for push.default: simple
remote: Must be one of nothing, matching, tracking or current.
Ah ha! Now it says remote instead of error. So the remote doesn't support this behavior. (That doesn't explain why the error persists on local-only repositories with local origins, then, though.)
So I then SSH'ed into the remote server and updated the git-core there to the latest version, re-attempted to clone the repository from my local machine, and it worked.
Now, I can finally git push. Insanely, this also fixed it so I can git push from the entirely local /var/www/foo to the also entirely local /git/foo (the local origin bare repository). SSH'ing into this remote server and updating it somehow - WITCHCRAFT - fixed my local machine's error.
Why on earth the entirely local repos care about an entirely different machine's GIT version is... beyond me. How utterly, utterly insane.
I had the same error message on git push.
For me it turned out that the remote user's git was an older version (,
and I had recently updated the remote ~/.gitconfig to include:
default = simple
The solution was to remove this setting from the remote's configuration.
Since it seems other people are having this issue, and I found a solution HERE, I thought I'd post the solution that worked for me.
The solution I found was at this page. Evidently the best solution is to upgrade to a newer version of Git (if possible). That was not an option for me, however. From a local machine, I typed the following command:
git config -–global push.default upstream
This got rid of the Malformed value for push.default: simple error I had been getting. I'm not entirely sure what upstream does, however.
MY CONTEXT (for comparison): I had an empty (bare) repository on a remote computer, and I had a few repositories on a couple "local" workstations. I pull from the remote repository, do some work, and then push my work to the remote repository. Pushing/pulling was accomplished via SSH. Most of the time, while working on a local machine, pushing/pulling would result in the error described above.
In short, before the fix, I had the following ~/.gitconfig file on the remote machine:
name = Foo Bar
email =
external = /Users/foobar/bin/
diff = auto
status = auto
branch = auto
default = simple
After entering in the above command, my ~/.gitconfig file on the remote machine changed to:
name = Foo Bar
email =
external = /Users/foobar/bin/
diff = auto
status = auto
branch = auto
default = upstream
Version information:
Remote machine (repository location): 1.9.4
My laptop: (Apple Git-48)
Other computer I work on:
Here's another site that may be useful to some people:
