Unique account manager - security

I've got three different apps, all in GWT, none using Spring. Today, all of them got their own security layer provided by Tomcat. I want to setup a security layer shared by all of them. So that I don't have to deal with changes in the security layer for every app (following the DRY principle). I believe it's something similar to what Google does. Every time I try to login to any Google app, I'm taken to account.google.com.
How can I do that? Maybe setting this webapp Accounts to deal with every aspect of the accounts (log in and out, edit account, etc), and connect the session (or authentication) to my webapps?

You could deploy a Central Authentication Service and use it as an authentication provider for your applications.
Using a library (for example gwt-cas) to call your CAS will reduce your code duplication to a few lines of configuration per project.

You'll want to look into container-managed security. Here's the salient documentation.


How can i implement SSL certificates in a multi-tenant app used for connecting to SharePoint Online?

We're developing a managed app (using ARM templates) that will be deployed to multiple tenants. The solution will, among other things, work with SharePoint sites on the end users' tenant.
We have looked into using a single multi-tenant app registration with the appropriate rights. Because of security restrictions on the SharePoint API when using Azure app-only, a certificate must be added to the app registration and the PFX must be provided in all API calls.
We wish to have as little data at our end as possible, so the we hoped to include the application that connects to SharePoint as part of the deployment. However, this would lead to multiple apps having access to the same PFX, which doesn't seem safe.
I'm hoping there is a better way to go about this. Must the connecting web app instead be hosted on our end? Is there a safe way of storing the PFX in multiple locations, or make it accessible to multiple tenants? It is important to us that we can automate the process as well, preferrably using ARM or an automation job as part of the deployment ... At the very least, I would be thankful for suggestions on making any configurations relatively pain-free for the end user.
PS: We would like to avoid the use of service user accounts.

How to enforce Azure AD authentication on IIS server level

Is there any possibility to configure IIS server to enforce Azure Active Directory authentication in hosted application? I don't want to apply any changes to app's code, it would be great to provide this authentication only on server level/layer (configuration IIS). Is this even possible?
I have situation like this:
Have many applications from a customers. Have Azure AD and users added there. I need to provide Azure AD authentication to these applications. Moreover, i shouldn't do anything with code of these applications so i thought that i can try to enforce authentication not on application level but on server level. I've been searching informations about possibility of this method but can't find any (only application scenarios supported by Azure AD https://azure.microsoft.com/pl-pl/documentation/articles/active-directory-authentication-scenarios/ ). The only thing i have found is Azure Multi-Factor Authentication but i don't think it is helpful.
We tried to find it, and all that i have found that there is no possibility to enforce AAD authenticatoin on the IIS level and that it should be set up on the application layer which is actually the only one recommended and described process on the sites and in the AAD-related articles. I would say, that it can be even hard from a technological standpoint.
Reference 1
Reference 2

Deploy WebApp to Azure with Zero downtime from VS2015

I'm trying to publish my web app from VS without no downtime. If you search in Google, you find the official documentation speaking about using slots and do a swap later.
This is a good approach, but I have other problem when I do the swap, logins are lost (look this question: link).
Relevant information in the link:
Session is not linked to Authentication, you're attempting to solve it in the wrong way.
All forms authentication tickets and cookies are encrypted and signed using the data protection layer. The problem you are encountering is due to the encryption keys not being saved, and applications being isolated from each other.
How can I do that? In AWS I had rolling updates...
For more information, I'm using ASP.NET Core with Identity 3.0
What you're seeing is an azure limitation right now. While Azure Web Sites will share the key ring it sees swap slots as separate applications.
There are a couple of things to try.
First, set a common application name. This will help because every application which shares the keyring is isolated by default; but if they share the application name they can share keys
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.ConfigureDataProtection(configure =>
configure.SetApplicationName("my application");
If that's not enough for azure (I am honestly unsure if hot swaps end up using Azure Web App's shared key folder) you can combine that with using Azure Data Tables for storing the encryption keys - https://github.com/GrabYourPitchforks/DataProtection.Azure/tree/dev
Between those two it should get the encryption keys used to protect identity cookies shared between your apps.
I found a fork for aspnet core 1.0, for those interested:
just like the other one, it stores encryption keys on an azure storage account.
It completely solved my problem.
Starting from blowdart's solution I solved my issue, so thanks.
Are you using in-memory session state?
The problem with 'logins' being 'lost' is an architecture issue, not an issue with updating your web app.
Use something like RedisCache for session state. Not only will it persist when you update your application, but it will handle load-balancing on multiple server instances. As it sits you'll probably have this issue when you scale out to more than one server, in addition to when you update your app.

Considerations when moving Web API to Fabric

I have an existing Web API 2 project that I'm looking to move over to Azure Service Fabric. I'm planning on creating a single stateless service within Fabric as detailed here (mainly as I don't understand actors/services at the moment!) and move the API across.
My API uses Entity Framework for it's backend and the built in Individual Accounts using OWIN.
Is there anything I need to consider when moving the service over (I mainly thought the the DB and authentication might be an issue) or is it just a case of putting a Service Fabric layer on top?
I've had a bit more of a thought about this and have some more questions (based on #Mihail's comment)!
So I'm going to have many stateless services (so I'm splitting my Web API project up) which will be exposed via a Web API project (based on this)
So two questions really:
I need to authenticate users based on Individual Accounts. I think I should do this on the Web API frontend so only authenticated users get through to the Fabric services but that means that the API has access to the DB and it's not just a pass through anymore. Is this OK? Should the API call a microservice to authenticate and then call the service it requires or is this overkill?
Entity Framework. If I have many services (and API frontend) accessing the same DB do I have to worry about concurrent connections/locking or will Entity Framework handle this for me?
As Mihail said, the questions around Entity Framework and authentication shouldn't be a problem, or at least not a Service Fabric specific problem.
One thing to consider though is whether Service Fabric is appropriate here if the only thing you'll have is a simple API, or whether an Azure API app would be a better fit for you.
If you went with Service Fabric, you'd have to have at least 5 VMs so you'll need to consider whether your app requires 5 VMs or whether that would be an overkill. Also remember that you'll need to manage those VMs - you don't get the magic that a PaaS solution would give you. You'd also have to deal with certain things that you'd get out of the box from an API app like auto-scale, authentication, rate limiting, integration with SaaS applications, etc. Might be worth having a look at this SO question for a comparison between Service Fabric and the App Service.

Does connect.session work with node-azure

I'm starting to develop an application using node.js on azure. I'm using everyauth to provide authentication because I want to support lots of different authentication methods. I plan to deploy to Azure. The potential problem I have is that everyauth requires the connect.session helper. Will this work with azure when running multiple instances? Or do I need an alternative session provider?
I have never used Node.js on Azure, but:
Looking at the documentation for everyauth there is a method for authenticating against a Windows Azure ACS. See the section entitled Setting up Windows Azure Access Control Service (ACS) Auth in the readme for more information. There are no notes there about it not working on Azure itself so I would infer from that that you can use it on Azure.
There is also a project called connect-azure, which appears to be using connect.session so again I would extrapolate from this that it will work on Azure.
Contact Azure support
If you are already a customer you can contact support for help.
Try it and see
So if you have the Azure environment setup I would definitely say it is worth trying it out.
This was asked a while ago, but I thought I would attempt an answer anyway. It seems that connect-session relies on cookies to maintain the session. Azure has a different load-balancing strategy depending on what you use:
WebRole/WorkerRole - the LB doesn't have any affinity so requests from your clients might end up at different backend instances. This will throw off whatever session management connect is doing. This is a side effect of a distributed cloud architecture: you don't want any backend node to be the source of truth since it can go down. So what you would have to do is figure out how to externalize connect's cookie store and have all backends share it. This way no matter what backend receives the request, it will be aware of the session.
Websites - in this case the LB will actually try to pin a client connection to a given backend instance, so cookie-based sessions may work without any changes. You are sacrificing failover, as described above.
