Dynamic sidebars with Node.js, Express.js and Jade - node.js

I'm trying to write a dynamicHelper for Jade to check if a user is allowed to access a resource before actually accessing it. I have the module to perform the checks which returns true or false when called with the url and username of the resource to be accessed, but I can't get the helper working with parameters?
dummy view:
if(hasAccess.check("/url", "username") == true)
li access
li no-access
hasAccess: function() {
return access;
var access = function() {
return {
check: function(url, user) {
return mymodule.hasAccess(url, user);
I tried to get it done with this answer, but no luck so far.

There are a couple of things wrong there (if I understand it correctly)
Your hasAccess function isn't accepting any parameters
hasAccess is also just returning a reference to the access function, not calling it
the access function doesn't accept any parameters either
It's possible that what you're trying to do would work using
hasAccess: access().check
But i haven't run the code, so I may be completely wrong.
Good luck :)


Retrieve ms-rest-azure authentication code with interactiveLogin method

I'm trying to push one inputless TV screen dashboard (using chromecast) with azure authentication in nodejs (working fine without auth so far)
My best move (?) is using ms-rest-azure package allowing to perform initial authentication from another device with https://aka.ms/devicelogin & a code
However, is there a clean way to retrieve this code and make it available outside the console ? I can't find reference or callback.
My fallback scenario would be to intercept process.stdout.write but feels like dirty.
There is an options object you can pass to interactiveLogin. One option is "userCodeResponseLogger", which should be a function, eg
let options = {"userCodeResponseLogger":(msg)=>{
console.log("I have the message",msg)
msRestAzure.interactiveLogin(options).then((credentials) => {
// doing authentication stuff
Note you'll still need to parse the msg to extract the code.
had to go forward on this issue and finally ends up by intercepting process.stdout.write with a better implementation then mine : https://gist.github.com/pguillory/729616/32aa9dd5b5881f6f2719db835424a7cb96dfdfd6
function auth() {
hook_stdout(function(std) {
var matches = / the code (.*) to /.exec(std);
if(matches !== null && matches.length >=2) {
var code = matches[1];
// doing something with the code
msRestAzure.interactiveLogin().then((credentials) => {
// doing authentication stuff

loopback remote method return variable other than request data

I have a generic SendMail route which I want to create multiple remote methods to handle multiple request templates. Any ideas on how to return a Email_Type from the remote method back to the base route. I know I could add a default with a code in it, but would like a more elegant solution.
Mail.genericSendMail = function genericEmail(response, callback) {
let templateId=0;
switch (response.emailType) {
case "Template-1":
templateId= 1234;
case "Template-2":
tempalteId = 456;
templateId = 789l
} //switch
//Want multiple routes like this to support various templates
Mail.remoteMethod("genericEmail", {
http: {
path: "/emailTemplate1",
verb: "POST"
accepts [
{arg: "request", type:"object",http: {source:"body"},
default: {firstName:"", lastName:"",emailAddress:""}
returns: RESTResponseStatic.loopbackAdapterCommonRestResponseDefinition()
//Want multiple routes like this to support various templates
Mail.remoteMethod("genericEmail", {
http: {
path: "/emailTemplate2",
verb: "POST"
accepts [
{arg: "request", type:"object",http: {source:"body"},
default: {emailAddress:"", promoCode:""}
returns: RESTResponseStatic.loopbackAdapterCommonRestResponseDefinition()
There are a couple of different ways to do this. Since it happens to be a POST request, I usually go with attaching data to the body using a before remote hook.
Let's say you have a model method for logging in users.
Say we have a multi realm platform, so we need to know what platform we are logging in. If you don't use realms or don't know what they are, don't worry. This just shows you how to populate the data to the model method.
User.login = function(data, cb) {
if (data.realm == 'platform1) {
return logUserIntoPlatform1(data, cb);
return logUserIntoDefaultPlatform(data, cb);
Now let's say you don't want the client/frontend to send the realm and you don't want to do the lookup for realm in the model. We can add a beforeRemote hook like so:
User.beforeRemote('login', function (context, user, next) {
context.args.data.realm = lookUpRealmSync(context); // 1
This will be called before the login method. Note the next() call: this is how you could do error detection before actually hitting the model method. Something like next({ status: 422, message: 'Parameter missing: password }); would return an error and not execute the User.login method.
You may have to look carefully at your context object (i.e. the line marked with 1 may not work exactly as I've shown for you).
If you want to read more about this stuff, I LoopBack's docs are pretty good. It seems they've been updated since I've last used them so I can't link you to the more useful pages. I found the remote method documentation here though.
Edit: I took a closer look at your question. You should be able to retrieve the path from the context object and pass data accordingly. I'm not going to try to code that since I don't know where it would actually be within the object.

nodejs express profile property in request

I got very confused for one usage:
In the route file:
app.param('userId', users.load);
And the users.load function:
exports.load = function (req, res, next, id) {
var options = {
criteria: { _id : id }
User.load(options, function (err, user) {
if (err) return next(err);
if (!user) return next(new Error('Failed to load User ' + id));
req.profile = user;
Here, route should have the userId to response but why does the author use req.profile here. profile is not a property.
Anyone can help?
What the code does is this: for routes that have a userId parameter (that is, routes that look similar to this: /user/:userId), Express will call the load() function before the route handler is called.
The load function loads the user profile belonging to the userId from the database, and adds it to req as a newly created property req.profile.
The .profile property name is arbitrarily named by the author and demonstrates the fact that it's perfectly valid to add properties to req (or res, for that matter, but convention is to add these properties to req).
In the route handler, you can then use req.profile. It's basically a way of propagating data from middleware and app.param() implementations to other parts of the route handling.
the line req.profile = users; think of it this way, 'i want to take all the powers of the users and paste them to req.profile' why? remember this part is sort of a middleware if you want to target any of the read, update and delete code it has to pass through here, it only makes sense if it involves the req, because you are practically requesting to access the said pages (read, edit and delete or any other:userId page) now the profile name doesn't matter you could use any name but its sort of a convention in the community to use the profile name.

How do you do "remember me" functionality in AngularJS?

I have a simple app I'm building using Play + AngularJS that requires authentication before most routes can be accessed. The login flow includes a "remember me" feature that stores a session ID in to the browser local storage and gets mapped to a valid authorized database session entry on the server side any time a user returns to the app.
The problem I'm having is that I do the session checking (extract cookie & compare against server) in the run() function of the module:
.run(function ($rootScope, $http, $cookieStore, $location) {
// <snip>
// check if there is already a session?
var sessionId = window.localStorage["session.id"];
if (sessionId == null) {
sessionId = $cookieStore.get("session.id");
if (sessionId != null) {
$http.get("/sessions/" + sessionId)
.success(function (data) {
$http.defaults.headers.common['X-Session-ID'] = data.id;
$cookieStore.put("session.id", data.id);
$rootScope.user = data.user;
.error(function () {
// remove the cookie, since it's dead
} else {
if ($location.path() != "/login" && $location.path() != "/signup") {
The problem is that this function executes an AJAX call and I don't know if the session is valid until it completes. However, the controller that loads (via the route selected by $routeProvider) can fire away another AJAX call that often kicks off before the other one finishes, resulting in a race condition and the initial request getting a 401 response code.
So my question is: how can I force run (with its associated $http call) to complete before any other part of the app runs? I have tried using $q/promise here and it doesn't seem to make a difference (perhaps run functions don't honor promises). I've been advisor to use resolve feature in $routeProvider but I don't know exactly what to do and I'm not super execited about having to put that in for every route anyway.
I assume this is a pretty common use case and it gets solved every day. Hopefully someone can give me some direction with my code, or share their approaches for "remember me" and AngularJS.
You need to manual bootstrap your app after you get session from server.It's easy if you use jQuery for example you can do, or even without jQuery you can use injector to access $http before bootstrapping
//success , set variable.
}).fail(function (){
//failed :( redirect to login or set session to false etc... null
//alwyas bootstrap in both case and set result as a constant or variable Angular.module('app').variable('session',sessionResult);
I'm on phone right now, but this should give u the idea

How to override flash messages in express.js using dynamic helpers?

I have been working through the tutorial by Alex Young on using flash messages. According to this tutorial, one is able to override the default flash messages formatting using dynamicHelpers. Unfortunately there are no details provided on what is going on, and it is not possible to post any comments on the tutorial page to ask relevant questions.
What I fail to see is the relationship between the call to req.flash() in the file 'app.js', and the FlashMessage object exported in file 'helpers.js'. Why would a regular call to req.flash(), which is a standard function in express.js, link to this FlashMessage prototype in the first place? I can't see how this is happening when I look at the code.
At first I thought the FlashMessage object might have been provided to req.flash() by express.js, in which case we are just extending or overriding it in our helper file. The problem with this is that I cannot find any reference to FlashMessage in the source code of express.js.
I would be really grateful if someone could explain it to me.
The flash message is set in file 'apps.js' by calling:
req.flash('info', 'Document created.');
The FlashMessage obect is exported 'helpers.js':
FlashMessage.prototype = {
// Get css definition string for icon.
get icon() {
switch (this.type) {
case 'info':
return 'ui-icon-info';
case 'error':
return 'ui-icon-alert';
// Get css class for message container.
get stateClass() {
switch (this.type) {
case 'info':
return 'ui-state-highlight';
case 'error':
return 'ui-state-error';
// Returns HTML formatted message.
toHTML: function() {
return '<div class="ui-widget flash">' +
'<div class="' + this.stateClass + ' ui-corner-all">' +
'<p><span class="ui-icon ' + this.icon + '"></span>' + this.messages.join(', ') + '</p>' +
'</div>' +
exports.dynamicHelpers = {
flashMessages: function(req, res) {
var html = '';
['error', 'info'].forEach(function(type) {
var messages = req.flash(type);
if (messages.length > 0) {
html += new FlashMessage(type, messages).toHTML();
return html;
In app.js file the full routing function which calls req.flash is as follows:
// Attach dynamicHelpers to app.
// Routing function which calls req.flash.
app.post('/documents', loadUser, function(req, res) {
// Create Document object and assign value.
console.log('Document content: %s', req.body['document']);
var document = new Document(req.body['document']);
document.save(function() {
// Redirect to another page.
req.flash('info', 'Document created.');
There are 2 different things here:
a) req.flash() which is implemented by Express itself - not by you, you're just using that function
b) your dynamic helper:
From the Express guide:
Dynamic view helpers are simply functions which accept req, res, and
are evaluated against the Server instance before a view is rendered.
The return value of this function becomes the local variable it is
associated with.
session: function(req, res){
return req.session;
Let's "translate" that into your code:
// Attach dynamicHelpers to app.
That means that when you call the variable flashMessages in your view code, you'll get the html representation of those flash variables defined.
So the most important thing here is to consider you are only using req.flash(), not implementing it. You are implementing a helper that is using that function.
