linux split file with incremental characters before extension - linux

I want to split a large collection if text files. This is the script that i currently use
for file in *.txt
split -b 120k "$file" "$file"_
When the input file is
the splitted files would be
i want it to be like
How do i do it in linux ?

In bash, an expression of the form ${variable%suffix} will expand to the contents of variable with the suffix removed from the end.
You can use this when you specify the new file prefix to split like this:
for file in *.txt
split -b 120k "$file" "${file%.txt}"_


How to list files in a directory based on latest time and loop through that file list and save it in an array for pattern matching

I want to list the files in a directory based on timestamp. split and add those files in an array then to loop through.
ls -t command lists the latest files but not sure how to split them and store in an array
ls -t *.ack
If that the file name do not have special characters (spaces, wildcard, etc), and if the number of files is small (usually, <1000), you can use bash arrays:
Assuming split mean to break the output of the ls into individual files.
If not, consider using find/xargs.
a=($(ls -t))
# A is sorted by timestamp
for file in "${a[#]}" ; do
Do something with '$file'
echo $file
# Technically, no need for intermediate array. Iterate over the response.
for file in $(ls -t) ; do
Do something with '$file'
echo $file

Shell Script With sed and Random number

How to make a shell script that receives one or more text files and removes from them whitespaces and blanklines. After that new files will have a random 2-digit number in front of them.
For example File1.txt generates File1_56.txt
Tried this:
for file in "$*"; do
sed -e '/^$/d;s/[[:blank:]]//g' $* >> "$*_$$.txt"
But when I give 2 files as input script merges them into one single file, when I want for each file a separate one.
for file in "$#"; do
sed -e '/^$/d;s/[[:blank:]]//g' "$file" >> "${file%.txt}_$$.txt"
To loop over each argument without word splitting or other hazards, use for file in "$#" not for file in "$*"
To run the sed command on one file instead of all, specify "$file" as the file, not $*.
To save the output to the correct file, use "${file%.txt}_$$.txt" where ${file%.txt} is an example of suffix removal: it removes the final .txt from the file name.
$$ is the process ID. The title says mentions a "random" number. If you want a random number, replace $$ with $RANDOM.

bulk rename pdf files with name from specific line of its content in linux

I have multiple pdf files which I want to rename. new name should be taken from pdf's file content on specific(lets say 5th) line. for example, if file's 5th line has content some string <-- this string should be name of file. and same thing goes to the rest of files. each file should be renamed with content's 5th line. I tried this in terminal
for pdf in *.pdf
filename=`basename -s .pdf "${pdf}"`
newname=`awk 'NR==5' "${filename}.pdf"`
mv "${pdf}" "${newname}"
it copies the files, but name is invalid string. I know the system doesn't see the file as plain text and images, there are metadata, xml tags and so on.. but is there way to take content from that line?
Out of the box, bash and its usual utilities are not able to read pdf files. However, less is able to recover the text from a pdf file. You could change your script as follow :
for pdf in *.pdf
mv "$pdf" "$(less $pdf | sed '5q;d').pdf"
Explanation :
less "$pdf" : display the text part of the pdf file. Will take spacing into account
make some tests to see if less returns the desired output
sed '5q;d' : extracts the 5th line of the input file
Optionally, you could use the following script to remove blank lines and exceeding spaces :
mv "$pdf" "$(less "$pdf" | sed -e '/^\s*$/d' -e 's/ \+/ /g' | sed '5q;d').pdf"

How to print only txt files on linux terminal?

On my Linux directory I have 6 files. 5 files are txt files and 1 file a .tar.gz type file. How can I print to the terminal only the name of the txt files?
directory :dir
ex1, ex2, ex3, ex4, ex5, ex6.tar.gz
Because you do not have a file extension (.txt) I would try to do it with exclusion.
ls | grep -v tar.gz
If you have multiple types then use extensions.
The command 'file', followed by the name of a file, will return the type of the file.
You can loop over the files in your directory, use each filename as input to the 'file' command, and if it is a text file, print that filename.
The following includes some extra output from the file command, which I'm not sure how to remove yet, but it does give you the filenames you want:
for f in *
file $f | grep text
You can put this into a shell script in the directory you want to get the filenames from, and run it from the command line.
The suggestions of using the file command are correct. The problem here is parsing the output of this command, because (1) file names can contain pretty any character, and (2) the concrete output of the file command is a bit unpredictable, because it depends on how the so called magic files are present.
If we rely on the fact that the explanation text of the output of the file command - i.e. that part which explains what file it is - always contains the word text if it is a text file, and that it never contains a colon, we can process it as follows:
The last colon in the output must separated the filename from the explanation. Everything to the left is the filename, and if the word text (note the leading space before text!) occurs in the right part, we have a text file.
This still leaves us with those (hopefully rare) cases where a file name contains a non-printable character, they would be translated to their octal equivalent, which might or might not be what you want to see. You can suppress this by passing the -r option to the file command. This is useful if you want to process this filename further instead of just displaying it to the user, but it might corrupt your parsing logic, especially if the filename contains a newline.
Finally, don't forget that in any case, you see what the system considers a text file. This is not necessarily the same what you define to be a text file.
Updated Answer
As #hek2mgl points out in the comments, a more robust solution is to separate filenames using nul characters (which may not occur in filenames) and that will deal with filenames containing newlines, and colons:
file -0 * | awk -F'\0' '$2 ~ /text/{print $1}'
Original Answer
I would do this:
file * | awk -F: '$2~/text/{print $1}'
That runs file to see the type of each file and passes the names and types to awk separated by a colon. awk then looks for the word text in the second field and if it finds it, prints the first field - which is the filename.
Try running the following simpler command on its own to see how it works:
file *
Given this directory of files:
$ file *
1.txt: UTF-8 Unicode (with BOM) text, with CRLF line terminators
2.pdf: PDF document, version 1.5
3.pdf: PDF document, version 1.5
4.dat: data
5.txt: ASCII text
6.jpg: JPEG image data, JFIF standard 1.02, aspect ratio, density 100x100, segment length 16, baseline, precision 8, 2833x972, frames 3
7.html: HTML document text, UTF-8 Unicode text, with very long lines, with no line terminators
8.js: UTF-8 Unicode text
9.xml: XML 1.0 document text a /opt/local/bin/perl script text executable, ASCII text
B.Makefile: makefile script text, ASCII text
C.c: c program text, ASCII text
D.docx: Microsoft Word 2007+
You can see the only files that are pure ascii are 5.txt, 9.xml, and A-C. The rest are either binary or UTF according to file.
You can use a Bash glob to loop through files and use file to test each file. This save having to parse the output of file for the file names but relies on file to accurate identify what you consider to be 'text':
for fn in *; do
[ -f "$fn" ] || continue
fo=$(file "$fn")
[[ $fo =~ ^"$fn":.*text ]] || continue
echo "$fn"
If you cannot use file, which is certainly the easiest way, you can open the file and look for binary characters. Use Perl for that:
for fn in *; do
[ -f "$fn" ] || continue
head -c 2000 "$fn" | perl -lne '$tot+=length; $cnt+=s/[^[:ascii:]]//g; END{exit 1 if($cnt/$tot>0.03);}'
[ $? -eq 0 ] || continue
echo "$fn"
In this case, I am looking for a percentage of ascii vs non ascii in the first 2000 bytes of a file. YMMV but that allows finding a file that file would report as UTF (since it has a binary BOM) but most of the file is ascii.
For that directory, the two Bash scripts report (with my comments on each file):
1.txt # UTF file with a binary BOM but no UTF characters -- all ascii
4.dat # text based configuration file for a router. file does not report this
5.txt # Pure ascii file
7.html # html file
8.js # Javascript sourcecode
9.xml # xml file all text # Perl file
B.Makefile # Unix make file
C.c # C source file
Since file does not consider the all ascii file 4.dat to be text, it is not reported by the first Bash script but is by the second. Otherwise -- same output.

Linux copy file and rename to substring of filename

My files got this structure:
I looking for a way how to dynamically detect and drop the suffix of tested-1102-19.4-alpha and to copy the files with new names so it will look like:
The suffix should be detected dynamically by delimiters ('-'), my other chunk of file have suffix like nottested-404-11.2.34-beta and the other one is final-01-1-release. The only thing remain constant is the delimiter of '-'
for file in *.zip; do
mv "$file" "${file%-*-*-*-*.zip}.zip"
This is fully portable POSIX shell, without forks to sed or other programs.
The ${file%pattern} bit says to remove the shortest matching string.
You can also remove the longest match with %%, or from the left with # and ##, respectively.
To only move the files that match the pattern you can do this:
for file in *$suffix
echo mv "$file" "$trimmed".zip
Remove the echo when you are confident with the result.
