MonoTouch Dialog add a toolbar at the bottom of the dialog - xamarin.ios

I am trying to add a Toolbar that is anchored to the bottom of a MonoTouch Dialog.
Here is an example:
So as you scroll, the table's contents scroll but the toolbar at the bottom remains in view always. I know how to do this by using the interface builder, but no clue as to how to do this with Mt.D. Please please tell me it can be done!

To do this, it's probably easiest to use the DialogViewController and its View as a child of another UIViewController.
Just create your public class MyViewController : UIViewController class and then create and size your child views in the override ViewDidLoad method.


Adding Image button after Add button is clicked (Android Studio Java)

Is it possible in Android studio to produce an Image Button after I clicked a button like Add Button. If yes, how? I want to make an attendance app wherein if the user clicks Add Class an image button will appear
We have no idea of which layout of you are using as the parent. But, for the best results of my answer, linear layout is advised.
The thing you are trying to achieve is trying to create dynamic elements.
For this, you can create an instance of the ImageButton class and then add it to you layout. This can be dont as follows:
//inside onclick of the add button
ImageButton newView = new ImageButton(context);
You can add customisations to the view before adding it to the view.

I have added an OnPaint() function to my dialog class but its not getting called after dlg.DoModal()

Can anyone please help me understand how to override OnPaint() for a dialog class derived from CDialog.
Here is the code:
ColorImageDlg *pDlg = NULL;
pDlg = new ColorImageDlg;
delete pDlg;
I'm overriding OnInitDialog() and it's getting called.
But while overriding OnPaint() it is not getting called.
Can any one please help me fixing it?
First of all what is the point of creating the instance of the dialog on heap? You can simply do:
ColorImageDlg dlg;
You need to modify your message map like this:
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(ColorImageDlg, CDialog)
Use VS Class Wizard to avoid problems like that.
If you can't use the ClassWizard then there is another way. Here is a resource about it:
(VS2015 version)
(VS2008 version)
But basically, once you have defined the dialog resource and attached it to a new class, make sure the Class View tab is selected:
Next, make sure your dialog class is selected in the class view:
Then, click on the Messages icon of the Properties panel:
Scroll down the list of messages and locate WM_PAINT. Then click the dropdown arrow and select the option to add it:
As you can see, it has inserted all the needed code:
Hope this helps.

I want a different title to appear in the navigation bar for each imageview in my scroll view (xcode 4.2, iOS 5.0)

I have a scroll view, and when a user moves from one imageview to the next, I want the title in the navigation bar to change. So I want to set a new title for the navigation bar for each image in the scroll view. How would I go about doing this?
Thank you very much for your help.
Write a delegate for your scroll view. In the delegate, implement the scrollViewDidScroll: method to figure out which image is currently visible and change the title.
To eliminate your incompatible type warning, you can declare that ScrollViewController adopts the UIScrollViewDelegate protocol:
#interface ScrollViewController : UIViewController <UIScrollViewDelegate>

iPad: Correct approach to custom navigation items in UINavigationController

This relates to a question I asked a few days ago: iOS: Setting text in nib subview from view in UITabBar/UINavigationController application
I need to put the search bar and buttons on the top right of a navigation controller, this is more than the standard single button that UINavigationController.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem allows so I am using the initWithCustomView: method of UIBarButtonItem to load a view from a nib file.
In my particular case, i've put the view as a seperate item in the main view file for that form
The problem i've got is load and display sequence and I wanted to know if this was the right approach to this?
It seems that the following happens:
viewDidLoad on my main window gets called
viewDidAppear on my main window gets called and I set up rightBarButtonItem
I then want to populate a text field on that search bar but because the loading of the view for the button item happens in the main thread, I don't know when it's appeared.
Would I be better to create a new class with nib for the search bar and buttons which would then have a viewDidLoad/viewDidAppear and I could then create a delegate function so I could 'deQueue' the text to go into the search bar?
Or, am I missing something really simple?

UiViewcontroller with Button

I have 2 viewcontroller and in that one controller having a button, now i want when i pressed the button it will show the next viewcontroller without using navigation and modalviewcontrollers...
How can i do this plz help me....
If you want to present a controller's view without using navigation or modal view controller, you can simply add the controller's view as a subview of the window.
In the controller that will present the next controller you would do the following:
[self.view.window addSubview:controller.view];
EDIT: Try the following:
[((YourAppDelegate *)[UIApplication sharedApplication].delegate).window addSubview:controller.view]
This assumes that your app delegate has a window property.
EDIT 2: Here's another option.
[[UIApplication sharedApplication].keyWindow addSubview:controller.view];
