How to get more information on failed FS pushes - foursquare

For a foursquare app it says at on the developer page:
15 failed pushes today
Is there a way to get additional information on those pushes, other then the fact the failed? Even a list of dates/times would be helpful, the entire failed push data would be ideal. I've been scouring the documentation but so far have had no luck.

As Jason Hall says in his comment, there's no way to get more information from foursquare other than the most recent error. You're best bet is to inspect your server logs for more information as to why the call failed.


Translate default ClaimsExchange error message

In one of my self-asserted technical profiles, I use a validation technical profile which calls a REST service. That service returns a 200 or 409 if all goes well, but it can also return a 500.
If that happens, the following message is shown:
I'm looking for a way to translate that message.
It's not using DefaultUserMessageIfRequestFailed and I can't seem to find it in the default page level resources file either.
The docs also don't seem to specify anything concrete enough.
I'm assuming it's some kind of default message for when an orchestration step fails, or when any claims exchange fails, but I can't seem to find any details.
Any pointers?
Microsoft is fixing the behavior for error code handling from rest apis. the recent changes you see here are a result of that.
The bug fix for issue you are seeing will be rolled out in next 2-3 weeks. And then you should be able to use DefaultUserMessageIfRequestFailed or potentially some other metadata element to control this error message.

406 Error / Response with Eventbrite Search API

I am currently trying to pull data from the Eventbrite API platform in Jupyter Labs. Sporadically, I am receiving a 406 Not Acceptable Error when I make the request. However, invariably, if I make the same request again a few minutes later the request pulls the data fine.
I've checked the usual things: ie that I have not gone over my request limits.
Here is the request I am currently making:
url = ''
x = requests.get(url)
And the response:
<Response [406]>
Any thoughts on what the problem might be?
Yeah, I got an email from them a little over a week ago saying:
We're reaching out today to follow up regarding the events/search/ endpoint. Thank you for your patience while we worked to reach a conclusion to the issue.
Access to the Eventbrite Event Search API (GET /v3/events/search/) will be shut down at 11:59 pm PT on Thursday, December 12, 2019.
We strongly encourage you to find and remove any code that makes requests to this Event Search API from your applications in advance.
Why is this happening?
We’re removing the Event Search API to further improve the Eventbrite platform and allow us to support more Creators and their events. Allowing public access to this particular API was impacting our platform and the high level of service we strive to provide to our creators and their attendees. We are able to provide alternative access to retrieve your event data through our Event APIs (see below).
What is the replacement API?
To get Events via our API, please see: 
• Retrieve an Event by ID — GET /v3/events/:event_id/
• List Events by Venue — GET /v3/venues/:venue_id/events/ 
• List Events by Organization — GET /v3/organizations/:organization_id/events/
If you’re retrieving private events on behalf of another user, you can complete the app authorization flow. If you’re interested in retrieving public events on behalf of many Eventbrite creators, you can apply to our distribution partner program.
We apologize for the delay in communication regarding this decision, as well as for the inconvenience and frustration this change has caused
Eventbrite Developer Support
So it looks like that's finally confirmed as dead at least.
FYI... this is an an ongoing Eventbrite API issue that is causing problems for many. See:!topic/eventbrite-api/-E0MG7THMsc

LUIS API - Retrieve all endpoint utterances and its scores

I have been searching the past few days how to retrieve the endpoint utterances and its scores for a dashboard I am working with. Problem is I'm lost with the APIs, there seems to be many, but I cannot find the exact one that fits my need.
In this API documentation here, there is one that gets example utterances. What I would want to get is the actual endpoint utterances.
Anyone can point me where to find the API to use? Thanks in advance.
#Jeff, actually in that API docs that you linked, the answer was there, however perhaps not under the most obvious name.
You're looking for Download application query logs, which has this request URL
GET Download application query logs - Gets the query logs of the past month for the application.
The response is 200 as a CSV file containing the query logs for the past month.
Got this one working now, got it from this forums.
Just confused a bit, I do not find the use of the INTENT_ID here. I'm not sure if this was intended or was a fault on the api design.
But anyways, did the job, got all the user utterances and its confidence scores.
Hope this helps anyone.

Get latest post from client's Instagram account without authentication

All I want to do is show the most recent of our client's Instagram posts on the website we are building for them.
This was possible using only their ClientID until November 2015, but Instagram seem to have made it so that we have to get users to log in so we can get an access token to use in the API call.
This seems nonsense and I can't help feeling I'm missing something simple. I should be able to display client's content on their website without viewers of the site having to log into Instagram!
There are a number of solutions on Stack Overflow, but all the ones I've found pre-date Nov. 2015.
Use your own access_token.
Get it one time, save it and use it, it is not eternal though. I have the same problem.

apps script not found error

I had the snooze app script working on gmail for some time but it seems that after converting to google drive, the spreadsheet vanished (not in trash) and I get emails every night telling me that my script "Not Found" failed to finish successfully etc etc.
The Error message is that a server error occurred - not particularly informative and any attempt to view triggers results in the same error.
Is there any way to get rid of these messages apart from setting up some kind of filter which is counter intuitive as if I decide to run other scripts I may want to see the output.
Darren, can you please raise this on the Apps Script issue tracker: If possible, please also let us know in the issue tracker request what the email address is where you're receiving the failure notification email.
