Magento product prices Indexing fails - magento-1.5

I'm having the following error returned when trying to index the product prices...
2012-03-16T17:05:57+00:00 DEBUG (7): Exception message: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '= 'abs', ( - i.price), IF( = 'fixed', , ROUND(i.price * ( / 100), 4)))), 0) AS `' at line 1
Has anyone experienced something like this?

Actually a colleague had changed a file to make magento custom options work with absolute prices... Reverted and voilá...


What does SQLEXPR Installer return code -2068578304 mean?

I am working on an installer project where we are replacing an old WISE based installer with innosetup.
One of the install scripts that is being ported to the new installer kicks of SQLEXPR.exe which is SQL Server Express.
During testing some computers get %ERRORLEVEL% = -2068578304
A bit of googling and I have been unable to work out the exact meaning. This is not in the range of error codes produced by MSI based installers. Does anyone have any idea what the cause of error here is and how to correctly parse it? I am seeing other large negative error codes that can be split into multiple pieces. e.g. exit code and facility code? any ideas?
After finding the log file, I've found a bit more info. And when converting that number to hex I can now see the problem. The batch file that is used to kick off the SQL Server Express installation is treating the result as a 32bit number but it's really a 16bit one. So if I mask -2068578304 to 0xffffffff
I will get the result 0x84b40000. The script looks currently looks at the bottom 4 bits to determine error or success (this is zero) so the question now becomes what does the Facility Code mean? as it appears it largely installed but the default instance is missing.
I guess I'm really wanting to know what values Facility Code can be returned. Our installation script is just looking at ErrorCode but that is not enough in other words. Is there a list of descriptions somewhere for FacilityCode?
It turns out that this is a problem with SQL2012 and earlier that the actual ErrorCode is not propagated to the SQLEXPR return code. It should really return the inner result 0x851a0013. SQL2014 and newer does the right thing.
Exception summary:
The following is an exception stack listing the exceptions in outermost to inner
most order
Inner exceptions are being indented
Exception type: Microsoft.SqlServer.Chainer.Infrastructure.InputSettingValidatio
The specified sa password does not meet strong password requirements. Fo
r more information about strong password requirements, see "Database Engine Conf
iguration - Account Provisioning" in Setup Help or in SQL Server 2012 Books Onli
HResult : 0x84b40000
FacilityCode : 1204 (4b4)
ErrorCode : 0 (0000)
SQL.Setup.FailureCategory = InputSettingValidationFailure
DisableWatson = true
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Chainer.Infrastructure.InputSettingService.LogAll
ValidationErrorsAndThrowFirstOne(ValidationState vs)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Configuration.SetupExtension.ValidateFeatureSetti
ngsAction.ExecuteAction(String actionId)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Chainer.Infrastructure.Action.Execute(String acti
onId, TextWriter errorStream)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Setup.Chainer.Workflow.ActionInvocation.ExecuteAc
tionHelper(TextWriter statusStream, ISequencedAction actionToRun, ServiceContain
er context)
Inner exception type: Microsoft.SqlServer.Configuration.SqlEngine.Validation
The specified sa password does not meet strong password requirem
ents. For more information about strong password requirements, see "Database Eng
ine Configuration - Account Provisioning" in Setup Help or in SQL Server 2012 Bo
oks Online.
HResult : 0x851a0013
FacilityCode : 1306 (51a)
ErrorCode : 19 (0013)

Elasticsearch throwing resource_already_exists_exception

I'm mapping index rides_order_266 .
elastic throwing exception resource_already_exists_exception. after reading the exception message. It looks like index rides_order_266 already exists but if this is the case then elastic search throw exception index_already_exists_exception. I am getting confused that I am right or wrong. can some explain the exception message?
Elasticsearch version: 6.4.2
[resource_already_exists_exception] index [rides_order_266/aGTcXrUrTAOV12qxEHl9tQ] already exists, with { index_uuid=\"aGTcXrUrTAOV12qxEHl9tQ\" & index=\"rides_order_266\" }","path":"/rides_order_266","query":{},"body":"{\"settings\":{\"index\":{\"mapping.total_fields.limit\":70000,\"number_of_shards\":1,\"number_of_replicas\":0,\"refresh_interval\":\"1s\"}}
resource_already_exists_exception is the new name of this error. It used to be index_already_exists_exception and has been renamed in version 6.0 as you can see in PR #21494.
That change was made to prevent having one different exception for each different resource type (index, alias, etc).
So, what you get is perfectly OK, given the rides_order_266 index already exists.

Limit to using mariasql throwing error

I am using mariasql module in nodejs to connect with mariadb.
My query is:
select * from products where id=1 order by timestamp DESC LIMIT 0,10
This query works fine when I pass fixed values to limit.
Now I tried taking values from parameters.
select * from products where id=:pid order by timestamp DESC LIMIT :start,:end
This query is throwing following error.
{ Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near ''0','10'' at line 1 code: 1064 }
where as it accepts value from parameter for where clause.
It seems there is issue in mariasql node module. The issue is already reported in 2016 but there is no resolution yet.
Rather I found an alternative module which is for mysql but works fine with mariasql.

IS NULL clause not supported by Sharepoint 2013

I'm trying to execute this request: SELECT * FROM cmis:document WHERE descriptionHPN2 IS NULL but I have this error:
CMIS Exception: invalidArgument One or more of the input parameters to
the service method is missing or invalid.
After investigation, it is caused by the WHERE clause, I could type SELECT * FROM cmis:document WHERE 1 = 1, but it won't work either (same error).

Error while using topcount

I'm using the following MDX query:
SELECT [Measures].[Unita (libri)] ON COLUMNS,
TopCount([Anno].[Anno].Members, 10.0, [Measures].[Unita (libri)]) ON ROWS
FROM [Pubblicazioni]
But i always get back an error:
Error Occurred While getting Resultset
MDX Query Editor
An error occurred while rendering Pivot.jsp. Please see the log for details.
I can't access the log (for some reason the server is not writing logs) but i think it's not normal to get this error with this simple query. Any ideas about?
