How game servers with Boost:Asio work asynchronously? - multithreading

I am trying to create a game server, and currently, I am making it with threads. Every object( a player , monster ), has its own thread with while(1) cycle , in witch particular functions are performed.
And the server basically works like this:
//some initialization
//reads clients packet
//directs packet info to a particular object
//object performs some functions
//then server returns result packet back to client
I have heard that is not efficient to make the server using threads like that,
and I should consider to use Boost::Asio, and make the functions work asynchronously.
But I don't know how then the server would work. I would be grateful if someone would explain how basically such servers work.

Every object( a player , monster ), has its own thread.
I have heard that is not efficient to make the server using threads
like that
You are correct, this is not a scalable design. Consider a large game where you may have 10,000 objects or even a million. Such a design quickly falls apart when you require a thread per object. This is known as the C10K problem.
I should consider to use Boost::Asio, and make the functions work
asynchronously. But I don't know how then the server would work.
I would be grateful if someone would explain how basically such
servers work.
You should start by following the Boost::Asio tutorials, and pay specific attention to the Asynchronous TCP daytime server. The concept of asynchronous programming compared to synchronous programming is not difficult after you understand that the flow of your program is inverted. From a high level, your game server will have an event loop that is driven by a boost::asio::io_service. Overly simplified, it will look like this
boost::asio::io_service io_service;
// add some work to the io_service; // start event loop
// should never get here
The callback handlers that are invoked from the event loop will chain operations together. That is, once your callback for reading data from a client is invoked, the handler will initiate another asynchronous operation.
The beauty of this design is that it decouples threading from concurrency. Consider a long running operation in your game server, such as reading data from a client. Using asynchronous methods, your game server does not need to wait for the operation to complete. It will be notified when the operation has completed on behalf of the kernel.


How multiple simultaneous requests are handled in Node.js when response is async?

I can imagine situation where 100 requests come to single Node.js server. Each of them require some DB interactions, which is implemented some natively async code - using task queue or at least microtask queue (e.g. DB driver interface is promisified).
How does Node.js return response when request handler stopped being sync? What happens to connection from api/web client where these 100 requests from description originated?
This feature is available at the OS level and is called (funnily enough) asynchronous I/O or non-blocking I/O (Windows also calls/called it overlapped I/O).
At the lowest level, in C (C#/Swift), the operating system provides an API to keep track of requests and responses. There are various APIs available depending on the OS you're on and Node.js uses libuv to automatically select the best available API at compile time but for the sake of understanding how asynchronous API works let's look at the API that is available to all platforms: the select() system call.
The select() function looks something like this:
int select(int nfds, fd_set *readfds, fd_set *writefds, fd_set *exceptfds, time *timeout);
The fd_set data structure is a set/list of file descriptors that you are interested in watching for I/O activity. And remember, in POSIX sockets are also file descriptors. The way you use this API is as follows:
// Pseudocode:
// Say you just sent a request to a mysql database and also sent a http
// request to google maps. You are waiting for data to come from both.
// Instead of calling `read()` which would block the thread you add
// the sockets to the read set:
add mysql_socket to readfds
add maps_socket to readfds
// Now you have nothing else to do so you are free to wait for network
// I/O. Great, call select:
select(2, &readfds, NULL, NULL, NULL);
// Select is a blocking call. Yes, non-blocking I/O involves calling a
// blocking function. Yes it sounds ironic but the main difference is
// that we are not blocking waiting for each individual I/O activity,
// we are waiting for ALL of them
// At some point select returns. This is where we check which request
// matches the response:
check readfds if mysql_socket is set {
then call mysql_handler_callback()
check readfds if maps_socket is set {
then call maps_handler_callback()
go to beginning of loop
So basically the answer to your question is we check a data structure what socket/file just triggered an I/O activity and execute the appropriate code.
You no doubt can easily spot how to generalize this code pattern: instead of manually setting and checking the file descriptors you can keep all pending async requests and callbacks in a list or array and loop through it before and after the select(). This is in fact what Node.js (and javascript in general) does. And it is this list of callbacks/file-descriptors that is sometimes called the event queue - it is not a queue per-se, just a collection of things you are waiting to execute.
The select() function also has a timeout parameter at the end which can be used to implement setTimeout() and setInterval() and in browsers process GUI events so that we can run code while waiting for I/O. Because remember, select is blocking - we can only run other code if select returns. With careful management of timers we can calculate the appropriate value to pass as the timeout to select.
The fd_set data structure is not actually a linked list. In older implementations it is a bitfield. More modern implementation can improve on the bitfield as long as it complies with the API. But this partly explains why there is so many competing async API like poll, epoll, kqueue etc. They were created to overcome the limitations of select. Different APIs keep track of the file descriptors differently, some use linked lists, some hash tables, some catering for scalability (being able to listen to tens of thousands of sockets) and some catering for speed and most try to do both better than the others. Whatever they use, in the end what is used to store the request is just a data structure that keeps tracks of file descriptors.

Correct way to run synchronous code in node.js without blocking

I have a websocket server in node.js which allows users to solve a given puzzle.
I also have a code that generates random puzzle for about 20 seconds. In the meantime I still want to handle new connections/disconnects, but this synchronous code blocks the event loop.
Here's the simplified code:
io.on('connection', socket => {
setInterval(function() {
if (game.paused)
}, 1000);
loadRound runs about 20 seconds, that blocks all connections and setInterval itself
What would be the correct way to run this code without blocking event loop?
You have three basic choices:
Redesign loadRound() so that it doesn't block the event loop. Since you've shared none of the code for it, we can't advise on the feasibility of that, but if it's doing any I/O, then it does not need to block the event loop. Even if it's all just CPU work, it could be designed to do its job in small chunks to allow the event loop some cycles, but often that's more work to redesign it that way than options 2 and 3 below.
Move loadRound() to a worker thread (new in node.js) and communicate the result back via messaging.
Move loadRound() to a separate node.js process using the child_process module and communicate the result back via any number of means (stdio, messaging, etc...).

Should i implement lock statement for each function in server client base to avoid multiple requesting?

consider a multiplayer game that every client can request for some action in that client can send a request continuously.
should i have to implement lock statement on each method that client can call to avoid multiple accessing thread(client)?
something like this one?
is there any better solution?
my game server is photon engine.
if i place this code in a loop with 200 iterate without lock statement,it will show me some ("its not 11") result from multiple threads.
public static number n1 = new number();
public static void PlusAndMinusInt()
lock (n1)
if (n1.x != 11)
Console.WriteLine($"its not 11");
well i think i got that.
There is no 'at the same time'
When they are called from the same unity client they will have an order and will be executed in that order, if they happen from different clients they will be processed in parallel potentially as they are on different fibers etc
I don't use Photon, but I think the multithreading synchronizing problem I encountered may be similar.
I once used a Socket library, where each socket can set event triggers upon receiving messages, and it uses multithreads to handle the them;
The solution working for me is to use the ConcurrentQueue ; we do not really handle the message immediately.
Rather, the messages are pushed in this queue, and are later de-queued/handled in the Main Thread.
This saved me the hassle of using lock everywhere; hope that is what you want.

FreeRTOS suspend task from another function

So I have a half duplex bus driver, where I send something and then always have to wait a lot of time to get a response. During this wait time I want the processor to do something valuable, so I'm thinking about using FreeRTOS and vTaskDelay() or something.
One way to do it would off be splitting the driver up in some send/receive part. After sending, it returns to the caller. The caller then suspends, and does the reception part after a certain period of time.
But, the level of abstraction would be finer if it continues to be one task from the user point of view, as today. Therefore I was thinking, is it possible for a function within a task to suspend the task itself? Like
void someTask()
someFunction(&someTask(), arg 1, arg 2,...);
void someFunction(*someSortOfReferenceToWhateverTaskWhoCalled, arg1, arg2 ...)
/*Use the pointer or whatever to suspend the task that called this function*/
Have a look at the FreeRTOS API reference for vTaskSuspend,
However I am not sure you are going about controlling the flow of the program in the correct way. Tasks can be suspended on queues, events, delays etc.
For example in serial comms, you might have a task that feeds data into a queue (but suspends if it is full) and an interrupt that takes data out of the queue and transmits the data, or an interrupt putting data in a queue, or sending an event to a task to say there is data ready for it to process, the task can then wake up and process the data or take it out of the queue.
One thing I think is important though (in my opinion) is to only have one suspend point in any task. This is not a strict rule, but will make your life a lot easier in most situations.
There a numerous other task control mechanisms that are common to most RTOS's.
Have a good look around the FreeRTOS website and play with a few demo's. There is also plenty of generic RTOS tutorials on the web. It it worth learning how use the basic features of most RTOS's. It is actually not that complicated.

What happens when a single request takes a long time with these non-blocking I/O servers?

With Node.js, or eventlet or any other non-blocking server, what happens when a given request takes long, does it then block all other requests?
Example, a request comes in, and takes 200ms to compute, this will block other requests since e.g. nodejs uses a single thread.
Meaning your 15K per second will go down substantially because of the actual time it takes to compute the response for a given request.
But this just seems wrong to me, so I'm asking what really happens as I can't imagine that is how things work.
Whether or not it "blocks" is dependent on your definition of "block". Typically block means that your CPU is essentially idle, but the current thread isn't able to do anything with it because it is waiting for I/O or the like. That sort of thing doesn't tend to happen in node.js unless you use the non-recommended synchronous I/O functions. Instead, functions return quickly, and when the I/O task they started complete, your callback gets called and you take it from there. In the interim, other requests can be processed.
If you are doing something computation-heavy in node, nothing else is going to be able to use the CPU until it is done, but for a very different reason: the CPU is actually busy. Typically this is not what people mean when they say "blocking", instead, it's just a long computation.
200ms is a long time for something to take if it doesn't involve I/O and is purely doing computation. That's probably not the sort of thing you should be doing in node, to be honest. A solution more in the spirit of node would be to have that sort of number crunching happen in another (non-javascript) program that is called by node, and that calls your callback when complete. Assuming you have a multi-core machine (or the other program is running on a different machine), node can continue to respond to requests while the other program crunches away.
There are cases where a cluster (as others have mentioned) might help, but I doubt yours is really one of those. Clusters really are made for when you have lots and lots of little requests that together are more than a single core of the CPU can handle, not for the case where you have single requests that take hundreds of milliseconds each.
Everything in node.js runs in parallel internally. However, your own code runs strictly serially. If you sleep for a second in node.js, the server sleeps for a second. It's not suitable for requests that require a lot of computation. I/O is parallel, and your code does I/O through callbacks (so your code is not running while waiting for the I/O).
On most modern platforms, node.js does us threads for I/O. It uses libev, which uses threads where that works best on the platform.
You are exactly correct. Nodejs developers must be aware of that or their applications will be completely non-performant, if long running code is not asynchronous.
Everything that is going to take a 'long time' needs to be done asynchronously.
This is basically true, at least if you don't use the new cluster feature that balances incoming connections between multiple, automatically spawned workers. However, if you do use it, most other requests will still complete quickly.
Edit: Workers are processes.
You can think of the event loop as 10 people waiting in line to pay their bills. If somebody is taking too much time to pay his bill (thus blocking the event loop), the other people will just have to hang around waiting for their turn to come.. and waiting...
In other words:
Since the event loop is running on a single thread, it is very
important that we do not block it’s execution by doing heavy
computations in callback functions or synchronous I/O. Going over a
large collection of values/objects or performing time-consuming
computations in a callback function prevents the event loop from
further processing other events in the queue.
Here is some code to actually see the blocking / non-blocking in action:
With this example (long CPU-computing task, non I/O):
var net = require('net');
handler = function(req, res) {
for (i = 0; i < 10000000000; i++) { a = i + 5; }
if you do 2 requests in the browser, only a single hello will be displayed in the server console, meaning that the second request cannot be processed because the first one blocks the Node.js thread.
If we do an I/O task instead (write 2 GB of data on disk, it took a few seconds during my test, even on a SSD):
http = require('http');
fs = require('fs');
buffer = Buffer.alloc(2*1000*1000*1000);
first = true;
done = false;
write = function() {
fs.writeFile('big.bin', buffer, function() { done = true; });
handler = function(req, res) {
if (first) {
first = false;
res.end('Starting write..')
if (done) {
res.end("write done.");
} else {
res.end('writing ongoing.');
here we can see that the a-few-second-long-IO-writing-task write is non-blocking: if you do other requests in the meantime, you will see writing ongoing.! This confirms the well-known non-blocking-for-IO features of Node.js.
