Why chmod command is not going to work here? - linux

i am accessing another ununtu linux system by ssh
now when i am going to change the permission of any file in that system then it shows
chmod: changing permissions of `Android.mk': Read-only file system
chmod: changing permissions of `system_init.cpp': Read-only file system
i have tried with sudo and login as root but still not getting why i am not able to change the permission of that files.?

Well the error message states the reason pretty clearly. Have you checked how the filesystem in question is mounted? Is the ro mount option set by any chance? If you have root access you can remount the filesystem without the read-only option, if that is a sensible thing to do in this case. It must have a reason why the fileystem was mounted read-only in the first place.


Unable to create / edit files as non-root through Samba mount

I'm trying to setup a code-server (vscode in browser) instance and read/write from a mounted samba share. Unfortunately when I try to add a file it gives me an error that I do not have permissions to read/write to that folder. When I try to add files with the same credentials on Windows it does work though. This is the error that VSCode gives me:
Unable to write file
(NoPermissions (FileSystemError): Error: EACCES: permission denied,
open '/home/gmetitieri/user/test')
If I sudo touch file.txt then the file will be created and added. I already used chmod and added full access to the folder but it still won't work. Is this a credentials thing or am I missing something?
I already tried this answer but it still doesn't let me write as non-root
Edit: This is the command I used to mount the drive (just with different folder names and IP address):
sudo mount -t cifs -o rw,vers=3.0,credentials=/root/.examplecredentials // /media/share
Considering "non-root through Samba", especially in new releases of OpenSuse (...15.3 -- 15.4), I do few movements into normal configuration panels (no sudo commands or anything technical).
Using Yast Firewall section -- For now (immediate solution):
I turn off the firewall, then see what you can turn on (after this) to keep the samba working with Microsoft Windows.
More details on how to do this with images on my website.
This happens when the directory on the Samba share does not have permission for non-root users.
In your smb4.conf file:
comment = Test share
path = /path/to/directory
force user = unixuser
valid users = sambauser
In this example, unixuser should be the owner of the files in /path/to/directory. The user logged into Samba in this example is a user called sambauser.

NFS mount using CHEF on LINUX | permissions of directory not getting changed

I am trying to do an NFS mount using CHEF. I have mounted it successfully. Please find the below code.
# Execute mount
node['chef_book']['mount_path'].each do |path_name|
mount "/#{path_name['local']}" do
device ""
fstype 'nfs'
options 'rw'
retries 3
retry_delay 30
action %i[mount enable]
i am able to successfully mount and make an entry in fstab file. But, after mounting the user:group for the mount linked is changing to root:root , which i was not expecting.
i want to use myuser:mygroup as owner:group. I tried changing the same using chown command but am getting permission denied issue
request some guidance
As mentioned in the comment, this is not something Chef controls per se. After the mount, the folder will be owned by whatever the NFS server says. You can try to chmod the folder after mounting but that's up to your NFS configuration and whatnot as to if it will be allowed.

Permissions issue on cifs mount between Ubuntu and Mavericks

On my Linux box running Ubuntu 12.04LTS I am able to mount a share using cifs.
The shared folder in question is located at a Mac Pro running Mavericks.
Here is the fstab on the Ubuntu/Linux box.
// /home/sro/Mount cifs username=sro,password=psw,nounix,sec=ntlmssp,rw
/Mount on the Linux box has these permissions:
drwxr-xr-x 21 root root 0 Jan 16 13:29 Mount
I can read /Mount/Data but not write (I get a permission error).
I think this is because /Mount is created by root and I am trying this a user.
But I am unable to change /Mount permissions or ownership even using sudo.
On the Mac/Mavericks side, /Data has read/write permissions.
Any ideas how to solve this?
The issue here was a missing UID/GID pair. Apparently when those are absent the default owner of the share will be root.
So my fstab line should look like this:
// /home/sro/Mount cifs username=sro,password=psw,nounix,sec=ntlmssp,rw,uid=1001,gid=1001
Two things:
your UID/GID may not be 1001 so better check with the id command first
you may want to use permission masks as detailed here.
add to your fstab line uid=your_user_name your line will be:
// /home/sro/Mount cifs username=sro,password=psw,nounix,sec=ntlmssp,rw,uid=your_user_name
That way you are asking linux to set that user as owner of filesystem being mounted.

php5-fpm can't open file for reading

I'm trying to get my php cgi processes to read from a file on my filesystem. Both the file and parent folder have all rwx permissions allowed and the file has the same owner and group id as the php processes, www-data.
No matter how I try to open the file (read(), file_get_contents(), stream_get_contents()) I always get the same error:
failed to open stream: Permission denied
I have no problem opening the file in the php interactive session, using cat on the command line, or with python.
What is going on?
I've seen this problem before on Linux systems with SELinux enabled. The httpd process is typically given its own security context that only allows certain files to be accessed.
You can check to see if SELinux is enabled by running ls --scontext on the file and on the php script. If the two files have the same context or if ls complains about the argument then SELinux is probably not the cause of the problem.
Assuming SELinux is the cause of problem then you could try setting the file in question to have the same security context as your php script with the chcon command. For example:
chcon --reference=/var/www/html/page.php /data/filetoread
where /var/www/html/page.php is your php script and /data/filetoread is the file that you want to access.
It turns out this file was under a FUSE filesystem which had not been mounted with the allow_other option.

How do I give apache permission to use a directory on an NTFS partition?

I am running Linux (Lubutu 12.10) on an older machine with a 20GB hard drive. I have a 1 TB external hard drive with an NTFS partition on it. On that partition, there is www directory that holds my web content. It is auto-mounted at startup as /media/t515/NTFS.
I would like to change the apache document directory from /var/www to /media/t515/NTFS/www.
I need to keep the partition as an NTFS partition, because I use the same hard drive on a different machine running WAMP.
I changed the file "default" in /etc/apache2/sites-available to the new location, and restarted the server. When I tried to go to local host, I got the error:
403 Forbidden
You don't have permission to access / on this server.
I then changed the automount options in fstab to include the option "umask=0000", and then to "umask=2200", both to no avail. I still get the same error message.
I can access the NTFS partition with no problem from other applications, and when logged in as any user. But Apache seems to be unable (or unwilling) to access the partition. How do I give apache permission to use a directory on an NTFS partition?
After many many attempts here is what succeeded for me and nothing else that is : changing the configuration of Apache so that it uses www-data (Apache user) no more but my own user instead.
Very simple to do. In my version of Apache the two lines to be changed are in the /etc/apache2/envvars file (it can be another file in another version) :
export APACHE_RUN_USER=www-data
export APACHE_RUN_GROUP=www-data
I replaced www-data by my user name (here toto :)) :
export APACHE_RUN_USER=toto
export APACHE_RUN_GROUP=toto
In my experience I've always had to remount the drive with RW permissions. found this:
sudo mount -t ntfs -o rw,auto,user,fmask=0022,dmask=0000 /dev/whatever /mnt/whatever
For NTFS partitions, use the permissions option in fstab.
First unmount the ntfs partition.
Then edit /etc/fstab
Graphical gksu gedit /etc/fstab
Command line sudo -e /etc/fstab
Identify your partition UUID with blkid
sudo blkid
And add or edit a line for the ntfs partition
# change the "UUID" to your partition UUID
UUID=12102C02102CEB83 /media/windows ntfs-3g auto,users,permissions 0 0
Make a mount point (if needed)
sudo mkdir /media/windows
Now mount the partition
mount /media/windows
The options I gave you, auto, will automatically mount the partition
when you boot and users allows users to mount and umount .
You can then use chown and chmod on the ntfs partition.
Both found here: https://askubuntu.com/questions/11840/how-to-chmod-on-an-ntfs-or-fat32-partition
None of the answers above solve the issue, in fact, the problem is related to Apache itself, not filesystem or permissions.
The only thing you need to do is :
<Directory "/www/mywebdirectoryinapartitioneddisk">
Require all granted
this will solve the issue
here the post in my blog explaining everything in detail. It could work on NTFS
It's actually quite simple:
1) Create a local user on the Windows host
2) Grant appropriate NTFS permissions to that user
3) Verify access (Windows only)
... THEN ...
4) Configure your NTFS mount on Linux to use the same Windows user and group (Linux user/group is irrelevant here)
5) Configure Apache to use that Linux group (Linux user/group is essential here)
