How to enable linux support double backslashes "\\" as the path delimiter - linux

Assume we have a file /root/file.ini.
In Ubuntu's shell, we can show the content with this command,
less /root\\file.ini
However, in debian's shell, the command below will report that the file does not exist.
Does anybody happen to know how to make linux support "\\" as a path delimiter? I need to solve it because we have a software, which tries to access a file using "\\". It works fine in ubuntu, but not in debian.

Linux cannot support \ as a path delimiter (though perhaps it might be able to with substantial changes to the kernel). This is because \ is a valid file name character. In fact the only characters not allowed as part of a file name are / and \0 (the null character).
If this seems to be working under ubuntu, then I would check for the existence of a file called root\file.ini in /
I believe you will probably find it easier to make your program platform independent.
I found this forum post which states / is a platform independent path delimiter in ANSI C any that file operations will automatically convert / to actual path delimiter used on the host OS.

have you tried "\\\\" (4 backslashes) first and third one for escaping and second and the last one to rule them all?


Rust reserved names for modules [duplicate]

I'm not asking about general syntactic rules for file names. I mean gotchas that jump out of nowhere and bite you. For example, trying to name a file "COM<n>" on Windows?
The following characters are invalid as file or folder names on Windows using NTFS: / ? < > \ : * | " and any character you can type with the Ctrl key.
In addition to the above illegal characters the caret ^ is also not permitted under Windows Operating Systems using the FAT file system.
Under Windows using the FAT file system file and folder names may be up to 255 characters long.
Under Windows using the NTFS file system file and folder names may be up to 256 characters long.
Under Window the length of a full path under both systems is 260 characters.
In addition to these characters, the following conventions are also illegal:
Placing a space at the end of the name
Placing a period at the end of the name
The following file names are also reserved under Windows:
Full description of legal and illegal filenames on Windows:
A tricky Unix gotcha when you don't know:
Files which start with - or -- are legal but a pain in the butt to work with, as many command line tools think you are providing options to them.
Many of those tools have a special marker "--" to signal the end of the options:
gzip -9vf -- -mydashedfilename
As others have said, device names like COM1 are not possible as filenames under Windows because they are reserved devices.
However, there is an escape method to create and access files with these reserved names, for example, this command will redirect the output of the ver command into a file called COM1:
ver > "\\?\C:\Users\username\COM1"
Now you will have a file called COM1 that 99% of programs won't be able to open, and will probably freeze if you try to access.
Here's the Microsoft article that explains how this "file namespace" works. Basically it tells Windows not to do any string processing on the text and to pass it straight through to the filesystem. This trick can also be used to work with paths longer than 260 characters.
The boost::filesystem Portability Guide has a lot of good info.
Well, for MSDOS/Windows, NUL, PRN, LPT<n> and CON. They even cause problems if used with an extension: "NUL.TXT"
Unless you're touching special directories, the only illegal names on Linux are '.' and '..'. Any other name is possible, although accessing some of them from the shell requires using escape sequences.
EDIT: As Vinko Vrsalovic said, files starting with '-' and '--' are a pain from the shell, since those character sequences are interpreted by the application, not the shell.

Is there an alternative for the slash in a path?

I have an application which correctly escapes slashes ("/) in file names to avoid path traversal attacks.
The secret file has this path:
I want to access this file by uploading a file with a special crafted file name (something like \/tmp\/secret.txt)
Is there any alternative syntax without the slashes which I can use so that Linux will read this file?
(I'm aware of URL encoding but as the escaping is done in the backend this has no use for me.)
No. The / is not allowed in a filename, no matter if it's escaped as \/ or not.
It is one out of only two characters that are not allowed in filenames, the other being \0.
This means that you obviously could use _tmp_secret.txt or -tmp-secret.txt, or replace the / in the path with any other character that you wish, to create a filename with a path "encoded into it". But in doing so, you can not encode pathnames that includes the chosen delimiter character in one or several of its path components and expect to decode it into the original pathname.
This is, by the way, how OpenBSD's ports system encodes filenames for patches to software. In (for example) /usr/ports/shells/fish/patches we find files with names like
which comes from the pathname of a particular file in the fish shell source distribution (probably share/tools/ These pathnames are however never parsed, and the encoding is only there to create unique and somewhat intelligible filenames for the patches themselves. The real paths are included in the patch files.

How to escape colon (:) in $PATH on UNIX?

I need to parse the $PATH environment variable in my application.
So I was wondering what escape characters would be valid in $PATH.
I created a test directory called /bin:d and created a test script called funny inside it. It runs if I call it with an absolute path.
I just can't figure out how to escape : in $PATH I tried escaping the colon with \ and wrapping it into single ' and double " quotes. But always when I run which funny it can't find it.
I'm running CentOS 6.
This is impossible according to the POSIX standard. This is not a function of a specific shell, PATH handling is done within the execvp function in the C library. There is no provision for any kind of quoting.
This is the reason why including certain characters (anything not in the "portable filename character set" - colon is specifically called out as an example.) is strongly recommended against.
From SUSv7:
Since <colon> is a separator in this context, directory names that might be used in PATH should not include a <colon> character.
See also source of GLIBC execvp. We can see it uses the strchrnul and memcpy functions for processing the PATH components, with absolutely no provision for skipping over or unescaping any kind of escape character.
Looking at the function
it seems to me that this is impossible. The : is unconditionally and
inescapably used as the path separator.
Well, this is valid at least for bash. Other shells may vary.
You could try mounting it
mount /bin:d /bind
According to single quotes should preserve all special characters, so without trying it, I would think that '/bin:d' would work (with)in $PATH.

Does GCC support command files

MSVC compilers support command files which are used to pass command line options. This is primarily due to the restriction on the size of the command line parameters that can be passed to the CreateProcess call.
This is less of an issue on Linux systems but when executing cygwin ports of Unix applications, such as gcc, the same limits apply.
Therefore, does anyone know if gcc/g++ also support some type of command file?
Read command-line options from file. The options read are inserted
in place of the original #file option. If file does not exist, or
cannot be read, then the option will be treated literally, and not
Options in file are separated by whitespace. A whitespace
character may be included in an option by surrounding the entire
option in either single or double quotes. Any character (including
a backslash) may be included by prefixing the character to be
included with a backslash. The file may itself contain additional
#file options; any such options will be processed recursively.
You can also jury-rig this type of thing with xargs, if your platform has it.

Why matlab does not understand * in the names of files?

I tried to use:
and it did not work. It started to work after I started to use:
Does anybody know why?
Matlab does understand wildcards *, but in the way you unluckiliy tried to adhere to Windows cmd path conventions, you entered the string \*, which is a literal asterisk (due to the escaping backslash).
A workaround, or the preferred way to specify paths on all platforms, is using a forward slash / as a directory seperator.
This also explains why adding the m after the backslash "fixed" the issue; the asterisk was no longer a literal asterisk, but allowed to be interpreted as a wildcard character.
EDIT: Documentation explicitely says the wildcard character is allowed and works as expected (see my explanation above).
Try to provide the full path, like dir('c:\dirname*.m'),
and make sure the folder 'dirname' exists.
What is your OS ? Here on Windows, the first line works well. However, the "*" is maybe considered by Matlab as a literal "*". What happens with dir('dirname/*') ?
