In-cell editing using Primefaces 3.1 datatable - jsf

I am trying to use in-cell editing feature of datatable using Primefaces 3.1. The example shown on their site does not show how could I use "delete" functionality. When I click on "edit" image to make changes in the table row, it works. However, nothing happens when I click on the "delete" image.
I took the code from a working demo availble at PrimeFaces showcase. But, this demo also does not work for "delete".

However, nothing happens when I click on the "delete" image.
It is not clear what is "when I click on the delete image". In the Primefaces showcase there is no delete image (maybe you mix it with the cross icon, but this is for discarding changes).
I think you need to add delete functionality yourself, e.g. in a separate column (example as addition to the Primefaces showcase code):
<h:commandButton value="Delete" action="#{tableBean.delete(car)}"/>
and in the backing bean:
public void delete(Car car) {


Clear PrimeFaces TreeTable selection

How to implement a "Clear All Selection" button which will uncheck all selected things from a TreeTable implemented using PrimeFaces 6.2
I would use the client side API for this. It allows you to unselectAllNodes. You can use it in combination with the widgetVar of your tree table:
In a button, use it like:
<p:button value="Clear selection"
onclick="PF('yourWidgetVar').unselectAllNodes();return false"/>
Note that the linked documentation applies to the latest release, but the unselectAllNodes function is also present in 6.2:

Can I have both both radio selection and row selection in a p:dataTable

I have a p:dataTable which needs to have both radio selection and row selection.
In we have checkbox and row selection but with multiple selection and only row selection and only radiobutton selection.
Below is my code
<p:dataTable value="#{streetListBean.streetList}" var="street"
<p:column selectionMode="single" style="text-align:center" width="5%"/>
<p:column headerText="#{msgs['label.streetName']}">
<p:outputLabel value="#{street.streetName}"/>
<p:column headerText="#{msgs['label.postalCode']}">
<p:outputLabel value="#{street.postalCode}"/>
<p:column headerText="#{msgs['label.location']}">
<p:outputLabel value="#{street.locName}"/>
in above datatable we have only radio selection, I need row selection too. please help
One thing to ALWAYS remember, is that client-side everything is html/javascript/css (with the help of jQuery in this case).
PrimeFaces 7.0 (and up) has a onRowClick attribute but I'm not sure if this is suitable for this case. A solution that always works (older and newer versions) is composed of several really simple steps (just remember the first statement in this answer)
Start with jQuery for getting Click event on a Table row. For this we need to check where the actual clicks need to be on. Using the id of the datatable for the first part is not a bad choice. But what is the id? Well, for this there also is a Q/A in Stackoverflow. How can I know the id of a JSF component so I can use in Javascript
For the PrimeFaces showcase this actually is #form\\:radioDT" But within that whole html structure, we only need to click on certain rows (e.g. not in headers or the likes). This therefor becomes something like
$("#form\\:radioDT").on("click", "tbody.ui-datatable-data tr", function() {
If you try this in the PrimeFaces showcase, you'll see clicks on the row being logged (including clicks that originate on the radiobutton)
The next step would be to Simulate a click on 'a' element using javascript/jquery
But click where? Well, that can be easily found with the browser developer tools as well. Related to the tr that was clicked (this) it is:
$(this).find(".ui-selection-column .ui-radiobutton-icon").click(); //javascript version (selectors can be different, many work). Alternative is using jquery .trigger('click')
Combining this results in
$("#form\\:radioDT").on("click", "tbody.ui-datatable-data tr", function() {
$(this).find(".ui-selection-column .ui-radiobutton-icon").click();
Which unfortunately results in a 'too much recursion' error. This is caused by the fact that a click on the radio button bubbles up to the row which triggers a click on the radiobutton which... you get the point.
So the first thought is to prevent clicks bubbling up. Unfortunately, it is not bubling up from our function but from the click on the radiobutto so we need to adapt our source. Again existing Q/A in stackoverflow help: jQuery trigger click gives "too much recursion"
What you do is check if the click on the row originated as a click on anything but the radiobutton. Only then simulate the click. For this we need the event and from the event the target and with the same selector as for the click we do a check:
$("#form\\:radioDT").on("click", "tbody.ui-datatable-data tr", function(event) {
if ( !$('.ui-selection-column .ui-radiobutton-icon')) {
console.log("Simulate click on radiobutton: ",;
$(this).find(".ui-selection-column .ui-radiobutton-icon").click();
} else {
console.log("Skip: ",;
Keep in mind that $("#form\\:radioDT") is based on the full client id of the datatable component in the PrimeFaces showcase. Replace it with yours.
How and where to add this to your page and how to re-add it in the case of ajax updates is also covered in Q/A in Stackoverflow.

Change tab on button click without update tabView

I want to change a tab by clicking in commandButton. I'm controlling activeIndex on my bean and doing an update on tabView component. Everything works fine.
My problem is that I want to change the activeIndex without need doing an update on tabView, because update of that component is a bit slow.
Is it possible to change a tab by clicking on button, and do that without update?
Here is my actual code.
TabView component
<p:tabView id="tvFoo" dynamic="true" activeIndex="#{fooBean.activeIndex}">
<p:tab title="Title" id="someTab">
<ui:include src="someTabName.xhtml" />
<p:tab title="Title2" id="anotherTab">
<ui:include src="anotherTabName.xhtml" />
inside someTabName.xhtml
<p:commandButton value="go to anotherTab" actionListener="#{fooBean.tabChange('anotherTabName')}" />
fooBean, that controls tabs change
public void tabChange(String tabId) {
switch (tabId) {
case "anotherTabName":
activeIndex = 2;
RequestContext.getCurrentInstance().update("tvFoo"); //here is the line that I don't want to call
Can I remove that line, RequestContext.getCurrentInstance().update("tvFoo");? Of course, if simply remove, the tab is not changed.
To resume, basically I want change the opened tab. I think that I can achieve this calling the changeTab event manually, but I don't know how do that.
Why don't you do an update on the tabview component by your command button?
I think you have to do an update somewhere, otherwise, how should the tabview notice the change? Moreover, as far as I know, the update function isn't slow at all.
To get the current index of the tabview you could play with the Faces Context:
TabView tabView = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getViewRoot().findComponent(aComponentId);
On tabView you can get and set the active tab individually.
I hope this helps, good luck!
Have you tried using the wizard component? I believe the behaviour you're looking for is similar to this primefaces wizard.

Layout and (nested?) DataTables in PrimeFaces

I am trying to dispose a p:dataTable beside a p:button. They need to lay in a p:tab that is contained in a p:tabView. The tabView is contained in the central p:layoutUnit of a p:layout.
I also need to put the dataTable inside a form for producing an ajax update of another component.
Before trying to add the button on the left of table, everything was fine:
<p:layout ...
<p:layoutUnit ....
<p:tabView ....
<p:tab ....
<h:form ....
<p:dataTable .....
But when adding an outer h:dataTable just out of the h:form, the tabView appears empty. If I try to use an outer p:dataTable, only one table is displayed without items.
Are there any limitations in putting a dataTable into another dataTable? If yes, are there other ways to reach this goal?
I have found that the right way is to use nested Layouts, a feature available since Primefaces 3.0 which is not yet fully documented.
Here is the link to the feature request and links to the showcase-lab.

How to do multiple selection in jsf or primefaces dataTable?

I want to try out building a simple grid that has a delete column, consisting of checkboxes, just like the usual one in email.
User can then tick the checkboxes, and press delete, and i can get all the checked records, and delete them one by one.
Im trying to find a way to achieve this, but so far im still in doubt.
These are what i have in mind, each with it's own implementation question, haha :
How to get the checked row indexes ? Using actionlistener for each toggle on each checkbox ? (but how do i pass the clicked index to the actionlistener ?)
Or is there a way where i can get all the grid model, and loop the data to find out which one is checked, just like swing ? (but how do i get the grid model in the jsf bean ?)
Or perhaps i should bind them to a simple list that contains only the checkbox column data ? (but how do i bind each checkbox to the list using indexes ?)
Im currently using primefaces, but i think the JSF solution can also be applied to primefaces datatable.
Please share your thoughts on this !
Thank you !
Isn't this example from Primefaces showcase exactly what you are looking for?
It looks that it is simply adding a column to the p:dataTable this way:
<p:dataTable var="item" value="#{yourBean.allElements}"
<p:column selectionMode="multiple" />
... other columns
