Suggest/Make Mapnik data corrections - mapnik

The Mapnik representation of the streets in my area are completely incorrect. Is there a way that I can correct them myself? If not who do I contact to make corrections? using the "mapnik" component, which in this case refers to the main stylesheet uses (that is rendered with mapnik) but not the mapnik software itself.


How to change button layout and position in Threepenny GUI?

How do I change the size and position of buttons or other UI elements in a GUI created with the threepenny-gui package?
The documentation of Graphics.UI.Threepenny.Attributes lists some functions which are probably useful, such as coords :: WriteAttr Element String. However, I don't understand how to use them. Specifically, I don't understand what the String argument is supposed to be.
I think my misunderstanding that I had was that my problem was not actually related to threepenny-gui but is instead a question about HTML. This link helped my find the answer I was looking for:
Just in case anyone else is struggling with this as well, this line (mostly) solves it:
# set [("text-align", "center"),("color","red"),("font-size","30px")]
(The UI in comes from: import qualified Graphics.UI.Threepenny as UI)
Threepenny UI element combinators translate more or less directly to HTML, and so you should think in terms of HTML when doing layout with it:
The attributes from Graphics.UI.Threepenny.Attributes you mention are HTML attributes. Modifying them while defining your initial layout is typically done with set. (By the way, if you need a reference for looking up what things like HTML attributes do, you can't do wrong with MDN.)
For CSS styling, you can use the (#.) combinator.
As for layout, the basic tools are (#+) to nest HTML elements, and grid, row and column to arrange div-based grids.

TYPO3 imageManipulation focusArea in Frontend

Does anyone know how to use the TYPO3 focus area in the frontend?
TCA imageManipulation
If I use the crop attribute in the fluid-template
<f:image width="555c" height="312c" src="{article.teaserFile.uid}" treatIdAsReference="1" crop="{article.teaserFile.originalResource.referenceProperties.crop}" />
i get a serialized string in data-focus-area.
<img data-focus-area="{"x":786.1145320197,"y":96.682142857143,"width":271.44177339901,"height":270.05062857143}" src="/fileadmin/_processed_/9/b/csm_testimage_0bfc7bc724.jpg" width="657" height="566" alt="" title="Testimage">
Does the data need to be used by a JS library? Can someone recommend a library here? Because i didn't find a recommendation for a library which can handle focus Area and the attribute data-focus-area.
Or do i have to write a viewhelper giving the attributes e.g. for "jQuery focuspoint" to data-focus-x, data-focus-y, data-image-w, and data-image-h.
No, you don't need to rewrite the ViewHelpers. (It would be nice, if in the future it could be a bit better extendable then now however.)
But you can implement the jQuery Focuspoint. The only thing you need to do, BEFORE you starts the focuspoint plugin, you can transform this array into the needed values with jquery.
An exmaple from the FocusPoint documentation
So before this line, you can just simply add the values from the array as an own data attribute.
The form is different, but the logic is the same. So you have the x, y, width and height values in the focus-area array.
This would not work with responsify.js for example. It needs bottom, top, left, right values.
So yes... it won't work out of the box.
But NO, you don't need to change the PHP part, because you can solve it on the front end. (You need jQuery plugin anyway, so making some code before using it is easier.)
Changing those ViewHelpers is also a possibility of course, but you really need to rewrite their functionality (also the renderImage function to be concrete) and if you want to update it to a later version it could lead to problems.

Draw a graphic structure with JSF

I would like to create a JSF web application to display a graphic structure (composed of hierarchical elements organised in a database) where, if possible, the user could eventually zoom in/out, add new elements...
But I haven't been able to identify a single JSF component (or compatible component) to help me do that.
This is what I would like :
But it's not free and not in JSF.
I thought of the PrimeFaces mindmap component, but it is not compatible with IE8 and this is a requirement for my projet...
My second thought was to use RichFaces' Paint2D to manually draw info in rectangles and links between rectangles with calculated coordinates, but this seems a bit complex...
A final thought was to use CSS to display rectangles, but I can't display links and interact with the structure...
Any better idea ?
Thank you for your help !
OmniFaces has a component for creating a hierarchical tree.
Maybe you could use that to display a custom markup, and work out a way to manipulate it with Javascript, in order to get the behavior you want.
If that is not feasible, I'd suggest you to study a little bit of HTML5 Canvas, see what you can do with that. You can get inspired here checking out this is open source (GPL) HTML5 mind map app, the code is at GitHub.

Resolving CSS property for node

maybe my google-fu is just letting me down today, but i have not been able to find a way to resolve arbitrary properties of nodes in order to obtain a style attribute. For instance, I'd like to be able to ask a node 'What is your value (if any) for -fx-fill?'.
A simple application example: I'd like to build a custom legend for a chart. To do so, I'd have to ask a rendered node for their fill property. I could, of course, use my knowledge of the default-colorN classes and simply look up the fill, but it feels like this would be a very bad approach as is violates the whole idea of CSS.
Thanks in advance.
BTW: JavaFX version is 2.1
I'd like to be able to ask a node 'What is your value (if any) for -fx-fill?'
There is no public API for that yet. It is planned to add such an API in a future release.
See RT-17293 CSS Style Object Model in Java.
For the 2.0 and 2.1 release, you could probably find the information using undocumented, deprecated impl_ methods, but I wouldn't advise that.
For now, I'd advise just using css chart styling where-ever you can and supplementing it with a sprinkling of dynamic node.lookup() code where it is impossible to achieve the styling using css.

How to generate and handle dynamic layouts and symbols in JSF/Richfaces?

My objective is to generate a graphic layout (made of Richfaces components) based on some input configuration (like an XML file) and display it in my web app. The layout is composed of graphic symbols representing various entities in the system: each symbol should be mapped to an entity in the system, in order to display its state. The XML configuration file is used to define the symbol connections and positions within the layout, and their mapping rules to an entity. How can I achieve this?
I was thinking to create a symbol library in a technology such as SVG, where you can define both the aspect and the behaviour, and then simply "wrap" each SVG symbol in a dynamically created richfaces component, which would allow me to handle both the user interactions and the mapping rules defined in the symbol. Unfortunately JSF/Richfaces don't support SVG images, therefore I would have to use plain HTML without Richfaces features.
Another way to achieve that would be to simply define generic symbols in the XML file, each one of them with an attribute specifying the related image, the mapping rule, etc., and then generate the corresponding richfaces component from within the web-app. By doing so, would I be able to then display all the symbols in the right position and therefore generate the complete dynamic layout?
Could you suggest a better approach? Thank you very much.
I believe that HTML5 has direct support for SVG images, however it is still an embedded object in regular HTML after all. This too is something I have been waiting for however I don't believe any of the current JSF2 component libraries have an offerring for this yet.
Here is a good explanation of a possible workaround:
Getting started with SVG graphics objects in JSF 2.0 pages
Potentially you could build a custom facelet component utilizing this workaround?
My thought though is that when your only tool is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. I would try to utilize an RIA (Rich Internet Application) technology better suited for display and manipulation of vector graphics like HTML5, Flash+Flex, Silverlight, etc..
