What is the meaning of "isolated symbol probabilities of English" - nlp

In a note I found this phrase:
Using isolated symbol probabilities of English language, you can find out the entropy of the language.
What is actually meant by "isolated symbol probabilities"? This is related to the entropy of an information source.

It would be helpful to know where the note came from and what the context is, but even without that I am quite sure this simply means that they use the frequency of individual symbols (e.g. characters) as the basis for entropy, rather than for example the joint probability (of character sequences), or the conditional probability (of one particular character to follow another).
So if you have an alphabet X={a,b,c,...,z} and a probability P(a), P(b),... for each character to appear in text (e.g. based on the frequency found in a data example), you'd compute the entropy by computing -P(x) * log(P(x)) for each character x individually and then taking the sum of all. Then, obviously, you'd have used the probability of each character in isolation, rather than the probability of each character in context.
Note, however, that the term symbol in the note you found does not necessarily refer to characters. It might refer to words or other units of text. Nevertheless, the point they are making is that they apply the classical formula for entropy to probabilities of individual events (characters, words, whatever), not probabilities of complex or conditional events.


Is there a good way to summarize a given text to specific length?

1. Why asking
I'm doing a regression task using transformers.BertModel (i.e. passing a text to the model, output a score for the text). To my knowledge, Bert can only receive max_length=512 input and my average training data length is 593. Of course, I can use truncation and padding to modify the input, but this can result in a loss in the performance (I'm aware of this by comparing "tail_truncate" and "head_truncate" result, also with some domain knowledge).
2. What is the problem
I want to apply a text summary preprocessor for my input text, the expected output text length should be no more than 510 but as near as possible (i.e. I don't want a one-line summary). Is there a method, a model, a library exists to do so?
3. What I've tried
As I've mentioned above, I have tried to implement tail truncation. For any given text, simply text[-511:-1] (consider the special token [CLS] and [SEP], the actual text length should be 510) then pass to the Bert Model. This improved 2% performance on my task and it is expected since the nature of the text.
The problem is that there are quite a few texts length more than 512 (or even 800), a truncation could lose tons of useful information. I think text summary could be a way out and there should be existing solutions since it's a heavily demanded NLP task. However, I can only find whether TextRank, LSA methods (provided by library PyTextRank) that tells you which sentence is more important, or give you a "one-line" summary (provided by library PaddleNLP)
More details about the texts:
The task is that given a commutation verdict, predict the reduction of months in jail.
The corpus is in Chinese, and it structured like this: what crime did the criminal committed, how does he/she behave in jail, what is the judge's opinion toward commutation.

Recognizing license plate characters using template characters in Python

For a university project I have to recognize characters from a license plate. I have to do this using python 3. I am not allowed to use OCR functions or use functions that use deep learning or neural networks. I have reached the point where I am able to segment the characters from a license plate and transform them to a uniform format. A few examples of segmented characters are here.
The format of the segmented characters is very dependent on the input. However, I can easily convert this to uniform dimensions using opencv. Additionally, I have a set of template characters and numbers that I can use to predict what character / number it is.
I therefore need a metric to express the similarity between the segmented character and the reference image. In this way, I can say that the reference image with the highest similarity score matches the segmented character. I have tried the following ways to compute the similarity.
For these operations I have made sure that the reference characters and the segmented characters have the same dimensions.
A bitwise XOR-operator
Inverting the reference characters and comparing them pixel by pixel. If a pixel matches increment the similarity score, if a pixel does not match decrement the similarity score.
hash both the segmented character and the reference character using 'imagehash'. Consequently comparing the hashes and see which ones are most similar.
None of these methods succeed to give me an accurate prediction for all characters. Most characters are usually correctly predicted. However, the program confuses characters like 8-B, D-0, 7-Z, P-R consistently.
Does anybody have an idea how to predict the segmented characters? I.e. defining a better similarity score.
Edit: Unfortunately, cv2.matchTemplate and cv2.matchShapes are not allowed for this assignment...
The general procedure for comparing two images consists in the extraction of features from the two images and their subsequent comparison. What you are actually doing in the first two methods is considering the value of every pixel as a feature. The similarity measure is therefore a distance-computation on a space of very high dimension. This methods are, however, subject to noise and this requires very big datasets in order not to obtain acceptable results.
For this reason, usually one attempts to reduce the space dimensionality. I'm not familiar with the third method, but it seems to go in this direction.
A way to reduce the space dimensionality consists in defining some custom features meaningful for the problem you are facing.
A possibility for the character classification problem could be to define features that measure the response of the input image on strategic subshapes of the characters (an upper horizontal line, a lower one, a circle in the upper part of the image, a diagonal line, etc.).
You could define a minimal set of shapes that, combined together, can generate every character. Then you should retrieve one feature for each shape, by measuring the response (i.e., integrating the signal of the input image inside the shape) of the original image on that particular shape. Finally, you should determine the class which the image belongs to by taking the nearest reference point in this, smaller, space of the features.

Why word embedding technique works

I have look into some word embedding techniques, such as
CBOW: from context to single word. Weight matrix produced used as embedding vector
Skip gram: from word to context (from what I see, its acutally word to word, assingle prediction is enough). Again Weight matrix produced used as embedding
Introduction to these tools would always quote "cosine similarity", which says words of similar meanning would convert to similar vector.
But these methods all based on the 'context', account only for words around a target word. I should say they are 'syntagmatic' rather than 'paradigmatic'. So why the close in distance in a sentence indicate close in meaning? I can think of many counter example that frequently occurs
"Have a good day". (good and day are vastly different, though close in distance).
"toilet" "washroom" (two words of similar meaning, but a sentence contains one would unlikely to contain another)
Any possible explanation?
This sort of "why" isn't a great fit for StackOverflow, but some thoughts:
The essence of word2vec & similar embedding models may be compression: the model is forced to predict neighbors using far less internal state than would be required to remember the entire training set. So it has to force similar words together, in similar areas of the parameter space, and force groups of words into various useful relative-relationships.
So, in your second example of 'toilet' and 'washroom', even though they rarely appear together, they do tend to appear around the same neighboring words. (They're synonyms in many usages.) The model tries to predict them both, to similar levels, when typical words surround them. And vice-versa: when they appear, the model should generally predict the same sorts of words nearby.
To achieve that, their vectors must be nudged quite close by the iterative training. The only way to get 'toilet' and 'washroom' to predict the same neighbors, through the shallow feed-forward network, is to corral their word-vectors to nearby places. (And further, to the extent they have slightly different shades of meaning – with 'toilet' more the device & 'washroom' more the room – they'll still skew slightly apart from each other towards neighbors that are more 'objects' vs 'places'.)
Similarly, words that are formally antonyms, but easily stand-in for each-other in similar contexts, like 'hot' and 'cold', will be somewhat close to each other at the end of training. (And, their various nearer-synonyms will be clustered around them, as they tend to be used to describe similar nearby paradigmatically-warmer or -colder words.)
On the other hand, your example "have a good day" probably doesn't have a giant influence on either 'good' or 'day'. Both words' more unique (and thus predictively-useful) senses are more associated with other words. The word 'good' alone can appear everywhere, so has weak relationships everywhere, but still a strong relationship to other synonyms/antonyms on an evaluative ("good or bad", "likable or unlikable", "preferred or disliked", etc) scale.
All those random/non-predictive instances tend to cancel-out as noise; the relationships that have some ability to predict nearby words, even slightly, eventually find some relative/nearby arrangement in the high-dimensional space, so as to help the model for some training examples.
Note that a word2vec model isn't necessarily an effective way to predict nearby words. It might never be good at that task. But the attempt to become good at neighboring-word prediction, with fewer free parameters than would allow a perfect-lookup against training data, forces the model to reflect underlying semantic or syntactic patterns in the data.
(Note also that some research shows that a larger window influences word-vectors to reflect more topical/domain similarity – "these words are used about the same things, in the broad discourse about X" – while a tiny window makes the word-vectors reflect a more syntactic/typical similarity - "these words are drop-in replacements for each other, fitting the same role in a sentence". See for example Levy/Goldberg "Dependency-Based Word Embeddings", around its Table 1.)
‘Embedding’ mean a semantic vector representation. e.g. how to represent words such that synonyms are nearer than antonyms or other unrelated words.
Embeddings algorithms like Word2vec maps entities be it e-commerce
items or words (say in English language), to N-dimensional vectors.
Now since you have a mathematical representation of the entities in
a Euclidean space, you can use associated semantics such as distance
between vectors. e.g:
For a given item say ‘Levis Jeans’ recommend the most related items
which are often co-purchased with it.
This can be easily done: search the nearest vectors to the vector of
‘Levis Jeans’, and recommend them. You will find that the nearest
vectors correspond to items such as T-shirts etc., which are
relevant to the Levis Jeans. Similarly it preserves
distance/similarity between words e.g.: King - Queen = Man - Woman !
Yes, Word2vec captures such co-occurrance relationships, when
mapping the items/words to vectors also called as ‘item/word
This is not specifically targeted to sentence embeddings but nevertheless here you get some crucial insights extremely relevant to the core logic behind embedding generation. Read till the end.

Part of speech tagging : tagging unknown words

In the part of speech tagger, the best probable tags for the given sentence is determined using HMM by
P(T*) = argmax P(Word/Tag)*P(Tag/TagPrev)
But when 'Word' did not appear in the training corpus, P(Word/Tag) produces ZERO for given all possible tags, this leaves no room for choosing the best.
I have tried few ways,
1) Assigning small amount of probability for all unknown words, P(UnknownWord/AnyTag)~Epsilon... means this completely ignores the P(Word/Tag) for unknowns word by assigning the constant probability.. So decision making on unknown word is by prior probabilities.. As expected it is not producing good result.
2) Laplace Smoothing
I confused with this. I don't know what is difference between (1) and this. My way of understanding Laplace Smoothing adds the constant probability(lambda) to all unknown & Known words.. So the All Unknown words will get constant probability(fraction of lambda) and Known words probabilities will be the same relatively since all word's prob increased by Lambda.
Is the Laplace Smoothing same as the previous one ?
*)Is there any better way of dealing with unknown words ?
Your two approaches are similar, but, if I understand correctly, they differ in one key way. In (1) you are assigning extra mass to counts of unknown words and in (2) you are assigning extra mass to all counts. You definitely want to do (2) and not (1).
One of the problems with Laplace smoothing is that it give too much of a boost to unknown words and drags down the probabilities of high-probability words too much (relatively speaking). Your version (1) would actually worsen this problem. Basically, it would over-smooth.
Laplace smoothing words ok for an HMM, but it's not great. Most people do add-one smoothing but you could experiment with things like add-one-half or whatever.
If you want to move beyond this naive approach to smoothing, check out "one-count smoothing", as described in the Appendix of Jason Eisner's HMM tutorial. The basic idea here is that for unknown words more probability mass should be given to tags that appear with a wider variety of low frequency words. For example, since the tag NOUN appears on a large number of different words and DETERMINER appears on a small number of different words, it is more likely that an unseen word will be a NOUN.
If you want to get even fancier, you could use a Chinese Restaurant Process model taken from non-parametric Bayesian statistics to put a prior distribution on unseen word/tag combinations. Kevin Knight's Bayesian inference tutorial has details.
I think the HMM-based TnT tagger provides a better approach to handle unknown words (see the approach in TnT tagger's paper).
The accuracy results (for known words and unknown words) of TnT and other two POS and morphological taggers on 13 languages including Bulgarian, Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, Thai and Vietnamese, can be found in this article.

Supervised Learning for User Behavior over Time

I want to use machine learning to identify the signature of a user who converts to a subscriber of a website given their behavior over time.
Let's say my website has 6 different features which can be used before subscribing and users can convert to a subscriber at any time.
For a given user I have stats which represent the intensity on a continuous range of that user's interaction with features 1-6 on a daily basis so:
D1: f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6
D2: f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6
D3: f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6
D4: f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6
Let's say on day 5, the user converts.
What machine using algorithms would help me identify which are the most common patterns in feature usage which lead to a conversion?
(I know this is a super basic classification question, but I couldn't find a good example using longitudinal data, where input vectors are ordered by time like I have)
To develop the problem further, let's assume that each feature has 3 intensities at which the user can interact (H, M, L).
We can then represent each user as a string of states of interaction intensity. So, for a user:
Would mean on day one they only interacted significantly with features 5 and 6, but by the third day they were interacting highly with features 3 through 6.
N-gram Style
I could make these states words and the lifetime of a user a sentence. (Would probably need to add a "conversion" word to the vocabulary as well)
If I ran these "sentences" through an n-gram model, I could get the likely future state of a user given his/her past few state which is somewhat interesting. But, what I really want to know the most common sets of n-grams that lead to the conversion word. Rather than feeding in an n-gram and getting the next predicted word, I want to give the predicted word and get back the 10 most common n-grams (from my data) which would be likely to lead to the word.
Amaç Herdağdelen suggests identifying n-grams to practical n and then counting how many n-gram states each user has. Then correlating with conversion data (I guess no conversion word in this example). My concern is that there would be too many n-grams to make this method practical. (if each state has 729 possibilities, and we're using trigrams, thats a lot of possible trigrams!)
Alternatively, could I just go thru the data logging the n-grams which led to the conversion word and then run some type of clustering on them to see what the common paths are to a conversion?
Survival Style
Suggested by Iterator, I understand the analogy to a survival problem, but the literature here seems to focus on predicting time to death as opposed to the common sequence of events which leads to death. Further, when looking up the Cox Proportional Hazard model, I found that it does not event accommodate variables which change over time (its good for differentiating between static attributes like gender and ethnicity)- so it seems very much geared toward a different question than mine.
Decision Tree Style
This seems promising though I can't completely wrap my mind around how to structure the data. Since the data is not flat, is the tree modeling the chance of moving from one state to another down the line and when it leads to conversion or not? This is very different than the decision tree data literature I've been able to find.
Also, need clarity on how to identify patterns which lead to conversion instead a models predicts likely hood of conversion after a given sequence.
Theoretically, hidden markov models may be a suitable solution to your problem. The features on your site would constitute the alphabet, and you can use the sequence of interactions as positive or negative instances depending on whether a user finally subscribed or not. I don't have a guess about what the number of hidden states should be, but finding a suitable value for that parameter is part of the problem, after all.
As a side note, positive instances are trivial to identify, but the fact that a user has not subscribed so far doesn't necessarily mean s/he won't. You might consider to limit your data to sufficiently old users.
I would also consider converting the data to fixed-length vectors and apply conceptually simpler models that could give you some intuition about what's going on. You could use n-grams (consecutive interaction sequences of length n).
As an example, assuming that the interaction sequence of a given user ise "f1,f3,f5", "f1,f3,f5" would constitute a 3-gram (trigram). Similarly, for the same user and the same interaction sequence you would have "f1,f3" and "f3,f5" as the 2-grams (bigrams). In order to represent each user as a vector, you would identify all n-grams up to a practical n, and count how many times the user employed a given n-gram. Each column in the vector would represent the number of times a given n-gram is observed for a given user.
Then -- probably with the help of some suitable normalization techniques such as pointwise mutual information or tf-idf -- you could look at the correlation between the n-grams and the final outcome to get a sense of what's going on, carry out feature selection to find the most prominent sequences that users are involved in, or apply classification methods such as nearest neighbor, support machine or naive Bayes to build a predictive model.
This is rather like a survival analysis problem: over time the user will convert or will may drop out of the population, or will continue to appear in the data and not (yet) fall into neither camp. For that, you may find the Cox proportional hazards model useful.
If you wish to pursue things from a different angle, namely one more from the graphical models perspective, then a Kalman Filter may be more appealing. It is a generalization of HMMs, suggested by #AmaçHerdağdelen, which work for continuous spaces.
For ease of implementation, I'd recommend the survival approach. It is the easiest to analyze, describe, and improve. After you have a firm handle on the data, feel free to drop in other methods.
Other than Markov chains, I would suggest decision trees or Bayesian networks. Both of these would give you a likely hood of a user converting after a sequence.
I forgot to mention this earlier. You may also want to take a look at the Google PageRank algorithm. It would help you account for the user completely disappearing [not subscribing]. The results of that would help you to encourage certain features to be used. [Because they're more likely to give you a sale]
I think Ngramm is most promising approach, because all sequnce in data mining are treated as elements depndent on few basic steps(HMM, CRF, ACRF, Markov Fields) So I will try to use classifier based on 1-grams and 2 -grams.
