Error message "barrier-based sync failed". - linux

I'm using Amazon Linux EC2 AMI, recently I'm getting this error "barrier-based sync failed" every 10 days.
Running Services
Memcached Server

This isn't an error message.
It is an informative log message which indicate that the hardware (or the storage driver) does not support cache flush command. These messages occur normally.
To stop the log message from being logged,
either remount the filesystem using the nobarrier option.
E.g. mount -o remount,nobarrier /dev/path /path/tomountpoint or pass the option barrier=off to the kernel on boot.
See here and here for more information.


My "spring boot application' cant be accessed but cpu and heap usage is normal

I have a kubernates cluster in my cloud server,And i deployed spring boot application as a pod .Everything is ok before 2 week , but my application unexpectedly could not be accessed on Ferb 22.
I used command "kubectl exec -it <pod> sh ",curl<port> in pods but no response .I saw my application logs but cant found error about this issue.I try to restart my applications ,but the same issue occur after two days.
I have no idea with this issues.Can any one help me ?
When everything ok ,i can call and have response immediately ,once issues happend it will be requested timeout .Only this kubernates service have this question ,others seems normal

process in GCP VM instance killed automatically

I'm using GCP VM instance for running my python script as back ground process.
But I found my script got SIGTERM.
I check the syslog and daemon.log in /var/log
and I found my python script (2316) was terminated by system.
What do I need to check VM settings?
Judging from this log line in your screenshot:
Nov 12 18:23:10 ai-task-1 systemd-logind[1051]: Power key pressed.
I would say that your script's process was SIGTERMed as a result of the hypervisor gracefully shutting down the VM, which would happen when a GCP user or service account with admin access to the project performs a GCE compute.instances.stop request.
You can look for this request's logs for more details on where it comes from in the Logs Viewer/Explorer or gcloud logging read --freshness=30d (man) with some filters like:
Though depending on the retention period for your _Default bucket (30 days by default), these logs may have already expired.

DocumentDB Emulator as a Windows Service

I am trying to run DocumentDB Emulator as a windows service using sc utility on a port which is different from the default port 8081 which it is trying to use.
sc create DocumentDBEmulatorService binPath= "path\to\exe\DocumentDB.Emulator.exe /port=8082" start= auto
The Service gets created and fails to start with the following error message
The DocumentDBEmulatorService service failed to start due to the following error.The DocumentDBEmulatorService did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.
A timeout was reached (30000 milliseconds) while waiting for DocumentDBEmulatorService service to connect.
Is it possible to run Document DB emulator executable as service or am I trying to something which is clearly not possible ?
sc will only run an executable which that is a proper Windows service (i.e. implement ServiceMain).
You can try something like NSSM instead.
See answers in this question (except the accepted one) for more options.

Systemd http health check

I have a service on a Redhat 7.1 which I use systemctl start, stop, restart and status to control. One time the systemctl status returned active, but the application "behind" the service responded http code different from 200.
I know that I can use Monit or Nagios to check this and do the systemctl restart - but I would like to know if there exist something per default when using systemd, so that I do not need to have other tools installed.
My preferred solution would be to have my service restarted if http return code is different from 200 totally automatically without other tools than systemd itself - (and maybe with a possibility to notify a Hipchat room or send a email...)
I've tried googling the topic - without luck. Please help :-)
The Short Answer
systemd has a native (socket-based) healthcheck method, but it's not HTTP-based. You can write a shim that polls status over HTTP and forwards it to the native mechanism, however.
The Long Answer
The Right Thing in the systemd world is to use the sd_notify socket mechanism to inform the init system when your application is fully available. Use Type=notify for your service to enable this functionality.
You can write to this socket directly using the sd_notify() call, or you can inspect the NOTIFY_SOCKET environment variable to get the name and have your own code write READY=1 to that socket when the application is returning 200s.
If you want to put this off to a separate process that polls your process over HTTP and then writes to the socket, you can do that -- ensure that NotifyAccess is set appropriately (by default, only the main process of the service is allowed to write to the socket).
Inasmuch as you're interested in detecting cases where the application fails after it was fully initialized, and triggering a restart, the sd_notify socket is appropriate in this scenario as well:
Send WATCHDOG_USEC=... to set the amount of time which is permissible between successful tests, then WATCHDOG=1 whenever you have a successful self-test; whenever no successful test is seen for the configured period, your service will be restarted.

Does gearmand with libdrizzle work while mysql-database is down for a while?

The gearmand is fully operational with libdrizzle as persistence-layer to a mysql-database
The drizzle connection crashes (e.g. the gearmand-database is locked for some minutes during nightly backups, or the mysql server crashes or network-problems to the database-server).
Does the gearmand work without the persistence in this moment (MySQL) and catch up later?
Debian 6
gearmand 1.1.8 (via
exactly 5000 jobs to be created via doBackground
persist the jobs into mysql
/usr/local/sbin/gearmand -q mysql --mysql-user user1 --mysql-password
pass1 --mysql-db gearmand
Scenario #1
Enable READ lock for gearman queue table
The script, which creates the background tasks, is on hold.
After removing the READ lock, the script continues and creates all 5000 jobs successfully.
Note: I just tested the lock for some seconds. The script might crash due to a timeout.
Scenario #2
Stop the entire mysql server instance (with the gearman queue)
Without the mysqld, the jobs cannot be created.
3974 jobs out of 5000 have been created.
gearmand output:
mysql_stmt_prepare failed: Can't connect to local MySQL server through
socket X
PHP script output:
PHP Warning: GearmanClient::doBackground():
Unfortunately, with my test scenarios, the gearmand stops work if the mysql persistence layer is unavailable.
