modx create layout with chunk and call with template - modx

I'm using modx revolution. I'd like to create a chunk called layout that calls other chucks example
then in my template do something like //open layout tag[[$layout]] [[$layout]]//close layout tag. then inside of the the open close tags append my [[*content]]. this would allow me to reuse my layout template over and over again without having to replicate it in the templates. First question, is it possible, second what kind of syntax would be needed to achieve this goal? I'm rather new to modx and know it's possible with other frameworks, so any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Sample concept done in Apache Tapestry framework, obviously different syntax, but should give you the general idea of what I'm looking for.
components/Chunks used.
Inside of layout
Inside of Index/Template
template body content goes here ex. [[*content]]
Hope this helps to clarify.

Your post is not very clear and I think you haven't really taken much time to read up on how MODx works before looking for help.
That aside, I think what you want to do is create different templates, structured more or less like this:
<div id="content">
That might do for your home page, then for internal pages where the layout is a bit different you can create one or more new templates for each layout:
<div id="content">
You can even show different layouts using a single template something like this:
<div id="content">
That should get you started, but you'll soon realise there are multiple ways to do everything in MODx.

You can put your [[*content]] where-ever you want, even inside another chunk, if that's what you mean.
So your [[$layout]] chunk could just be this:
<div id="content">
If you want to make some minor changes in a chunk on a template-basis you could also do something like this in the template:
[[$layout? &customContentBits=`
and your layout chunk could then be something like this:
<div id="content">
That's a placeholder ([[+customContentBits]]) which is set by adding the &customContentBits in the chunk call.
Explained that a tad more with a different use case on my blog some time ago too:

What you are asking can absolutely be done. In fact, on my website, I even have the same template/chunk combo providing multiple layouts by passing a template variable as a chunk modifier. But anyhow, let's keep things simple.
A quick note on your question., ModX doesn't use start tags and end tags, natively. It's best to stop thinking that way. Instead just place things where you want to place them. Resource variables can go in any chunk, as each resource is unique.
Create your Chunks:
First, start with the simple ones. Create your Header, Footer, and Navigation. Next, create your Body. Inside the Body, make sure to include your [[*content]] (no... it doesn't have to go into the Template. Finally, create your Layout with the following code:
Create your Template:
Your template can now be as simple as [[$layout]]. You're done.
While you can do this with ModX, understand that the power of ModX is that you can have multiple templates and chunks depending on the type of content you have. Singularizing everything like this really takes away a major advantage of using the platform.

Mark Hamstra more or less gave you the answer, but just to clarify: Any snippet, chunk or output of some sort in Modx can take parameters. Chunks and snippets especially can make use of these params easily. From what i understand you want to have all your templates call [[$layout]] and nothing else.
The layout chunk in turn looks like
On this you simply build and add your params, nesting them down from the top like
[[$layout? &useNavigation=`1`]]
(And continue passing the param in your layout chunk)
Another way of accomplishing the same behaviour would be to use a single template to which you have connected a series of template variables that decide how the template looks like. You might have template variable called useNavigation of checkbox type. If you check this through the resource editor it will be passed to your $layout chunk directly without having to add params into the $layout chunk call.
(Just call layout normally and add the TV checks to the layout chunk directly.
Note the difference between calling a TV and a placeholder, + vs *)


Creating user editable chunk or snippet in ModX

I'm trying to create a chunk or a snippet a user can edit without touching the code. I thought it would be the best to include the content of a page since the pages use an editor. Can anyone tell me how I can accomplish this? Or tell me the best way to do it?
If I understand you correctly, you want to create, for example, a footer chunk with 3 editable regions.
I would do this by dedicating 3 resources for each editable region. Have the user make their changes via TinyMCE in these 3 resources (perhaps nest them in parent labled accordingly, eg: "Footer Columns"). Make sure they're hidden from menus so they don't come up by mistake.
Then use getResources within your chunk to display each. Eg:
<div class="footerchunk">
Note that the resources in my example would correspond to the resources your using to allow the users to enter the text.
You would be required to build a footerColItem chunk, perhaps something like:
<div class="footercol">
Note also the use of &showHidden=0
This is all from memory, so can't guarantee this will work straight away. Look at for more info

Selecting parent elements with WebdriverJS

I'm trying to create some scripts which require moving through a lot of on-the-fly HTML with random IDs. They require getting the parents of an element - but I'm not sure how to implement this in WebdriverJS.
If I access the element I want via a console, I can do the following to get it;
Is there a way to do this in WDJS? I've looked and can't see anything obvious - it's specifically the parent stuff I'm having issue with. I saw that a possible solution may be xPath however I'm unsure of syntax having never used it before.
Thanks in advance!
I don't know the syntax of WebDriverJS. But the XPath is as below, you need a way to fit it in somewhere.
This is based on your CSS Selector, so please show HTML if needed.
For example, if you have HTML like this
<span email="">Contact me</span>
You can avoid using .. to go up.
If you have more levels to look up, another handy method would be using ancestor from XPath Axes.
Also, as #sircapsalot brought up, CSS selectors spec doesn't support parent selecting, so XPath is the only way to go, unless you inject JS.

Advanced Orchard Theming - Object Model vs

I have been tasked with converting a design heavy, fairly advanced HTML template for a site into an Orchard theme and I am struggling with the best way to accomplish certain things. The theme is built on bootstrap and is a modern responsive HTML template like you might find on ThemeForest or something. The site will have a number of content types (staff members, portfolio items, partners, etc.) and will need a number of templates. The content types will have a large number of fields (upwards of a dozen) inside of custom content parts.
Based on what I have read the proper way to do theming in Orchard is using in combination with alternates, wrappers, etc. This gracefully handles if parts or properties are added/removed. However, this technique is quickly becoming overwhelming, since I have to declare the name and order of every field/part in the for every content type, and every display type of that content type. Each field of each content type then needs to be wrapped in very specific html. This creates an issue because a single page can be split out into potentially a couple dozen views, with HTML tags opening in one view and closing in another.
The best work around for this I have found is to basically ignore the file and build templates just by traversing the object model. So basically, for a portfolio page, I would copy in the template HTML I have and then replace the text values with values from the model. This might look something like:
<li class="#Display(Model.ContentItem.PortfolioPart.PortfolioCore.Value.ToLower())">
<a href="#Url.ItemDisplayUrl(contentItem)" >
#foreach (var media in Model.ContentItem.PortfolioPart.PortfolioImage.MediaParts)
<img src="#Display(media.MediaUrl)" />
<span class="type">#Display(Model.ContentItem.PortfolioPart.PortfolioCoreArea.Value)</span>
<span class="portfolio-item-content">
<span class="header">#Display(Model.ContentItem.TitlePart.Title)</span>
<span class="body">
The benefit with this method is that I can apply all of the values in a couple of views and it's more readable. Obviously the problem with this is that if any properties or parts are removed, the template breaks.
Is there a way in Orchard to have the best of both worlds? I can't have a wrapper or template for every field - this would end up potentially hundreds of fields by the end. I also might need to display content types in multiple places with different views - each field would then require a whole new set of wrappers or alternates for every projection.
Please let me know if I'm missing anything or if there is a better way to do this besides manually traversing to the properties I need. I need a way to be able to easily plug in properties into very specific html.
My final thought was to use very specific templates for custom content types using the object model but still provide good general templates/ file so that general Orchard content is flexible but the custom content types have to stay how they are.
Side thought - I guess another option would be to wrap any code that accesses a property directly in a try catch block or some kind of error handler helper, but that doesn't seem like a "best practice".
I think the techniques in this article are what you're looking for:

Expression Engine - Pass loop variable into embeded template

have some trouble with Expression Engine variable passing in templates.
There is some piece of code:
// query:
// repeating field in a loop
I want to move content_matrix field with big inner HTML (example is shorter) sctructure into separate embed template for reusage in other templates.
Tried to build such embed but it doesnt work:
{embed="incl/content_matrix" matrix="{content_matrix}"}
And body of smaller template:
In this way it works if you passing single element, like ID, but not for mupltiple element.
Maybe it needs to pass entire entry.
How it can be done?
Have you considered using the Stash add-on?
I imagine you can stash the matrix content dividing between different parts of your html with some kind of separator, then in the embedded template wrap a search/replace for the separators with the proper html around the grabbed stash.
It might be less of a pain to write a quick, custom plugin, though.
Embed variables pass parsed output, not tags. So in your example:
{embed="incl/content_matrix" matrix="{content_matrix}"}
What you're actually passing in the matrix parameter is the full HTML table output of the data in that particular entry (since Matrix fields output a table when used as a single tag).
I think what you actually want to use to prevent repeating yourself is a Snippet. So just make a snippet containing:
And save it as, say, matrix_loop. Then include it inside your Channel Entries loop like so:

Display content part in Orchard

I would like to be able to specify exactly where a ContentPart is rendered in a view.
For example, in my Content.Summary.cshtml I want to wrap my title and first image from the gallery (I'm using ZenGallery) in an anchor tag. I thought I would be able to do it like this but the gallery template is not rendered.
<a href="#Url.ItemDisplayUrl((IContent)Model)">
But if I do the following then the gallery template (ZenGallery.Summary.cshtml) is shown along with all other parts.
I understand that the recommended way to do this is probably using, is that right? But this way makes more sense to me and would allow for more fine grain control of the end markup. How could I achieve the markup I'm looking for?
This should give you a pretty good start on doing precisely what you want:
