Is 'mid-sprint' acceptance a valid concept in Agile/SCRUM? [closed] - agile

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I am part of an Agile scrum team working on a software product release. The sprint duration is 2 weeks (~10 days).
There is a peculiar metric used here, called 'mid-sprint acceptance'. Essentially, the expectation is that half the user-story points committed and planned by a scrum team in a sprint needs to be completed by the middle of that sprint. This, they say, results in a linear burndown of points which is a strong indicator that the sprint is going on well.
As a team, our mid-sprint acceptances are usually bad, but we are known to complete all the committed user-story points by the end of the sprint.
I have the following questions:
1) Is mid-sprint acceptance a valid Agile/SCRUM practice? Is it being used anywhere else?
2) Expecting half of the work to be completed in half the time is akin to treating it as a 'factory-floor' job, where the nature and complexity of the work at hand is completely deterministic. Since software development is a 'creative' process, such rigid metrics in a highly flexible methodology such as Agile is irrelevant. What do you think?
3) Although my scrum team completes all our commitments just in time for the sprint, we are being questioned for our bad mid-sprint acceptance metrics. Is it completely normal in scrum teams everywhere else to meet their commitments only towards the end of their sprints?
Much thanks in advance.

1) Is mid-sprint acceptance a valid Agile/SCRUM practice? Is it being used anywhere else?
I have not heard of mid-sprint acceptance before. I dont believe it is a valid Agile/Scrum practice. This site would appear to agree "Once the team commits to the work, the Product Owner cannot add more work, alter course mid-sprint, or micromanage."
2) Expecting half of the work to be completed in half the time is akin to treating it as a 'factory-floor' job, where the nature and complexity of the work at hand is completely deterministic. Since software development is a 'creative' process, such rigid metrics in a highly flexible methodology such as Agile is irrelevant. What do you think?
Any rigid metrics are generally not a good idea to use with developers for the reasons you mention. Also for the likelyhood developers will be more interested in getting a pass mark in whatever is being measured and not in producing a quality product. This is one of Joel Spolskys bug bears - here, here and here
3) Although my scrum team completes all our commitments just in time for the sprint, we are being questioned for our bad mid-sprint acceptance metrics. Is it completely normal in scrum teams everywhere else to meet their commitments only towards the end of their sprints?
A successful Scrum team should be completing all that they have committed to do by the end of the sprint. The burndown chart should be visible to guide progress towards this goal and certainly in the latter half of the sprint will indicate whether the sprint is likely to be a success. In successful sprints I have been involved with it is normal to make steady progress towards completing the user stories but this can not be reflected into completing half the user stories in half the time and I would counsel against a metric of this sort.

Have you tried to limit the amount of work you have in progress. If you get all the team to focus on a couple of stories and not move on until those stories are finished you should see your burndown become a lot more linear.
It might also be worth looking at the size of the stories. I personally don't like to see a story that takes longer than a couple of days to complete start to finish.

It is not a Scrum practice. It could be interpreted as a metric, but a bad one. Regarding your doubts, you're right.
Scrum has a perfect tool to follow the progression - The burn-down chart. No need to add any arbitrary milestone.
It seems your management doesn't understand the basic concept of a sprint, they should get some counselling or follow a basic training. If it is then still important to your management what's done within a week, try suggest to cut the sprint length into half instead.

1) Is mid-sprint acceptance a valid Agile/SCRUM practice? Is it being used anywhere else?
Yes, it is.
2) Expecting half of the work to be completed in half the time is akin to treating it as a 'factory-floor' job, where the nature and complexity of the work at hand is completely deterministic. Since software development is a 'creative' process, such rigid metrics in a highly flexible methodology such as Agile is irrelevant. What do you think?
If you break the tasks into really small ones you can achieve a good metric of work evolution. Therefore, design tasks to be complete in one work day and you can achieve a good burndown metric use. If you have long unpredictable-length tasks the burndown metric is irrelevant, as you said.
3) Although my scrum team completes all our commitments just in time for the sprint, we are being questioned for our bad mid-sprint acceptance metrics. Is it completely normal in scrum teams everywhere else to meet their commitments only towards the end of their sprints?
The problem is not the team, but the tasks design. The issue regards the task granularity. Your team can get the job done in the sprint time metric, but now you need to refine the tasks to 50% of them be completed at the mid-sprint time metric. Break the tasks into smaller tasks and you can achieve the desired (linear) burndown chart.

It's non-standard terminology, but there is something to what your manager is saying.
A burndown chart that is end-heavy (that is, stays high for a large portion of the chart, then tails off suddenly at the end) is indicative of a practice where tasks are coarse-grained -- that is, a task will likely take an entire sprint to complete -- and accomplished by individual developers. With this pattern, all tasks remain incomplete until just before the end of the sprint.
That's really not the way it's supposed to work: if the backlog is in priority order, then why are issues that don't have the highest priority being worked on? In addition, this sets the "bus number" for each task very low, which can significantly increase the risk of tasks remaining incomplete by the end of the sprint.
To fix this, tasks should be broken down into much smaller chunks. If you're doing planning poker, and a task is estimated at 8 points or more, then it is likely that the task is underspecified. It must be broken down. Try and keep it to 2s and 3s (or smaller!) if possible. In this way, you can have several developers working independently on the same overall goal, and your burndown chart should begin to look smoother, and less risky, even as the same work is getting done.

Mid Sprint acceptance is not a agile practice or it doesn't work in reality. If you have correct estimation for each user story and task (e.g in Rally) then burndown chart clearly shows whether the sprint work is in alignment with the plan and can be completed in time or not. Acceptance is done only at the end of Development & Testing of user story not tasks.


How granular should tasks within a story be? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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We've been recently implementing Scrum and one of the things we often wonder is the granularity of tasks within stories.
A few people inside our company state that ideally those tasks should be very finely grained, that is, every little part that contributes to delivering a story should represent a task. They argument that this enables tracking on how we are performing in the current sprint.
That leads to a high number of tasks detailing many technical aspects and small actions that need to be done such as create a DAO for component X to persist in database.
I've also been reading Ken Schwaber and Mike Beedle's book, Agile Software Development with Scrum, and I've taken the understanding that tasks should really have this kind of granularity; in one of the chapters, they state that tasks should take between 4 to 16 hours to complete.
What I've noticed though, is that with such small tasks we often tend do overspecify things and when our solution differs from what we've previously established in our planning meetings we need to create many new tasks or replace the old ones. Team members also refrain from having to track each and every
thing they are doing inside the sprint and creating new tasks since that means we'll have to increment our total tasks in our burndown chart but not necessarily adding a task that aggregates value.
So, ideally, how granular should tasks be inside each story?
Schwaber and Beedle say "roughly four to sixteen hours."
The upper bound is useful. It forces the team to plan, and helps provide daily visibility of progress.
The lower bound is a useful target for most tasks, to avoid the fragility and costs of overspecification. However, occasionally the team may find shorter tasks useful in planning, and is free to include those. There should be no mandated lower bound.
For example, one of our current stories includes a task to send something to another team -- a task that will take 0 hours, but one we want to remember to finish.
The number of tasks in your burndown chart is irrelevant. It's the remaining time that matters. The team should feel free to change the tasks during the sprint, as Schwaber and Beedle note.
On my last assignment we had between 4 and 32 hours per task. We discovered that when we estimated tasks to more than ~32 hours it was because we did not understand what and how to do the task during estimation.
The effect was that the actual implementation time of those tasks varied much more than smaller task. We often also got "stuck" on those tasks or picked the wrong path or had misunderstood the requirements.
Later we learned that when estimated tasks to be that long it was a signal to try to break it down more. If that was not possible we rejected the task and sent it back for further investigation.
It also gives a nice feeling to complete tasks at least a couple of times a week.
It also gives rather fast feedback when something does not go as planned. If someone did not complete an 8h task in two days we discussed if the person was stuck on some part, if somebody else had some ideas how to progress or if the estimate was simply wrong from the beginning.
Tasks should probably take one-half day to a day, maybe as much as two days sometimes.
Think about it this way: on a more macro level, short iterations promote agility by creating small amounts of value quickly and allowing plans to change as business needs change. On a more micro level, the same is true for tasks. Just like you don't want to spend 3 months on a single iteration, you don't want to spend a week on a single task.
Daily standup meetings can give you a clue that your task size is too big. If team members frequently answer "What did you do yesterday?" and "What will you do today?" with the same answer that they gave the day before, your tasks are probably not small enough.
An example of that would be if a team member regularly answers: "I worked on BigComplexFeatureObject today and will work on it tomorrow" for more than one day in a row, that's a clue that your tasks may be too big. Hopefully, the majority of days a team member will report having completed one task and be about to start another.
Short tasks, 4-16 hours as others have said, also give the PO and team good feedback about project progress. And they prevent team members from going down "rabbit trails" and spending a lot of effort on work that might not be needed if business desires change.
A nice thing about having many smaller tasks is that it potentially gives the PO room to prioritize tasks better and optimize delivered value. You'd be surprised how many "important" parts of big tasks can be postponed or eliminated if they are their own small task.
Generally a good yardstick is that a task is something you do on a given day. This is ideal, which means it's rare. But it does fit nicely into that 4-16 hour estimate (some take half a day, some take two days, etc.) that you gave. Granted, I don't think I've ever spent an entire uninterrupted day on a single task. At the very least, you have to break for the scrum meeting. (At a previous job a day of coding was considered 6 hours to account for overhead.)
I can understand the temptation of management to want to plan every single granular detail. That way they can micro-manage every aspect of it. But in practice that just doesn't work. They may also think that they can then use the task descriptions to somehow generate detailed documentation about the software, essentially skipping that as an actual task itself. Again, doesn't work in reality.
Agile development does call for small work items, but taking it too far defeats the purpose entirely. It ends up becoming a problem of too much up-front planning and having to put in a ton of extra re-planning any time anything changes. At that point it's no longer agile, it's just a series of smaller waterfalls.
I don't think that there is a universal answer to this question that fits every situation. I think that you should try what your collegues are proposing, and after the first sprint or two you evaluate and see if the process needs tweaking to accomodate everyones needs and wishes.
That 4 hour figure sounds like a good minimum to me. I like to think in terms of visible results. We don't have a task per line of code, or a label on a screen, or per refactored utility method surely? But when we get to something that someone else can use, like a public class used by someone else, or a set of fields on a screen that allow some useful action then this sounds like a trackable task to me.
For me the key question is "Do we know we've finished it?" with individual helper functions there's a pretty good chance of refactoring and change, but when I say to my colleage "Here, use this" it either works or it doesn't. The task's completeness can be evaluated.

Should developers be allowed to participate in backlog planning processes? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I recently interviewed with a company which has started introducing Scrum for their development cycles. I asked one of the developers how their experience has been, and it sounds like they are completely divested from the planning process. He wasn't allowed any input as to what went into a given Sprint, and didn't participate in any planning or grooming activities.
Basically, at the start of the last Sprint (or two) he was handed a to-do list. He had to breakdown items into their respective tasks (so they could be worked on over the Sprint), but wasn't involved in any planning activities; I'm skeptical he was allowed much input into how much effort an item might take -- I suspect the architects decided this for the team.
Is this how Scrum should be handled? My current team fully participates in all planning activities, continually adding our input as to how features may be addressed and how much effort they might take. I'm a bit skeptical (and nervous) about a company which simply hands developers a to-do list without asking for their input.
Note: I understand that once a Sprint starts, the list really is a prioritized to-do list. My concern is not having input into the planning process from the start.
If those who are doing the work don't get to give input saying what amount of work can fit into a sprint and let the business decide whats most important and should be scheduled to fit. Its not going to work run away. They are using new trendy agile words but doing the same old things.
(...) He wasn't allowed any input as to what went into a given Sprint, and didn't participate in any planning or grooming activities.
Obviously, they're still doing command and control and micro-management (the team is not empowered and self-organizing) and they are still using push-based scheduling (they didn't enable pull-scheduling).
Scrum has other characteristics but the above points are more than enough to say that they aren't doing Scrum, regardless of how they name it, they didn't really shift from the outdated waterfall approach (they just did put some lipstick on the pig).
This is a big hint that they're still totally clueless about what Scrum is about, they didn't get it at all. And this is not going to change without some inspection and adaptation, if they even want to change. If you don't have the power to make this happen, run away.
Is this how Scrum should be handled?
I worked at a place that called themselves agile. They had 6-8 month release cycles. Some things came from a backlog, but during the "Requirements Gathering" phase, basically the managers would spend a week or two meeting with various people in the company, and write up a feature list. The first day of each 4 week "iteration", the dev team would all get together and break down everything in a series of meetings. The last day of the iteration was deployment day, where there would be an intrim deployment that nobody outside of the dev team ever saw.
During the 8 month release cycle, the managers would touch base with the stakeholders maybe once or twice in the last two months of the release, at which point the only issues raised in those meetings that had a chance in hell of getting done before release were issues that were bad enough to make the whole effort useless if they were not implemented.
This is not agile, this is a variant on waterfall with a poor choice of ideas and methodologies cherry picked from other methodologies. At the end of the day, it still has all the same problems that waterfall does.
The lesson I took from my employment there is that development methodologies include things for a reason. If you are cherry picking from a methodology without fully understanding it (and by fully understanding, I mean having actually worked with it), there is a high chance that you will not use something that is actually vitally important to the whole thing. For example, in xp, kent beck advocates relying on refactoring later as a way to cut down on up front design. However, the only reason this actually works is that he also advocates TDD and pair programming. If you have a comprehensive test suite and an extra set of eyes there for the whole thing, refactoring is fairly safe. If you just cherry pick the first part and leave those two out, you are essentially cowboy coding.
I am extremely skeptical of shoppes that roll their own methodologies for this reason. There are an absolutely shocking amount of crimes being committed in the name of agile.
Is this how Scrum should be handled?
Definitely not. Scrum strives to increase transparency. By blocking developers from planning activities, they are doing the opposite of what scrum suggests.
You talked about 2 points here:
1. Sprint Planning - The Scrum Team members should be Definitely required here.
2. Backlog Grooming - May or may not be required here. You have to use your resources wisely and with common sense. One team member with strong developer background would be okay here I think.
There is one more type in Scrum:
Release Planning - Some might say developers are not needed here. But as per the Scrum Guide - "Release planning requires estimating and prioritizing the Product Backlog for the Release". Well prioritization can be done by the POs and suggested by the stake holders, but estimating would be most accurate if it is done by someone who is actually going to do the work, so it is a good idea to involve developers here. Again, resources should be used wisely. If it makes sense to not involve all developers and have people rotate turns to estimate, that is not a bad idea.
I suggest follow this structure:
Sprint Planning - part 1 : Estimation and pulling backlogs in Sprint from product backlog (PO, SM and Team are pigs here)
Sprint Planning - part 2 : Tasking, estimating task hours and breaking them down. (SM, and Team are pigs, PO is chicken here unless PO is taking tasks as well)
It is up to the team to figure out, during the sprint planning meeting, how it will turn the selected product backlog into a shippable product functionality. If they are not part of this process then they would not be able to commit.
The answer to your title question is: Developers (team) must participate in planning meetings. Planning meetings are for developers (team).
The good approach is to have two planning meetings at the beginning of each sprint: Planning meeting 1 and Planning meeting 2. In Planning meeting 1 Product owner gives prioritized (and size estimated - size estimation is not done on planning meeting) product backlog to the team and team starts to discuss most prioritized user stories. For each disucssed user story team should be able to collect:
Detailed requirements (for example which fields the input form has to have ...)
Constraints (for example how fast the functionality has to be)
Acceptance tests (verification of results)
UI sketches (for example how should UI flow looks like)
Acceptance criteria (validation from end user - acceptance criteria doesn't have to be real test. It can be something related to "easy to use" etc.)
There should be time boundary for Planning meeting 1. Number of user stories you were able to discuss can correspond to number of user stories you will be able to complete in upcoming sprint. At the end of Planning meeting 1 team must make commitment - say how many of discussed user stories will be done in upcomming sprint. Sprint planning meeting 2 is only for team because team further discusses user stories and breaks them into tasks.
Generally, of course they should. Obviously, it's never realistically possible to the degree that developers would like. However, if sprints are usually "Hair On Fire" type affairs, where the developers get no serious input at all... then at the very LEAST there should be regularly-scheduled "entropy reduction" sprints, where all tasks are selected exclusively by the developers for the purpose of cleaning crap up.
At least some developers need to be there so work can be properly estimated and pipelined.
But not all developers need to be there. All can be there is it makes more sense.
On the other hand, developers need to understand that the business priorities are the priorities, no matter what they think should come next. Everyone has to work together ot make it work.
I'm not so much worried about my input, but about my insight. I recently was involved in a project where I had no knowledge of the project before the plans were handed to me supposedly complete. The nightmare started when I discovered that the process was not completely thought out and the data definitions were not complete. I wound up having to go through the whole process again to get the answers that I required.
The Team can be involved in the planning process without a formal process or meeting. The planning process is really very fluid. At the start, the goal should be to get to starting sprints ASAP. Spending too much time in planning before the first sprint feels very waterfall and is a waste of everyone's time. I, as a team member would feel relieved to not be a part of that, except for the fact that it indicates a dysfunctional nature to the organization. The Team should always be free to voice ideas on an ongoing basis (since that's when the real planning happens). But, 2 things you mentioned concern me most.
First, the Team should be the only ones to determine how many backlog items they can do this sprint. They certainly would be involved in estimating the effort. That's a big problem.
Second, the Team does not sound like they have access to the product owner (maybe there ins't even one here). Even if the team has not been involved in the "planning" thus far, surely if I were talking to the product owner in the planning meeting, or had access to them at other times, I would voice suggestions over time.

Unit for estimating hours in Scrum tool [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I've been learning Scrum and trying a tool called Acunote for use with it. My question is about two fields I have there, for each task. They're "estimate" and "remaining". What unit should I use for those? Do I use Story Points? What about the remaining? For example I have a task that will take 10 units, let's say. I fill the remaining at the end of day with how many "units" I believe it will take me to complete?
I have a few suggestions for you:
If you are new to scrum; use a whiteboard and don't get bogged down in a particular tool's semantics; it will hamper your learning and adoption.
Break your stories small enough so that you don't have to create and estimate Tasks.
Don't do anything with hours, it is a waste of time to estimate at that level.
Burn down story points.
It is all too easy and common for teams to "think" they are on track because Tasks are being completed and burned down. Then they get to the end of the sprint and find that 5 stories are all 90% done and nothing is completed. If you burn down stories you are actually tracking deliverable business value and not just an arbitrary amount of developer-junk.
As always, my first advice would be to not use a tool when adopting/learning Scrum (I start to be tired to repeat the same thing over and over :). Instead, start with the simplest thing that could possibly work (a spreadsheet for the Product Backlog, a white-board and post-it notes for the Sprint Backlog). The rationale behind this is that you want to learn and master Scrum, not a tool. So don't let a tool tell you how to do Scrum and drive the process.
Then, regarding the question, there are 2 schools of thought: 1. what Scrum says in theory, 2. what some people do in practice.
In theory, Scrum has two levels of estimation: one for work (Tasks) to be completed within the current Sprint and one for more distant Product Backlog Items (PBIs). At the Product Backlog level, items (the "what" is being built) should be estimated in Story/T-Shirt/Unit-less points which have a low degree of precision. This approach avoids "analysis paralysis" pitfalls and accurately reflects the general uncertainty surrounding the work in question. At the Sprint Backlog level, items are beaked down into tasks (the "how" a PBI will be achieved) that are estimated in hours. A separate estimation scheme is appropriate because Tasks describe granular work (usually on the order of a few hours, never more than 16h). In fact, Scrum recommends using "ideal engineering hours" for Task-level estimates.
In practice, some people don't estimate in hours because burning down hours doesn't show "real" progress, which isn't false, and they prefer to burn down Story Points (which really means an item is done or not, it's more binary).
While I understand the "spirit" of the later approach, I don't apply it and stick with the theory. Actually, for the reasons previously mentioned, estimating in hours does make sense to me and I actually find that it gives better "control" of the Scrum empirical process during a Sprint (at the end of each day, you should update the estimated remaining work regardless of the actual time spent and this is easier with hours).
Moreover, I don't like the drawback of having only small stories (which can be seen as waste too) but like when a team identifies clearly what has to be done within a Sprint (this is good for transparency and helps the Product Owner to understand the real amount of work too, especially "quality oriented" tasks).
Finally, I think that you can avoid the pitfalls mentioned by DancesWithBamboo with hours too. Just stay vigilant and:
Always focus on the most important PBIs (and related tasks) first.
Pay a special attention to non-finished tasks, they should keep moving on the white board (if you are using columns to represent steps like for example "todo", "in progress", "to be verified", "done"); a non moving task is a smell.
Don't start a new item before the previous is done.
So, in my opinion, it is possible to use hours and to avoid the "nothing done" at the end of the Sprint syndrome. Just use your brain (Scrum and/or any tool won't replace it, luckily for us).
Having that said, and if you don't throw your tool away, the questions to answer are: what do you want to show on the burndown (points or hours depending on if you breakdown the work into tasks or not, I gave you my point of view) and what field does Acunote use to draw the burndown (i.e. where should I update the estimation of the remaining work). If you choose points and don't use tasks, it wouldn't make sense to update remaining work unless it's totally done IMO (a PBI is done, or not).
IMHO you shouldn't use remaining for the SCRUM points, because the points should be really subjective and you probably can't say how far you have gone.
I would recommend that you break the task into smaller ones (these ones would be the steps you need to implement the features) and then estimate them into hours. This way you can easily track the progress of the feature
Use hours for both the initial estimate and the remaining time. Tasks are usually estimated in hours.
You can use Scrum point - or any other unit - to estimate the backlog items.
I would not bother with remaining. A story or a task is boolean (either done or not done).
In our team we started to accept only tasks that are expected to have less than a day. That way no team member should be working on the same task on two consecutive daily scrums. The third day for sure rings alarm bells!
Also breaking up in task is easy and fast, because it doesn't take much estimating. Is it less than a day: OK, otherwise break it down.

What is the difference between Sprint and Iteration in Scrum and length of each Sprint? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Is there a difference between Sprint and an Iteration or one can have Iterations within a Sprint or Sprint is just the terminology used instead of Iteration in Scrum? It will be helpful if someone can throw some light on this.
Suppose there are 4 sprints and you have decided the first sprint will go up to 10 days is it required that other 3 sprints should have the same length of the 1st decided sprint's length??.
All sprints are iterations but not all iterations are sprints. Iteration is a common term in iterative and incremental development (IID). Scrum is one specialized flavor of IID so it makes sense to specialize the terminology as well. It also helps brand the methodology different from other IID methodologies :)
As to the sprint length: anything goes as long as the sprint is timeboxed i.e. it is finished on the planned date and not "when it's ready". (Or alternatively, in rare occasions, the sprint is terminated prematurely to start a new sprint in case some essential boundary conditions are changed.)
It does help to have the sprints of similar durations. There's less to remember about the sprint schedule and your planning gets more accurate. I like to keep mine at 2 calendar weeks, which will resolve into 8..10 business days outside holiday seasons.
Sprint == Iteration.
The lengths can vary, but it's a bad planning precedent to let them vary too much.
Keep them consistent in duration and you will get better at planning and delivering. Everything will be measured by how many 10-day sprints it takes to finish a series of use cases.
Keep them consistent in length and you can plan your deliveries, end-user testing, etc., with more accuracy.
The point is to release on time at a consistent pace. A regular schedule makes management slightly simpler and more predictable.
The important thing about a sprint is that: within a sprint the functionality that is to be delivered is fixed.
A sprint is normally an iteration. But you can for example have a 4 week sprint, but have 4 one week "internal" iterations within that sprint.
There is a lot of discussion about the length of sprints. I think that if you do it according to the book they should all be the same length.
We have found that a short first sprint to get the development environment up and running, followed by longer basic functionality sprints, then short sprints towards the end of the project, has worked for us.
"___ is largely an organizational issue caused by long hours, little down time, and continual peer, customer, and superior surveillance"
No this is not the definition of scrum, it is the wikipedia excerpt on the definition of burnout.
Dont do too many short 10 days sprints. You will burnout your team eventually. Use short sprints where you really need them, and don't do too many in a row. Think long-term. A distance runner always paces themselves for the full race and does sprints in short distances only where it matters.
If you burnout your team you can toss out all them fancy scrum charts, they won't do a thing for your team's plummeting productivity.
Iteration is synonymous with sprint, sprint is just the Scrum terminology.
On the question about sprint length, the only caution I would note is that in Scrum you are using the past sprints to gain a level of predictability on your teams ability to deliver on their commitments for the sprint. They do this by developing a velocity over a number of sprints. A change in the team members or the length of the sprint are factors that will affect the velocity for a sprint, over past sprints.
Just as background, velocity is the sum of estimation points assigned to the backlog items, or stories, that were completely finished during that sprint. Most Agile proponents (Mike Cohn, Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland for instance), recommend that teams use "the recent weather" to base their future estimations on how much they think they can commit to in a sprint. This means using the average from the last few sprints as the basis for an estimate in the upcoming sprint planning session.
Once again, varying the sprint length reduces your teams ability to provide that velocity statistic which the team uses for sprint planning, and the product owner uses for release planning (i.e. predicting when the project will end or what will be in the project at the end).
I recommend Mike Cohn's book on Agile Estimating and Planning to provide an overview of the way sprints, estimation and planning all can fit together.
Where I work we have 2 Sprints to an Iteration. The Iteration demo is before the business stakeholders that don't want to meet after every Sprint, but that is our interpretation of the terminology. Some places may have the terms having equally meaning, I'm just pointing out that where I work they aren't the same thing.
No, sprints can have varying lengths. Where I work we had a half a Sprint to align our Sprints with the Iterations that others in the project from another department were using.
Sprint is just the term for an iteration.
You can change the Sprint length to be anything you want, but likely you'll want to try to find an amount of time that "works well" (which may mean any number of things for your team) and end up sticking with it over time.
According to my experience
Sprint is a kind of Iteration and one can have many Iterations within a
single Sprint (e.g. one shall startover or iterate a task if it's
failed and still having extra estimated time) or across many Sprints
(such as performing ongoing tasks).
Normally, the duration for a Sprint can be one or two weeks, It
depends on the time required and the priority of tasks (which could
be defined by Product Owner or Scrum Master or the team) from the Product
Sprint as defined in pure Scrum has the duration 30 calendar days. However Iteration length could be anything as defined by the team.

Best way of using Scrum and Sprint for Infrastructure improvement [closed]

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Does anybody use Scrum & Sprint for Infrastructure.
I'm struggling with the concept of a Sprint that never finishes i.e. a Network enhancement project.
Also any suggestions on how Item time can be built up to a Product Backlog, so that I can sanity check that resources are not overcommited on the sprint.
I would suggest that you might start by refreshing your memory about the whole concept of Scrum ( might be a good place to start).
For example I don't believe that there should be such thing as a 'never finishing sprint'. If you have some very long and/or recurring task just break it into more specific ones. Network enhancement is very generic - break it down to:
a spike to research new network equipment
a spike to review your cables layout
a task to draw the equipment physical locations and wires diagram
Estimate these and put them into your Backlog.
Then plan short (1-2) week sprints or iterations. Assign a specific goal to each of them. Add some of your tasks from the backlog to the iteration. Complete it.
Review the results, adjust the process, repeat.
Scrum is a project management method, it is not specifically aimed at software development ; so it can be used for network enhancement project.
You said you're struggling with "sprint that never finishes", that is not Scrum. Sprint are timeboxed, they finish on time, period.
Now, if the team overcommitted for the sprint, or if some tasks were underestimated, and there are backlog items that are not "done done", they are removed from the outcome of the sprint, and may be continued in the next sprint.
There are several things you can do to prevent overcommitement :
backlog items shall be small ; small items are easier to estimate that large items. Actually, they should have INVEST characteristics. EDIT: the backlog items should be sized so that the Team can complete between 5 and 10 in one Sprint, on average.
after the first sprint, you now how
much the team can put in a sprint
(provided comparable ressources)
do not allocate people 100% on the sprint, start with 80% as a rule of thumb
define what "done" means
re-estimate your backlog items based on what your learnt
If the network enhancement project never finishes, I assume it is because new needs are identified. Add them in your backlog, prioritize them, estimate them, they will eventually be scheduled in a sprint.
You might look into Kanban. You still have a backlog, but instead of timeboxing it imposes WIP limits throughout a process flow. I still recommend using the Scrum communication plan w/ standups and regular retrospectives and demos if appropriate. Planning meetings are a little different in that you are not actually committing to any work, but you can still use stories and story points (WIP limits can be on story points). If you are meeting every two week, I would make sure you have 2.5 or 3 week of work queued up (although an advantage of Kanban is you can always add the next big thing to the top of the queue without having to wait until the next sprint).
Also I like the fact that you can have swimlanes representing their various clients as infrastructure is often working on end user support tickets and supporting multiple projects in addition to their own day to day work.
In waterfall you would build and release all at once. In Scrum you build and release periodically, in short sprints. With Kanban, you just keep the water flowing.
Google Infra-gile for more.
A Sprint that never finishes is not a's a career. JK. Make sure you have clearly defined sub-goals if a major goal is not reachable and/or constantly shifting. Estimate man hours on each task and break it down into sub-tasks if those hours get to be more than half a day or so (very loose rule). Track time (doesn't have to be precise--can be logged at the stand up meeting or through your project management system or ticketing system) and compare to tasks. You will find some tasks that are similar in function and time to complete. Use those as prototypes for the next sprint and keep enhancing it until you are getting more and more on the mark.
Once you have a pretty good handle on that, revisit your backlog, assign estimated time and start defining solid goals (which are made up of discrete, well defined sub tasks), stretch goals, and distant goals for your sprint. Solid goals should be well within your team's reach (no more than 60% of your estimated goals you can accomplish and usually less), stretch goals should be from that point to what you estimate you can accomplish (at 100% estimated efficiency) and distant goals you should have on your radar in case you have a fantastic bit of luck that sprint. Everyday, review and chart your burn down at the stand up, and re-eveluate your goals for that sprint. If there are wild changes in your estimates, note why, and if they are systematic, revisit your tasks and estimated time and readjust so your next estimate will be better. This is a whole lot of work at first and it takes a remarkable amount of discipline but the payoffs after a few months are huge. Just keep grounded in strict reality. Good luck!

