show popovers on uilabel touch in iphone - ios4

I have a number of UILabels on a single view of a iphone application ios 4.3. How to handle touch events for all these labels at one time? I wanted to show pop overs on touch of that label. I know popovers are not available on iphone and will be making my custom ones.
what i did was using UITapGestureRecognizer and adding an action #selector(labelTap:) and then doing [label addGestureRecognizer:TapGestureRecognizerObject. But when i use the same UITapGestureRecognizer for all my UIlabels only the last added label shows the tap action.
i have set userInteractionEnable to YES.
Can any one point me to the right direction?

You need to create separate UITapRecognizer for tracking different UILabel, when a UIGestureRecognizer is added to multiple views, it will only track event from last it added to. To better understand why you need different instances of UITapRecognizer, think of it as a UIView that only handles touches event but doesn't do any drawing.


Are InputComponents and Dialogs incompatible?

In the simple Dialog below:
// choice of layout has no impact:
Container cont=new Container(new TextModeLayout(3, 1));
//Container cont=new Container(new BoxLayout(BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
TextComponent firstName=new TextComponent().label("First Name").text(person.firstname);
TextComponent lastName=new TextComponent().label("Last Name").text(person.lastname);
TextComponent cost=new TextComponent().label("Cost per Session").text(person.getCostString());
// doesn't work: // works:
cont.add(firstName); // cont.add(firstName.getField());
cont.add(lastName); // cont.add(lastName.getField());
cont.add(cost); // cont.add(cost.getField());"Edit Client", cont, new Command(CANCEL), new Command(OK));
Nothing appears in the Dialog unless I add the TextField instead of the TextComponent to my container at the NOTE HERE comment. This means I lose the nice appearance of the labelled input fields (yes I know I could label them myself, but they wouldn't look as good on different devices). My choice of layout manager at the top does not affect this issue (I've tried several). I can't find evidence online to conclude there's an incompatibility here, adding TextComponents and other InputComponents works fine on a Form, just not in a Dialog.
I'm having the same problem in another Dialog that uses PickerComponents. The PickerComponent doesn't appear unless I add the Picker itself, and then the Picker spawned from a Dialog looks all wrong. I'm hoping the simpler code question above will answer this quandary as well.
It's worth noting I've made no theme changes and this problem is noted in both the Android and Apple skins as well as on an actual Android phone. Thanks in advance for any help!
You shouldn't do input in a Dialog as it creates a very problematic user experience. If you would like things to look like they are in a dialog you can use styles and layouts to make a Form feel like a Dialog but you shouldn't use a Dialog.
The reason this fails is a bit complicated but here are the high level problems with using a dialog:
Dialogs don't grow implicitly - This is a huge problem for text input as the component needs space to resize with input and even more so for the animated TextComponent which needs to shift things around. The size of a Dialog is determined when it's shown and that's a big problem
This becomes a bigger problem on Android where the screen resizes during input and distorts the dialog completely. It's one of those things you'll only see on the device because it's really hard to simulate the virtual keyboard.
Scrollability is hard in a Dialog and text components need a scrollable parent so you can scroll between the various edit components
Picker component uses a form of Dialog to show input and this can collide with your dialog
Dialogs are hard to get right for suspend/resume behavior. Suspend/resume happens when the app is minimized or sent to the background. E.g. say you have an incoming call while typing in the dialog. When you go back to the app we want to show the last form. If we show the dialog it will block and we won't know which parent form to show anyway. So when an app is suspended dialogs are just disposed in the default code generated in the main class. It makes more sense.

Making and Object uniteractable

So I have a part of my game where the character is selecting an area of the map. And it opening up a panel. I have made it so that happens but an=m now stuck on the other part of it. I want only certain area of the map to be intractable, so that I can bar the player from selecting areas of the map that they aren't ready for. I have no idea how to make game objects in the game uninteractable. I have looked on Stack overflow, Youtube an d the Unity API to no success. Can someone help me with that.
How to make things un-interactable will vary depending on your situation. I'll be presuming that you're map is broken up into a grid of sorts.
The basic setup would involve a bool, probably called 'CanAccessZone'.
Then you'll need a class, to store any access info and popup logic, by popup logic I mean make the element either non-interactable or show a popup, with the shown popup being dependant on 'CanAccessZone'. This class can then be set up by your Map class when the level is loaded, or you could let the popup class grab the necessary values from the Map class.
If you're using Unity's UI buttons for the map pieces, then you could set interactable to false, until you want to let the player access the zone. If you want to display a popup informing the player that they can't access the zone, then your button will be interactable, but the click will delegate to your popup logic method.
It's a similiar principle if you're using gameobjects as buttons. You'd be using any of the OnMouse events to handle click events.
Hopefully this'll lead you in the right direction.

How to draw a map using mkmapview with driving directions between map annotations

I'm developing an App with some maps functionalities (among other things), I'd like to draw a map from my current location to a given destination, but I do not want to use the shareadapplication, The shared application does not have a BACK button for example and some other navigation items I already have.
I want to do it in my own viewcontroller with mkmapview on it.
I already have the code to place the pin annotations, what I need is to trace the driving directions from A to B.
The other option is to use the [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:url] call to appear inside the viewcontroller window so I can keep my navigation items.
Any ideas?
You can't do the "other option". iOS apps do not run inside windows that you can put within your app, they are full screen apps and you can make you app switch to them, but you can't make other apps switch back to yours.
So, the big question is, where are you going to get driving directions from? Check out GoogleMapsSDK, OpenStreetMap and CloudMade, because iOS maps won't give you the directions.

Zooming Entire ScrollView

I have a series of PDFScrollViews (like the one given in the sample code on Apple Developer) inside a UIScrollView but I want them to all scroll at once no matter where in the ScrollView the Pinch-Zoom action happens, currently this only happens to the one PDFScrollView that is pinched and the other stay the same size. The basic goal I'm trying to achieve here is to make a series of PDFs act as one homogeneous PDF to the user.
implement scroll view's delegate method
-(UIView *) viewForZoomingInScrollView: (UIScrollView *) ScrollView
And return your PDF view.
hope it 'll work

Monotouch: arrange the UINavigationController back button in a different position

How can I arrange (programatically) the back button of a UINavigationController in a different position?
For example, suppose that the back button (visible in the upper bar of a UINavigationController) has these coordinates: 67 for x and 10 for y. I would arrange the back button for these coordinates: 89 for x and 10 for y.
Do I have to override these measures in a specific method (for example viewDidLoad() method)?
Thank you. Regards.
I guess this cannot be done in a simple way as you can manipulate the navigation bar only via few properties. So there are basically two methods:
1) traverse the UI tree and search for the actual button control created by iOS for you in the navigation toolbar and change its Frame property. You can always get to the inner controls by the Subviews property, so call navigationController.Subviews and iterate through that until you find the control you would like to move, btw it could be deep in the hierarchy, depends. And with iOS update this can change, so this is a bit of a hack, but usually such technique works well.
2) do the custom way. Hide the actual navigation bar, and do the navigation yourself via custom buttons, add a UIButton to your interface, in the action for that call popViewController on the navigationController. If you're inside a view controller, you can use this.navigationController.PopViewControllerAnimated (...);
If you need nice buttons, use this PSD, works well for me
Hope this helps. If so, please vote.
