ModelComparer does not work at all - gxt

I'm having problems with ModelComparer. Here is the code:
mycombobox.getStore().setModelComparer(new ModelComparer<BeanModel>() {
public boolean equals(BeanModel m1, BeanModel m2) {
if(m1 == null) return false;
if(m2 == null) return false;
return (((mycomboelement)m1.getBean()).getId()==((mycomboelement)m2.getBean()).getId());
The ModelComparer I defined does not work at all. When I call
abeanmodel = mycombobox.getStore().findModel(x);
the variable abeanmodel is always null, neither the message "HEY." is printed on console. I can't figure out what's wrong. I'm using gxt-2.2.3. TIA.

I got the answer. Terrel was right. I've to post some more code.
When I execute:
I check my BeanModel x against an empty store. That's because of GWT's asynchronous call execution. To get the code working I have to implement a LoadListener:
mycombobox.getStore().getLoader().addLoadListener(new LoadListener(){
public void loaderLoad(LoadEvent le) {
abeanmodel = mycombobox.getStore().findModel(x);
now I'm sure to check my BeanModel x against a store filled with data.
I hope this helps. Thank you.


Xceed AvalonDock - Revit MainWindow.FindFirstChild returns nul

I am an Architect relatively new to C#, I am trying to implement Ehsan Iran-Nejad's amazing PyRevit coloured tabs in my own toolbar.
Unfortunately for me, this is returning null:
public static Xceed.Wpf.AvalonDock.DockingManager GetDockingManager(UIApplication uiapp)
var wndRoot = (MainWindow)UIAppEventUtils.GetWindowRoot(uiapp);
if (wndRoot != null)
return MainWindow.FindFirstChild<Xceed.Wpf.AvalonDock.DockingManager>(wndRoot);
return null;
Launched from the external command:
public class StartGroupingTabsExt : IExternalCommand
public Result Execute(ExternalCommandData commandData, ref string message, ElementSet elements)
return Result.Succeeded;
I cannot see quite what is going wrong, any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I've had something similar happening when I was building something like that. I had referenced the xceed.wpf.avalondock library from nuget and that was what caused it. Maybe you did the same thing? If I instead referenced the dll that's in the Revit installation folder, it worked without a problem.

How do I get a method and KeyEventArgs interact with each other?

I am trying to learn programming for fun (apologies in advance if I get the terminology wrong) and have found an issue that I am struggling to solve. I have been trying to get a program to interact with key a key being pressed (e.g: you press "space" and the console will print "hello world") and am unable to get the event and method to interact.
What am I doing wrong; is it a simple step I've missed or have I got the structure completely wrong?
Thank you!
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace Key_Input_2
class MainProgram
static void Main(string[] args)
KeyInput_2 k = new KeyInput_2();
bool keyType = k.dKey_KeyDown();
if (keyType == true)
Console.WriteLine("Hello World");
class KeyInput_2
bool dKey = false;
public bool dKey_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
while (dKey == false)
if (e.KeyCode == Keys.D)
return true;
return false;
Start with this:
public bool dKey_KeyDown()
var key = Console.ReadKey();
if (key == ConsoleKey.D)
return true;
return false;
The code you have posted won't work at all.
First, you are calling dKey_KeyDown without any arguments, but the declaration of this method requires two arguments, object sender, and KeyEventArgs the code won't even compile, let alone run.
Second, it looks like you might have copied and pasted this from some example code from Windows Forms coding; in this case sender and e are supplied by the Forms code as part of its event handling mechanism. I won't go into the details here, but it won't work in a Console can read more about it here
In the interest of helping out, here is a simple program that will do what you want, it uses Console.ReadKey
using System;
namespace SimpleKey
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
//make a variable to store the input from the user's keypress
ConsoleKeyInfo input = new ConsoleKeyInfo();
//keep executing the code inside the block ({..}) until the user presses the Spacebar
while (input.Key != ConsoleKey.Spacebar)
Console.WriteLine("Press SpaceBar...");
input = Console.ReadKey();
//now they have pressed spacebar, so display the message
Console.WriteLine("Hello World");
Finally - congratulations on deciding to take up programming! Stick with it, you'll be glad you did :)

What is the best place to detect user sign in when using azure acs and mvc3?

I want to be able to detect when a user signs on to my application using passive acs, so that I can add them to my database if this is the first time using my app. Right now I am subscribing to WSFederationAuthenticationModule.SignedIn but I feel I'm missing something. Mainly I'm not sure the best place to subscribe to the event, I got it to work inside PostAuthenticateRequest but its a bit hacky. Any suggestions?
this code is from global.asax
public override void Init()
PostAuthenticateRequest += (s, e) =>
FederatedAuthentication.WSFederationAuthenticationModule.SignedIn -= SignedIn;
FederatedAuthentication.WSFederationAuthenticationModule.SignedIn += SignedIn;
private void SignedIn(object sender, EventArgs e)
//do something
For now I'm going to use a flag variable to make sure I only subscribe once to SignedIn. Unless someone has any other suggestions that is :) thanks for the help Sandrino. Here is what I have at the moment.
private static bool isFirstRequest = true;
public override void Init()
PostAuthenticateRequest += (s, e) => {
if (isFirstRequest)
.WSFederationAuthenticationModule.SignedIn += SignedIn;
isFirstRequest = false;
private void SignedIn(object sender, EventArgs e)
//do something
A little more info. This problem happens if I'm using the azure emulator, it probably happens when deployed as well but I haven't tried that. I have tested if I am just not able to debug by trying to write to a text file and no text file was created.
Why do you subscribe to the SignedIn event each time the PostAuthenticateRequest event is raised? You can simple subscribe to it when the application starts (in the Global.asax) and it will be raised for each user that signed in:
public class MvcApplication : System.Web.HttpApplication
protected void Application_Start()
FederatedAuthentication.ServiceConfigurationCreated += (s, e) =>
FederatedAuthentication.WSFederationAuthenticationModule.SignedIn += new EventHandler(OnUserSignedIn);
private void OnUserSignedIn(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Custom logic here.
The SignedIn event is the best way to detect a user sign in before the application continues. Take a look at the following diagram. Before redirecting back to a page, the SignedIn event is raised to allow you to detect an user sign in:
I created a class that derives from ClaimsAuthenticationManager. There is only one method that you have to override, which is
public virtual IClaimsPrincipal Authenticate(string resourceName, IClaimsPrincipal incomingPrincipal);
In my app, I use this method to check if the user, who has successfully authenticated, is really a user of my app (i.e. they exist in my database). If not, I direct them to a signup page.
My class looks something like this:
public override IClaimsPrincipal Authenticate(string resourceName, IClaimsPrincipal incomingPrincipal)
if (incomingPrincipal.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
var identity = incomingPrincipal.Identity as IClaimsIdentity;
User user = null;
// Get name identifier and identity provider
var nameIdentifierClaim = identity.Claims.SingleOrDefault(c => c.ClaimType.Equals(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
var identityProviderClaim = identity.Claims.SingleOrDefault(c => c.ClaimType.Equals(CustomClaimTypes.IdentityProviderClaimType, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
if (nameIdentifierClaim == null || identityProviderClaim == null)
throw new AuthenticationErrorException("Invalid claims", "The claims provided by your Identity Provider are invalid. Please contact your administrator.");
//checking the database here...
using (var context = new CloudContext())
user = (from u in context.Users
where u.IdentityProvider == identityProviderClaim.Value &&
u.NameIdentifier == nameIdentifierClaim.Value &&
select u).FirstOrDefault();
catch (System.Data.DataException ex)
if (ex.InnerException != null)
return incomingPrincipal;
Then, in your web.config, you add a section to the <microsoft.identitymodel> area, as so:
<claimsAuthenticationManager type="CloudAnalyzer.UI.Security.CloudAnalyzerClaimsAuthenticationManager" />
I learned this trick from the sample app located here: Windows Azure Marketplace. Even if you're not going to publish in the Window Azure Marketplace it's a good sample with some helpful code snippets you can use for ACS integration.

Storing a reference to an object to be

I don't know if this is possible at all so this is a shot in the dark.
Consider having the following model:
Class Model
public List<string> TheList = null;
The List is set to null on purpose.
var model = new Model();
command.RegisterInData( model => model.TheList ); // TheList is null at this point
model.TheList = new List<string>();
model.TheList.Add("A value here");
command.Execute(); // <-- Here I want to access the new list somehow
As said, I don't know if anything like this is possible but I would like a push in the right direction.
The function desired: I would like to tell the command where to put the result before I have a concrete object.
Thanks in advance
This seems quite doable. Here is a variation with an even simpler accessor:
class Command
private Func<List<string>> listAccessor;
public void RegisterInData(Func<List<string>> listAccessor)
this.listAccessor = listAccessor;
public void Execute()
var list = this.listAccessor();
foreach (string s in list)
// Elsewhere
var model = new Model();
command.RegisterInData(() => model.TheList);
model.TheList = new List<string>();
model.TheList.Add("A value here");
You'll probably want error handling for the case where RegisterInData is not called before Execute, but you get the idea.
You simply have to delay calling the delegate passed to RegisterInData and call it (I guess) at Execute.
Could Lazy be of use here?

C# override a method and optionally throw an exception, is a return value required?

I have a method in C# 4.0 that is like this:
protected override bool _update()
if (this.Notes == "")
throw new Exception("Some message...");
The compiler complains that not all code paths return a value, however, if I were to do this:
protected override bool _update()
throw new Exception("Some message...");
it compiles okay. Are there recommended ways of getting around this? Seems like they really aren't all that different, if an exception in one case suffices for no return value, why wouldn't it in the other case?
Give this a shot :)
protected override bool _update()
if (this.Notes == "")
throw new Exception("Some message...");
return base._update();
You just need to return the output of base._update(), it's not enough to just run it because the value wouldn't get returned.
The method is expecting a return value of boolean type, yet you're not returning anything here. The "Exception" case will exit out of the function no matter what. You need to do something like:
return base._update();
Because if this.Notes != "", then your method would exit without ever returning a value. Did you mean this?
protected override bool _update()
if (this.Notes == "")
throw new Exception("Some message...");
return base._update();
This is because you are not doing
"return base._update"
also please stick to standard naming conventions as a recommendation : )
Stay away from dangling if stmt issues by including
protected override bool Update()
if (this.Notes == "")
throw new Exception("Some message...");
return base.Update();
