Connecting to IIS from virtual machine inside vmwate - iis

I have a virtual machine running windows xp inside a vmware instance. How do i connect to the iis on my vmware instance from my xp virtual machine?
Hope you get the idea, otherwise ill elaborate.

you need to know the ip of the machine that hosts the iis. then a simple http:\\ or http:\machinename


One way communication between vm's?

We have 3 vm's set up in ESXi on one machine, and on another machine (host OS = MS Server 2012) we have 5 machines set up in VMware Workstation 11.
From the Workstation VM's I can ping and ssh into all 3 ESXi vm's, but from the ESXi vm's I can't ping or ssh to the Workstation VM's. I have tried this with the firewall enabled and disabled on the MS Server.
All vm's are running CentOS 6.x, the ESXi machines are full desktops, the Workstation machines are minimal installs.
All 5 Workstation vm's have 2 way comms with each other, as do all 3 ESXi vm's but comms only go one way between the two types.
Ned ideas for troubleshooting this, wide searches of the net yielded nothing helpful that I could find, nor did posting this problem on the VMware forums.
How is the networking setup for the Workstation VMs? Sounds like they may be NAT-ed, which would render them invisible.

Cannot connect to a server on Cent OS Machine

I have installed CentOS as a virtual machine (using Virtual Box), on my Windows OS. I am running a lighttpd server on my CentOS machine. I am trying to access the server, from my browser, which is running on Windows, using the IP address and port number. But, I am getting the following error: Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at
Also, when I am running the server on Ubuntu(as a virtual machine using VMware Player), I am able to connect from the Window's browser successfully. Can anyone please suggest me, what I might have been missing on CentOS Machine. Thanks.
I would suggest that it is something that has to do with the VM setup. Compare the configuration of your Ubuntu VM and the CentOSVM. In order to connect from Windows to the VM, I think that you need to setup a bridge network connection rather than NAT. But I am not sure, so I would suggest you try all the different options.
Hope that helps!

VBox network mode to test Win 2008 server?

I have 2 machines running on my VirtualBox, one is a Windows XP client the second one is a 2008 Server with DHCP and DNS installed and configured.
now i want to test my server setup with my client machine, i tried all the network mode in VirtualBox but none of them worked
NAT mode get dhcp setting from VirtualBox itself i think
Bridged mode get dhcp from my router
any idea what should i do ?
My first guess would be to configure both virtual machines to have a single virtual network adapter that is configured as "internal network" and set a static IP address on both virtual machines. That will effectively isolate both guests to their own private network for testing.
I suggest to you to set network adapters on both virtual machines in "Bridge Mode".
On Windows Server 2008 you must choose type: Intel PRO/1000 MT Server (82545EM)
In this way, your virtual machine will get an IP address on the same LAN of your host machine, and the three machines can communicate

VMWare ESX image to run on VMWare workstation

I've an linux image(debian) running on VMWare ESX 3.1.
Is it possible to copy that image and run it locally on my local VMWare workstation?
Just open up the VI client, shut down the VM, browse to the datastore and then download the image. Pretty straightforward really, I do it from ESXi 3.5 -> Workstation 6.5 all the time.
I believe that while ESX (commercial) is reverse-compatible to Server (free), Server is NOT forward-compatible to ESX.
Therefore, you can import Server images to ESX, but not the other way around.
You may be able to go from an ESX host to an ESXi (free) host, however.
As far as I remember that was exactly what I did a few weeks ago. I exported the image (export facility is included in the ESX, but you'll have to power off the image while you export it). Once the image was exported I ran it through the VMware converter (free tool) and converted it to run on a workstationr/player.
However my laptop always crashes when I install VMWorkstation so I run it om a VMPlayer.
We also have such an environment and are working on it since past 5 years. We have ESXi 3.5 virtualized environment running Centos OS virtual machines amongst others. To use the virtual machine from ESXi on our local machine, we have installed VMWare Workstation (also VMWare Player). We take a complete mondo backup using mondoarchive. We then transfer these images on our local machine. From these images, we restore the ESXi based virtual machine in our local VMWare Workstation environment. It has been a great success for last five years and we have never faced any problem with it.
Kasper, what version of ESX are you running? Trying to export an image from our ESX server always ends in a I/O error (don't have access to the server right now so I cannot remember the exact error message).
Would love to get this feature working but I not found anything on the web that might help with this specific error.
You can also user Vizioncore vConverter or FastSCP for your migration.
This is a nice article describes how to convert different images: Please go throught it.

Web Access to Virtual Machine

Is their a way to access a web server such as windows server 2003 installed on a virtual box such as vmware from the host machine?
If VMware is set to use bridged networking, then each guest OS effectively has its own IP address, like brien said, you just point your browser to that address.
If you configure your virtual machine to use bridged networking, instead of NAT, it will have its own IP address "beside" the host machine, instead of a local IP address "behind" it. Then you can connect to the virtual machine, using that IP number.
(Disclaimer: I've used VMware workstation for several years, but not their server products.)
Yes, you should just be able to point to the IP address of the VM.
How is your VM networking configured?
I am doing this all over the place, just make sure that the vm has an ip configured.
i believe vmware (workstation?) also has built in a virtual network client (VNC) that you can connect to - enable it by going to the configuration properties of the vm, and in the last tab there is a checkbox for it.
IP address should do it.
I faced the same issue. You have to set your networkconnection to "bridged mode" in your VM. Then you have to find out the IP of your Webserver.
Sometimes Webservers have a redirect to a specific URL. In this case you can edit your host-file in C:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc/hosts and add your IP with the redirected URL like this: some.url-you.need
Then your Host can go to the Webserver. Even participants of your Ethernet can access the Webserver.
