Calling Managed Bean Method From JavaScript [duplicate] - jsf

This question already has an answer here:
How to invoke a JSF managed bean on a HTML DOM event using native JavaScript?
(1 answer)
Closed 4 years ago.
I have an application with a client-side image map with multiple sections defined. I need to call a method in the Managed Bean from the <area> onclick attribute.
This doesn't work:
<area id="ReviewPerson" shape="rect" coords="3, 21, 164, 37" href="#"
onclick="#{personBean.method}" alt="Review Person" id="reviewPersonArea"
title="Review Person" />
Since my hands are tied on the image map (unfortunately), how can I call a managed bean method from within the <area> tag?

If you use primefaces, you don't need jquery. You use remoteCommand with a name attribute, and call that name from javascript, so:
<area... onclick="somejavascript();"... />
<p:remoteCommand name="myCommand" actionListener="#{personBean.method}" style="display: none;" />
function somejavascript(){

You have a few options. If you are using JSF 2.0 you can build a composite component around these area tags.
The easiest way however would be to invoke a hidden JSF input button.
<h:commandButton id="hdnBtn" actionListener="#{personBean.method}" style="display: none;" />
This will render as an input HTML element on the page that you can access from Javascript and invoke its click event.

If you use Seam, Remoting can do this for you:
Another approach would be do expose the methods as REST services, and call them from your JavaScript using something like jQuery. Here's a good article on this approach:

If you want complete ADF Faces solution you can try this:
function doClick(){
var button = AdfPage.PAGE.findComponentByAbsoluteId("aButton");

This is the most up to date answer, for Java EE 8 (JSF 2.3)
use <h:commandScript> this will create a javascript function which will under the hood invoke the jsf backing bean method, and because it's a javascript you can invoke it from your js code
<h:commandScript id="submit"
and the js code
function invoke()
for more visit Ajax method invocation

If you use primefaces, you can use a hidden input field linked to a managed bean, and you can initialize its value using javascript, for PrimeFaces, the PF function can be used to access a widget variable linked to the hidden input, in this way:
function codeLoginAddress() {
PF('wvLoginLat').jq.val( lat1 ); // set in getLocation
PF('wvLoginLng').jq.val( lng1 )
<p:inputText type="hidden" widgetVar="wvLoginLat" value="#{}" />
<p:inputText type="hidden" widgetVar="wvLoginLng" value="#{userSession.lng}" />
// at end of page, initialization code
getLocation(); // sets lat1 and lng1
codeLoginAddress(); // sets the value of the widget variables


How to trigger click event on command button in JSF, after the evalution of action EL expression [duplicate]

Problem: Sometimes you will want to access a component from javascript with
getElementById, but id's are generated dynamically in JSF, so you
need a method of getting an objects id. I answer below on how you can do this.
Original Question:
I want to use some code like below. How can I reference the inputText JSF component in my Javascript?
<html xmlns=""
<title>Input Name Page</title>
<script type="javascript" >
function myFunc() {
// how can I get the contents of the inputText component below
alert("Your email address is: " + document.getElementById("emailAddress").value);
Please enter your email address:<br/>
<h:inputText id="emailAddresses" value="#{emailAddresses.emailAddressesStr}"/>
<h:commandButton onclick="myFunc()" action="results" value="Next"/>
Update: this post Client Identifiers in JSF2.0 discusses using a technique like:
<script type="javascript" >
function myFunc() {
alert("Your email address is: " + document.getElementById("#{myInptTxtId.clientId}").value);
<h:inputText id="myInptTxtId" value="backingBean.emailAddress"/>
<h:commandButton onclick="myFunc()" action="results" value="Next"/>
Suggesting that the attribute id on the inputText component
creates an object that can be accessed with EL using #{myInptTxtId},
in the above example. The article goes on to state that JSF 2.0 adds
the zero-argument getClientId() method to the UIComponent class.
Thereby allowing the #{myInptTxtId.clientId} construct suggested
above to get the actual generated id of the component.
Though in my tests this doesn't work. Can anyone else confirm/deny.
The answers suggested below suffer from drawback that the above
technique doesn't. So it would be good to know if the above technique
actually works.
You need to use exactly the ID as JSF has assigned in the generated HTML output. Rightclick the page in your webbrowser and choose View Source. That's exactly the HTML code which JS sees (you know, JS runs in webbrowser and intercepts on HTML DOM tree).
Given a
<h:inputText id="emailAddresses" ... />
It'll look something like this:
<form id="j_id0">
<input type="text" id="j_id0:emailAddress" ... />
Where j_id0 is the generated ID of the generated HTML <form> element.
You'd rather give all JSF NamingContainer components a fixed id so that JSF don't autogenerate them. The <h:form> is one of them.
<h:form id="formId">
<h:inputText id="emailAddresses" value="#{emailAddresses.emailAddressesStr}"/>
This way the form won't get an autogenerated ID like j_id0 and the input field will get a fixed ID of formId:emailAddress. You can then just reference it as such in JS.
var input = document.getElementById('formId:emailAddress');
From that point on you can continue using JS code as usual. E.g. getting value via input.value.
See also:
How to select JSF components using jQuery?
Update as per your update: you misunderstood the blog article. The special #{component} reference refers to the current component where the EL expression is been evaluated and this works only inside any of the attributes of the component itself. Whatever you want can also be achieved as follows:
var input = document.getElementById('#{emailAddress.clientId}');
with (note the binding to the view, you should absolutely not bind it to a bean)
<h:inputText binding="#{emailAddress}" />
but that's plain ugly. Better use the following approach wherein you pass the generated HTML DOM element as JavaScript this reference to the function
<h:inputText onclick="show(this)" />
function show(input) {
If you're using jQuery, you can even go a step further by abstracting them using a style class as marker interface
<h:inputText styleClass="someMarkerClass" />
$(document).on("click", ".someMarkerClass", function() {
var $input = $(this);
Answer: So this is the technique I'm happiest with. Doesn't require doing too much weird stuff to figure out the id of a component. Remember the whole point of this is so you can know the id of a component from anywhere on your page, not just from the actual component itself. This is key. I press a button, launch javascript function, and it should be able to access any other component, not just the one that launched it.
This solution doesn't require any 'right-click' and see what the id is. That type of solution is brittle, as the id is dynamically generated and if I change the page I'll have to go through that nonsense each time.
Bind the component to a backing bean.
Reference the bound component wherever you want.
So here is a sample of how that can be done.
Assumptions: I have an *.xhtml page (could be *.jsp) and I have defined a backing bean. I'm also using JSF 2.0.
*.xhtml page
function myFunc() {
var inputText = document.getElementById("#{backBean.emailAddyInputText.clientId}")
alert("The email address is: " + inputText.value );
<h:inputText binding="#{backBean.emailAddyInputText}"/>
<h:commandButton onclick="myFunc()" action="results" value="Next"/>
UIInput emailAddyInputText;
Make sure to create your getter/setter for this property too.
Id is dynamically generated, so you should define names for all parent elements to avoid j_id123-like ids.
Note that if you use jQuery to select element - than you should use double slash before colon:
instead of:
In case of Richfaces you can use el expression on jsf page:
to select javascript element, for example:
#{rich:element('native-jsf-input-id')}.value = "Enter something here";
You can view the HTML source when this is generated and see what the id is set to, so you can use that in your JavaScript. As it's in a form it is probably prepending the form id to it.
I know this is not the JSF way but if you want to avoid the ID pain you can set a special CSS class for the selector. Just make sure to use a good name so that when someone reads the class name it is clear that it was used for this purpose.
<h:inputText id="emailAddresses" class="emailAddressesForSelector"...
In your JavaScript:
Of course you would still have to manually manage class name uniqueness.
I do think this is maintainable as long as you do not use this in reusable components. In that case you could generate the class names using a convention.
<h:form id="myform">
<h:inputText id="name" value="#{}"
a:placeholder="Enter Client Title"> </h:inputText>
This is a small example of jsf. Now I will write javascript code to get the value of the above jsf component:
var x = document.getElementById('myform:name').value; //here x will be of string type
var y= parseInt(x,10); //here we converted x into Integer type and can do the
//arithmetic operations as well

How to trigger JSF bean method on some JavaScript event, e.g. drop event [duplicate]

I need to execute a JSF managed bean action method using ajax during HTML DOM load event, similar to jQuery's $(document).ready(function() { $.ajax(...) }). I can only use the JavaScript generated by JSF in this project. Is there a way to do it in native JSF? Which event can I use or which JSF ajax function can I use?
I'm using JSF 2.0, Facelets and PrimeFaces.
Several ways.
Use <h:commandScript>. Note that this is only available since JSF 2.3.
<h:commandScript name="commandName" action="#{bean.action}" render=":results" />
<h:panelGroup id="results">
You can invoke it in JS as below:
The parameters can be passed as below:
commandName({ name1: "value1", name2: "value2" });
And obtained as below:
String name1 = externalContext.getRequestParameterMap().get("name1"); // value1
String name2 = externalContext.getRequestParameterMap().get("name2"); // value2
To invoke it during load event, set autorun="true".
<h:commandScript ... autorun="true" />
If you're using PrimeFaces, use its <p:remoteCommand>.
<p:remoteCommand name="commandName" action="#{bean.action}" update=":results" />
<h:panelGroup id="results">
You can invoke it in JS as below:
This however doesn't use JSF native jsf.ajax.request(), instead it uses PrimeFaces native jQuery (you know, PrimeFaces is a JSF component library on top of jQuery/UI).
The parameters can be passed as below:
commandName([{ name: "name1", value: "value1" }, { name: "name2", value: "value2" }]);
And obtained as below:
String name1 = externalContext.getRequestParameterMap().get("name1"); // value1
String name2 = externalContext.getRequestParameterMap().get("name2"); // value2
To invoke it during load event, set autoRun="true".
<p:remoteCommand ... autoRun="true" />
If you're using OmniFaces, use its <o:commandScript>. The usage is exactly the same as with <h:commandScript> but then available for older JSF 2.x versions.
Simply replace h: by o: in the first example. Historical note: the <h:commandScript> is entirely based off <o:commandScript>.
Use the "hidden form" trick (actually, "hack" is given the ugliness a better wording).
<h:form id="form" style="display:none;">
<h:commandButton id="button" action="#{bean.action}">
<f:ajax render=":results" />
<h:panelGroup id="results">
You can invoke it in JS as below:
Note the importance of triggering onclick() instead of click(). The onclick() immediately invokes the generated onclick function, while the click() basically only simulates the "click" action on the element, as if a mouse is used, which is not supported in IE, and in some browsers also require the element being actually interactable (i.e. display:none can't be used then).
You can pass parameters via <h:inputHidden> in same form which you fill by JS beforehand. This is demonstrated in How to pass JavaScript variables as parameters to JSF action method?
To invoke it during load event, consider putting it in <h:outputScript target="body">. The target="body" automatically puts the <script> in end of <body>, thus a $(document).ready() wrapper is unnecessary.
<h:outputScript target="body">
Or, create a custom UIComponent which extends UICommand and generates the necessary JSF native jsf.ajax.request() call. As an example you could look at source code of OmniFaces <o:commandScript>.

How can I change a bean property with a button

I'm trying to create a button that once clicked will change a property in a bean.
<h:commandButton type="button" action="#{loginBean.withdraw}" id="thousand" class="buttons" style="top:180px;left:570px;">
<f:setPropertyActionListener target="#{loginBean.withdrawAmount}" value="1000" />
public class LoginBean {
int withdrawAmount;
This method only works when I omit the type="button" from the commandButton, but with the type="button" it doesn't work and I'm not sure why.
I need the type="button" to be there , is there any way to keep it and still make it work ?
There is an error in your facelet snippet:
There is no such attribute as class for <h:commandButton>. Possibly you meant styleClass.
As for the problem you have, you have to:
Either provide a setter method for the withdrawAmount property
public void setWithdrawAmount(int withdrawAmount) {
this.withdrawAmount = withdrawAmount;
and your facelet should look like:
<h:commandButton type="submit"
<f:setPropertyActionListener target="#{loginBean.withdrawAmount}"
value="1000" />
Or, you can get rid of the <f:setPropertyActionListener> and add a statement the changes the value of the withdrawAmount as a first line of the #{loginBean.withdraw} method.
In this case your facelet snippet should look like:
<h:commandButton type="submit"
style="top:180px;left:570px;" />
and your LoginBean#withdraw() method should start with the statement, that changes the withdrawAmount value:
public String withdraw() {
this.withdrawAmount = 1000;
//the remaining logic.
Personally, I would prefer the first option.
More info:
< h:commandButton > tag reference
JSF Core Tag :setPropertyActionListener vs attribute vs param
The type is the entire reason why you're having this issue. I'm posting this answer because the accepted answer doesn't explain why you're experiencing the issue.
<h:commandButton/> is designed to work in 3 modes:
submit: This is the default mode that the button is set to. This mode sends an HTTP POST request to the server that triggers the JSF request processing lifecycle. It's only this mode that enables you to trigger backing bean methods(using the action or actionListener attributes).
button: This mode triggers a GET request in the application. As GET requests go, this mode is mostly suited for navigation, i.e. requesting another view or page. In this mode, there's no easy/straightforward way to execute backing bean code, or trigger the JSF request processing lifecycle. This is your current issue
reset: This mode simply resets the value of all input components within its enclosing <h:form/>
JSF2 Command Button VDL
JSF redirect via commandButton
Difference between h:button and h:commandButton

Setting a variable in JSF [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
How to use Parameterized MessageFormat with non-Value attributes of JSF components
(1 answer)
Closed 6 years ago.
I have something like this in my jsf:
<div title="Percentage: #{myBean.numberToBeConvertedToPercentage}"></div>
I wanted to make something like this:
<h:outputText value="#{myBean.numberToBeConvertedToPercentage}">
<f:convertNumber maxFractionDigits="2" type="percent"/>
Of course, not inside an output text, but instead setting the converted number to a variable, so I can use it inside my div.
I don't want to take this converted number direct from my bean, since I use it in another places of my view without formatting it, and creating a get just for this, I don't like the idea. There is any way to make this only in my view?
To go with <h:outputText> + converter, it is the best approach for this purpose in JSF. You can redesign your Html to separate the label "Percentage: " and the data. to use rendered value in JS code to pass it to 'title' attribute.
<div id="titleDiv" />
<script type="text/javascript">
$('#titleDiv').title = 'Percentage: <h:outputText value="#{myBean.numberToBeConvertedToPercentage}"><f:convertNumber maxFractionDigits="2" type="percent"/></h:outputText>';
If you still want to stay without converters, then you can create one more bean per your view and render values in get methods.
Other option is to use EL 2.2 Method call feature and to call your own format bean
<div title="Percentage: #{formatBean.formatNumber(myBean.numberToBeConvertedToPercentage, 2)}"></div>
I have not checked this, but maybe you can use ui:param and assign a converter to it.
and then use it in your page
<div title="Percentage: #{myVar}></div>
see Defining and reusing an EL variable in JSF page

Conditional rendering in JSF [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Ajax update/render does not work on a component which has rendered attribute
(1 answer)
Closed 7 years ago.
Hello I have this code to conditionally render components in my page:
<h:commandButton action="#{Bean.method()}" value="Submit">
<f:ajax execute="something" render="one two" />
<p><h:outputFormat rendered="#{Bean.answer=='one'}" id="one" value="#{}"/></p>
<p><h:outputFormat rendered="#{Bean.answer=='two'}" id="two" value="#{messages.two}"/></p>
It gets the answer and renders the component but in order to see it on my page, I need to refresh the page. How can I fix this problem? Any suggestions?
The JSF component's rendered attribute is a server-side setting which controls whether JSF should generate the desired HTML or not.
The <f:ajax> tag's render attribute should point to a (relative) client ID of the JSF-generated HTML element which JavaScript can grab by document.getElementById() from HTML DOM tree in order to replace its contents on complete of the ajax request.
However, since you're specifying the client ID of a HTML element which is never rendered by JSF (due to rendered being false), JavaScript can't find it in the HTML DOM tree.
You need to wrap it in a container component which is always rendered and thus always available in the HTML DOM tree.
<h:commandButton action="#{Bean.method()}" value="Submit">
<f:ajax execute="something" render="messages" />
<h:panelGroup id="messages">
<h:outputFormat rendered="#{Bean.answer=='one'}" value="#{}"/>
<h:outputFormat rendered="#{Bean.answer=='two'}" value="#{messages.two}"/>
Unrelated to the concrete problem, you've there a possible design mistake. Why would you not just create a #{Bean.message} property which you set with the desired message in the action method instead, so that you can just use:
<h:commandButton action="#{Bean.method()}" value="Submit">
<f:ajax execute="something" render="message" />
<h:outputFormat id="message" value="#{Bean.message}" />
I know it's not the central point of the question, but as I had this problem many times in the past, I just post it here to help others who are in need.
For those who uses PrimeFaces there's a component in PrimeFaces Extension called Switch.
Sometimes you need to display different outputs or components depending on a value. Usually you can achieve this by using the ui:fragment tag. With the pe:switch util tag you won't have to declare ui:fragment tags, with different checks like ui:fragment rendered="#{!empty someController.value}", anymore.
style="visibility: #{ ? 'hidden' : 'visible'}"
