Database configuration for Drupal - drupal-6

I am try to installing Drupal-6.2.4 on XAMP. I created db named drupal_6_2_4 and when installation process reaches at Database configuration step it does not create tables into supplied db and just reload the page.

The solution was to edit the settings.php file, putting in my database information manually. Just look for this line:
$db_url = mysql://username:password#localhost/databasename;
And change the username, password and databasename parts.
Then return to the Database Configuration screen, enter the information again and continue. The correct database information will be read from the settings file and the configuration will continue to the next step.
And one think more before try this first try to add the user permissions to the folder, /sites/default may be it solve the problem.
Happy hunting!

You can find the file in below path
There you can edit the below things manually
Database name


How can you update gitlab users after changing LDAP OU

I'm currently playing around with gitlab-ce (omnibus, on an Ubuntu VM) in an environment with LDAP authentication.
The LDAP administrator recently reconfigured the OUs from something like
ou=temp, ou=users, ou=baseinfrastructure to
ou=users, ou=baseinfrastructure.
Now when I do something as simple as git pull with a regular user account, that user account will be set to ldap_blocked since gitlab queries for the user with the temp part in the cn string and obviously doesn't find it.
Is there a way to update the users or something else so gitlab no longer queries with the ou=temp, part?
After some search, I've found out the information is stored in the identities table.
In gitlab omnibus, you can start a database console using gitlab-psql.
In my case, the required query for verifying I'm doing the right thing was:
SELECT external_uid, replace(external_uid, 'ou=temp,', '') FROM identities;
and then actually replacing them by executing:
UPDATE identities SET external_uid = replace(external_uid, 'ou=temp,', '');
For a single user you can use gitlab-rails console.
Find your user:
user = User.find_by_email("user#email")
Get user extern_uid:
the above should print result similar to: => "uid=username,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"
Update values as neccesary:
user.ldap_identity.extern_uid = "uid=newusername,ou=newpeople,dc=example,dc=com"
=> "uid=newusername,ou=newpeople,dc=example,dc=com"
And finally save
I believe this script Gitlab rake task to mass update ldap dn may be useful for updating multiple users at once.

svn user defined config update

I have the following setup on a linux box in user home directory:
hash#1 points to an old server:
hash#2 points to current server.
I need to alter the default server location for specific user to a new server. Apologies if terminology is off. How do I go about this? I investigate --relocate, but that seems for a specific working copy. All commands are run at the command line.
A simple checkout from the new repository prompts if config is desired to be saved. If the response is 'yes' a new entry is added to ./svn.simple, saving all required config parameters.

Windows Azure - Migrations is enabled for context 'ApplicationDbContext'

Following this blog with steps by steps
If I run from my local machine then i see the data which is coming from Windows Azure db and i can add and update or delete ... perfectly working fine but the problem is when I publish my application to Windows Azure and I able to see my page and all the static pages are working fine but except one page which is interacting with database.
here is my web.config connection string:
<add name="DefaultConnection" connectionString="server=tcp:* insert server name*,1433;Database=* insert database name *;User ID=*insert username *#* insert server name*;Password={*insert password here *};Trusted_Connection=False;Encrypt=True;Connection Timeout=30;" />
I get this message when i try to access the page from
Error Message:
Migrations is enabled for context 'ApplicationDbContext' but the database does not exist or contains no mapped tables. Use Migrations to create the database and its tables, for example by running the 'Update-Database' command from the Package Manager Console.
Seems that your database cannot be created automatically. The fastest way to fix that is to follow the suggestion from your error message. Open your Package Manager Console with the project, which contains the connection string and the Configuration.cs (your migrations), selected as the startup project and run Update-Database. It could be that you must pass some parameters to this command if you have changed something on your migrations.

Run mongodb script once to insert initial data

I have a chicken and egg problem with my node server in which you need to have a user with a certain role that has certain permissions to be able to log in and start creating more users, roles, etc.
I would like to initialize the database such that I create an initial ADMIN role and initial admin user that has that role.
I.E. started with a script and ran into problems:
use mydb
name: "ADMIN_ROLE",
description: "Administrative role",
permissions: ['ALL']
username: "admin",
password: "password",
role: ??? (get ADMIN_ROLE _id from above)
Basically I ran into a couple of problems:
1. not really sure if I can script like this.
2. How to get ADMIN_ROLE id to store in new admin user
Another idea:
Write a quick node app that connects to mongodb and inserts the proper stuff. Anyone done this before.
And yet another:
Does anything like ruby rake exist for node/mongo. I.E. the initial seed may not be the only data I need to 'manually' mess with. I.E. I might need to patch the database at some point in time. Would be nice to create patch #1 as the initial seed, and then be able to write future patches if necessary and be able to. I.E. anything like rake migrate?
Any other ideas on how to seed a mongo database?
Shoot just found this:
Exactly what I was looking for.

How to add a new LDAP'ed user to subversion

Our SVN administrator is on holidays, and I need to add a new user to subversion.
We're using Collabnet Subversion on a RedHat box.
I've found the CollabNet_Subversion/conf/ directory with all the configuration files, including an auth file that I can see contains all our users and the groups that they belong to.
All our users need to log in with their LDAP credentials, so I don't need to change any of that.
It looks something like this:
it-leads = jsmith, hsimpson, pgriffin
it-all = ajolie, rwitherspoon, #it-leads
* =
#it-all = rw
So I added the new user and restarted subversion. But that doesn't seem to have done the trick. Am I missing something else ? Thanks
a. You have mention that there is "company_auth_production" file. Please check if there is some other authorization file, probably "authz". Can you please provide more information on this.
As per the structure in your file
#it-all = rw
should have given the read write access to all the users of "it-all" till the path "prod".
b. If this is not working then please try using "VisualSVN Server". It has a very nice gui to add users and give them priviledges also.
Hope this helps.
In your apache Configuration is usually a require directive (eg "require group" or "require user"). Often there is a specific group which user has to belong to access svn (eg svnusers, etc...)
