.htaccess dynamic to static URL - .htaccess

I'm trying to make my dynamic URL's into static looking URL's.
This is a typical URL that I now have:
I would like it to be: http://www.somedomain.com/about
So far, I've gotten it to look like this: http://www.somedomain.com/design/about.html
This is the Rewriterule I'm using: RewriteRule ^([a-z]+).html$ index.php?p=$1 [L]
How would I modify it so it would look like this: http://www.somedomain.com/about?
Thanks for any/all help!!!
Very much appreciated!

Using rewrite rules to give 'static' URI is NEVER a good idea.
A few other ideas you can use:
Make the 'about' page a directory (folder) with a file called index.php or index.html in it. This way the URL shows http://example.com/about/ and the information you wish can still be displayed as needed.
Use the POST method instead of GET methods. This will display as http://example.com/about.php (Note: there is no ? or other parameters behind that.)
Utilize both methods to give a 'seamless' URI on page transitions.

Rick, you're on the right track. You need to read the Apache rewrite documentation. For your docroot/.htaccess start it with:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
Then generalised version of your rule:
Rewrite Rule ^(\w+)$ index.php?p=$1 [L]
This will rewrite any requests which are for a word string to index.php. You need to be aware that the rewrite engine rescans the .htaccess file if a match has occured so you need to make sure that you don't create a loop. In this case the replacement string has a "." in it and the pattern doesn't, so this won't occur, but for more complex cases you may need to 'guard' the rules with one or more RewriteCond statements. Again, read the Apache documentation.


erase part of a URL using htaccess rewrite

i need to remove part of Joomla/Virtuemart generated SEF URI using .htaccess
the URI represents a menu hierarchy and structured this way:
- inner-store
this is the resulting URI:
i would like to change it to:
thought this might help but its not making any difference
Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^online-store/inner-store/\d+-(.+) /online-store/$1 [R=301,L]
i know its not considered good practice but i can't change the menu structure.
any suggestions ?
This regex \d+-(.+) will match 1 or more digits followed by hyphen followed 1 or more any thing
Try this code instead:
RewriteRule ^(online-store)/inner-store/(.*)$ /$1/$2 [R=301,L,NC]
Make sure this is first rule in your .htaccess and use a different browser to test it to avoid caching issues.

.htaccess rewrite url with parameter

I want to change my url with only the parameter. As I am passing only one parameter, so I want the sub url should be changed with my parameter name. I want change the url as the following type-
Can anyone help me to do it. I don't know how to do it. Thanks
Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /path/to/your/directory
RewriteRule ^(.*)cat/(.*)$ cat\.php?slag=$2&%{QUERY_STRING} [L]
put the above in your .htaccess file.. and that would do the magic..
Note :
RewriteBase /path/to/your/directory
(use this line only if your application is in any of subfolder the folder)
I suggest you obtain a copy of the .htaccess that WordPress uses. It's a quite powerful starting point that allows you to handle routing internally from within your Application - which you might feel more comfortable with, as it seems to me.

Simple url rewrite

I'm trying to rewrite part of an url as I've changed a CMS and still want Google to find my articles.
I have:
and want to rename them:
Any hints as to the re-write rules or where I can look? I'd like to change the rules in my .htaccess file.
# Activate Rewrite Engine
RewriteEngine On
# redirect /vision to /news
RewriteRule ^vision$ http://www.mywebsite.com/news [R=301,NC]
# redirect /vision/bla-bla to /news/bla-bla
RewriteRule ^vision/(.*)$ http://www.mywebsite.com/news/$1 [R=301,NC,QSA]
In theory (and practically) these 2 rewrite rules can be combined, but then if you have URL that starts with "vision" (like this, for example: /visions/hurray) then such rule may redirect wrong URLs. Therefore I have done it via 2 rules which is much safer.
Try: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/mod_rewrite.html
or: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/mod_substitute.html if you want to change links in the html content returned to the browser.
Here is an example of how I might do the rewrite I think you're after...
RewriteRule ^(.)/vision/(.)$ $1/news/$2
This may be to broad of a rewrite scope in which case this may be better...
RewriteRule http://www.mywebsite.com/vision/(.*)$ http://www.mywebsite.com/news/$1
Also learning the basics of regex will be a needed skill for doing any complex rewriting IMO.
Hope that helps.

URL rewrite conditions in htaccess file

I need some help with .htaccess. I've been using URL rewrites, but not conditions, and I'm pretty sure I need them seeing as I can't get this working.
The URL structure I need is -> forum/catnamehere (which shows the page called catnamehere)
and child structure -> forum/catnamehere/fornamehere (which shows the child page of the cat)
However, somehow I fail to do this, making me believe I need conditions.
You should be able to do this with two rules.
Put your .htaccess file in the forum directory, and add the following:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)(/?)$ complexForumPath.php?catName=$1 [QSA]
RewriteRule ^([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)(/?)$ complexForumPath.php?catName=$1&subPage=$2 [QSA]
The first rule will grab stuff like forum/abc123_
And the second rule will grab forum/abc123_/abc123_

.htaccess and url

Is it possible somehow using mod_rewrite change the url from http://www.mywebsite.com/company/123/reviews to http://www.mywebsite.com/company-123/reivews?
It's not a redirect. The problem is that the real path is the first one and I need my browser to display the second path. So when the user goes to company-123/reviews the content of the page is displayed from company/123/reviews.
Thank you.
RewriteRule ^/([a-z]*?)-([0-9]*?)/([a-z]*?)$ /$1/$2/$3
I think this will work, the regex does it's job atleast.
Use this rule to rewrite the former URL path to the latter one:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^([^/]+)-([0-9]+)/([^/]+)$ $1/$2/$3 [L]
But you already need the former URLs in your documents to get this rewriting work.
