run multiple instances of node.js in parallel - node.js

I was thinking about using a reverse proxy to distribute API requests to multiple node.js instances of a REST API. Like this it should be possible to achieve much better overall performance since multiprocessor systems can perfectly run multiple instances on one core each (or similar).
What are common solutions for such a distribution of requests onto multiple node instances and what are important points to take in mind?

First and foremost, you can use the cluster module for running many instances of the same server application. It's important to remember to correctly handle shared state, such as storing sessions in a common database.
This works standalone and you can let your users connect directly to that server, or use e.g. nginx, HAProxy, Varnish or lighttpd in front of your server.


Hapijs: Performance tuning for lots of concurrent requests

Are there any special tuning tips for strengthening an API built on top of the hapijs framework?
Especially if you have lots of concurrent request (+10000/sec) that are accessing the DB?
I'm using PM2 to start my process in "cluster mode" to be able to load-balance to different cores on the server
I don't need to serve static content, so there's no apache/nginx proxy
update 17:11
Running tests with 1000 requests/sec (with results in this curve - ok, so far. but I'm wondering if there is still room for improvements.
(hardware: 64gb / 20 core digital ocean droplet)
In the end I just used a combination of node's http and the body-parser module to achieve what I needed.
But I think that this was only viable, because my application had just two endpoint (one GET, one POST).
If your application logic is rather complicated and you want to stick with hapi, think about using a load-balancer and dividing the load to multiple VMs.
Loadtest results (new setup on an even smaller DO droplet):

Load Balancing in Nodejs

I recently started with node and I have been reading a lot about its limitation of it being single threaded and how it does not utilise your cores and then I read this (which talk about the new cluster module of nodejs for loadbalancing)
Now I'm not sure I completely agree to it :) because the first thing that I thought of before starting with node on how to make it utilise cores with proper load balancing is via web-server some like upstream module like nginx
like doing something like this
upstream domain1 {
server http://nodeapp1;
server http://nodeapp2;
server http://nodeapp3;
So my question is there an advantage to use such cluster module for load balancing to utilise the cores does it has any significant advantage over web server load balancing
or is blog post too far from real use.
Note: I'm ain't concerned about load balancing handle by various app server like passenger(passenger has nodejs support as well but something that I'm not looking for answer :)) which I already know since I'm mostly a ruby programmer
One other option you can use to cluster NodeJs applications is to deploy the app using PM2.
Clustering is just easy as this, You don't need to implement clustering by hand
pm2 start app.js -i max
PM2 is an expert to auto detect the number of available CPUs and run as many processes as possible
Read about PM2 cluster mode here
For controlling the load of IO operations, I wrote a library called QueueP using the memoization concept. You can even customize the memoization logic and gain speedup values of more than 10, sometimes
As far as I know, the built in node cluster is not a good solution yet (load is not evenly distributed across cores). Until v0.12:
So you should use nginx until then. After that we will see some benchmarks comparing both options and see if the built in cluster module is a good choice.

How to make a distributed node.js application?

Creating a node.js application is simple enough.
var app = require('express')();
res.send("Hello world!");
But suppose people became obsessed with your Hello World! application and exhausted your resources. How could this example be scaled up on practice? I don't understand it, because yes, you could open several node.js instance in different computers - but when someone access it aims directly that specific machine, that specific port, that specific node process. So how?
There are many many ways to deal with this, but it boils down to 2 things:
being able to use more cores per server
being able to scale beyond more than one server.
For the first option, you can user node-cluster or the same solution as for the seconde option. node-cluster ( essentially is a built in way to fork the node process into one master and multiple workers. Typically, you'd want 1 master and n-1 to n workers (n being your number of available cores).
load balancers
The second option is to use a load balancer that distributes the requests amongst multiple workers (on the same server, or across servers).
Here you have multiple options as well. Here are a few:
a node based option: Load balancing with node.js using http-proxy
nginx: Node.js + Nginx - What now? (using more than one upstream server)
apache: (no clearly helpful link I could use, but a valid option)
One more thing, once you start having multiple processes serving requests, you can no longer use memory to store state, you need an additional service to store shared states, Redis ( is a popular choice, but by no means the only one.
If you use services such as cloudfoundry, heroku, and others, they set it up for you so you only have to worry about your app's logic (and using a service to deal with shared state)
I've been working with node for quite some time but recently got the opportunity to try scaling my node apps and have been researching on the same topic for some time now and have come across following pre-requisites for scaling:
My app needs to be available on a distributed system each running multiple instances of node
Each system should have a load balancer that helps distribute traffic across the node instances.
There should be a master load balancer that should distribute traffic across the node instances on distributed systems.
The master balancer should always be running OR should have a dependable restart mechanism to keep the app stable.
For the above requisites I've come across the following:
Use modules like cluster to start multiple instances of node in a system.
Use nginx always. It's one of the most simplest mechanism for creating a load balancer i've came across so far
Use HAProxy to act as a master load balancer. A few pointers on how to use it and keep it forever running.
Useful resources:
Horizontal scaling node.js and websockets.
Using cluster to take advantages of multiple cores.
I'll keep updating this answer as I progress.
The basic way to use multiple machines is to put them behind a load balancer, and point all your traffic to the load balancer. That way, someone going to, and it will point at the load balancer machine. The sole purpose (for this example anyways; in theory more could be done) of the load balancer is to delegate the traffic to a given machine running your application. This means that you can have x number of machines running your application, however an external machine (in this case a browser) can go to the load balancer address and get to one of them. The client doesn't (and doesn't have to) know what machine is actually handling its request. If you are using AWS, it's pretty easy to set up and manage this. Note that Pascal's answer has more detail about your options here.
With Node specifically, you may want to look at the Node Cluster module. I don't really have alot of experience with this module, however it should allow you to spawn multiple process of your application on one machine all sharing the same port. Also node that it's still experimental and I'm not sure how reliably it will be.
I'd recommend to take a look to, a microservices toolkit for Node.js. That is a good start point for beginners and to start thinking in "services" instead of monolitic applications.
Having said that, building distributed applcations is hard, take time to learn, take LOT of time to master it, and usually you will face a lot trade-off between performance, reliability, manteinance, etc.

How do I set up routing to multiple instances of a node.js server on one url?

I have a simple node.js server app built that I'm hoping to test out soon. It's single threaded and works fine without any child processing whatsoever. My problem is that the server box has multiple cores and the simplest way I can think to utilize them is by running multiple instances of the server app. However this would require them all to be on the same domain name and so some sort of request routing is required. I personally don't have much experience with servers in general and don't know if this is a task for node.js to perform or some other less complicated program (or more complicated.) If there is a node.js mechanism to solve this, for example, if one running instance can send incoming requests to the next instance, than how would I detect when this needs to happen? Transversely, if I use some other program how will it manage to detect when it needs to start talking to a new instance?
Node.js includes built-in support for managing a cluster of instances of your application to take advantage of multiple cores via the cluster module.

Is it better to proxy domains to multiple node servers running on different ports, or to have one node server with a vhost-like setup?

Say you have 3 domains,,, and You want to run a nodejs app for each.
Is it better to proxy them using http-proxy to 3 separate node apps on 3 different ports, or better to have a single node app that uses express.vhost() to require() whatever code is needed for each host? pros and cons for either case?
Each node.js process utilizes only one CPU. If your server only has a single core than it is better to run only one node instance to avoid as much context switch as possible.
But if you have multi cores (and hyperthreading) then it makes sense to run as many node instances as you have cores. Just remember that your front-end proxy also takes up processing time.
So, for a quad-core server and 3 domains, it makes perfect sense to run 4 processes - the front-end proxy and the 3 node instances.
Also, don't forget that your database would also probably be configured to launch several threads.
