How to concatenate SVG files lengthwise from linux command line? - linux

I have a series of square SVG files that I would like to arrange lengthwise into one super long SVG file.
I attempted to use imagemagick to combine them. Based on this page:
and this
I tried this command
composite 'file1.svg' 'file2.svg' +adjoin 'outputfile.svg'
However, I received the following error message:
composite: unrecognized option '+adjoin' # error/composite.c/CompositeImageCommand/565.
I tried several other imagemagick commands (convert, display), but had no success. How can I combine these files on the command line? Is there an inkscape command that does this?

There's currently no convenient way to do this with only the command line and no custom scripting.
Closest pre-written thing I could find currently (4-16-2012) is, which lets you write commands of the form: --direction=h --margin=100 red_ball.svg blue_triangle.svg > shapes.svg
to concatenate.

It should be pretty easy if you're willing to use a scripting language. For each file, just add a prefix to all id tags; so in file 1, id="circle" becomes id="file1_circle", and in file 2, id="circle" becomes id="file2_circle".
In most cases you would get away with a trivial search and replace (find id=" and replace it with id="fileX_) although it is possible to have cases where this won't work (specifically if that find string appears in an item of text, for example).
If you want to do this 'the proper way', you'll need an XML parser (such as XMLReader in PHP).


Searching in multiple files using findstr, only proceeding with the resulting files? (cmd)

I'm currently working on a project where I search hundreds of files using findstr in the command line. If I find the string which I searched for, I want to proceed with this exact file (and the other ones that include my string).
So in my case:
I searched for the string WRI2016 by using:
H:\KOBINI>findstr "WRI2016" *.ini > %temp%\xx.txt && %temp%\xx.txt
To see what the PC does, I save it in a .txt file as you can see.
So if my file includes WRI2016 I want to extract some facts out of the file. In my case it is NR, Kunde, WebHDAktiv, DigIDAktiv.
But I just can't find a proper way to link both of these functions.
At first I simply printed all of the parameters:
H:\KOBINI>findstr "\<NR Kunde WRI2016 WebHDAktiv DigIDAktiv" *.ini > %temp%\xx.csv && %temp%\xx.csv
I also played around using the if command but that didn't really work out. I'm pretty new to this stuff as you'll see in my following tries to solve this problem:
H:\KOBINI>findstr "\<NR DigIDAktiv WebHDAktiv" set a =*.ini findstr "WRI2016" set b =*.ini if a EQU b > %temp%\xx.txt && %temp%\xx.txt
So all I wanted to achieve with that weird code was: if there is a WRI2016 in the file, give me the remaining parameters. But that didn't work out at all.
I also tried it with using new lines for every command which didn't change a thing.
As I want this to be a .csv in the end I want to add a semicolon between my parameters, any chance how I could do that? I've seen versions using -s";" which didn't do anything for me.
Sorry, I'm quite new and thought I'd give it a shot.
an example of my .ini files Looks like this:
> Kunde=Markt
> Nr=101381
> [...]
> DigIDAktiv=Ja
> WebHDAktiv=Nein
> Version=WRI2016_U2_P1
some files have a different Version though.
So I only want to know "NR, DigIDAktiv ..." if it's the 2016 Version.
As a result it should be sorted in a CSV, in different columns.
My Folder Looks like this
So I search These files in order to find Version 2016 and then try to extract my Information and put it into a .csv

How to get non standard tags in rpm query

I wanted to add things such as Size, BuildHost, BuildDate etc in rpm query but adding this thing in spec file results in unknown tag?? How can I do this so that these things are reflected when i give the rpm query command?
These tags are determined when the package is built; they cannot be forced to specific values.
For example BuildHost is hardcoded in rpmbuild and cannot be changed. There is RFE to allow it modify from command line. But right now you cannot change it by any tag in spec file nor by passing some option on command line to rpmbuild.
I assume it will be very similar to other values you specified.
RPM5 permits arbitrary unique tag names to be added to header metadata.
The tag names are configured in a colon separated list in a macro. Then the new tags can be used in spec files and can be extracted using --queryformat.
All arbitrary tags are string (or string array) valued.

Changing BUNIT in csh for a FITS file

I'm writing code in .csh, and I'm trying to change the bunit header for a FITS file from K (kelvin) to km/s. How can I do that?
I know in Python I would use new_fitsfile.header['BUNIT']='km/s', but that won't work in the current .csh code, and it's not an option to switch it to Python code.
If this is needed only once, call interactively fv or ds9, move to the header, edit the header card and save the result.
For generic batch jobs, one needs some online FITS editor like fmodhead fmodhead, fthedit, or my fedithead
sed "s:BUNIT = 'K ':BUNIT = 'km/s ':g" old.fits >new.fits
and be very careful to count the significant spaces.

Labelling text using Notepad++ or any other tool

I have several .dat, containing information about hotel reviews as below
<Author> simmotours
<Content> review......goes here
<Date>Nov 18, 2008
<No. Reader>-1
<No. Helpful>-1
<Overall>4`enter code here`
<Check in / front desk>4
<Business service>-1
I want to classify the review into two pos and neg , i.e. have two folder pos and neg containing several files with reviews above 3 classified as positive and below 3 classified as negative.
How can I quickly and efficiently automate this process?
You could write up a python script to read the overall score. Do this by looping over the the lines using readline() See here. Find the "Overall" Score using some string parsing. Then move the file into the right directory. All very simple things to do in Python, just break it down into steps and search for answers to those steps.
Notepad++ can do replacements with regular expressions. And allows the definition of macros. Use them to convert the file to an XML file. Check out the help file.
Then you can read it with any scripting language and do what you want.
Alternatively you could change the file to a form where you can load it into Excel and do the analysis there.

Getting specific fields from ID3 tags using command line tool?

I'm looking for a way that would let me get specific fields from ID3 tags from mp3 files.
All tools I have so far found return all fields, and they also format them for "easier reading". I need just some fields, and formatted differently (artist\talbum\ttitle\n) for reporting purposes.
Is there any such tool? I would love tool that would let me output separately values from ID3v1 and ID3v2.
id3v2 -R sounds like it does what you want. Debian package name is id3v2, upstream is
From the manpage:
-R, --list-rfc822
Lists using an rfc822-style format for output
$ id3v2 -R 365-Days-Project-04-26-sprinkle-leland-w-the-great-stalacpipe-organ.mp3
Filename: 365-Days-Project-04-26-sprinkle-leland-w-the-great-stalacpipe-organ.mp3
TALB: Released independently through Luray Caverns
TPE1: Leland W. Sprinkle
TIT2: The Great Stalacpipe Organ
COMM: ()[eng]: � 2004, Copyright resides with the artist, The 365 Days Project, and UbuWeb ( / PennSound ( All materials at UbuWeb / PennSound are available for free exchange for noncommerical purposes.
365-Days-Project-04-26-sprinkle-leland-w-the-great-stalacpipe-organ.mp3: No ID3v1 tag
The easiest way is creating a bash script.
grep the fields returned by your tool so you get just the ones you want. Then you use awk (if you know how to use it), or cut, etc.
If you give us the format used by one of the tools you found, we can help you to write it. The more simple the format is, the more simple the script will be.
