polygon vertices - clockwise or counterclockwise - geospatial

I came across this link http://www.mathopenref.com/coordpolygonarea2.html
It explains how to calculate the area of a polygon and helps to identify whether the polygon vertices we entered is clockwise or counter clockwise.
If area value is +ve, it is clockwise, if it is -nv then it is in counterclockwise.
My requirement is to identify only whether it is clockwise or counterclockwise. Is this rule will work correctly (though there are limitations as mentioned in the link). I have only regular polygons (not complicated, no self intersections) but the vertices are more.
I am not interested in the area value accuracy, just to know the ring rotation.
Any other thought on this.

For convex polygons:
Select two edges with a common vertex.
Lets say, edge1 is between vertex A and B. Edge2 is between vertex B and C.
Define to vectors: vect1: A----->B
vect2: B----->C
Cross product vect1 and vect2.
If the result is positive, the sequence A-->B-->C is Counter-clockwise.
If the result is negative, the sequence A-->B-->C is clockwise.

If you have only convex polygons (and all regular polygons are convex), and if your points are all organized consistently--either all counterclockwise or all clockwise--then you can determine which by just computing the (signed) area of one triangle determined by any three consecutive points. This is essentially computing the cross product of the two vectors along the two edges.


Given an irregular polygon's vertex list, how to create internal triangles to build a flat 3D mesh efficiently?

I'm using Unity, but the solution should be generic.
I will get user input from mouse clicks, which define the vertex list of a closed irregular polygon.
That vertices will define the outer edges of a flat 3D mesh.
To procedurally generate a mesh in Unity, I have to specify all the vertices and how they are connected to form triangles.
So, for convex polygons it's trivial, I'd just make triangles with vertices 1,2,3 then 1,3,4 etc. forming something like a Peacock tail.
But for concave polygons it's not so simple.
Is there an efficient algorithm to find the internal triangles?
You could make use of a constrained Delaunay triangulation (which is not trivial to implement!). Good library implementations are available within Triangle and CGAL, providing efficient O(n*log(n)) implementations.
If the vertex set is small, the ear-clipping algorithm is also a possibility, although it wont necessarily give you a Delaunay triangulation (it will typically produce sub-optimal triangles) and runs in O(n^2). It is pretty easy to implement yourself though.
Since the input vertices exist on a flat plane in 3d space, you could obtain a 2d problem by projecting onto the plane, computing the triangulation in 2d and then applying the same mesh topology to your 3d vertex set.
I've implemented the ear clipping algorithm as follows:
Iterate over the vertices until a convex vertex, v is found
Check whether any point on the polygon lies within the triangle (v-1,v,v+1). If there are, then you need to partition the polygon along the vertices v, and the point which is farthest away from the line (v-1, v+1). Recursively evaluate both partitions.
If the triangle around vertex v contains no other vertices, add the triangle to your output list and remove vertex v, repeat until done.
This is inherently a 2D operation even when working on 3D faces. To consider the problem in 2D, simply ignore the vector coordinate of the face's normal which has the largest absolute value. (This is how you "project" the 3D face into 2D coordinates). For example, if the face had normal (0,1,0), you would ignore the y coordinate and work in the x,z plane.
To determine which vertices are convex, you first need to know the polygon's winding. You can determine this by finding the leftmost (smallest x coordinate) vertex in the polygon (break ties by finding the smallest y). Such a vertex is always convex, so the winding of this vertex gives you the winding of the polygon.
You determine winding and/or convexity with the signed triangle area equation. See: http://softsurfer.com/Archive/algorithm_0101/algorithm_0101.htm. Depending on your polygon's winding, all convex triangles with either have positive area (counterclockwise winding), or negative area (clockwise winding).
The point-in-triangle formula is constructed from the signed-triangle-area formula. See: How to determine if a point is in a 2D triangle?.
In step 2 where you need to determine which vertex (v) is farthest away from the line, you can do so by forming the triangles (L0, v, L1), and checking which one has the largest area (absolute value, unless you're assuming a specific winding direction)
This algorithm is not well defined for self-intersecting polygons, and due to the nature of floating point precision, you will likely encounter such a case. Some safeguards can be implemented for stability: - A point should not be considered to be inside your triangle unless it is a concave point. (Such a case indicates self-intersection and you should not partition your set along this vertex). You may encounter a situation where a partition is entirely concave (i.e. it's wound differently to the original polygon's winding). This partition should be discarded.
Because the algorithm is cyclic and involves partitioning the sets, it is highly efficient to use a bidirectional link list structure with an array for storage. You can then partition the sets in 0(1), however the algorithm still has an average O(n^2) runtime. The best case running time is actually a set where you need to partition many times, as this rapidly reduces the number of comparisons.
There is a community script for triangulating concave polygons but I've not personally used it. The author claims it works on 3D points as well as 2D.
One hack I've used in the past if I want to constrain the problem to 2D is to use principal component analysis to find the 2 axes of greatest change in my 3D data and making these my "X" and "Y".

How to avoid the polygon to be complex when optimizing its vertices?

Suppose there's a set of 2D points to represent an initial simple polygon. Now I want to optimize the positions of each point according to some cost function. But this could make the polygon complex, i.e. the polygon intersects with itself. How can I avoid this? Thanks!
If the polygon could be presumed to be convex, then it is simple. Simply compute the angles between each side and the next side. Each angle must be between 0 and 180 degrees for a convex polygon. The sum of those angles is well known for a closed polygon with N sides. This will result in a simple constrained optimization. (Actually, you can write those constraints in a "simpler" form than computing the angles with a trigonometric function. Cross products will suffice.)
If the polygon need not be convex, then you need to worry about edges crossing, or other degeneracies.

Detecting arbitrary shapes

We have a set of points which represent an intersection of a 3d body and a horizontal plane. We would like to detect the 2D shapes that represent the cross sections of the body. There can be one or more such shapes. We found articles that discuss how to operate on images using Hough Transform, but we may have thousands of such points, so converting to an image is very wasteful. Is there a simpler way to do this?
Thank you
In converting your 3D model to a set of points, you have thrown away the information required to find the intersection shapes. Walk the edge-face connectivity graph of your 3D model to find the edge-plane intersection points in order.
Assuming you have, or can construct, the 3d model topography (some number of vertices, edges between vertices, faces bound by edges):
Iterate through the edge list until you find one that intersects the test plane, add it to a list
Pick one of the faces that share this edge
Iterate through the other edges of that face to find the next intersection, add it to the list
Repeat for the other face that shares that edge until you arrive back at the starting edge
You've built an ordered list of edges that intersect the plane - it's trivial to linearly interpolate each edge to find the intersection points, in order, that form the intersection shape. Note that this process assumes that the face polygons are convex, which in your case they are.
If your volume is concave you'll have multiple discrete intersection shapes, and so you need to repeat this process until all edges have been examined.
There's some java code that does this here
The algorithm / code from the accepted answer does not work for complex special cases, when the plane intersects some vertices of a concave surface. In this case "walking" the edge-face connectivity graph greedily could close some of the polygons before time.
What happens is, that because the plane intersects a vertex, at one point when walking the graph there are two possibilities for the next edge, and it does matter which one is chosen.
A possible solution is to implement a graph traversal algorithm (for instance depth-first search), and choose the longest loop which contains the starting edge.
It looks like you wanted to combine intersection points back into connected figures using some detection or Hough Transform.
Much simpler and more robust way is to immediately get not just intersection points, but contours of 3D body, where the plane cuts it.
To construct contours on the body given by triangular mesh, define the value in each mesh vertex equal to signed distance from the plane (positive on one side of the plane and negative on the other side). The marching squares algorithm for isovalue=0 can be then applied to extract the segments of the contours:
This algorithm works well even when the plane passes through a vertex or an edge of the mesh.
To better understand what is the result of plane section, please take a look at this short video. Following the links there, one can find the implementation as well.

How do I determine if two convex polygons intersect?

Suppose there are a number of convex polygons on a plane, perhaps a map. These polygons can bump up against each other and share an edge, but cannot overlap.
To test if two polygons P and Q overlap, first I can test each edge in P to see if it intersects with any of the edges in Q. If an intersection is found, I declare that P and Q intersect. If none intersect, I then have to test for the case that P is completely contained by Q, and vice versa. Next, there's the case that P==Q. Finally, there's the case that share a few edges, but not all of them. (These last two cases can probably be thought of as the same general case, but that might not be important.)
I have an algorithm that detects where two line segments intersect. If the two segments are co-linear, they are not considered to intersect for my purposes.
Have I properly enumerated the cases? Any suggestions for testing for these cases?
Note that I'm not looking to find the new convex polygon that is the intersection, I just want to know if an intersection exists. There are many well documented algorithms for finding the intersection, but I don't need to go through all the effort.
You could use this collision algorithm:
To be able to decide whether two convex polygons are intersecting (touching each other) we can use the Separating Axis Theorem. Essentially:
If two convex polygons are not intersecting, there exists a line that passes between them.
Such a line only exists if one of the sides of one of the polygons forms such a line.
The first statement is easy. Since the polygons are both convex, you'll be able to draw a line with one polygon on one side and the other polygon on the other side unless they are intersecting. The second is slightly less intuitive. Look at figure 1. Unless the closest sided of the polygons are parallel to each other, the point where they get closest to each other is the point where a corner of one polygon gets closest to a side of the other polygon. This side will then form a separating axis between the polygons. If the sides are parallel, they both are separating axes.
So how does this concretely help us decide whether polygon A and B intersect? Well, we just go over each side of each polygon and check whether it forms a separating axis. To do this we'll be using some basic vector math to squash all the points of both polygons onto a line that is perpendicular to the potential separating line (see figure 2). Now the whole problem is conveniently 1-dimensional. We can determine a region in which the points for each polygon lie, and this line is a separating axis if these regions do not overlap.
If, after checking each line from both polygons, no separating axis was found, it has been proven that the polygons intersect and something has to be done about it.
There are several ways to detect intersection and / or containment between convex polygons. It all depends on how efficient you want the algorithm to be. Consider two convex polygons R and B with r and b vertices, respectively:
Sweep line based algorithm. As you mentioned you can perform a sweep line procedure and keep the intervals resulting from the intersection of the polygons with the sweeping line. If at any time the intervals overlap, then the polygons intersect. The complexity is O((r + b) log (r + b)) time.
Rotating Callipers based algorithm. See here and here for more details. The complexity is O(r + b) time.
The most efficient methods can be found here and here. These algorithms take O(log r + log b) time.
if the polygons are always convex, first calculate the angle of a line drawn from center to center of the polygons. you can then eliminate needing to test edge segments in the half of the polygon(s) 180 degrees away from the other polygon(s).
to eliminate the edges, Start with the polygon on the left. take the line segment from the center of the polygon that is perpendicular to the line segment from the previous bullet, and touches both sides of the polygon. call this line segment p, with vertexes p1 and p2. Then, for all vertexes if the x coordinate is less than p1.x and p2.x That vertex can go in the "safe bucket".
if it doesn't, you have to check to make sure it is on the "safe" side of the line (just check the y coordinates too)
-if a line segment in the polygon has all vertexes in the "safe bucket" you can ignore it.
-reverse the polarity so you are "right oriented" for the second polygon.
GJK collision detection should work.
Since altCognito already gave you a solution, I'll only point out an excellent book on computational geometry that might interest you.
Your test cases should work, since you're checking the case where the polygons don't intersect at all (completely outside or completely inside), as well as where there is any form of partial intersection (edges intersect always if there is overlap).
For testing, I would just make sure to test every potential combination. The one missing above from what I see is a single edge shared, but one poly contained in the other. I would also add tests for some more complex poly shapes, from tri -> many sided, just as a precaution.
Also, if you had a U shaped poly that completely surrounded the poly, but didn't overlap, I believe your case would handle that, but I would add that as a check, as well.
Here's an idea:
Find the center point of each polygon
Find the two points of each polygon closest to the center point of the other. They will be adjacent points in convex polygons. These define the nearest edge of each polygon, let's call the points {A, B} and {Y, Z}
Find the intersection of lines AB and YZ. If the line segments cross (the intersection on AB lies between A and B), your polygons intersect. If AB and XY are parallel ignore this condition, the next step will trap the problem.
There is one more case you need to check for, which is when the polygons intersect heavily enough that AB and XY are completely past each other and don't actually intersect.
To trap this case, calculate the perpendicular distances of AB and XY to each polygons center points. If either center point is closer to the opposite polygon's line segment your polygon overlap heavily.

How to determine a diagonal is in or out of a concave polygon?

The diagonal (a diagonal is a segment connecting nonadjacent vertices) of a concave (non-convex) polygon can be completely in or out of the polygon(or can intersect with the edges of polygon). How to determine whether it is completely in the polygon?(a method without point-in-polygon test).
If the diagonal has at least one intersection with the edges, it is partially in and partially out of the polygon, however, If the diagonal has no intersection with them, there are only two states: it is compeletely in or completely out of the polygon.
To determine whether it is in or out of the polygon:
Suppose polygon's vertices are sorted counterclockwise. Consider one of the endpoints of the diagonal which lies on the vertex named P[i] (the other endpoint is p[j]). Then, Make three vectors whose first points are p[i] :
V1 : p[i+1] - p[i]
V2 : p[i-1] - p[i]
V3 : p[j] - p[i]
The diagonal is completely in the polygon if and only if V3 is between V1 and V2 when we move around counterclockwise from V1 to V2.
How to determine whether V3 is between V1 and V2 when we go from V1 to V2 counterclockwise? go to here.
I've written a program using this method and it works effectively .
How to determine whether it is completely in the polygon?
If you want to determine whether a diagonal never leaves the polygon's boundary, just determine whether or not it intersects any lines between two adjacent vertices.
If it does, it's partially in and partially out of the polygon.
If not, it's either completely in or completely out of the polygon. From there, the simplest method is to use the point-in-polygon on any point on the diagonal, but if you don't want to do that, use the winding algorithm.
I believe John's answer misses an important case: when the diagonal is completely outside the polygon from the get-go. Imagine making the diagonal "bridge" the two towers of his "u" shaped polygon.
I had to solve this several years ago, so please forgive if my recollection is a bit spotty.
The way I solved this was to perform line intersection tests of the diagonal against every edge in the polygon. You then have two possible cases: you either had at least one intersection, or you had no intersections. If you get any intersections, the diagonal is not inside the polygon.
If you don't get any intersections, you need to determine whether the diagonal is completely inside or completely outside the polygon. Let's say the diagonal is joining p[i] to p[j], that i < j and you have a polygon with clockwise winding. You can work out if the diagonal is outside the polygon by looking at the edge joining p[i] to p[i+1]. Work out the 2D angle of this edge (using, say, the x-axis as the baseline.) Rotate your diagonal so that the p[i]-p[i+1] edge is its baseline and compute its 2D angle.
Once you've done this, the 2D angle of the diagonal will be positive if the diagonal is outside the polygon, or negative if it's inside the polygon.
I understand this question was answered many years ago, but I have a new approach which is easy to implement.
As suggested in previous answers, you should first compute for all edges of the polygon if any of them intersect with the diagonal line segment. The code to compute intersection and determine if one even exists is described here.
If all edges (excluding those that share vertices with diagonal) do not have an intersection with diagonal then you know that the diagonal is either completely inside or completely outside of the polygon meaning that the midpoint of the diagonal is also completely inside or completely outside respectively. The midpoint is the average of the diagonal's two endpoints.
We now have transformed the problem to computing whether the diagonal is inside or outside the polygon to whether the midpoint is inside or outside the polygon. Working with a single point is easier than with a line.
The way to determine if a point is within a polygon is described here and can be summarized by counting the amount of intersection of horizontal ray starting at the point and seeing how many polygon edges this ray intersects. If the ray intersects an odd amount of times then the point is inside the polygon and otherwise outside the polygon.
The reason why this implementation is easy to implement is while you iterate through all the edges to check for intersection with diagonal you can now also count if the diagonal's midpoint's ray intersects with the current edge being processed. If your for loop returns with no intersection between diagonal and edges then you can see the even/odd count to determine if diagonal is inside or outside.
With regard to checking for intersections between line segments (which is the first step you would likely have to do), I found the explanations on SoftSurfer to be helpful. You would have to check for an intersection between the diagonal and any of the edges of the polygon. If you are using MATLAB, you should be able to find an efficient way to check intersections for all the edges simultaneously using matrix and vector operations (I've dealt with computing intersection points in this way for ray-triangle intersections).
John's answer is spot on:
If you want to determine whether a diagonal never leaves the polygon's boundary, just determine whether or not it intersects any lines between two adjacent vertices. If so, it's left the polygon.
A efficient way to do this check is to run the Bentley-Ottman sweepline algorithm on the data. It's easy to implement but hard to make numerical stable. If you have less than ... say ... 20 edges in your polygons a brute force search will most likely be faster.
