Vim: Indent with one space (not shiftwidth spaces) - vim

The default VIM indentation commands indent by shiftwidth spaces
>> Indent line by shiftwidth spaces
<< De-indent line by shiftwidth spaces
Is there any way to indent with one or n (where n != shiftwidth) space(s)?
One way to do that is to vertically select a column in the block with Ctrl+V then, I to insert vertically and then type a space and <Esc>. But is there a better way?

I'm not sure that there is a better way. But, there are a few ways that you could do it (that I can think of anyway)...
Your Visual Block Solution
Like you said: press Ctl-V select the lines you want, press I to insert, and enter the number of spaces.
Similar to the above but a little more flexible - you can use with with the 'select paragraph' vip command, or any range really: press v or vip or what have you to select the range, and the type :s/^/{n spaces} where {n spaces} is the number of spaces you want to insert.
Its a little more verbose, but works pretty well for pretty much any range. Heck, if you wanted to do the whole file you could do Ctl-A (OS dependent) and indent the whole file (or just skip the whole visual mode thing and just do it command in :1,$s/^/{n spaces}
Note that you don't have to include the third slash in s/// since you aren't putting any switches at the end of the search.
Maybe you want to only indent lines that match some pattern. Say...all lines that contain foo. No problem: type :g/foo/s/^/{n spaces}
Global is especially handy if its multi-line sections with a similar pattern. You can just escape into normal mode land and select the lines you want and indent accordingly: :g/foo/norm Vjj:s/^/{n spaces}Ctl-V{Enter}. Little more complicated with that extra Ctl-V{Enter} at the end but useful under certain circumstances.
Use tabstop and shiftwidth
Yes, if your doing it a lot - I'd do :set ts=2 and :set et and :set sw=2 and use >> and << every which way...
Make a Function
Okay, so still not brief enough and for whatever reason you need to do this a lot and you can't abide messing with sw, et and ts settings. No problem, just write up a quick function and give it a localleader mapping:
function! AddSpace(num) range
let s:counter = 0
let s:spaces = ''
while s:counter < a:num
let s:spaces .= ' '
let s:counter = s:counter + 1
execute a:firstline .','. a:lastline .'s/^/'. s:spaces
:map <LocalLeader>i :call AddSpace(3)Ctl-V{enter}
Maybe just knowing more than one way to do this is better than only knowing one? After all, sometimes the best solution depends on the problem :)

Indent a block of code in vi by three spaces with Visual Block mode:
Select the block of code you want to indent. Do this using Ctrl+V in normal mode and arrowing down to select text. While it is selected, enter ":" to give a command to the block of selected text.
The following will appear in the command line: :'<,'>
To set indent to 3 spaces, type le 3 and press enter. This is what appears: :'<,'>le 3
The selected text is immediately indented to 3 spaces.
Indent a block of code in vi by three spaces with Visual Line mode:
Open your file in VI.
Put your cursor over some code
Be in normal mode press the following keys:
Vjjjj:le 3
Interpretation of what you did:
V means start selecting text.
jjjj arrows down 4 lines, highlighting 4 lines.
: tells vi you will enter an instruction for the highlighted text.
le 3 means indent highlighted text 3 lines.

To change the number of space characters inserted for indentation, use the shiftwidth option:
:set shiftwidth = <number>
Have a look here for more details.
You can also add that to your .vimrc file.

If I'm understanding correctly, you could use:
ctrl+V, jj then ':le n', where n is the number of spaces to indent.

Place marks ('a' and 'b') between the code you want to indent:
<position cursor at top of block>
m a
<position cursor at bottom of block>
m b
Do a replace command such that each newline character between your marks is replaced with the number of spaces desired (in this example, 2 spaces):
:'a,'bs/^/ /g

If white space indentation already exists and you want to increase it further by one or more columns, then select a block of one or more white space columns using Ctrl-V, yank and paste it in the same place.

I had to dedent by a given number of spaces, amount, inside a vim script. This worked:
let sw_setting = &shiftwidth
set shiftwidth=1
exe "normal v" . amount . "<"
let &shiftwidth = sw_setting
A side-effect is that it resets the last visual mode selection. Instead, you may wish to edit the exe... line such that it executes "<<" repeated amount times in normal mode. That is: instead of normal v3<, make it normal <<<<<<, if amount is 3.

I like to use Space to indent a visual selection with a single space:
vnoremap <silent> <space> :s/^/ /<CR>:noh<CR>gv
And I couldn’t get Shift+Space to dedent, so I use z:
vnoremap <silent> z :s/^\s\=//<CR>:noh<CR>gv


How can I select all the text on a line without the indentation in Vim?

I want to replace all the text of the current line under the cursor and change the text so I start typing the new code. But I want to keep the indentation.
Currently I am using ddO. This will delete the line and open a line before the cursor in insert mode, it's good because vim will take notice of the previous indentation and place the cursor as expected.
But I want to use c similar to ciw (change inner word) because it feels natural to think "change the line". Vc is almost what I want but it will lose the indentation.
Any idea ?
Maybe you are looking for cc?
:h cc
["x]cc Delete [count] lines [into register x] and start
insert |linewise|. If 'autoindent' is on, preserve
the indent of the first line.
You can try this (to put in your vimrc):
:onoremap ii :<c-u>normal! v^o$h<cr>
:xnoremap ii ^o$h
The first line defines the mapping ii which will work with any command expecting a motion (cii, dii, yii...).
The second mapping allows to use it in visual mode (e.g., vii).
Brief explanation of the :normal! command:
v : visual mode, ^ : go to 1st non-blank char, o : go to the opposite side of the selection, $h : go past to the end of line then go 1 char left.

autoindent in vim for selected text

1) Is there anyway to autoindent/retab on a set of lines, rather than the entire file?
set shiftwidth=4
set expandtab
set tabstop=4
has been defined in my .vimrc.
What I want is to select a bunch of lines and apply indentation only on them. This is because the file is large and I just want to clean my line of codes. By doing :retab, I would have to force the whole file to be reindented.
For example select the following code and reindent automatically
def hello(self):
def hello(self)
2) Is there any way that I can reverse tab? Something like Shift-Tab in Eclipse. It goes back 4 spaces.
You can try this one...
Shift + V to enter in Visual mode
Then press j until you reach the text you want to be ident.
Finally press
=, it will ident automatically your selected code.
If you want to ident the whole code just type gg=G.
What I want is to select a bunch of lines and apply indentation only on them
You can apply indentation to certain lines in Visual mode. To do this follow these steps:
Position your cursor in the first line to be indented
Enter visual mode by typing shift + v
Move down, typing j until you reach the last line to be indented (alternately you can type line # + G if you know the line number of the last line to be indented).
Type >
Another solution is to do this with a regex in command-line mode:
Here the line range is specified in the first two numbers of the regex (in this case from line 2 to 5).
To answer both of your questions at the same time, you can use the > and < operators. Since they are operators, they behave just like y, d, c, and all the other operators do, so you must supply them with a motion. For example, >> will indent the current line (with 4 spaces), and >j will indent the current line and the line below. >G will indent everything to the end of the buffer, etc.
Similarly, < will unindent whatever you specify.
In your specific example, there are two different approaches I would recommend.
Use normal mode. This one kinda depends on how large your function is. If it's just the two lines, you could put your cursor on line1, and type <j>,. (Of course, if your function has more than 2 lines, you'll need to adjust). Unfortunately you need to unindent before reindenting because otherwise you'll end up with 5 spaces, which I assume you don't want.
Use visual mode. This one is slightly less convenient unless you modify your .vimrc because calling > or < in visual mode will drop your visual selection. That's why I have the following in my .vimrc:
"Make it easier to indent a visual selection several times.
xnoremap > >gv
xnoremap < <gv
With this setup, you can visually select the lines you would like to reindent, and then do <>. IMO, this is the best solution, and I frequently use this kind of workflow.
Most (if not all) Ex commands take a range so you could just visually select the lines and do :'<,'>retab.
Or :12,16retab.
Or :.,+9retab.
And so on.
See :help :retab and :help :range.

Smart Wrap in Vim

I have been wondering if Vim has the capability to smart wrap lines of code, so that it keeps the same indentation as the line that it is indenting. I have noticed it on some other text editor, such as e-text editor, and found that it helped me to comprehend what I'm looking at easier.
For example rather than
<a href="">
This is a bogus link, used to demonstrate
an example
it would appear as
<a href="somelink">
This is a bogus link, used to demonstrate
an example
This feature has been implemented on June 25, 2014 as patch 7.4.338. There followed a few patches refining the feature, last one being 7.4.354, so that's the version you'll want.
:help breakindent
:help breakindentopt
Excerpts from vim help below:
'breakindent' 'bri' boolean (default off)
local to window
{not in Vi}
{not available when compiled without the |+linebreak|
Every wrapped line will continue visually indented (same amount of
space as the beginning of that line), thus preserving horizontal blocks
of text.
'breakindentopt' 'briopt' string (default empty)
local to window
{not in Vi}
{not available when compiled without the |+linebreak|
Settings for 'breakindent'. It can consist of the following optional
items and must be seperated by a comma:
min:{n} Minimum text width that will be kept after
applying 'breakindent', even if the resulting
text should normally be narrower. This prevents
text indented almost to the right window border
occupying lot of vertical space when broken.
shift:{n} After applying 'breakindent', wrapped line
beginning will be shift by given number of
characters. It permits dynamic French paragraph
indentation (negative) or emphasizing the line
continuation (positive).
sbr Display the 'showbreak' value before applying the
additional indent.
The default value for min is 20 and shift is 0.
Also relevant to this is the showbreak setting, this will suffix your shift amount with character(s) you specify.
Example configuration
" enable indentation
set breakindent
" ident by an additional 2 characters on wrapped lines, when line >= 40 characters, put 'showbreak' at start of line
set breakindentopt=shift:2,min:40,sbr
" append '>>' to indent
set showbreak=>>
Note on behaviour
If you don't specify the sbr option, any showbreak any characters put appended to the indentation. Removing sbr from the above example causes an effective indent of 4 characters; with that setting, if you just want to use showbreak without additional indentation, specify shift:0.
You can also give a negative shift, which would have the effect of dragging showbreak characters, and wrapped text, back into any available indent space.
When specifying a min value, the shifted amount will be squashed if you terminal width is narrower, but showbreak characters are always preserved.
There is a patch for this, but it's been lingering for years and last time I checked did not apply cleanly. See the "Correctly indent wrapped lines" entry in -- I really wish this would get in the mainline.
Update: that link seems to have bitrotted. Here is a more up to date version of the patch.
Update 2: it has been merged upstream (as of 7.4.345), so now you only have to :set breakindent.
I don't think it's possible to have exactly the same indentation, but you can still get a better view by setting the 'showbreak' option.
:set showbreak=>>>
<a href="">
This is a bogus link, used to demonstrate
>>>an example
The real thing looks better than the example code above, because Vim uses a different colour for '>>>'.
UPDATE: In June 2014, a patch to support a breakindent option was merged into Vim (version 7.4.346 or later for best support).
You might also try :set nowrap which will allow vim to display long lines by scrolling to the right. This may be useful for examining the overall structure of a document, but can be less convenient for actually editing.
Other options close to what you're looking for are linebreak and showbreak. With showbreak, you can modify what is displayed at the left margin of lines that are wrapped, but unfortunately it doesn't allow a variable indent depending on the current context.
The only way I know of that you could do this would be to use a return character (as mentioned by Cfreak) and combine the textwidth option with the various indentation options. If your indent is configured correctly (as it is by default with the html syntax I believe, but otherwise see the autoindent and smartindent options), you can:
:set formatoptions = tcqw
:set textwidth = 50
If you have any customisation of the formatoptions setting, it may be better to simply do:
:set fo += w
:set tw = 50
What this does:
:set fo+=w " Add the 'w' flag to the formatoptions so
" that reformatting is only done when lines
" end in spaces or are too long (so your <p>
" isn't moved onto the same line as your <a...).
:set tw=50 " Set the textwidth up to wrap at column 50
gg " Go to the start of the file
gq{motion} " Reformat the lines that {motion} moves over.
G " Motion that goes to the end of the file.
Note that this is not the same as a soft wrap: it will wrap the lines in the source file as well as on the screen (unless you don't save it of course!). There are other settings that can be added to formatoptions that will auto-format as you type: details in :help fo-table.
For more information, see:
:help 'formatoptions'
:help fo-table
:help 'textwidth'
:help gq
:help gg
:help G
:help 'autoindent'
:help 'smartindent'
:set smartindent
:set autoindent
I think you still have to use a return though
If your HTML is sufficiently well formed, running it through xmllint might help:
:%!xmllint --html --format
A Macro Solution:
The operate gq{motion} auto-formats to whatever the variable "textwidth" is set to. This is easier/better than using the 80lBi^M I have for my macro.
If you have autoindent enabled
:set autoindent
Then entering a return at the end of a line will indent the next line the same amount. You can use this to hard enter in linewraps if you'd like. The following macro takes advantage of this to automatically indent your text:
set register z to:
gg/\v^.{80,}$^M#x (change 80 to whatever length you want your text to be)
and set register x to:
80lBi^M^[n#x (change 80 to whatever length you want your text to be)
Then do
to activate the macros. After a few seconds you're text will all be in properly indented lines of 80 characters or less.
Here's a dissection of the macros:
Part 1 (macro z):
gg - start at the top of the file (this avoids some formatting issues)
/ - begin search
\v - switch search mode to use a more generic regex input style - no weird vim 'magic'
^.{80,}$ - regex for lines that contain 80 or more characters
^M - enter - do the search (don't type this, you can enter it with ctrl+v then enter)
#x - do macro x
Part 2 (macro x):
80l - move right 80 characters
B - move back one WORD (WORDS include characters like "[];:" etc.)
i^M - enter insert mode and then add a return (again don't type this, use ctrl+v)
^[ - escape out of insert mode (enter this with ctrl+v then escape)
#x - repeat the macro (macro will run until there are no more lines of 80 characters or more)
This macro will break if the there's a WORD that is 80 characters or longer.
This macro will not do smart things like indent lines past tags.
Use the lazyredraw setting (:set lazyredraw) to speed this up

How do I insert a linebreak where the cursor is without entering into insert mode in Vim?

Is possible to insert a line break where the cursor is in Vim without entering into insert mode? Here's an example ([x] means cursor is on x):
if (some_condition) {[ ]return; }
Occasionally, I might want to enter some more code. So I'd press i to get into insert mode, press Enter to insert the line break and then delete the extra space. Next, I'd enter normal mode and position the cursor before the closing brace and then do the same thing to get it on its own line.
I've been doing this a while, but there's surely a better way to do it?
For the example you've given, you could use rEnter to replace a single character (the space) with Enter. Then, fspace. to move forward to the next space and repeat the last command.
Depending on your autoindent settings, the above may or may not indent the return statement properly. If not, then use sEnterTabEsc instead to replace the space with a newline, indent the line, and exit insert mode. You would have to replace the second space with a different command so you couldn't use '.' in this case.
A simple mapping to break the line at the cursor by pressing Ctrl+Enter:
:nmap <c-cr> i<cr><Esc>
essentially enters 'insert' mode, inserts a line break and goes back to normal mode.
put it in your .vimrc file for future use.
Here's how to create a macro that inserts a newline at the cursor whenever you press 'g' while not in insert mode:
From within vim, type:
:map g i[Ctrl+V][Enter][Ctrl+V][Esc][Enter]
[Ctrl+V] means hold the Ctrl key and press 'v'
[Enter] means press the Enter key
[Esc] means press the Esc key
You'll see the following at the bottom of your vim window until you press the final Enter:
:map g i^M^[
[Ctrl+V] means "quote the following character" -- it allows you to embed the newline and escape characters in the command.
So you're mapping the 'g' key to the sequence: i [Enter] [Escape]
This is vim for insert a newline before the cursor, then exit insert mode.
You can replace the 'g' with any character that's not already linked to a command you use.
Add more to the command, e.g. f}i^M^[O -- This will find the } and insert another newline, then escape from insert mode and Open an empty line for you to enter more code.
You can add the command to your .vimrc or .exrc file to make it permanent. Just omit the colon from the beginning, so the command starts with "map"
If you're usually expanding a one line block to three lines, try substitution. Change the opening bracket into bracket/return, and the closing bracket into return/bracket.
The command for substituting bracket/return for bracket looks like this:
Since you want to use this often, you could map the full sequence to an unused keystroke like this:
:map <F7> :s/{/{\r/ ^M :s/}/\r}/ ^M
Where you see ^M in the sequence, type [Ctrl-V], then press enter.
Now with your cursor anywhere on your sample line, press the mapped key, and the carriage returns are added.
Check :help map-which-keys for advice on selecting unused keystrokes to map.
Assuming you're okay with mapping K to something else (choose a different key of your liking), and using marker ' as a temporary marker is okay why not do this?
:nmap K m'a<CR><Esc>`'
now pressing K in normal mode over the character after which you want the line break to occur will split the line and leave the cursor where it was.
Basically, when you split a line you either want to just insert a carriage return, or in the case that you're on a space, replace that with a carriage return. Well, why settle for one or the other? Here's my mapping for K:
"Have K split lines the way J joins lines
nnoremap <expr>K getline('.')[col('.')-1]==' ' ? "r<CR>" : "i<CR><Esc>"
I use the ternary operator to condense the two actions into one key map. Breaking it down, <expr> means the key map's output can dynamic and in this case hinges on the condition getline('.')[col('.')-1]==' ' which is the long winded way to ask vim if the character under the cursor is a space. Finally, the familiar ternary operator ? : either replaces the space with linebreak (r<CR>) or inserts a new one (i<CR><Esc>)
Now you have a lovely sister key map to the J command.
Vim will automatically kill any whitespace to the right of the cursor if you break a line in two while autoindent (or any other indentation aid) is enabled.
If you do not want to use any of those settings, use s instead of i in order to substitute your new text for the blank rather than just inserting. (If there are multiple blanks, put the cursor on the leftmost and use cw instead.)
In fact you need the following combined operations:
Press v to enter Visual Mode
Select the line you want to split
Press : to enter in Command Mode
If you have the input:
aaa bbb ccc ddd
and want to output
You can use the command
f r<ENTER>;.;.
o ESC command will do it for you.
Set this key mapping in your vimrc
:map <C-m> i<CR><Esc>h
Then press Ctrl+m if you want to use it in your vim.
IMHO, the built-in mapping gs is not a useful mapping (put vim to sleep), one could use this for splitting:
nmap gs i<CR><ESC>
In Vrapper you can use gql which will split a line without entering insert mode, but may not always maintain indentation.
I found this to be the most faithful implementation of what I'd expect the opposite behaviour to J
nnoremap S i<cr><esc>^mwgk:silent! s/\v +$//<cr>:noh<cr>`w
It does the simplistic new line at cursor, takes care of any trailing whitespace on the previous line if there are any present and then returns the cursor to the correct position.
i <cr> <esc> - this is one of the most common solutions suggested, it doesn't delete non-whitespace characters under your cursor but it also leaves you with trailing whitespace
^mw - goto start of new line and create a mark under w
gk - go up one line
:silent! s/\v +$//<cr> - regex replace any whitespace at the end of the line
:noh<cr> - Clear any search highlighting that the regex might have turned on
`w - return the the mark under w
Essentially combines the best of both r<esc><cr> and i<cr><esc>
Note: I have this bound to S which potentially overwrites a useful key but it is a synonym for cc and since I don't use it as often as I do splits I am okay with overwriting it.
This mapping will break up any one-line function you have. Simply put your cursor on the line and hit 'g' in normal mode:
:map g ^f{malr<CR>`a%hr<CR>`a
This assumes that you have a space after the opening brace and a space before the closing brace. See if that works for you.

How to insert text at beginning of a multi-line selection in vi/Vim

In Vim, how do I insert characters at the beginning of each line in a selection?
For instance, I want to comment out a block of code by prepending // at the beginning of each line assuming my language's comment system doesn't allow block commenting like /* */. How would I do this?
Press Esc to enter 'command mode'
Use Ctrl+V to enter visual block mode
Move Up/Downto select the columns of text in the lines you want to
Then hit Shift+i and type the text you want to insert.
Then hit Esc, wait 1 second and the inserted text will appear on every line.
For further information and reading, check out "Inserting text in multiple lines" in the Vim Tips Wiki.
This replaces the beginning of each line with "//":
This replaces the beginning of each selected line (use visual mode to select) with "//":
Note that gv (in normal mode) restores the last visual selection, this comes in handy from time to time.
The general pattern for search and replace is:
Replaces the first occurrence of 'search' with 'replace' for current line
Replaces all occurrences of 'search' with 'replace' for current line, 'g' is short for 'global'
This command will replace each occurrence of 'search' with 'replace' for the current line only. The % is used to search over the whole file. To confirm each replacement interactively append a 'c' for confirm:
Interactive confirm replacing 'search' with 'replace' for the entire file
Instead of the % character you can use a line number range (note that the '^' character is a special search character for the start of line):
Inserts a '#' character at the start of lines 14-20
If you want to use another comment character (like //) then change your command delimiter:
Inserts a '//' character sequence at the start of lines 14-20
Or you can always just escape the // characters like:
Inserts a '//' character sequence at the start of lines 14-20
If you are not seeing line numbers in your editor, simply type the following
:set nu
Another way that might be easier for newcomers:
Place the cursor on the first line, e.g. by
and type the following to get into insert mode and add your text:
I / / Space
// █some
Press Esc to get back to command mode and use the digraph:
j . j .
// some
// code
j is a motion command to go down one line and . repeats the last editing command you made.
And yet another way:
Move to the beginning of a line
enter Visual Block mode (CTRL-v)
select the lines you want (moving up/down with j/k, or jumping to a line with [line]G)
press I (that's capital i)
type the comment character(s)
press ESC
This adds # at the beginning of every line:
And people will stop complaining about your lack of properly commenting scripts.
If you want to get super fancy about it, put this in your .vimrc:
vmap \c :s!^!//!<CR>
vmap \u :s!^//!!<CR>
Then, whenever in visual mode, you can hit \c to comment the block and \u to uncomment it. Of course, you can change those shortcut keystrokes to whatever.
Yet another way:
:'<,'>g/^/norm I//
/^/ is just a dummy pattern to match every line. norm lets you run the normal-mode commands that follow. I// says to enter insert-mode while jumping the cursor to the beginning of the line, then insert the following text (two slashes).
:g is often handy for doing something complex on multiple lines, where you may want to jump between multiple modes, delete or add lines, move the cursor around, run a bunch of macros, etc. And you can tell it to operate only on lines that match a pattern.
To insert "ABC" at the begining of each line:
Go to command mode
% norm I ABC
For commenting blocks of code, I like the NERD Commenter plugin.
Select some text:
Shift-V the lines of text you want to comment....
Or just toggle the comment state of a line or block:
I can recommend the EnhCommentify plugin.
eg. put this to your vimrc:
let maplocalleader=','
vmap <silent> <LocalLeader>c <Plug>VisualTraditional
nmap <silent> <LocalLeader>c <Plug>Traditional
let g:EnhCommentifyBindInInsert = 'No'
let g:EnhCommentifyMultiPartBlocks = 'Yes'
let g:EnhCommentifyPretty = 'Yes'
let g:EnhCommentifyRespectIndent = 'Yes'
let g:EnhCommentifyUseBlockIndent = 'Yes'
you can then comment/uncomment the (selected) lines with ',c'
Mark the area to be comment as a visual block (<C-V)
and do c#<ESC>p
change it to "#"
put it back
If you do it often, define a short cut (example \q) in your .vimrc
:vmap \q c#<ESC>p
In case someone's multi-line-selection is actually a paragraph, there is no need to manually select the lines. vim can do that for you:
vip: select and mark the whole paragraph
shift-i: insert text at line beginning
escape: leave insert mode/enter normal mode [line beginnings still selected]
escape: unselect line beginnings
Mapping of most voted answer:
1st visual select the desired lines, then execute <leader>zzz, which values:
vnoremap <leader>zzz <C-V>^I-<Space><Esc>
<C-V> to enter visual mode
^ goes to start of line ( or use '0' to 1st non blank)
I to insert in block mode
-<Space> to insert '- ' (for example, edit as you need)
<Esc> to apply same insert to all visual block lines
Or of last visual selection from normal mode:
nnoremap <leader>zzz gv<C-V>^I-<Space><Esc>
