Merging Sub-Folders together, Linux - linux

I have a main folder "Abc" which has about 800 sub-folders. Each of these sub-folders contains numerous files (all of the same format, say ".doc"). How do I create one master folder with all these files (and not being distributed into subfolders). I am doing this on a Windows 7 machine, using cygwin terminal.
The cp -r command copies it but leaves the files in the sub-folders, so it doesn't really help much. I'd appreciate assistance with this. Thank you!

Assuming there could be name collisions and multiple extensions, this will create unique names, changing directory paths to dashes (e.g. a/b/c.doc would become a-b-c.doc). Run this from within the folder you want to collapse:
# if globstar is not enabled, you'll need it.
shopt -s globstar
for file in */**; do [ -f "$file" ] && mv -i "$file" "${file//\//-}"; done
# get rid of the now-empty subdirectories.
find . -type d -empty -delete
If you can guarantee unique names, this will move the files and remove the subdirectories. You can change the two .s to the name of a folder and run it from outside said folder:
find . -depth \( -type f -exec mv -i {} . \; \) -o \( -type d -empty -delete \)

This may not be the most elegant or efficient way to do it, but I believe it'd accomplish what you want:
for file in `find abc`
if [ -f $file ]
mv $file `basename $file`
Iterate through everything in abc, check if it's a file (not a directory) and if it is then move it from its current location (eg abc/d/example.txt) to abc/
Edit: This would leave all the subfolders in place (but they'd be empty now)


Find all files with specific name and move it two levels up from its location

I want to find all files with specific name "stdout.1.0", move it two/three levels up from its location. While moving it two/three levels up, I also want to rename it to "testjob.out".
All "stdout.1.0" files are located six levels down from parent directory.
I used:
find . -type f -name stdout.1.0
and it outputs:
The directories above is just representative of where the file is, but there are multiple "stdout.1.0" files starting three levels down from parent directory.
Here is a method in plain bash using globstar shell option , without using the find:
shopt -s globstar
for file in **/stdout.1.0; do
echo mv "$file" "${file%/*/*/*}/testjob.out"
Drop the echo if output looks fine.
You already know how to find them:
find . -type f -name stdout.1.0
Now, you need to move them to a higher directory (..) and rename them:
find . -type f -name stdout.1.0 -execdir mv {} ../../testjob.out \;
I would advise you to copy them first and remove later (use cp instead of mv): if anything goes wrong, you can get back easily to the current situation.

Recursively unzip all subdirectories while retaining file structure

I'm new to bash scripting, and i'm finding it hard to solve this one.
I have a parent folder containing a mixture of sub directories and zipped sub directories.
Within those sub directories are also more nested zip files.
Not only are there .zip files, but also .rar and .7z files which also contain nested zips/rars/7zs.
I want to unzip, unrar and un7z all my nested sub directories recursively until the parent folder no longer contains any .rar, .zip, .7zip files. (these eventually need to be removed when they have been extracted). There could be thousands of sub directories all at different nesting depths. You could have zipped folders or zipped files.
However I want to retain my folder structure, so the unzipped folders must stay in the same place where it has been unzipped
I have tried this script that works for unzipping, but it does not retain the file structure.
while [ "`find . -type f -name '*.zip' | wc -l`" -gt 0 ]
find . -type f -name "*.zip" -exec unzip -- '{}' \; -exec rm -- '{}' \;
I want for example:
folder 'a' contain zipped folder '' which contains a zipped text file (which is pear.txt that has been zipped to a/
I would like folder 'a' to contain 'b' to contain pear.txt 'a/b/pear.txt'
The script above brings 'b' (b is empty) and pear both into folder 'a' where the script is executed which is not what I want. eg 'a/b' and 'a/pear.txt'
You could try this:
while :; do
mapfile -td '' archives \
< <(find . -type f -name '*.zip' -o -name '*.7z' -print0)
[[ ${#archives[#]} -eq 0 ]] && break
for i in "${archives[#]}"; do
case $i in
*.zip) unzip -d "$(dirname "$i")" -- "$i";;
*.7z) 7z x "-o$(dirname "$i")" -- "$i";;
rm -rf "${archives[#]}" || break
Every archive is listed by find. That list is extracted in the correct location and the archives removed. This repeats, until zero archives are found.
You can add an equivalent unrar command (I'm not familiar with it).
Add -o -name '*.rar' to find, and another case to case. If there's no option to specify a target directory with unrar, you could use cd "$(dirname "$i")" && unrar "$i".
There are some issues with this script. In particular, if extraction fails, the archive is still removed. Otherwise it would cause an infinite loop. You can use unzip ... || exit 1 to exit if extraction fails, and deal with that manually.
It's possible to both avoid removal and also an infinite loop, by counting files which aren't removed, but hopefully not necessary.
I couldn't test this properly. YMMV.

Best way to tar and zip files meeting specific name criteria?

I'm writing a shell script on a Linux machine to be run via a crontab which is meant to move all files older than the current day to a new folder, and then tar and zip the entire folder. Seems like a simple task but for some reason, I'm running into all kinds of roadblocks. I'm new to this and self-taught so any help or redirection would be greatly appreciated.
Specific criteria for which files to archive:
All log files are in /home/tech/logs/ and all pdfs are in /home/tech/logs/pdf
All files are over a day old as indicated by the file name (file name does not include $CURRENT_DATE)
All files must be *.log or *.pdf (i.e. don't archive files that don't include $CURRENT_DATE if it isn't a log or pdf file.
Filename formatting specifics:
All the log file names are in home/tech/logs in the format NAME 00_20180510.log, and all the pdf files are in a "pdf" subdirectory (home/tech/logs/pdf) with the format NAME 00_20180510_00000000.pdf ("20180510" would be whenever the file was created and the 0's would be any number). I need to use the name rather than the file metadata for the creation date, and all files (pdf/log) whose name does not include the current date are "old". I also can't just move all files that don't contain $CURRENT_DATE in the name because it would take any non-*.pdf or *.log files with it.
Right now the script creates a new folder with a new pdf subdir for the old files (mkdir -p /home/tech/logs/$ARCHIVE_NAME/pdf). I then want to move the old logs into $ARCHIVE_NAME, and move all old pdfs from the original pdf subdirectory into $ARCHIVE_NAME/pdf.
Current code:
find /home/tech/logs -maxdepth 1 -name ( "*[^$CURRENT_DATE].log" "*.log" ) -exec mv -t "$ARCHIVE_NAME" '{}' ';'
find /home/tech/logs/pdf -maxdepth 1 -name ( "*[^$CURRENT_DATE]*.pdf" "*.pdf" ) -exec mv -t "$ARCHIVE_NAME/pdf" '{}' ';'
This hasn't been working because it treats the numbers in $CURRENT_DATE as a list of numbers to exclude rather than a literal string.
I've considered just using tar's exclude options like this:
tar -cvzPf "$ARCHIVE_NAME.tgz" --directory /home/tech/logs --exclude="$CURRENT_DATE" --no-unquote --recursion --remove-files --files-from="/home/tech/logs/"
But a) it doesn't work, and b) it would theoretically include all files that weren't *.pdf or *.log files, which would be a problem.
Am I overcomplicating this? Is there a better way to go about this?
I would go about this using bash's extended glob features, which allow you to negate a pattern:
shopt -s extglob
mv /home/tech/logs/*!("$CURRENT_DATE")*.log "$ARCHIVE_NAME"
mv /home/tech/logs/pdf/*!("$CURRENT_DATE")*.pdf "$ARCHIVE_NAME"/pdf
With extglob enabled, !(pattern) expands to everything that doesn't match the pattern (or list of pipe-separated patterns).
Using find it should also be possible:
find /home/tech/logs -name '*.log' -not -name "*$CURRENT_DATE*" -exec mv -t "$ARCHIVE_NAME" {} +
Building on #tom-fenech answer, optimized to avoid many mv invocations:
find /home/tech/logs -maxdepth 1 -name '*.log' -not -name "*_${CURRENT_DATE?}.log" | \
xargs mv -t "${ARCHIVE_NAME?}"
An interesting feature, from processing the file thru pipes, is the ability to filter them with extra tools (aka grep :), which can (arguably) become more readable i.e. ->
find /home/tech/logs -maxdepth 1 -name '*.log' | fgrep -v "_${CURRENT_DATE?}" | \
xargs mv -t "${ARCHIVE_NAME?}"
Then similarly for the pdf ones, BTW you can "dry-run" above by just replacing mv by echo mv.

Linux rename files as dirname

i got lots of files like this:
how can i rename them like this in Linux Bash:
Try this,
for i in */*; do mv $i $(dirname $i)/$(dirname $i).${i##*.}; done
For loop iterates over each file in directory one by one. and mv statement renames the each file in directory one by one.
Something like this should do the job:
for i in */*; do
echo mv "${i}" "${i%/*}/${i%/*}.${i##*.}"
See e.g. here, what this cryptic parameter expansions (like ${i%/*}) mean in bash.
The script above will only print the commands in the console, without invoking them. Once you are sure you want to proceed, you can remove the echo statement and let it run.
If you don't mind using external tool, then rnm can do this pretty easily:
rnm -ns '/pd0/./e/' */*
/pd0/ is the immediate parent directory, /pd1/ is the directory before that and so forth.
-ns means name string and /pd/ and /e/ are name string rules which expands to parent directory and file extension respectively.
The general format of the /pd/ rule is /pd<digit>-<digit>-<delim>/, for example, a rule like /pd0-2-_/ will construct dir0_dir1_dir2 from a directory structure of dir2/dir1/dir0
More examples can be found here.
The for loop method, as outlined in some of the other answers, would suffice and work great for most cases where you need to rename every file in a directory to the first parent's directory name. My particular case called for a bit more granularity, where I only wanted to rename a subset of the files in a directory and assert that the operand was, in fact, an actual file, not an empty directory, symbolic link, etc. Using find can achieve exactly what you want in addition to the added ability to apply filtration and processing to the file inputs and outputs.
# Same effect as using a `for` loop #
# -mindepth 2 : ensures that the file has a parent directory.
# -type f : ensures that we are working with a `regular file` (not directory, symlink, etc.).
find . -mindepth 2 -type f -exec bash -c 'file="{}"; dir="$(dirname $file)"; mv "$file" "$dir/${dir##*/}.${file##*.}"' \;
# Additional filtration #
# mp3 ONLY (case insensitive)
find . -mindepth 2 -type f -iname "*.mp3" -exec bash -c 'file="{}"; dir="$(dirname $file)"; mv "$file" "$dir/${dir##*/}.${file##*.}"' \;
# mp3 OR mp4 ONLY (case insensitive)
find . -mindepth 2 -type f \( -iname "*.mp3" -or -iname "*.mp4" \) -exec bash -c 'file="{}"; "dir=$(dirname $file)"; mv "$file" "$dir/${dir##*/}.${file##*.}"' \;

Linux recursive copy files to its parent folder

I want to copy recursively files to its parent folder for a specific file extension. For example:
./folderA/folder1/*.txt to ./folderA/*.txt
./folderB/folder2/*.txt to ./folderB/*.txt
I checked cp and find commands but couldn't get it working.
I suspect that while you say copy, you actually mean to move the files up to their respective parent directories. It can be done easily using find:
$ find . -name '*.txt' -type f -execdir mv -n '{}' ../ \;
The above command recurses into the current directory . and then applies the following cascade of conditionals to each item found:
-name '*.txt' will filter out only files that have the .txt extension
-type f will filter out only regular files (eg, not directories that – for whatever reason – happen to have a name ending in .txt)
-execdir mv -n '{}' ../ \; executes the command mv -n '{}' ../ in the containing directory where the {} is a placeholder for the matched file's name and the single quotes are needed to stop the shell from interpreting the curly braces. The ; terminates the command and again has to be escaped from the shell interpreting it.
I have passed the -n flag to the mv program to avoid accidentally overwriting an existing file.
The above command will transform the following file system tree
into this one:
To get rid of the empty directories, run
$ find . -type d -empty -delete
Again, this command will traverse the current directory . and then apply the following:
-type d this time filters out only directories
-empty filters out only those that are empty
-delete deletes them.
Fine print: -execdir is not specified by POSIX, though major implementations (at least the GNU and BSD one) support it. If you need strict POSIX compliance, you'll have to make do with the less safe -exec which would need additional thought to be applied correctly in this case.
Finally, please try your commands in a test directory with dummy files, not your actual data. Especially with the -delete option of find, you can loose all your data quicker than you might imaging. Read the man page and, if that is not enough, the reference manual of find. Never blindly copy shell commands from random strangers posted on the internet if you don't understand them.
$cp ./folderA/folder1/*.txt ./folderA
Try this commnad
Run something like this from the root(ish) directory:
#! /bin/bash
new_dir() {
for i in "${LOC_DIR}"/*; do
[[ -f "${i}" ]] && cp "${i}" ../
[[ -d "${i}" ]] && cd "${i}" && new_dir
cd ..
return 0
This will search each directory. When a file is encountered, it copies the file up a directory. When a directory is found, it will move down into the directory and start the process over again. I think it'll work for you.
Good luck.
