do something after SVN update - linux

Is there anything possible do something after SVN update process?.
I need to execute some shell script after the SVN update process. Please help me how to do that?.
SVN Version: 1.6.17

On the client side you can call svn client via a shell/batch script and run your needed commands after that but from SVN side there is nothing you can use for that.
After discussion on the chat the problem was the permission problem in configuration of Apache under Fedora and not a problem of SVN.

Use phing.
use the svn update task
use the exec task to run the scripts


Execute a script after every git push

There is a server running and has a git instance on it. I want a script to run everytime a user does git push to the server. I want my script to be executed then git push to continue.
Any work arounds?
You've tagged this GitHub so I'm assuming that you are referring to public GitHub and not GitHub enterprise.
You cannot run a script "server-side" on GitHub's servers because that would obviously be a massive vulnerability but you can set up a web hook to trigger a script on another server.
Basically whenever someone does a push, a specific URL will be sent data about the push. You can then trigger a script from this. For more information on web hooks, see the GitHub API docs.
I am not sure If you want a scipt to run prior to push or after. So here is my answer for pre-push. But if you want post-push (i.e after push) you have to change the pre-push hooks accordingly to check if pushed successfully and then you can do post push thing.
As suggested by #Travis, git hooks is the one that you are looking for. So to execute a script pre-push, you have to do is to create a pre-push file in the .git/hooks. So in this case put your bunch of code in the pre-post script file .git/hooks/pre-push and save it. Then make it executable by chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-push. After you done with this successfully you will be able to see the script gets executed each time you do run push command.
PS: Please note that I haven't tested this whole but expected to work in this way.
In Short, assuming you(Linux user) are in the project directory
vim .git/hooks/pre-push # then add your code and save the file
# Also put the shebang on top to identify the interpreter
chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-push # make it executable
You should look into git hooks:
8.3 Customizing Git - Git Hooks
and, another site regarding this technology:

Solution for Git GUI client for remote SSH

I am a Git GUI user. I don't have an issue using it for my local development. However, now we have a server with a Git repository. Can I remotely push, pull and diff by using the Git GUI client to access that?
Currently, I am SSHing to the Linux server, and use a Git command to do all the Git commands. But I found it very difficulty when it comes to diff. That's why I think is there any solution for me using the Git GUI client access remote repository and do the Git command with a Git client.
I want to be able to mount a remote server in a Git repository.
Current we only have to open the Git repository in our local disk. For example, the C:\www\repo.git file. How about if I want to access and do all the Git commands in the Git client?
Solutions are open for OS X and Windows.
Aside from VNC / remote X (which is an obvious solution and therefore not worth putting in an answer), the only alternative I can find is Visual Studio Code's new remote development support.
You can connect to a server via ssh (from within Visual Studio Code), and then Visual Studio Code's Git features work natively. The interface is fairly basic however - in particular there is no history view and you can't rebase, cherry-pick, etc. from the GUI. It's basically for staging commits.
This extension gives you a proper git graph view. It's pretty good.
If your server has it enabled, you can use XForwarding to display a GUI executed on the remote machine on your local machine.
On the server-side, this means that you need to have the proper tools installed (e.g., git-gui, which means that you also need Tcl/Tk installed, which means that you also need the X infrastructure installed).
You also must enable Xforwarding, by making sure that you have a line like the following in your /etc/ssh/sshd_config:
X11Forwarding yes
To use that on your local Linux machine, you would usually use the -X flag to enable XForwarding for a given connection:
shiro#local:~$ ssh -X gituser#gitserver
gituser#gitserver:~$ cd repo.git
gituser#gitserver:~/repo.git$ git gui
On your local OS X machine, you would instead use -Y:
shiro#applejoice:~$ ssh -Y gituser#gitserver
gituser#gitserver:~$ cd repo.git
gituser#gitserver:~/repo.git$ git gui
You need an Xserver running on your local machine, in order to use XForwarding. While this is not a problem on Linux (or OS X), it gets complicated for Win32. There are tutorials on the web for setting up and using Xservers under Win32 (e.g., Xming).
First, when it comes to diff, you can simply git fetch your repo, and do the diff locally (with git gui), since you have the all history.
Second, if you have ssh access to the server, you don't need to actually open an ssh session.
A simple git command git#gitserver:/path/to/git/project.git is enough (repalce "command" with clone/push/pull/fetch)
That means the fetch is easy.
See Git on the Server - Setting Up the Server for an ssh setup, at least for Linux or Mac.
For Windows, you have alternative ssh server you can consider, like copssh-free-edition.
But now our team is having this issue, and I am the only person in charge for the GIT. That's why I looks for help how to solve this
Then you would need to ssh to the server, git add and git commit there in the repo, then go back to your local workstation, clone or fetch, and do the diff there. –

jenkins svn run as root

I'm new to jenkins.
I got jenkins intalled with
sudo apt-get install jenkins
on a linux system.
I've got a project(s) with svn checkout.
Every time when jenkins checkout the svn-repo, the files ownership get root ownership ( root / root ).
But the jenkins is not an root user.
In some projects it make "mvn clean" impossible, or delete a folder.
I google about it
svn checkout as root
can do this.
I think about it, that i will run jenkins (service) as another user.
Manualy i set the workspace folder in jenkins to jenkins user / group.
But in some project after svn update is get back to "root / root" ownership.
I don't know the real reason for "svn as root".
I look for the answer, and I would appreciate help
It is very, very unlikely the checkout would create files owned by root if Jenkins was not running as root. Practically the only explanation is that Jenkins really running as root and you did not check it from a reliable source. The user which Jenkins reports under $JENKINS_URL/systemInfo might be wrong. (How did you check Jenkins is not running as root?)
Please check again by running something like
ps axu | grep java
and look for the java process and see who is the user running it.
How exactly to fix your installation depends how you installed Jenkins. Please provide more information if you need more help.

Jenkins to SCP a few folders and files from SVN to linux server?

I use jenkins to do auto deployment weekly to a tomcat server, and it is fairly simple to do using the "curl" with the tomcat manager. and since i am only uploading a .war file, so its very straight forward.
But when comes to a backend console application, Anyone has any idea how to use jenkins to upload an entire "set of folders with files" onto a linux box? The project that i have is built via ant and has all the folder inside the SVN.
A couple things come to mind.
Probably the most straightforward thing to do is use the ant scp task to push the directory / directories up to the server. You'll need the jsch jar on your Ant classpath to make it work, but that's not too bad to deal with. See the Ant docs for the scp task here. If you want to keep your main build script clean, just make another build script that Jenkins can run named 'deploy.xml' or similar. This has the added benefit that you can use it from places other than Jenkins.
Another idea is to check them out directly on the server from SVN. Again, ant can probably help you with this if you use the sshexec task, and run the subversion task inside of that. SSHexec docs here
Finally, Jenkins has a "Publish Over SSH" plugin you might try out. I've not used it personally, but it looks promising! Right over here!

Export SVN repository over FTP to a remote server

I'm using following command to export my repository to a local path:
svn export --force svn://localhost/repo_name /share/Web/projects/project_name
Is there any, quite easy (Linux newbie here) way to do the same over FTP protocol, to export repository to a remote server?
Last parameter of svn export AFAIK have to be a local path and AFAIK this command does not support giving paths in form of URLs, like for example:
So, I thing there should be some script hired here to do the job.
I have asked some people about that, and was advised that the easiest way is to export repository to a local path, transfer it to an FTP server and then purge local path. Unfortunately I failed after first step (extract to local path! :) So, the support question is, if it can be done on-the-fly, or really have to be split into two steps: export + ftp transfer?
Someone also advised me to setup local SVN client on remote server and do simple checkout / update from my repository. But this is solution possible only if everything else fails. As I want to extract pure repository structure, without SVN files, which I would get, when go this way.
BTW: I'm using QNAP TS-210, a simple NAS device, with very limited Linux on board. So, many command-line commands as good as GUI are not available to me.
EDIT: This is second question in my "chain". Even, if you help me to succeed here, I won't be able to automate this job (as I'm willing to) without your help in question "SVN: Force svn daemon to run under different user". Can someone also take a look there, please? Thank you!
Well, if you're using Linux, you should be able to mount an ftpfs. I believe there was a module in the Linux kernel for this. Then I think you would also need FUSE.
Basically, if you can mount an ftpfs, you can write your svn export directly to the mounted folder.
not sure about FTP, but SSH would be a lot easier, and should have better compression. An example of sending your repo over SSH may look like:
svnadmin dump /path/to/repository |ssh -C username#servername 'svnadmin -q load /path/to/repository/on/server'
URL i found that info was on Martin Ankerl's site
based on the comment from #trejder on the question, to do an export over ssh, my recomendation would be as follows:
svn export to a folder locally, then use the following command:
cd && tar czv src | ssh 'tar xz'
where src is the folder you exported to, and is the server.
this will take the files in the source folder, tar and gzip them and send them over ssh, then on ssh, extract the files directly to the machine....
I wrote this a while back - maybe it would be of some use here: exup
