Health Device Profile in Windows - bluetooth

I am going to have a project that can get data from devices that support Health Device Profile(HDP) in Windows.
I find Bluez but it is only available in Linux. Is there any alternative in Windows? Thank You

There are multiple suppliers of Bluetooth stack for desktop Windows. The only one that I know supports HDP directly is Toshiba (though I've no experience with it). So, instead once can add the HDP support outside of the stack software. However, HDP[1] uses the L2CAP protocol which is lower level that RFCOMM protocol that most apps use, and unfortunately Microsoft's Bluetooth stack does not provide a user-level L2CAP API. I started work on a driver to allow user-mode access to the kernel-level API (provided by MSFT in Vista and later) but never finished it. For the other main stacks BlueSoleil doesn't provide a L2CAP API, but Widcomm does.


WebUSB API, for pushing commands/configuration to the device through webApp

I am doing some research on the WebUSB API for our company because we are going to start to manufacture devices in house.
Our current device manufacture comes with an application so the team can plug the device into a computer and diagnose it. Their application allows us to read outputs from the device, as well as pushing commands/configuration to the device over a wired connection.
Since this device is 100% ours, we are also responsible for building out the diagnostic tooling. We need some sort of interface that allows a user to read outputs and send commands/configuration to the device over a wired USB connection.
Is the webUSB the correct API? If not, what are some suggestions for accomplishing the requirement? Are we limited to building some sort of desktop or mobile application?
I would recommend resources below to read to help you understand if the WebUSB API fits your needs or not: helps you pick the appropriate API to communicate with a hardware device of your choice. explains how to build a device to take full advantage of the WebUSB API.
From what you describe, WebUSB isn't strictly required but won't hurt either.
First and foremost, you will need to implement the USB interfaces reading data and sending configurations. It will be a custom protocol, and not one of the standard USB device classes such as HID, video or mass storage. The details of the protocol and if you use control, interrupt or bulk transfers is your choice.
I'm assuming you will connect the devices to Windows PCs, and you likely don't want to put money into writing device drivers. If so, the easiest approach is to add the required descriptors and control requests required for Microsoft OS 2.0 Descriptors. That way, the WinUSB driver will be installed automatically when the device is plugged in.
Using the WinUSB API, a Windows application will then be able to communicate with the USB device. No additional drivers are needed. (On macOS and Linux it's even easier as you don't need the Microsoft OS 2.0 Descriptors in the first place.)
On top of that you can implement the additional descriptors and control requests for WebUSB. It will provide the additional benefit that you can write a web application (instead of a native application) for communicating with the USB device. (Currently, you are restricted to the Chrome browser.) WebUSB devices should implement the WinUSB descriptors as the alternative (.INF files, manual installation process) is a pain.
The already mentioned web page is a complete example of how to implement it.

Zephyr OS understanding

Initially I built the Zephyr bluetooth application for native linux and run it in conjunction with Bluez on a BLE controller.I understand that in this, Linux OS and Bluez are used along with Zephyr host stack.
Now, I have flashed bluetooth application from Zephyr stack (samples/bluetooth/beacon)to NXP board successfully. Here there is no bluez used.
For this case, I have a few basic understanding questions:
1. Is the OS functionality also embedded in the bin file that is created after application is compiled. I mean I understand bluetooth stack is Zephyr, but which OS is used on board ?
2. Also, is there any functionality similar to hcitool in Bluez in Zephyr bluetooth stack?
3. Is there any functionality like btmon or hcidump?
To answer your questions:-
Zephyr is an OS itself - it is a Real-Time Operating System (RTOS)
that runs on top of many different types of hardware, just like how
Linux is an operating system that runs on top of many different
hardware. Zephyr is mainly written in C and under the hood talks
directly to the specific processor using its registers and the
vendor's stack. You can find a list of all supported boards
Not identical to hcitool, but there is an hci layer example that
allows you to send raw hci commands. You can find more details on
this here and here. At the end of the day, you may not
need to use hci because it is a low layer and you can probably
achieve the same functionality through higher leve API. All Zephyr's
Bluetooth examples can be found here.
Again, nothing like btmon on Linux how you can see the raw HCI
packets for each command, but Zephyr does support different
Bluetooth logging options depending on the hardware used. More
information on this can be found here.
I hope this helps.

Does the Universal Windows Application infrastructure support any Serial Port communications?

I have a WPF desktop application that would make a good candidate as a Universal Windows App. The application has a must-have dependence on USB or Bluetooth devices that act as a Serial Port.
In all my reading I've yet to discover whether there is any access to a SerialPort API in a UWA.
I suspect the answer is 'No support'. If so, does anyone know of a USB or Bluetooth GPS that supports whatever APIs the UWA has for that sort of thing. I have to be able to read things like ground speed, elevation, rate of climb, etc.
If the answer is 'Supported', could you point me to some documentation.
For the "Bluetooth devices that act as a Serial Port", I assume you mean the RFCOMM. They are both supported on Windows Runtime since Windows 8.1 and you can also use them in the Universal Windows Application.
namespace: Windows.Devices.Usb and Windows.Devices.Bluetooth.Rfcomm.
About the Bluetooth GPS, I'm not sure if it uses RFCOMM or not (it depends on the devices), and it is also possible to use the GATT.
Code Sample: Custom USB device access sample

bluetooth low energy stack for linux

How is bluetooth low energy implemented at a device driver level in linux?
Is there a new bluetooth stack code for every new bluetooth version ?
Bluez is the stack for Linux Bluetooth. New version of Bluetooth have resulted in changes in the code, but it's not a complete rewrite or anything drastic like that. Newer versions of Bluetooth are typically extensions of the existing protocol with the exception of Low Energy. Low Energy is completely supported at the kernel level in Linux, but there aren't a lot of convenience libraries for higher level interaction with LE.
Due to the incompleteness of Bluez with LE I've had to interact with the kernel code directly in order to implement functionality with LE. Also, I had to use older kernels that aren't supported by Bluez 5.x and had to use Bluez 4.x.
Already Tim and jhonnash have provided comprehensive information to your question. However, I would like to add one more information from Android Mobile point of view.
New version of Android uses Bluedroid as Bluetooth stack. This is quite different from Bluez.
Bluez has functionality distributed both in user space and kernel space. All the protocols like RFCOMM, HCI and L2CAP are implemented at kernel level and Profiles are implemented at User space. As Tim mentioned, to support Low energy, Bluez has to provide support at kernel level as well as at user space. This some times get difficult to track and understand. Any new changes may require modification in kernel as well as in user space code.
On the other hand, Bluedroid has some advantage over Bluez. Bluedroid has implemented its complete functionality at user space. Due to which any new functionality only needs to be added at user level code. No dependency on Kernel code.
Also, to answer your question of "Is there a new bluetooth stack code for every new bluetooth version ?" No complete rewrite is required for new version of Bluetooth as Bluetooth new versions are backward compatible, so only those portion of codes are added to the already existing stack which is new.
As your question is not completly clear that's why I also try to give all the possible protocols available to access bluetooth low enery stack for linux.
In UHID Driver "HoG (HID over GATT/Bluetooth-Low-Energy): GATT is a Bluetooth protocol implemented in user-space. When user-space opens an LE (low-energy) connection to a Bluetooth device, the device can advertise HID capabilities via GATT."
As GATT service is properly defined in this link.
There can be other protocols than GATT to access the Low-energy devices. HID Over GATT implementation is done in this manner.

Accessing Bluetooth virtual COM port on Windows without manual pairing

I need to connect to a Bluetooth device through virtual COM port created in Windows. It's easy when the port has been already created during manual pairing procedure. But I would like my application to relieve an user from the manual pairing of a device. I would like to present all devices in the range, allow user to chose one, and then create virtual COM port connected with the selected device. I'm not trying to avoid the pairing procedure itself, but rather I would like to invoke it by my application.
I started getting familiar with Microsoft Bluetooth API. And then some doubts arose. I've been wondering what happen if some user would use different (than Microsoft's) Bluetooth stack? Is the Microsoft's API the real Bluetooth API, which have to be implemented by any other Bluetooth stack provider? Or rather each provider has its own API, and the Microsoft's is only one of many other?
Thanks everyone for valuable input. I'd like to summarize what I've found so far. The Microsoft Bluetooth API is not operating system API. Application written against it will not cooperate correctly with any other Bluetooth stack. It seems that applications which are intended to cooperate with multiple stacks need to provide some stack abstraction layer, and stack specific code for all of them.The other solution is to allow user for manual pairing of the Bluetooth device, which eventually create some virtual device in the operating system (e.g., COM port). Then the application can use standard interface of such a device.
I can't speak for the Microsoft Bluetooth API, but there are multiple Bluetooth stacks available for the PC platform (even more for mobile devices).
The underlying API is defined by the Bluetooth Core Spec and so all stacks should be able to interact, in fact it is mandatory that they interop or they cannot use the Bluetooth name and logo.
As to pairing, your going to have a hard time getting devices to pair if they have default security, which requires a pin code.
Things might be simpler in the (near) future, as the Bluetooth standard has introduced a new security model, secure simple pairing, which has a 'just works' mode that requires no Pin code. This is still stronger then the current security, except against Man in the middle attacks. However, it could be a while before you see the chips with this feature in PCs.
If you can change to using .NET :-/ I can recommend our library 32feet.NET.
For explicit pairing there's BluetoothSecurity.PairDevice. We can also create the virtual port for you, for example:
BluetoothClient cli = new BluetoothClient();
BluetoothDeviceInfo[] list = cli.DiscoverDevices();
BluetoothDeviceInfo selected = GetUserToSelectOne(list);
BluetoothSecurity.PairDevice(selected, pin);
// Ask Win32 to create a virtual serial port
However I really don't like virtual serial ports so I always suggest that people use a normal sockets connection using our BluetoothClient class, it will automatically handle a pairing request if required.
On Win32 we support the stacks from Microsoft, Widcomm/Broadcom, and BlueSoleil. On Widcomm there's no support for SetServiceState there yet, and their API has no support for responding to pairing requests. BlueSoleil should support both.
A brief user's guide is at 32feet.NET — User’s Guide, and all the class documentation is available at the main site, the Widcomm documentation is only in our code repository at the moment.
