How to remove My Pages and My Submissions from Liferay Control panel - liferay

I'm currently working on a Liferay project and want to get rid of the My Pages and My Submissions menu items on the right side so that users of my site do not bother with them. Tried looking for the jsp that renders the left side menu, but could manage to remove the item from there. Any ideas how to proceed? Thanks!!!

You could add the following lines to your (usually found in webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes under tomcat):
#deactivate Personal Community with *private* pages
#deactivate Personal Community with *public* pages
#hide Personal Community from my places
and restart the server.

Recently I had the same task assigned. Fortunately removing this items from the menu is quite straightforward since the control panel is nothing more than a special layout for displaying portlets that are deployed in the portal server. You can read my blog post here to check the simple steps on how to customize the Control Panel and My Account portlet.

You probably rather want to limit the permissions to people. Don't give out global administration roles, but create your own roles, "Define Permissions" for them as you need them and leave out the permissions that you don't want to provide to your users - e.g. "access in control panel" or the general permission to add a page.
Otherwise you'll miss other ways to use the interface and still allow them to add pages through other means (e.g. "Manage/Page").
Edit: The easiest way to get rid of "My Submissions" is to undeploy the workflow plugin (kaleo-web) - of course you can only do this if you don't need workflow.


Liferay: Page to portlet mapping

I have a requirement in liferay portal to allow user to add some specific portlets on a particular page. Same can be done in 2 ways:
This will require some custom code to be plugged in add panel code
create a custom portlet which will be present on left hand
side of page and allows portlet to be added and dragged on page.
On add of portlet it checks if the page can have this portlet and accordingly remove it
The question I have is which of these 2 approaches shall be used, and how?
Note: I was unable to find much about this on google as well
I believe Liferay permission system is strong enough to express what you need.
The portlet list shown in "Add more portlets" menu can be customized through a Regular Role. See How to customize which portlets to show in “Add more portlets” menu for detailed info.
To restrict the options for a single page (or several pages), modify its permissions, so that only the new Regular Role is be able to update it.
Based on your comment to Tomáš Piňos's answer, my suggestion would be to create a custom portlet that uses Liferay's API and enables you to do just this: On the page where it's available, use it to enable/disable the portlets you'd like to be there by use of Liferay's API. You'll find quite a lot of sample when you're looking for the old sevencogs example (that sadly does not compile any more, but in general the API has only changed marginally). The most up to date resources with further links to the ancient code are these 2 blog articles.
About your third option (as you ask in the comments): Yes, it's possible: You can override Liferay's Services as well as react to model changes. This means that you could add your own check on updates. However, I'd feel it inappropriate to offer the option to add any portlet only to prohibit it whenever a user indeed uses the offered option. That's why I didn't include this option in my initial answer.

SharePoint 2013 online customize personimmersive page

I want to customize the SharePoint 2013 online(office 365) "About me" linked page (personimmersive.aspx) to a custom look and feel.
Even clicking on any SPUser name, for ex in a list item modified by is "John Smith" if we click on it goes to about me page.
This page resides under mysite but I cannot see this page is SharePoint 2013 designer to edit, but modifying SharePoint pages in designer is not always the best way.
Can I just create a new page and redirect all Profile page request to that custom page?
IF I create app parts and edit the page I cannot edit the top portion of the page.
redirecting may not be a feasible approach, specially on the online versions
you can try to take advantage of web parts and css to do what you can
The biggest change is that you can’t edit the entire top portion of
the page. These used to be in a web part zone, and you could choose to
add/remove the web parts. Now they are fixed, with no ability to move
them around or change the parts.
We had removed the Activity Feed web part previously because we were
using Yammer newsfeeds and group feeds embedded throughout the site,
and this part always showed “No activities”. Now this is back again,
with no way to remove it, short of editing the page in SharePoint
There are still web part zones on the bottom, but really the problem
is no control over the display of most of the top of the page.
There is personImmersive.aspx in SharePoint Designer, you should be able to find it in All Files. Just make sure you connect to [your_domain] instead of [your_domain]
you can't customize the page completely.However you can add custom web part and custom css to change the look and feel to a great extent.
#tiago duarte you can still remove the activity web part.This can be done using script editor webpart and hiding the complete block/div.

How to hide tabs from My Account portlet in Liferay's Control Panel

I need to get rid of all the unnecessary stuff in the left navigation of My Account portlet. I tried to remove the items from /html/portlet/enterprise_admin/categories_navigation.jspf but couldn't find a way to do so. Any hints are very appreciated.
It's pretty easy to configure which tabs are displayed in My Account portlet and doesn't even require modifications of any jsps. You just need to override some properties from I have described this detailed in my blog post.
You don't need to override (which requires restart), all you need to do is remove permissions from the appropriate role. All doable in Control Panel on the fly.
As described here How to disable Control-panel's "My Account" Portlet for only Power-user role

How to set permissions so users can add, edit, and delete list/lib items, but cannot edit web part pages or delete web part pages? (SharePoint)

I need the ability for users to add, edit, and delete lists/libraries but not have the ability to edit web part pages or delete web part pages. I am boggled that the Edit Items permission allows for editing and deleting web part pages. The alternative I see at the moment is setting Read permissions across the entire site, and then setting specific permissions on each individual List/Library. The problem with this is that I have site templates, so the security does not remain in the site template (it inherits from the parent). Can someone clarify this for me? Or suggest what permission level I should use to accomplish my goal stated above? Thanks.
I had a similar issue at a client site. The workaround I found that worked out rather well was to break the permissions on the 'Pages' document library and set that to read only (with the exception of the groups that actually needed rights to edit pages).

How do I hide folders from the Site Hierarchy in SharePoint Services

How do I configure the Site Hierarchy on the left hand side of a SharePoint Services 3.0 site to NOT show folders?
We have thousands of folders and it takes ages to load the page!
Go to Site Actions, Site Settings, Modify All.
In 'Look and Feel' click on 'Tree View'.
In 'Tree View' uncheck Enable Tree View.
I'm going to assume you mean the Quick Launch bar. If not then just leave me a comment so I can update the answer.
In a nutshell you want to configure navigation from the site settings page. You an quickly go in and tell it to NOT display any child sites. For detail instructions checkout this page.
One way would be to use the SPWeb.Navigation class to remove all the undesired items from the quick launch bar. For more information check these classes:
Good luck.
