How do I dynamically include the backing bean value in jsf 1.2 - jsf

Hi i have the following code
<h:inputText id="inputId1" value="#{}"/>
i have updatePage1.jsp
<h:inputText id="inputId1" value="#{}"/>
I want to be able to do include (via ui:include or jsp:include) and be able to pass in the value dynamically (the base backing bean to be createPage or updatePage).
So the result should be
<ui:include src="Page1.jsp" basebean="#{createPage}"/>
<h:inputText id="inputId1" value="#{}"/>
Whats the best way to do this in jsf?

You can use ui:param :
<ui:include src="Page1.jsp">
<ui:param name="basebean" value="#{createPage}"/>

You will probably need to create your own custom tag. Check this out:


Reuse some .xhtml pages on a JSF primefaces application

I developing a simple application using JSF and PrimeFaces and here's a problem that I'm facing:
These are managed beans that have a Person property:
I have the person.xhtml that shows the data from a person. I include the person.xhtml on a client.xhtml and employee.xhtml. I need to create two person.xhtml because I'm using different beans. What I want to do is something like that:
<c:set var="person" value="clientBean.person" />
<ui:include src="person.xhtml"/>
<c:set var="person" value="employeeBean.person" />
<ui:include src="person.xhtml"/>
And in my person.xhtml I can use #{} , #{person.dateOfBirth}.
I searched and use <c:set/> in JSF is wrong.
Anyone can help?
Pass it as <ui:param>.
<ui:include src="person.xhtml">
<ui:param name="person" value="#{clientBean.person}" />
<ui:include src="person.xhtml">
<ui:param name="person" value="#{employeeBean.person}" />
Register person.xhtml if necessary as a tag file to make it look better, see also When to use <ui:include>, tag files, composite components and/or custom components?
<my:personForm value="#{clientBean.person}" />
<my:personForm value="#{employeeBean.person}" />
Beware of duplicate component ID errors. See also Avoiding duplicate ids when reusing facelets compositions in the same naming container.

Setting f:setPropertyActionListener value with a f:param value

I'm trying to use the setPropertyActionListener tag to set a value in my backing bean. However, it doesn't work as I expected.
Context: userService is an instance of my backing bean, which contains an int member, reqID. This, in turn, is the key to a map of objects that belong to a class called User. I'm trying to create a page that will list all instances of User, and provide a button to visit a separate view that shows that particular User's information. To do this, I'm attempting to set userService.reqID to the id of the chosen User so it can generate a reference to that user for the next view (which is done in the call userService.toUserInfo).
If I use the xhtml snippet below:
<ui:define name="content">
<ui:repeat value="#{userService.UserList.getUserList()}" var="user">
<h:outputText value="#{}" />
<h:commandButton value="View details of #{}" action="#{userService.toUserInfo}">
<f:param name="id" value="#{}" />
<f:setPropertyActionListener target="#{userService.reqID}" value="#{id}"/>
The tag does not appear to evaluate id correctly and I get a Null Pointer Exception.
Earlier, I tried changing my setPropertyActionListenerTag so it read out as:
<f:setPropertyActionListener target="#{userService.reqID}" value="id"/>
which gave me an error, because the tag was sending the string "id" as opposed to the int value of the parameter.
Is there some way to force f:setPropertyActionListener to evaluate the expression under value? Or is there another tag that will allow me to do this?
Also, is ui:param used appropriately here?
The <f:param> (and <ui:param>) doesn't work that way. The <f:param> is intented to add HTTP request parameters to outcome of <h:xxxLink> and <h:xxxButton> components, and to parameterize the message format in <h:outputFormat>. The <ui:param> is intented to pass Facelet context parameters to <ui:include>, <ui:decorate> and <ui:define>. Mojarra had the bug that it also behaves like <c:set> without a scope. This is not the intented usage.
Just use <c:set> without a scope if it's absolutely necessary to "alias" a (long) EL expression.
<c:set var="id" value="#{}" />
Put it outside the <h:commandLink> though. Also in this construct, it's kind of weird. It doesn't make the code better. I'd just leave out it.
<f:setPropertyActionListener ... value="#{}" />
See also:
Setting ui:param conditionally
what is the scope of <ui:param> in JSF?
Defining and reusing an EL variable in JSF page
Unrelated to the concrete problem, if you're using EL 2.2 (as you're using JSF 2.2, you undoubtedly are as it requires a minimum of Servlet 3.0, which goes hand in hand with EL 2.2), then just pass it as bean action method argument without <f:setPropertyActionListener> mess. See also a.o. Invoke direct methods or methods with arguments / variables / parameters in EL and How can I pass selected row to commandLink inside dataTable?
<h:commandButton ... action="#{userService.toUserInfo(}">
On again another unrelated note, such a "View user" or "Edit user" request is usually idempotent. You'd better use <h:link> (yes, with <f:param>) for this. See also a.o. Creating master-detail pages for entities, how to link them and which bean scope to choose and How to navigate in JSF? How to make URL reflect current page (and not previous one).
Oh, that <h:panelGrid> around the <ui:repeat><li> doesn't make sense in HTML perspective. Get rid of it and use <ul> instead. See also HTMLDog HTML Beginner tutorial.

Command Button inside composition page in JSF

I have the same problem as user1598186 has stated in his question here : p:commandButton doesn't call bean's method in an <ui:include> page
However, no solution has been given (he has removed <ui:include> tags altogether and used variables instead)
Are there any ways of using <ui:include> and still have my backing bean's method executed, when I'm calling it inside the commandButton.
Any help will be much appreciated.
EL 2.2 method parameters (so, #{bean.method()} instead of #{bean.method}) can be used to pass a method signature that can be used in the actionListener attribute of a commandButton. The following is an example of passing a ManagedBean property as well as passing a method signature:
Main Page
<ui:include src="/jointeam.xhtml">
<ui:param name="propertyValue" value="#{managedBean.property1} />
<ui:param name="method" value="#{managedBean.performAction()}" />
<h:inputText value="#{propertyValue}" />
<p:commandButton value="Submit" actionListener="#{method}" />
You can see how powerful this is in terms of code reuse and for many instances is less verbose and easier to use than composite components.

How to access ui:param value in the managed bean

I have seen this question ask around a lots, however, none was properly answered so I decided to ask again. So if I have this: if I am in A.xhtml and I
<ui:include src="B.xhtml">
<ui:param name="formId" value="awesome Id"/>
so in B.xhtml, I can do this
<h:outputText value="#{formId}"/>
when I run A.xhtml, I would see awesome Id get printed on the screen. However how do I access the value of formId in the backing bean. I look inside FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getAttributes() and FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap() and I just cannot seems to locate it. To go a bit further, so I try:
Inside B.xhtml, I now have
<h:inputHidden id="hiddenFormId" value="#{formId}"/>
<h:outputText value="#{formId}"/>
the idea is that I can access the value of formId in the RequestParameterMap under key hiddenFormId. But now if I have:
<h:form id="myForm">
<ui:include src="B.xhtml">
<ui:param name="formId" value="awesome Id"/>
<a4j:commandButton render="myForm" value="My Button"/>
then I would get this erro if I look inside the POST request (when inside chrome or ff debug mode)
<partial-response><error><error-name>class javax.faces.component.UpdateModelException</error-name><error-message><![CDATA[/B.xhtml #9,61 value="${formId}": /index.xhtml #27,61 value="awesome Id": Illegal Syntax for Set Operation]]></error-message></error></partial-response>
so How to access ui:param value in the managed bean?
Where the <ui:param> is under the covers stored is actually implementation dependent. In Mojarra it's stored as an attribute of the FaceletContext and thus available in your backing bean as follows:
FaceletContext faceletContext = (FaceletContext) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getAttributes().get(FaceletContext.FACELET_CONTEXT_KEY);
String formId = (String) faceletContext.getAttribute("formId");
Whether the value would be available is however subject to timing. If your backing code is running while executing the rendering of the include, then it'll be available, else it'll be null.
I recall that MyFaces does it a bit differently, but I don't recall the details anymore and I don't have its source at hand right now.
As to your <h:inputHidden> attempt, the <h:inputHidden> isn't well suited for the sole purpose of passing view-definied hidden parameters along with the form submit. Just use plain HTML instead.
<input type="hidden" name="hiddenFormId" value="#{formId}" />
It'll be available as a request parameter with exactly this name.

is it possible to send value from <a4j:support> to bean

<rich:tree switchType="client" value="#{Bean.tree}" var="one">
<h:commandLink value="#{one.item1}"
title="Click here to view details">
<f:param name="ids" value="#{}">
<a4j:support event="onclick" reRender="productInformation"
<rich:panel id="productInformation">
hi I have a page in that tree structure will be present if i click on the link the corresponding action should be performed but by using h:commandlink the whole page will be refreshed.So Iam going for I have a problem here in h:commandlink i was able to transfer the parameter to bean by using f:param but by using how can I acess the value to bean please help me out iam new to jsf.
Solved the solution by using a4j:commandlink tag and passing the parameter from a function.
a4j:commandLink ajaxSingle="true" value="#{item.Description}(#{})"
action="#{Bean.getProductLink(item.paramID)}" style="color:blue;text-decoration:none;" title="#{item.productDescription}" reRender="addproductGuidForms"/>
is working fine.
Since you are using JSF2 there is no need to pass with f:param just pass it in method args
b.t.w you better rename the method name into action="#{Bean.retrieveItem(}"
