Multiple Foursquare 'save' buttons on one page - foursquare

I am working on a site that displays a list of venues and would like to add a Foursquare 'save' button for each venue in the list. Is it possible to show multiple Foursquare 'save' buttons on a single page? I've tried creating multiple vCard blocks (one for each venue) and inserting a 'save' button in each block but the locations are not being picked up.

After inspecting the source of the widgets.js and widgets.asyncbundle.js I discovered that setting thedata-context atribute of the 'Save to Foursquare' button to the ID of the VCard will link these two. Like so:
<div id="hcard-Station-Amsterdam-Centraal" class="vcard">
<span class="fn">
<span class="given-name">Station Amsterdam Centraal</span>
<div class="adr">
<div class="street-address">stationsplein 15</div>
<span class="locality">Amsterdam</span>,
<span class="region">Amsterdam</span> ,
<span class="postal-code">1012AB</span>
<div id="hcard-Jaarbeursplein" class="vcard">
<span class="fn">
<span class="given-name">Jaarbeursplein</span>
<div class="adr">
<div class="street-address">Jaarbeursplein</div>
<span class="locality">Utrecht</span>,
<span class="region">Utrecht</span>,
<span class="postal-code">3521AL</span>
Save to foursquare
Save to foursquare
But for the fact that this isn't documented, it may be changed in the near future.

Try this with "data-vid":
<!-- Place this anchor tag where you want the button to go -->
<br />
All In PartyRadio StudioSave to foursquare
<br />
Sing Sing Music HallSave to foursquare
<br />
Retro KlubSave to foursquare
<br />
Tisza DokkSave to foursquare
<br />
Zöld Zsiráf KultúrpartSave to foursquare
<!-- Place this script somewhere after the anchor tag above. If you have multiple buttons, only include the script once. -->
<script type='text/javascript'>
(function() {
window.___fourSq = {"uid":"606"};
var s = document.createElement('script');
s.type = 'text/javascript';
s.src = '';
s.async = true;
var ph = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
ph.parentNode.insertBefore(s, ph);

The in-progress docs for the save-to-foursquare widget are accessible # They'll be cleaned up over time, but should be good enough to help this and future widget-related questions =).
In particular, documentation about the "data-context" attribute you need will be pushed to the linked page soon.


How to change the pop html on button click

I am trying to find a way to change the pop up HTML on a chrome extension to another one when you click a button. I have tried to make a onclick function href but nothing works. I am new to both HTML and chrome extensions so I am sorry if this problem seems easy to the more experience developers.
<form id="gform" method="POST" class="pure-form pure-form-stacked" data-email=""
<div class="name">
name: <input type="text" name="Name" id= "inputbox"><br>
<div class="id">
ID# <input type="text" name= "ID" id= "inputbox"><br>
<div class="MailingAddress">
Mailing Address: <input type="text" name= "Mailing Adresss" id= "inputbox" style=width:350px;><br>
<div class="sendToTr">
Send Transcript to: <input type ="text" name="College" style=width:350px; id= "inputbox" ><br>
<div class="emailmy">
<label for="email"><em>Your</em> Email Address:</label>
<input id="inputbox" name="email" type="email" value=""
required placeholder="" />
<div class="sButton">
<button style=height:30px;width:70px;border-radius: 3px; class="button-success pure-button button-xlarge">
I think there are quite a few ways to achieve what you are asking. If I were you, I would add a JavaScript file to my project to do this.
Step 1:
I would tell my HTML page where to find this JS file. The sample below can be included near the end of your HTML file, right before </body></html>. The sample below assumes your new popup.js file is in the root folder of your project:
<script src="popup.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Step 2:
In the popup.js file, I would create a function that tells the popup how it should be modified. In the sample below, I'm going to hide the element with an ID of "theOldElement" and show the element with an ID of "theNewElement". I'm also going to attach this function to the click event of "theButton" element.
function updatePopup(){
document.getElementById("theNewElement").style.display = "block";
document.getElementById("theOldElement").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById('theButton').addEventListener('click', updatePopup);
Step 3:
I like referring to my HTML elements by ID (as I've been doing above - note the "getElementById" references), so I would:
add id="theNewElement" to the element I want to reveal
add id="theOldElement" to the element I want to hide
add id="theButton" to the button that I want to trigger this change
Note: you can insert these IDs as the first attribute within the tag you want to identify. E.g., <div id="theNewElement" ...

react pagination for sections

Im using NodeJS with React and I have a problem. I didnt find a npm module or a code that allowed me to create a pagination for a list of results.
I have a variable called "jobs", that contains a list of job ads.
In my render function I call:
that map every job with a function.
This function is renderClass, that contains the render of:
<section key={} className="panel panel-featured-left panel-featured-primary">
<Link to={'/job/'}>
<div className="panel-body">
<div className="widget-summary">
<div className="widget-summary-col widget-summary-col-icon">
<div className="summary-icon">
<img src={image} className="img-responsive" />
<div className="widget-summary-col">
<div className="summary">
<h4 className="title">{}</h4>
<div className="info">
<strong className="amount"></strong><br/>
<p><i className="fa fa-map-marker"></i> {c.location}</p>
<p><i className="fa fa-suitcase"></i> {c.position}</p>
<div className="summary-footer">
<a className="text-muted text-uppercase"><i className="fa fa-calendar"></i> {day}/{month}/{year}</a>
In this way I have a huge list of jobs, but I would a paging.
How can I do this?
I would save the page in a state,
and do something like that (say each page has 10 jobs ) -
{ * 10, * 10 + 10)
I suggest your need to build a component for handling pagination. Some thing like that:
listLenght = {111}
selectedPage = {1}
itemPerPage = {10}
I found the best component handling it, react-pagination-custom.
It allow you custom everything (number buttons, wrap container, spread,..). Its document is well, demo is also clear.

How to show a message if there are no products inside a category with exp:resso store plugin?

I'm using the latest version of EE2 and a plugin called Exp:resso store.
I have products assigned to a category and for the most part all of this is working fine. Below is my code:
<div class="col-md-7">
{exp:channel:categories channel="products" style="linear"}
<section class="section accordion repeater">
<div class="icon">
<img src="/assets/local/img/plus-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="accordion-content">
{exp:store:search orderby="title" sort="asc" category="{category_id}"}
{exp:store:product entry_id="{entry_id}"}
<p class="accordion-download">
{title} - {price}
<span><img src="/assets/local/img/add-to-cart.jpg" alt="">Add to cart</span>
I'm trying to find a way to show a No products exist message if the category doesn't have anything inside of it. I've tried using {count}, {total_results} & {total_rows} to check if there aren't any products. Problem is everything I try is obviously wrong because nothing gets output :/
Thanks in advance
The store search tag is a wrapper for the channel entries tag pair so you would need to use the {if no_results} tag pair.
<div class="col-md-7">
{exp:channel:categories channel="products" style="linear"}
<section class="section accordion repeater">
<div class="icon">
<img src="/assets/local/img/plus-icon.jpg" alt="">
<div class="accordion-content">
{exp:store:search orderby="title" sort="asc" category="{category_id}"}
{exp:store:product entry_id="{entry_id}"}
<p class="accordion-download">
{title} - {price}
<span><img src="/assets/local/img/add-to-cart.jpg" alt="">Add to cart</span>
{if no_results}
There are no products
Should also be mentioned if you are not creating a form for the to add the products to the cart you could use the {store_field_short_name:price} variable to reduce the number of queries on your page. Most store things such as sku, weight, measurements can all be access by using the field short name followed by :variable

Using WATIR, how do you press the "Bid Now" button on

I'm using Watir to try to interface to the Quibids "Bid Now" (not Buy Now) button but can't seem to get the right combination of the following command to click the button:
browser.button(:value => 'Bid Now').click
I'm able to fill in a text field on the page so all my object set up is correct. It's just this command that I can't get to work. Every attempt gives me the error that the element cannot be found. I've also tried :id but nothing works and after working on it for 2 hours, thought I'd ask.
The following is the html out of IE around that button and any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
<p class="large-price">
<span style="background-image: none;" class="price">$5.68</span>
<span class="medium light-grey">USD</span>
<p class="time large-timer2 red">00:00:06</p>
<h2 class="margin-five username-height">
<span><img style="display: inline;" class="user-icon winning_avatar" src="" width="64" height="64"></span>
<span style="height: 30px;" class="winning">TOLLCOLLECTOR</span>
<div id="298085604">
<a class="buttons bid large orange" href="#">Bid Now</a>
<ul class="price-breakdown">
<li>Value Price:
<span id="product_valueprice" class="float-right">$649.99</span>
<li>Bids Credit:
<span class="float-right">- <span id="breakdown_bidsvalue">$0.00</span></span>
<li class="bid_breakdown last">
<span id="breakdown_realbids">0</span> Real / <span id="breakdown_voucherbids">0</span> Voucher </li>
<li>Buy Now Price<span class="float-right breakdown_buynowtotal">$649.99</span>
<a id="buynowbtn" class="buynowbtn buttons large blue" href="#">
Buy Now
<span class="clear"></span>
<span class="buynow-price breakdown_buynowbtn">$649.99</span>
The HTML does not list it as a button. It lists it as a link- <a>. I've never used WATIR but given that the command is browser.button, it would seem that you need something like instead.
The process is quicker if you don't do a text scan and use the classes available to you:
I'd recommend using
browser.a(:class => "buttons bid large orange").click
instead, both will work, just generally it would be better practice to use the html if it's available to you!
My Friend...
My two possibilities.
browser.div(:id, "298085604").text(:name "Bid Now").click
browser.div(:text, "Bid Now").click
Remember that, the HTML is not displayed all functions, only the HTML code that the browser recognizes. this is the cause of programming language. example (framework, NET) these encrypted language code for the final user. You can not see the button entirely.
Good Luck!

nested template rendering in backbone.js

I have a template like
script type: "text/template", id: "list-template", '''
<div class="display">
<div id="list-name"><%= name %></div>
<span class="list-destroy"></span>
<ul id="ul-cards">
<div class="edit">
<input class="list-input" type="text" value="<%= name %>" />
<input id="btnEdit" type="button" value="Save" class="primary wide js-add-list" />
<input id="hdnListId" type="hidden" value="<%= listId%>" />
<form class="add-list-card js-add-list-card clearfix">
<textarea placeholder="Add card" class="new-card"></textarea>
<input type="button" value="Add" class="primary js-add-card">
<a class="app-icon close-icon dark-hover cancel js-cancel-add-card" href="#" id="closeCard"></a>
in this template i have <ul id="ul-cards"> element in which i want to render another template which display list inside this ul.
this template is :
script type: "text/template", id: "card-template", '''
<span class="card-name"><%= name %></span>
is it possible or i have to do it in another way?
please help me if anyone have idea.
thanks in advace.
it is worked but still i have one problem in data display in
<ul id="ul-cards"> there sholud be 2 as per records in my database but it will display only 1 . data fetch properly but display only last data.
There are two ways to do this: the DOM way and the template way.
The DOM way involves adding your views using DOM methods: you have your ListView and your CardView; the ListView invokes individual CardViews that fill in the ListView's element.
The template way requires that you remember this: backbone's views are policy frameworks, not policy templates. Render doesn't have to render into the DOM. You can use render() to return a string, for example. If your event manager is on the ListView object only (possible; I've done this), then you can have ListView invoke "the resulting array of an array of CardView renders" and insert that directly into ListView's template. This is actually faster, as you only require the browser to analyze the entire ListView HTML blob once, when it's inserted into the innerHTML of the parent DOM object.
