chrome.browserAction.setPopup() - local html files only? - google-chrome-extension

I would like to modify my extension's popup dynamically (at run-time). And want to specify a custom popup HTML file that's loaded from my server.
In Firefox, I can easily accomplish this with XUL overlays which I can specify at run-time.
And document.loadOverlay() does allow me to specify a 'remote' URL for the overlay.
Is the same possible in Chrome?
I've been playing with chrome.browserAction.setPopup( details ) API, but it seems that the details.popup param must specify a local file, and not a remote URL.

I have answered this exact same question on the Chromium-Extensions mailinglist.
There is no API to load external popups but you can do that with plain JavaScript. What you could do (I have done that in the past):
Use an iframe + extension messaging within the popup. The iframe
points to some external url not hosted in the extension.
Use templates (jQuery templates example), load those template files to
your background page, and just use them to construct your popup.
Download the html contents using XHR and load them within the popup
by constructing the DOM.
I usually use the template approach, but I use the popup iframe approach when I want to manage the entire popup in the server side so I don't have to push updates to the extension gallery. I am not a fan of downloading the HTML contents, templating seems safer.
Hope this helped!


Chrome Extension: How to inject a content script into an iframe's page

I'm working on a Chrome extension that among other things supports a page with multiple dynamically created iframes in it, pointing to multiple different domains. I need to load a content script into each of those iframes, ideally without loading it into every page.
There's a separate content script that's running on all those iframe pages, which can detect that it's in an applicable iframe, and I'd like it to load this other content script. After some wrangling, it can get the frameId of that iframe, but chrome.tabs.executeScript() takes only tabId, not frameId, so the script loads in the top-level page, not the desired iframe.
Note that the script I want to inject needs to run as a content script, with access to the available Chrome APIs.
Is it possible to do this? How?
Update: Ach, you're of course right wOxxOm, that "frameId can be specified inside executeScript's second parameter". Thank you again, make that an answer and I'll accept it. I need to read more carefully, apparently. I'm a long-time programmer, but new to Chrome extensions, there's a lot to absorb.
Secondary question: It appears that I need to add <all_urls> or http://*/* and https://*/*, permission to the manifest for this to be allowed. The main content_script that's doing this has similar match patterns, and I could add this secondary script there too, but it's actually only needed for pages shown in these iframes, so this seems better to me. Are there other downsides to doing it this way, or is there some better approach, other than xhr/eval?

How web browsers decide which resource should be requested

I have a fundamental question and I am searching for that for a long but I still don't know the exact response for that.
I am working with browsers and web applications. I am wondering how and based on what a web browser decide to send a particular request to the web server.
For example when you enter inside the address bar of your web browser. the Browser will send a bunch of request to the web server for rendering the web page properly.
Now, my question is that how the web browser decide which request it needs to send to the web server.
does it related to some tags like 'link' or 'script' inside the body of the responses.
does the browser parse the javascript functions to see if it should send a request based on those functions?
Lets take an example to explain this one.
Consider you want to search for something and you hit on your browser. These are the events that unfold to fetch you the page that will let you type in your query.
First, the networking stack on your machine will try to figure out which actual internet address matches This is called a DNS lookup. Once it receives a response for this lookup in form of an IP address, it can make a connection to the actual server that is serving
The machine makes a socket connection and uses the HTTP protocol to communicate with the server. It queries for the resource at / (which is the root) of the address you are trying to reach. This is called a GET request. The request is normally described like so: GET /
Google will respond with an HTML page. normally "index.html", which gets downloaded by the browser.
Once the HTML is downloaded, all linked resources, such as images to render the HTML as well as javascript referenced by the HTML page gets downloaded.
The downloaded HTML page is parsed and an in-memory tree is created called the "DOM Tree". This tree contains the elements of the HTML page in a hierarchy. Once the DOM is created, you can see the page being rendered on the browser.
During this parsing, the browser discovers more resources to be downloaded, such as images, stylesheets, javascript files. The HTML page references these resources via different tags such as <img> for images, <script> for javascript.
All detected resources are downloaded. Browsers download many of these resources in parallel, but apply them (javascript and stylesheets) sequentially in the order they where found on the page.
Stylesheets are parsed, and the styles are applied to the DOM of the HTML page. Sometimes, if stylesheets take longer to download, you can see the "raw" HTML page being rendered before the styles are applied. This happens sometimes over a slow connection.
Once the HTML page and related javascript files have been downloaded, the browser calls the "onload" callback function of javascript. Most Javascript heavy applications are started at this time.
Once onload is called, Javascript takes over and can attach handlers for different elements on the web page. Once the handlers have all been installed, interacting with the webpage could call one or more javascript functions that are listening for these events.
Javascript can also manipulate the DOM (the elements on the page), which results in UI updates (what the user sees) and therefore can be used to build a complete app on a single page.
Here is some more reading on the process:
The best way to examine this interaction is to use Developer tools on Chrome/FireFox or IE and view the network activity when you visit a web page.

How to use dropbox API from chrome extension content script?

If I write a chrome extension, it normally consist of multiple parts:
One is the devtools page which is a normal HTML page with origin set to
"chrome-extension://<guid>/filename". On that page I can use
the Dropbox API to get user confirmation via HTML popup and then use
the saved auth info and do all work via the Dropbox javascript library.
Another part of extension is the content script which is executed
in the context of specified third-party web pages ("injected") and have
origin cookies and web storage shared with them.
Is it possible to also use the Dropbox JavaScript library in that content script?
I can't call authenticate in interactive mode since it will re-ask for confirmation for each different webpage I'm injected into. And calling authenticate without interactive will fail since the content script doesn't share the origin, cookies and web storage with the devtools extension page :(. Maybe there's some way to "pass" the Dropbox auth info from the part of the extension that offers GUI and where user successfully confirms dropbox usage to the parts of the extension that are GUI-less, like content script or background page?
I have managed to get Facebook working from code injected into a web app via a content script. I suspect there are multiple ways, but what I did was take advantage of the chrome.identity API to do the OAuth work for me, specifically the launchWebAuthFlow().
This can only be done in the background page (in my case an event page), but I send messages to the event page which replies with the access_token, which can then be used in URLs in the same was as the 'web' technique - i.e. in HTTP requests with XHR.
You can send/receive messages via the content script (using events on document), but I decided to do it directly using "external" messages with the chrome.runtime.sendMessage() API in the web app context, and chrome.runtime.onMessageExternal() in the background script. This requires adding "matches" for the URLs you're injecting code into in an "externally_connectable" section of the manifest.json.
I believe this can be adapted to make it work with Dropbox.

How can I pass a message from outside URL to my Chrome Extension?

I know there's a way for extensions and pages to communicate locally, but I need to send a message from an outside URL, have my Chrome Extension listen for it.
I have tried easyXDM in the background page, but it seems to stop listening after awhile, as if Google "turns off" the Javascript in the background page after awhile.
I think you may try some walk around and build a site with some specific data structure, and then implement a content script which will look for this specific that specific data structure, and when i finds one it can fetch the data you want to be passed to your extension.
Yes, you need a content script that communicates with the page using DOM Events.. Instructions on how to do that are here:

Chrome extension: Memory data

I was wondering with Google Chrome's extension API, is it possible to extract memory usage data for each tab and use it in a popup? I know there is this extension but all it does is simply open the about:memory tab. I was thinking maybe there was a way to "parse" the about:memory tab and use it for my extension. Or am I delusional and this is not possible?
There is no such API and chrome:// scheme is forbidden for extensions so you can't parse that page either...
XMLHttpRequest calls to chrome:// are not allowed
Content scripts are not injected under chrome://
The chrome.processes API can be used to obtain the same data that the Task Manager uses:
