Finding InstallShield Services/Processes - installshield

Is there a possible way to figure out what services or processes InstallShield is currently using? I'm trying to end all of the services/processes relating to InstallShield. Thank you.

A good tool for inspecting/killing/identifying processes is Process Explorer, available fro free:
You can use it to identify the processes and also, see the resources used by the process.


Securing Process inside Docker Instance

While implementing an online C++ compiler, I'm running a Node.js server inside docker instance, which in turns create new process to execute the online code.
Need your help to secure the instance with the following:
(a) How to limit the CPU usage for the newly created process?
(b) How to limit RAM and storage for this process?
(c) How to prevent the system from Fork Bomb?
(c) Limiting the time of the process run?
Though I can set these parameters using ulimit.conf, but it will apply the limits on per user basis. My requirement is to limit the resources per process basis because all the processes are running with the same user.
Kindly give a clue to handle the situation.
Thank you very much in advance for this support.

Profiling arbitrary CUDA applications

I know of the existence of nvvp and nvprof, of course, but for various reasons nvprof does not want to work with my app that involves lots of shared libraries. nvidia-smi can hook into the driver to find out what's running, but I cannot find a nice way to get nvprof to attach to a running process.
There is a flag --profile-all-processes which does actually give me a message "NVPROF is profiling process 12345", but nothing further prints out. I am using CUDA 8.
How can I get a detailed performance breakdown of my CUDA kernels in this situation?
As comments suggest, you simply have to make sure to start the CUDA profiler (now it's NSight Systems or NSight Compute, no longer nvprof) before the processes you want to profile. You could, for example, configure it to run on system startup.
Your inability to profile your application has nothing to do with it being an "app that involves lots of shared libraries" - the profiling tools profile such applications just fine.
I've been looking for the process attach solution too but found no existing tool.
A possible direction is to use lower CUDA API to build a tool or integrate to your tool. See cupti:

How to Use Powershell to Kill threads of a specific processID

well this has been bugging me for a couple of days on and off. I am at a clients site where they have a number of bespoke, written in house, services running on a Windows 2008R2 IIS server. The problem is that a couple of these services keep hanging, they are stuck in a “Stopping” state and the only way to kill them off is to open process explorer and kill the threads. Before anyone says anything about using ‘runas’, or logging on as the local admin, or the service owner, etc we’ve been through all of that.
The problem lies with the executable itselfs. The development team, in another country are going to look at this but it will take 4-5 months minimum, and we’re not certain they’ll get it right then.
I have a Powershell script to check the services on a regular basis which has the ability to ensure the services are running and if not, the force a stop and restart of the service, then it sends an email to confirm the actions. However with these specific services mentioned it can do nothing. They can’t be killed in task manager, taskkill, or process explorer (unless one kills the threads) it just says access denied. It is possible to change the permissions in process explorer and kill it but that’s a lengthier process than killing the threads.
To make things a little more difficult I can’t use the process name as on this server there are two other websites using an exe with the same name, just in a different folder.
What I’m after is a way to find and kill the threads of a processID, which I’ve already obtained via the script I have, so the rest of the script can complete the task of restarting the said service. At the moment this service dies on an inconsistent basis throughout the day and night, and the support guys have to RDP onto the server, open process explorer, find the offending process and kill the threads off then restart the services. A bit too much hassle for these already over worked guys especially if we can get powershell to do it automatically.
Hope someone can help on this. Thanks in advance.
Low level thread handling is likely to require native Win32 API usage. Powershell might help with P/Invoke, but the process is going to be complex. For starters, find out if the following tools can be used to identify the stuck thread. Maybe you can combine this info with some Sysinternals tools like handle.exe to find out what really blocks the thread.
The .Net framework has some tools available via System.Diagnostics.Process namespace. A list for threads for named process is available like so,
$ps = [diagnostics.process]::getProcessesByName("iexplore")
$p = $ps[0]
Full documentation is in MSDN. There is no method for killing a thread, but this should be kind of starting point for identifying the stuck one.
Another a way is to use WMI to get win32_thread data like so,
$threads = gwmi win32_thread
The output is quite different and some filtering is needed. Some examples are available. Another a WMI solution attempt might be based on Win32_process that has Terminate method.

worker process in IIS shared hosting

Can anyone tell me, is there a way to run a process in IIS shared hosting service.
Suppose, the scenario is like "I want to send emails to a list of email id's after everywhere 3 hrs", so the challenge here is the process should not be invoked by a HTTP link. It should be automatic.
I think we can do this by IIS worker processes.
Also this all will be happening on a shared server(like GoDaddy) in IIS7, .NET 3.5
Please anyone give me a direction.
Thanks in advance.
This question was asked ages ago, but for what it's worth - I ended up using Hangfire to handle my long running tasks in my ASP app.
You can easily configure it for shared hosting and then for a dedicated server if you can scale up / out according to your needs.
It's super easy to use, just follow the doc step by step.
You should write and run this as a Windows service, assuming you have access to install a service.
You could run a background worker thread from your code-behind but the problem is that IIS will terminate the thread after it is idle for a relatively short period of time. I tried going this route, trying to geocode a list of addresses (800+, from a SharePoint list) and IIS kept timing out my thread and stopping it. We ended up going with adding events to the SharePoint list that would geocode when the item was changed/added to the list.
One other option you could look into is using Windows Workflow API, it was designed for this kind of thing.

Deploying biztalk on developer/build machines

For eaach BizTalk application we have a setup.bat, which creates the BizTalk application, creates file drops, build code, gacs, registers resources, creates ports -using vcscripts- and applies bindings. We also have a cleanup.bat which performs the opposite of setup.bat
These scripts are then run via nant, and finally used by These scripts allow us to setup a BizTalk app on a machine with BizTalk and the latest source and tools downloaded.
What do others do to "bootstrap" BizTalk applications in a repeatable and automated manner ?
I've seen BizTalk nant tasks, are they faster than vbscript ?
The setup. bat runs slower on our BizTalk build machine by a factor of about 3 ! Disk, CPU, Memory, paging are all comfortable. A full build/deploy is taking 2 hours before any tests have run - have about 20 BizTalk apps and assorted C# services, custom components. Aside from a new machine, or rebuild - our build machine has 4 gig ram, dual hyper threaded cores and about 5 years old server- Any ideas ? What are you build machines like.
Michael Stephenson has written some great blogs on automated BizTalk builds, take a look at link text
We have used a utility which Mike posted to codeplex which will create an MS build script for a BizTalk application - this has worked very well for us. You can find this at link text
We use NAnt as well for our BizTalk deployment. Specifically, we use a combination of calling the BizTalk related NAntContrib tasks (which all begin with bts) and using the <exec> task to call the command line btstask.exe directly.
At some level, they are all using the same underlying technology to talk to the BizTalk server, so it's hard to say whether NAnt is faster than something like VB.
I will say that in my experience BizTalk appears to be a resource hog. Since it's hard to change that, the only thing we do have control over is the amount of resources we give it. Therefore, if builds are taking too long, and one has the time/money to do so, throw bigger and badder hardware at it. This is generally the cheapest way as the amount of time us developers put into making sub-marginal improvements to build times can end up costing way more than hardware. For example, we've noticed that moving to 8GB of memory can make all the difference, literally transforming the entire experience.
I just create an MSI through the BizTalk Administrator. I keep my binding information separate from the MSI, so developers need to bind ports by importing the binding files, but that is easy.
In cases where assemblies need to be deployed into the gac, I use a batch file that runs gacutil, then install the MSI and finally bind the ports.
This approach is easy to maintain and, more importantly, easy for others to understand and troubleshoot.
In regards to BizTalk being a resource hog, first look at SQL Server and make sure that you limit it to some reasonable amount of memory (it takes whatever it can by default - which is usually most available memory). That one change alone makes a significant difference.
You should also consider using only minimal software during development - that means disabling the anti-virus or excluding directories from getting uselessly scanned when developers compile and deploy. Avoid using MS Word, Messenger, etc on systems that have little RAM (2Gb or less) while developing a BizTalk solution.
On developers' workstations, enable the BizTalk messagebox archive and purge job as explained here:
Keeping the database small saves valuable disk space which can help to improve overall performance.
There are quite a few solutions out there -
Rob Bowman mentioned Michael Stephenson's msbuild generator
Also on codeplex you can find another framework by Scott Colestock,Thomas Abraham and Tim Rayburn
There's also a minor addition by me palying with Oslo, but that's not half as mature as these two, but it does use the SDC tasks, which is a great starting point if you wish to create your own msbuild based solution.
