Cherrypy 3.2 sessions broken, or am I doing it wrong? - cherrypy

Running python 3 with cherrypy 3.2, and have been having a host of problems. First of all, to get cookies to work, i had to fake a fqdn in /etc/hosts.
http://test:8080 [no cookies]
http://test.local:8080 [cookies work]
After this, I tried to get sessions to work, but I am getting a new session id each time, and no session_id value is being set in a cookie anywhere in the browser.
class HelloWorld:
def index(self, *args):
### test cookies (works fine, no problems)
cherrypy.response.cookie['c1'] = 'val1'
cherrypy.response.cookie['c1']['max-age'] = '3600'
cherrypy.response.cookie['d1'] = 'val2'
cherrypy.response.cookie['d1']['max-age'] = '3600'
### test sessions (doesn't work)
print(cherrypy.session.load()) # always returns None
print( # different every refresh
print(cherrypy.session.get('foo')) # always returns None
cherrypy.session['foo'] = 'bar' # apparently has no effect
return "Hello world!"
Can anyone offer some advice or suggestions? I see that no no cookie with the session id is being set in chrome, even though my other values are.
My config looks like:
'/': {'tools.sessions.on': True,
'tools.sessions.timeout': 7200}}
Any ideas?

I was facing the same problem. I added to the cherrypy config and now it works


Getting owner of file from smb share, by using python on linux

I need to find out for a script I'm writing who is the true owner of a file in an smb share (mounted using mount -t cifs of course on my server and using net use through windows machines).
Turns out it is a real challenge finding this information out using python on a linux server.
I tried using many many smb libraries (such as smbprotocol, smbclient and others), nothing worked.
I find few solutions for windows, they all use pywin32 or another windows specific package.
And I also managed to do it from bash using smbcalcs but couldn't do it cleanly but using subprocess.popen('smbcacls')..
Any idea on how to solve it?
This was unbelievably not a trivial task, and unfortunately the answer isn't simple as I hoped it would be..
I'm posting this answer if someone will be stuck with this same problem in the future, but hope maybe someone would post a better solution earlier
In order to find the owner I used this library with its examples:
from smb.SMBConnection import SMBConnection
conn = SMBConnection(username='<username>', password='<password>', domain=<domain>', my_name='<some pc name>', remote_name='<server name>')
conn.connect('<server name>')
sec_att = conn.getSecurity('<share name>', r'\some\file\path')
owner_sid = sec_att.owner
The problem is that pysmb package will only give you the owner's SID and not his name.
In order to get his name you need to make an ldap query like in this answer (reposting the code):
from ldap3 import Server, Connection, ALL
from ldap3.utils.conv import escape_bytes
s = Server('my_server', get_info=ALL)
c = Connection(s, 'my_user', 'my_password')
binary_sid = b'....' # your sid must be in binary format'my_base', '(objectsid=' + escape_bytes(binary_sid) + ')', attributes=['objectsid', 'samaccountname'])
But of course nothing will be easy, it took me hours to find a way to convert a string SID to binary SID in python, and in the end this solved it:
# posting the needed functions and omitting the class part
def byte(strsid):
Convert a SID into bytes
strdsid - SID to convert into bytes
sid = str.split(strsid, '-')
ret = bytearray()
for i in range(len(sid)):
sid[i] = int(sid[i])
sid.insert(1, len(sid)-2)
ret += longToByte(sid[0], size=1)
ret += longToByte(sid[1], size=1)
ret += longToByte(sid[2], False, 6)
for i in range(3, len(sid)):
ret += cls.longToByte(sid[i])
return ret
def byteToLong(byte, little_endian=True):
Convert bytes into a Python integer
byte - bytes to convert
little_endian - True (default) or False for little or big endian
if len(byte) > 8:
raise Exception('Bytes too long. Needs to be <= 8 or 64bit')
if little_endian:
a = byte.ljust(8, b'\x00')
return struct.unpack('<q', a)[0]
a = byte.rjust(8, b'\x00')
return struct.unpack('>q', a)[0]
... AND finally you have the full solution! enjoy :(
I'm adding this answer to let you know of the option of using smbprotocol; as well as expand in case of misunderstood terminology.
SMBProtocol Owner Info
It is possible to get the SID using the smbprotocol library as well (just like with the pysmb library).
This was brought up in the github issues section of the smbprotocol repo, along with an example of how to do it. The example provided is fantastic and works perfectly. An extremely stripped down version
However, this also just retrieves a SID and will need a secondary library to perform a lookup.
Here's a function to get the owner SID (just wrapped what's in the gist in a function. Including here in case the gist is deleted or lost for any reason).
import smbclient
from ldap3 import Server, Connection, ALL,NTLM,SUBTREE
def getFileOwner(smb: smbclient, conn: Connection, filePath: str):
from smbprotocol.file_info import InfoType
from import FilePipePrinterAccessMask,SMB2QueryInfoRequest, SMB2QueryInfoResponse
from smbprotocol.security_descriptor import SMB2CreateSDBuffer
class SecurityInfo:
# 100% just pulled from gist example
Owner = 0x00000001
Group = 0x00000002
Dacl = 0x00000004
Sacl = 0x00000008
Label = 0x00000010
Attribute = 0x00000020
Scope = 0x00000040
Backup = 0x00010000
def guid2hex(text_sid):
"""convert the text string SID to a hex encoded string"""
s = ['\\{:02X}'.format(ord(x)) for x in text_sid]
return ''.join(s)
def get_sd(fd, info):
""" Get the Security Descriptor for the opened file. """
query_req = SMB2QueryInfoRequest()
query_req['info_type'] = InfoType.SMB2_0_INFO_SECURITY
query_req['output_buffer_length'] = 65535
query_req['additional_information'] = info
query_req['file_id'] = fd.file_id
req = fd.connection.send(query_req, sid=fd.tree_connect.session.session_id, tid=fd.tree_connect.tree_connect_id)
resp = fd.connection.receive(req)
query_resp = SMB2QueryInfoResponse()
security_descriptor = SMB2CreateSDBuffer()
return security_descriptor
with smbclient.open_file(filePath, mode='rb', buffering=0,
desired_access=FilePipePrinterAccessMask.READ_CONTROL) as fd:
sd = get_sd(fd.fd, SecurityInfo.Owner | SecurityInfo.Dacl)
# returns SID
_sid = sd.get_owner()
# Don't forget to convert the SID string-like object to a string
# or you get an error related to "0" not existing
sid = guid2hex(str(_sid))
print(f"Failed to convert SID {_sid} to HEX")
# Will return an empty array if no results are found
return [res['dn'].split(",")[0].replace("CN=","") for res in conn.response if 'dn' in res]
to use:
# Client config is required if on linux, not if running on windows
smbclient.ClientConfig(username=username, password=password)
# Setup LDAP session
server = Server('',get_info=ALL,use_ssl = True)
# you can turn off raise_exceptions, or leave it out of the ldap connection
# but I prefer to know when there are issues vs. silently failing
conn = Connection(server, user="domain\username", password=password, raise_exceptions=True,authentication=NTLM)
# Run the check
fileCheck = r"\\\someNetworkShare\someFile.txt"
owner = getFileOwner(smbclient, conn, fileCheck)
# Unbind ldap session
# I'm not clear if this is 100% required, I don't THINK so
# but better safe than sorry
# Print results
Now, this isn't super efficient. It takes 6 seconds for me to run this one a SINGLE file. So if you wanted to run some kind of ownership scan, then you probably want to just write the program in C++ or some other low-level language instead of trying to use python. But for something quick and dirty this does work. You could also setup a threading pool and run batches. The piece that takes longest is connecting to the file itself, not running the ldap query, so if you can find a more efficient way to do that you'll be golden.
Terminology Warning, Owner != Creator/Author
Last note on this. Owner != File Author. Many domain environments, and in particular SMB shares, automatically alter ownership from the creator to a group. In my case the results of the above is:
What I was actually looking for was the creator of the file. File creator and modifier aren't attributes which windows keeps track of by default. An administrator can enable policies to audit file changes in a share, or auditing can be enabled on a file-by-file basis using the Security->Advanced->Auditing functionality for an individual file (which does nothing to help you determine the creator).
That being said, some applications store that information for themselves. For example, if you're looking for Excel this answer provides a method for which to get the creator of any xls or xlsx files (doesn't work for xlsb due to the binary nature of the files). Unfortunately few files store this kind of information. In my case I was hoping to get that info for tblu, pbix, and other reporting type files. However, they don't contain this information (which is good from a privacy perspective).
So in case anyone finds this answer trying to solve the same kind of thing I did - Your best bet (to get actual authorship information) is to work with your domain IT administrators to get auditing setup.

Flask sessions: PERMANENT_SESSION_LIFETIME not being set correctly

So I am using a flask session. I am using the filesystem type so that I can store more session data than I otherwise could. My users want to keep session timeouts long, and the site uses minimal server storage, so this is fine. However, when I try to set the timeout session to 24 hours below, it still times out after 30 minutes.
application = Flask(__name__)
SECRET_KEY = os.urandom(32)
application.config['SESSION_PERMANENT'] = True
application.config['SESSION_TYPE'] = 'filesystem'
application.config['PERMANENT_SESSION_LIFETIME'] = timedelta(hours = 24)
application.config['SECRET_KEY'] = SECRET_KEY
def make_session_permanent():
session.permanent = True
application.permanent_session_lifetime = timedelta(hours = 24)
What am I doing wrong here?
I believe I have found the issue, which was in the line : SECRET_KEY = os.urandom(32). Every time the app restarted (idle window in browser reloaded), session data was erased as a new secret key was generated, meaning the browser could not find the cookies it needed. I generated one key, externally, and then hardcoded this value into my code so it is the same every time.
I would change the line with session.permanent =true to session.modified = True and see if it works then.

Mitmproxy how to launch from script, and save dumps to file

I am trying to figure out a way to launch Mitmproxy from a python script (which I have done) and save any traffic to a dump file (which i need help with).
By googling, looking at mitmproxy git issues and reading example code, this is what I have so far:
from mitmproxy import proxy, options
from import DumpMaster
from mitmproxy.addons import core
class AddHeader:
def __init__(self):
self.num = 0
def response(self, flow):
self.num = self.num + 1
flow.response.headers["count"] = str(self.num)
addons = [
opts = options.Options(listen_host='', listen_port=8080)
pconf = proxy.config.ProxyConfig(opts)
m = DumpMaster(None)
m.server = proxy.server.ProxyServer(pconf)
# print(m.addons)
# m.addons.add(core.Core())
except KeyboardInterrupt:
Issue is, this creates an error AttributeError: No such option: body_size_limit which seems to be mitigated with master.addons.add(core.Core) but this core addon already exists in DumpMaster so that fires a different error.
Inspecting the addons that are currently loaded by DumpMaster i do see the save to file addon is loaded, but I am not clear how to access that so that any traffic that is going through the proxy, regardless if it is request, response, ws or tcp can be written to a dump file
Here is a redacted list of the addons that are loaded
mitmproxy.addons.streambodies.StreamBodies object at 0x111542da0> object at 0x111542dd8>
mitmproxy.addons.upstream_auth.UpstreamAuth object at 0x111542e10>
just add those 2 lines after opts = options.Options(listen_host='', listen_port=8080)
opts.add_option("body_size_limit", int, 0, "")
opts.add_option("keep_host_header", bool, True, "")
your code snippet already runs a working proxy. However, the option to dump the recorded traffic into a file during runtime (save_stream_file) is part of the Save-Addon which is loaded by default after the DumpMaster instance is created. Therefore, you need to set the save_stream_file option after creating the DumpMaster instance. Took me a while to figure it out as well but this worked for me, saving your output stream to a file named traffic_stream:
from mitmproxy import proxy, options
from import DumpMaster
opts = options.Options(listen_port=8081)
opts.add_option("body_size_limit", int, 0, "")
pconf = proxy.config.ProxyConfig(opts)
m = DumpMaster(None)
m.server = proxy.server.ProxyServer(pconf)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
Hope it works for you as well!

Python Threading with Selenium

I'm attempting to use Splinter (a package for Selenium) in multiple instances. However, instances aren't starting until the first thread completely finishes. So, the browser instance opens up, loads the page, sleeps, and only then does the 2nd thread start.
I need to run instances at the same time.
import threading
import time
from splinter import Browser
def worker(proxy, port):
proxy_settings = {"network.proxy.type": 1,
"network.proxy.ssl": proxy,
"network.proxy.ssl_port": port,
"network.proxy.socks": proxy,
"network.proxy.socks_port": port,
"network.proxy.socks_remote_dns": True,
"network.proxy.ftp": proxy,
"network.proxy.ftp_port": port
browser = Browser('firefox',
capabilities={'pageLoadStrategy': 'eager'}) #eager or normal
print("Proxy: ", proxy, ":", proxy)
browser.visit("" + proxy)
ip1 = ''
ip2 = ''
p1 = int(2222)
p2 = int(2222)
p = []
x = 0
for pp in p:
threading.Thread(target=worker(pp[0], pp[1])).start()
In my longer code (the above is my attempt to figure out why I can't multi-thread) Im also getting an error in my editor that
Local variable 'browser' value is not used
That's because you're not starting a thread with the worker function, actually the last line should rather look like:
threading.Thread(target=worker, args=(pp[0], pp[1])).start()
As for your editor issue, I'd say it is editor dependent and without any information, it's hard to say (I'd mention that running pylint does not indicate such warning)

Ajax-based navigation with scrapy by generating appropriate POST request

I've been trying to scrape a site that uses AJAX on link elements with onclick events to control page navigation. The scraper works for the first page, but never processes pages from there; so it seems not to be firing the POST request I build up.
I'm completely new to all of this (Python, scrapy, xPath, DOM), but my intuition is that I've mixed different structural patterns from different examples that are subtly incompatible?
I would also really appreciate some hints also on how better to debug this problem beyond (newbie) using the scrapy shell and outputting log messages.
My code:
import scrapy
from scrapy import FormRequest
class FansSpider(scrapy.Spider):
name = "fans"
allowed_domains = ['']
start_urls = ['']
def parse(self, response):'Parse function called on %s', response.url)
for component in response.xpath('//tr[#class="resultRow"]'):
yield {
'id': component.xpath('.//a[#class="primarySearchLink"]/text()').extract_first().strip()
next_id = response.xpath('//a[#class="rightLink nextLink approverMessageTitle"]/#id').extract_first()'Identified code of next URL as %s', next_id)
if next_id is not None:
first_id = response.xpath('//a[#class="rightLink nextLink approverMessageTitle"]/#onclick').\
# POST the URL that is generated when clicking the next button
return [FormRequest.from_response(response,
formdata={'AJAXREQUEST': '_viewRoot',
first_id: first_id,
'ajax-dimensions': '',
'ajax-request': 'true',
'ajax-sort-by': '',
'ajax-sort-order': '',
'ajax-attrSort': 'false',
'javax.faces.viewState': 'j_id1',
next_id: next_id},
Additional information just in case it's relevant: I made these changes to the scrapy to avoid getting blocked by the webserver or getting banned:
# Obey robots.txt rules
# Enable and configure the AutoThrottle extension (disabled by default)
# See
# The initial download delay
# The maximum download delay to be set in case of high latencies
# The average number of requests Scrapy should be sending in parallel to
# each remote server
