Keeping Elastic Search alive on Amazon EC2 Linux Instance - linux

I have elastic search running on a linux instance on Amazon EC2. I use tunnelier to connect to the instance. I'm new to EC2 and tunnelier (I'm more familiar with Windows Servers and Remote desktop). The problem is that when I disconnect the tunnelier console, my Elastic Search Server is no longer available for clients connecting to it. I would like to know how to keep the Elastic Search Server alive, serving client requests without my having to keep a tunnelier session active.

I guess I didn't ask this properly or so. Anyway, I found the answer here: Really really helpful. Thanks a million to the author. Helped me set up elastic search as a service on EC2.


How does my laptop work as a web server which will take the data to database 24/7

I recently made a website but I had a doubt about how to make my laptop work as a server and after deploying if I shut down my laptop will the website work the same manner and give data to database in mongodb cloud atlas or will it show website not reached if it does please solve my doubt and give me a solution
If you're not running the node.js server then your website will not be accessible.
Why not deploy to the cloud like Heroku?
if your site is deployed on your machine it will no longer be accessible if you are disconnected from the internet network in any way.

Installing cpanel on AWS EC2 with Node

I'm starting to use EC2 on Amazon and I'm planning to use Node.js as my server and for back end development. But I am really used to managing files via GUI and not CLI. That is why I want to install Cpanel on EC2. But I think cpanel comes with a web server like apache or nginx. So is it alright to install cpanel on EC2 if im planning to use node? Will there be any compatibility errors?
Thanks in advance
I would recommend selecting Instance type and storage accordingly if you are planning to use WHM/Cpannel.
You can install it on any server you want refer this guide. I think WHM Takes care of webserver like apache that is installed with this package.
Although things you need to keep in mind are :
you need pay for licence
Load Balancing etc would be very difficult.
Do not Forget to Assign a Static IP (Elastic IP)

Mongoerror: failed to connect to server localhost:27017 on first connect

I have created an application using MEAN, After that, I have created the ec2 Linux instance, where I am running this application.I have installed all the dependencies.
Added port 27017 on security group page.
running the command on the ec2 instance as node server.js
Node: My mongo DB is outside my cloud instance i.e on my laptop.
How can I fix this error?
You need to open your laptop to internet which is almost impossible (and you shouldn't). That means you need a MongoDB server which is accessible by your EC2 Linux instance.
You may use a free mongodb hosting such as mlab
On the other hand you can enable another EC2 instance and setup your own mongodb. Beware that you may need to setup firewall if it's not an internal network.

Tunnel between local linux machine( behind NAT) to aws instance(linux)

Is there any utility through which i can create a tunnel between local linux machine and aws instance..
I used this
Its good, but multiple connections don't work properly.
Please suggest me other possibilities
The simplest way I see it's establishing a VPN connection between your external machine and your AWS VPC. You could just have an EC2 instance running OpenVPN facing internet on AWS, and set a client on the other end. You could even use Amazon VPN, but it implements IPSEC, which could be a little more tricky to connect from you Linux box. Another advantage of OpenVPN is that you can have as many clients as you want coming from anywhere.

Unable to access couchbase web console for AWS EC2 RHEL server

I have just installed couchbase 3.0.1 on Amazon Web Services EC2 free RHEL instance (3.10.0-123.8.1.el7.x86_64). The installation was successful and I the couchbase is running on this server.
To access couchbase web console from web browser I need to to use the syntaax http://:8091
unfortunately this is not working. I tried using Public DNS and Public IP both.
For example:
On Google Chrome browser -->
I have also installed the couchbase outside the AWS on VMPlayer. That works fine.
Please let me know is there any additional step I need to take care in case of AWS instance?
Thanks in advance.
I would start troubleshooting this in two ways:
1) Confirm there a couchbase process running on port 8091 on that node using netstat.
2) Make sure you have your security groups for this node set up to allow access to port 8091. If not, add a rule to the security group.
If I had to guess, it is going to be #2 though.
