Mutex not initialized - linux

Does anyone know if when creating a mutex, it's a must to initialize it or can i lock it directly without calling pthread_mutex_init?
I have done a sample application that simulates a deadlock just to make sure the mutex work and have declared 2 mutexes(to create the deadlock) in the following way:
static pthread_mutex_t fastmutex1 = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
static pthread_mutex_t fastmutex2 = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
The deadlock perfectly works which makes sense since it's initialized with some defaults.
On the other hand when doing the exact same thing with this:
static pthread_mutex_t fastmutex1;
static pthread_mutex_t fastmutex2;
I expected that not to work but the deadlock appeared in the exact same way as the previous example.
By the way I am running that on Linux kernel 2.6.18
Thx for help.

According to this documentation (And everything else I've ever read or personally done with pthreads):
Mutex variables must be declared with type pthread_mutex_t, and must be initialized before they can be used.
I suspect anything else is going to trigger undefined behavior.

On my Debian/Sid/AMD64 system, /usr/include/pthread.h contains
{ { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, { 0, 0 } } }
This means that (on my system) a pthread_mutex_t is valuably initialized to all zeros. And a static variable is initialized (in C) to all zeros, which happens to be the same at runtime (and explains the behavior you've got).
However, there is no guarantee that PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER will stay the same, or that is is all zeros on other systems. So you better explicitly initialize a static pthread_mutex_t variable with it.

PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER is usually used for statically allocated mutexes ( so syntax 1 is the right way to go).
In various implementation defined (AIX, LINUX, SOLARIS), seems to converge on your case.
In all other cases you should by default try to initialize the mutex as in
which will try to initialize it to PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER .
Keep in mind that error checking can be done ( and is actually done as such in STL) later when trying to acquire the mutex;
static int e = pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex);
if( e ) {
throw std::string("Everything is crazy in here");
since the return value will equal EINVAL in case the mutex has not been initialized.


vector::empty() function doesn't work correctly in release mode

using namespace std;
vector<string> s;
void add()
void show()
int main()
thread one(add);
thread two(show);
In debug mode there is no such a problem. In release mode if the comment line is uncommented it works again. But with just like this, there is a problem. What is the problem?
std::vector (as any other std:: container) is not generally thread-safe. It means that concurrent modifying access to the same vector from multiple thread is generally not supported. What that means is that while you can call non-modifying functions of the vector from many threads at the same time (for instance, you can call begin() and end() with no problems), modification functions should have exclusive access to the vector object. To achieve this exclusivity, you need to use thread-synchronization primitives to 'signal' your intention to obtain exclusive access to the vector, perform your modification and than 'signal' that exclusive access is no longer need.
Note, this is not enough to perform that sort of routine when you modify (insert) data to the vector. You will also have to do the same dance when you read data from the vector, since modifications need exclusive access, and even the read will violate this exclusivity. The non-technical term I've used here, 'signalling', has a technical counterpart - it is called critical section. Here we say that you 'enter critical section' and 'leave critical section'.
There a more than one way to enter and leave critical section. The stapples of this are so-called mutexes, and they should be enough for your learning. Just keep in mind there are other ways as well, which you'll learn in the due course.

VC++ native mutex heap corruption

I have a native c++ library that gets used by a managed C++ application. The native library is compiled with no CLR support and the managed C++ application with it (/CLR compiler option).
When I use a std::mutex in the native library I get a heap corruption when the owning native class is deleted. The use of mutex.h is blocked by managed C++ so I'm guessing that could be part of the reason.
The minimal native class that demonstrates the issue is:
#pragma once
#include <stdio.h>
#ifndef __cplusplus_cli
#include <mutex>
namespace MyNamespace {
class SomeNativeLibrary
void DoSomething();
#ifndef __cplusplus_cli
std::mutex aMutex;
#include "SomeNativeLibrary.h"
namespace MyNamespace {
void SomeNativeLibrary::DoSomething(){
printf("I did something.\n");
Managed C++ Console Application:
int main(array<System::String ^> ^args)
Console::WriteLine(L"Unit Test Console:");
MyNamespace::SomeNativeLibrary *someNativelib = new MyNamespace::SomeNativeLibrary();
delete someNativelib;
return 0;
The heap corruption debug error occurs when the attempt is made to delete the someNativeLib pointer.
Is there anything I can do to use a std::mutex safely in the native library or is there an alternative I could use? In my live code the mutex is used for is to ensure that only a single thread accesses a std::vector.
The solution was to use a CRITICAL_SECTION as the lock instead. It's actually more efficient than a mutex in my case anyway since the lock is only for threads in the same process.
Not sure were you reading your own post but there is a clue in your code:
#ifndef __cplusplus_cli
std::mutex aMutex;
Member 'aMutex' compiles only if compile condition '__cplusplus_cli' is undefined.
So the moment you included that header in Managed C++ it vanished from definition.
So your Native project and Managed project have mismatch in class definition for beginners == mostly ends in Access Violation if attempted to write to location beyond class memory (non existing member in CLI version if instantiated there).
Or just HEAP CORRUPTION in managed code to put it simply.
So what you have done is no go, ever!
But I was actually amazed that you managed to include native lib, and successfully compile both projects. I must ask how did you hack project properties to manage that. Or you just may have found yet another bug ;)
About question: for posterity
Yes CRITICAL_SECTION helps, Yes it's more faster from mutex since it is implemented in single process and some versions of it even in hardware (!). Also had plenty of changes since it's introduction and some nasty DEAD-LOCKS issues.
end up just killing entire OS. So lock only very small piece of code that actually only accesses the data, and exit locks immediately.
As replacement, you could just use plain "C" kernel mutex or events if not planning cross-platform support (Linux/iOS/Android/Win/MCU/...).
There is a ton of other replacements coming from Windows kernel.
// mutex
HANDLE hMutex = CreateMutex(NULL, TRUE, _T("MutexName"));
NOTE: mutex name rules 'Global' vs 'Local'.
// or event
HANDLE hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, _T("EventName"));
to either set, or clear/reset event state, just call SetEvent(hEvent), or ResetEvent(hEvent).
To wait for signal (set) again simply
int nret = WaitForSingleObject(hEvent, -1);
INFINITE define (-1) wait for infinity, a value which can be replaced with actual milliseconds timeout, and then return value could be evaluated against S_OK. If not S_OK it's most likely TIMEOUT.
There is a sea of synchronization functions/techniques depending on which you actually need to do !?:
But use it with sanity check.
Since you might be just trying to fix wrong thing in the end, each solution depends on the actual problem. And the moment you think it's too complex know it's wrong solution, simplest solutions were always best, but always verify and validate.

boost shared_mutex destructor

I have a multithreaded app that has to read some data often, and occasionally that data is updated. I have problems with writing by using unique_lock and problems with reading by using upgrade_lock
There is examples of my problems:
void unlock(){ = 0;
void lock_mtx(int i){
boost::unique_lock<boost::shared_mutex> lock(test.mtx); = i;
When I destruct lock , mutex is already unlocked by this thread, and sometimes it is locked by another thread, but destructor make it free again. After destruction of lock (in the first thread) third thread take mutex and I have two writers at the one moment
void lock_mtx(int i){
boost::upgrade_lock<boost::shared_mutex> lock(test.mtx);
boost::upgrade_to_unique_lock<boost::shared_mutex> uniqueLock(lock);
The second problem, is that when some thread takes upgrade_lock, other threads can't read shared objects
Both of problems occur in MS VisualStudio 2013 and Windows8 x64
void lock_mtx(int i)
boost::unique_lock<boost::shared_mutex> lock(test.mtx); = i;
The purpose of unique_lock and lock_guard is to automatically unlock the mutex when it goes out of scope. This pattern is known as RAII.
Rule of thumb: Never manually call lock()/unlock() on your (Basic|Shared)Lockable objects. It's an antipattern because
It's extremely hard to get right (think of exception safety)
It usually indicates a code smell (locks being held across different method calls). If you even need this, consider making the RAII lock guard (lock_guard or unique_lock) a member of the containing class, or return the unique_lock so the caller has the option to explicitly adopt the lock, or to just let it be automatically released by the guard.

How are mutex created on Linux?

I'd like to know how are mutex created on Linux? I figured out, that pthread_mutex_init() doesn't change value of pthread_mutex_t variable, so how it "create" mutex?
Does it mark this variable as some kind of system resource or what?
I was implementing R-value constructor for class, which have a pthread_mutex_t field in it's body and I don't know how to move mutex frome one class to another...
You can see what pthread_mutex_init does here (warning, you brain will hurt).
It does memset() the mutex.
However, mutexes are implemented on top of the futex calls. This works on memory addresses, i.e.
the address of one of the pthread_mutex_t members is used as a system resource.
This means you cannot copy/move a pthread_mutex_t.
It seems like you want to pass ownership of the mutex to another class. Are you sure that is the correct way to solve your problem? If you absolutely need to do it though, you could create an auto_ptr to pass ownership around:
class A
A(const A & other) mutex(other.mutex) { /* ... */ }
auto_ptr<pthread_mutex_t> mutex;

Some questions about pthread_mutex_lock and pthread_mutex_unlock

When a thread has acquired the lock and execute the following code, Could the thread will unlock the lock it has acquired just with the return statement? some code like this.
static pthread_mutex_t mutex;
int foo()
execute some code here and some errors happen
return -1;// but without pthread_mutex_unlock
return 0;
Some errors happens before pthread_mutex_unlock statement and the thread returns to the callee. Will the thread give back the mutext lock for other threads without executing pthread_mutex_unlock?
No, the lock is not automatically released. This is why, in C++ code, it is common to use Resource Aquisition is Initialization (RAII), which takes advantage of construction/destruction to ensure that each call to the lock function has a corresponding call to unlock. If you are writing pure C code, though, you will need to make sure that you unlock the mutex, even in error situations, before returning.
Note that you can make your coding a little bit easier by doing the following:
static inline int some_function_critical_section_unsynchronized(void) {
// ...
int some_function(void) {
int status = 0;
status = some_function_critical_section_unsynchronized();
return status;
In other words, if you can separate the logic into smaller functions, you may be able to tease out the locking code from your logic. Of course, sometimes this is not possible (like when coding in this fashion would make the critical section too large, and for performance, the less readable form is required).
If you can use C++, I would strongly suggest using boost::thread and boost::scoped_lock to ensure that the acquired mutex is automatically freed when its usage has gone out of scope.
No, it will not automatically unlock the mutex. You must explicitly call pthread_mutex_unlock() in the error path, if the mutex has been locked by the function.
