I am so familiar with imperative language and their features. So, I wonder how I can convert one data type to another?
in c++
in c
( data_type) <another_data_type>
Use an explicit coercion function.
For example, fromIntegral will convert any Integral type (Int, Integer, Word*, etc.) into any numeric type.
You can use Hoogle to find the actual function that suits your need by its type.
Haskell's type system is very different and quite a bit smarter then C/C++/Javas. To understand why you are not going to get the answer you expect, it will help to compare the two.
For C and friends the type is a way of describing the layout of data in memory. The compiler does makes a few sanity checks trying to ensure that memory is not corrupted, but in the end its all bytes and you can call them what ever you want. This is even more true of pointers which are always laid out the same in memory but can reference anything or (frighteningly) nothing.
In Haskell, types are a language that one writes to the compiler with. As a programmer you have no control over how the compiler represents data, and because haskell is lazy a lot of data in your program may be no more then a promise to produce a value on demand (called a thunk in the code GHC's and HUGS). While a c compiler can be instructed to treat data differently, there is no equivalent way to tell a haskell compiler to treat one type like another in general.
As mentioned in other answers, there are some types where there are obvious ways to convert one type to another. Any of the numerical types like Double, Fraction, or Real (in general any instance of the Num class) can be made from an Integer, but we need to use a function specifically designed to make this happen. In a sense this is not a 'cast' but an actual function in the same way that \x -> x > 0 is a function for converting numbers into booleans.
I'll make one last guess as to why you might be asking a question like this. When I was just starting with haskell I wrote a lot of functions like:
area :: Double -> Double -> Double -- find the area of a rectangle
area x y = x * y
I would then find myself dumping fromInteger calls all over the place to get my data in the correct type for the function. Having come from a C background I wrote all my functions with monomorphic types. The trick to not needing to cast from one type to another is to write functions that work with different types. Haskell type classes are a huge shift for OOP programmers and so they often get ignored the first couple of tries, but they are what make the otherwise very strict haskell type system usable. If you can relax your type signatures (e.g. area :: (Num a)=> a -> a -> a) you will find yourself wishing for that cast function much less often.
There are many different functions that convert different data types.
The examples would be:
fromIntegral - to convert between say Int and Double
pack / unpack - to convert between ByteString and String
read - to convert from String to Int
In many articles about Haskell they say it allows to make some checks during compile time instead of run time. So, I want to implement the simplest check possible - allow a function to be called only on integers greater than zero. How can I do it?
module Positive (toPositive, getPositive, Positive) where
newtype Positive = Positive { unPositive :: Int }
toPositive :: Int -> Maybe Positive
toPositive n = if (n <= 0) then Nothing else Just (Positive n)
-- We can't export unPositive, because unPositive can be used
-- to update the field. Trivially renaming it to getPositive
-- ensures that getPositive can only be used to access the field
getPositive :: Positive -> Int
getPositive = unPositive
The above module doesn't export the constructor, so the only way to build a value of type Positive is to supply toPositive with a positive integer, which you can then unwrap using getPositive to access the actual value.
You can then write a function that only accepts positive integers using:
positiveInputsOnly :: Positive -> ...
Haskell can perform some checks at compile time that other languages perform at runtime. Your question seems to imply you are hoping for arbitrary checks to be lifted to compile time, which isn't possible without a large potential for proof obligations (which could mean you, the programmer, would need to prove the property is true for all uses).
In the below, I don't feel like I'm saying anything more than what pigworker touched on while mentioning the very cool sounding Inch tool. Hopefully the additional words on each topic will clarify some of the solution space for you.
What People Mean (when speaking of Haskell's static guarantees)
Typically when I hear people talk about the static guarantees provided by Haskell they are talking about the Hindley Milner style static type checking. This means one type can not be confused for another - any such misuse is caught at compile time (ex: let x = "5" in x + 1 is invalid). Obviously, this only scratches the surface and we can discuss some more aspects of static checking in Haskell.
Smart Constructors: Check once at runtime, ensure safety via types
Gabriel's solution is to have a type, Positive, that can only be positive. Building positive values still requires a check at runtime but once you have a positive there are no checks required by consuming functions - the static (compile time) type checking can be leveraged from here.
This is a good solution for many many problems. I recommended the same thing when discussing golden numbers. Never-the-less, I don't think this is what you are fishing for.
Exact Representations
dflemstr commented that you can use a type, Word, which is unable to represent negative numbers (a slightly different issue than representing positives). In this manner you really don't need to use a guarded constructor (as above) because there is no inhabitant of the type that violates your invariant.
A more common example of using proper representations is non-empty lists. If you want a type that can never be empty then you could just make a non-empty list type:
data NonEmptyList a = Single a | Cons a (NonEmptyList a)
This is in contrast to the traditional list definition using Nil instead of Single a.
Going back to the positive example, you could use a form of Peano numbers:
data NonNegative = One | S NonNegative
Or user GADTs to build unsigned binary numbers (and you can add Num, and other instances, allowing functions like +):
data Zero
data NonZero
data Binary a where
I :: Binary a -> Binary NonZero
O :: Binary a -> Binary a
Z :: Binary Zero
N :: Binary NonZero
instance Show (Binary a) where
show (I x) = "1" ++ show x
show (O x) = "0" ++ show x
show (Z) = "0"
show (N) = "1"
External Proofs
While not part of the Haskell universe, it is possible to generate Haskell using alternate systems (such as Coq) that allow richer properties to be stated and proven. In this manner the Haskell code can simply omit checks like x > 0 but the fact that x will always be greater than 0 will be a static guarantee (again: the safety is not due to Haskell).
From what pigworker said, I would classify Inch in this category. Haskell has not grown sufficiently to perform your desired tasks, but tools to generate Haskell (in this case, very thin layers over Haskell) continue to make progress.
Research on More Descriptive Static Properties
The research community that works with Haskell is wonderful. While too immature for general use, people have developed tools to do things like statically check function partiality and contracts. If you look around you'll find it's a rich field.
I would be failing in my duty as his supervisor if I failed to plug Adam Gundry's Inch preprocessor, which manages integer constraints for Haskell.
Smart constructors and abstraction barriers are all very well, but they push too much testing to run time and don't allow for the possibility that you might actually know what you're doing in a way that checks out statically, with no need for Maybe padding. (A pedant writes. The author of another answer appears to suggest that 0 is positive, which some might consider contentious. Of course, the truth is that we have uses for a variety of lower bounds, 0 and 1 both occurring often. We also have some use for upper bounds.)
In the tradition of Xi's DML, Adam's preprocessor adds an extra layer of precision on top of what Haskell natively offers but the resulting code erases to Haskell as is. It would be great if what he's done could be better integrated with GHC, in coordination with the work on type level natural numbers that Iavor Diatchki has been doing. We're keen to figure out what's possible.
To return to the general point, Haskell is currently not sufficiently dependently typed to allow the construction of subtypes by comprehension (e.g., elements of Integer greater than 0), but you can often refactor the types to a more indexed version which admits static constraint. Currently, the singleton type construction is the cleanest of the available unpleasant ways to achieve this. You'd need a kind of "static" integers, then inhabitants of kind Integer -> * capture properties of particular integers such as "having a dynamic representation" (that's the singleton construction, giving each static thing a unique dynamic counterpart) but also more specific things like "being positive".
Inch represents an imagining of what it would be like if you didn't need to bother with the singleton construction in order to work with some reasonably well behaved subsets of the integers. Dependently typed programming is often possible in Haskell, but is currently more complicated than necessary. The appropriate sentiment toward this situation is embarrassment, and I for one feel it most keenly.
I know that this was answered a long time ago and I already provided an answer of my own, but I wanted to draw attention to a new solution that became available in the interim: Liquid Haskell, which you can read an introduction to here.
In this case, you can specify that a given value must be positive by writing:
{-# myValue :: {v: Int | v > 0} #-}
myValue = 5
Similarly, you can specify that a function f requires only positive arguments like this:
{-# f :: {v: Int | v > 0 } -> Int #-}
Liquid Haskell will verify at compile-time that the given constraints are satisfied.
This—or actually, the similar desire for a type of natural numbers (including 0)—is actually a common complaints about Haskell's numeric class hierarchy, which makes it impossible to provide a really clean solution to this.
Why? Look at the definition of Num:
class (Eq a, Show a) => Num a where
(+) :: a -> a -> a
(*) :: a -> a -> a
(-) :: a -> a -> a
negate :: a -> a
abs :: a -> a
signum :: a -> a
fromInteger :: Integer -> a
Unless you revert to using error (which is a bad practice), there is no way you can provide definitions for (-), negate and fromInteger.
Type-level natural numbers are planned for GHC 7.6.1: https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/4385
Using this feature it's trivial to write a "natural number" type, and gives a performance you could never achieve (e.g. with a manually written Peano number type).
I have recently started messing around with DataKinds in order to have compile-time scientific units for arithmetic. I have more or less figured out a way to do what I want but I feel like it could be a lot cleaner.
I needed integers that could potentially be negative (m^-1) so I decided to use integers rather than naturals. But as it turns out when you do :k 5 it gives you GHC.Types.Nat which does not fit my needs. I ended up instead making my own custom algebraic integer type. As well as defining addition and subtraction type families to use with it.
But this all seems very indirect, it seems like there is no good reason why I can't just directly use all the existing functions for manipulating data at compile time within type families.
Basically I want the following to essentially be generated automatically:
type family (a :: Int) + (b :: Int) :: Int where
-- Should be automatically derivable from (+) applied to Int
Is that possible, if not then why not?
Also is there an easy way to obtain a runtime value back from a type? Specifically when writing a Show instance for all these types I basically just want to pull in the phantom type representing the unit combination and convert it to a string. All the ways I can think of doing that right now seem really verbose.
It looks like the answer to this question is simply that you cannot currently do either of those things automatically. Hopefully it won't take too long before this kind of thing becomes possible.
Here's my dilemma:
When Haskell program gets compiled, binary executable machine code is generated that can be executed on a physical CPU. When Haskell program gets interpreted, physical CPU performs operations on data from memory locations. Execution realistically happens in some time period whose length depends on the CPU speed.
Since the data has been put into the memory by a compiler that guarantees that every variable is strongly typed, does this mean that Haskell effectively has a run-time type or not?
By "run-time type" I mean: the type (in type-theoretical sense) of a variable at the time when the program is executed on a physical processor reachable/identifiable by the language compiler at language compilation time.
Haskell's language features are designed to support complete type erasure. The idea is that the typing rules guarantee that code which passes type checking has the following two properties1:
A value is of one type is never passed to an function expecting another type
A function that claims to handle values in some type will handle any possible value in that type
The 2nd property bears expanding on. Obviously partial functions like fromJust and head do not in fact handle any possible value; they explode At runtime if given the wrong value. But they explode in a "well-defined" way, after checking the assumptions they depend upon. It's not possible to write code that attempts to access substructure in values which may not have that substructure, which might cause segmentation faults or interpret random pieces of memory as if they were a different kind of data.
So after type checking is successful, there's no need to store any type information in the compiled program. I cab just throw the types away. I have already proven that if I generate code which blindly performs operations on data assuming that it is of the required shape that nothing will in fact go wrong.
Example time!
data Foo = Foo Int String
data Bar = Bar Int String
Values of Foo and Bar will probably be represented in memory identically2; once you know all values are type correct, all the information needed to define these values is an Int and a String in each case. If you were to look at a memory dump of a running Haskell program, you would not be able to tell whether a given memory object containing a reference to an Int and a String was a Foo or a Bar (or indeed a (Int, String), or any other single constructor type with two fields that are Int and String respectively).
So no, Haskell types do not exist at runtime, in any form.
1 You can of course break these properties using unsafe features, like unsafeCoerce; I'm talking about "normal" Haskell code here.
2 Or they may not. Haskell-the-language makes no guarantees at all about representation at runtime, and it would be perfectly possible for it to store the fields in a different order, or do something else that could distinguish the two. But I'm going to presume that in the absence of any reason to do otherwise, it treats these two types the same.
Run-time type information is commonly found in OOP languages implementations, which carry a "type tag" with every object. Having such information enables one, for instance, to write code such as
void foo(Object o) {
if (o instanceof SomeClass) {
which is a form of run-time type checking. The "type tag" often comes for free, since every object needs a pointer to the Virtual Method Table and that alone identifies the run-time type of the object.
In Haskell, though, there is no need for such a tag, or for pointers to VMTs. The language was designed without any kind of instanceof operator so that implementations do not have to provide any type tag at run-time. This also leads to a nicer underlying theory, since we get parametricity guarantees on code, also known as "theorems for free!". For instance the following function
f :: [a] -> [a]
f = .... -- whatever
can not be implemented so that f [1,2] = [2,3]. This is because there is, provably, no way to produce 3 for f. The intuition is that f must produce an a, and it can not check that a=Int at run-time (no type tags), so the output of f can only include elements found in its input. This guarantee comes only from the above typing, without even caring about how f is actually implemented.
If you really want an instanceof equivalent, you can use Typeable for that:
f :: Typeable a => [a] -> [a]
f [] = []
f (x:xs) = case cast x of
Just (y :: Int) -> [2,3]
Nothing -> x:x:xs
This will return [2,3] on all nonempty lists if integers. At run-time, a type tag will be passed so that a=Int can be checked.
The "run-time types" used in any compiled program, regardless of source language, are the types natively supported by the target processor: typically integers (signed and unsigned), pointers (really just a special usage of integers), and floating-point numbers (typically IEEE754). The compiler translates all the operations in the source program into an equivalent series of operations using these basic hardware-supported types.
More-sophisticated data types (such as Haskell's lists) are represented at run-time as data structures built from basic types. For example, each node in a list may be represented by a pair of pointers: one to the value held by that node (or a thunk for computing it), and one to the next node (or a thunk). The compiler's static type-checking allows it to ensure that each of these run-time data structures is accessed only by code that will handle it properly. For example, a region of memory that holds a pair of pointers for a list node won't be mistakenly treated as a thunk for computing an integer, because the compiler only allows the list to be passed to functions that expect a list argument.
No. A fundamental property of Haskell is that newtype declarations, like
newtype MyInt = MyInt Int
have no run-time overhead, which means that the constructor MyInt can literally return the same argument (whatever that is) that it was passed, and the compiler will treat it like a different type. (If you look at the compiled code, after optimization you won't see any instructions to implement the MyInt function call, even.) This means that any 'de-factor' run-time type of an object in Haskell would only be defined up to the equivalence between a newtype and its implementation.
In Eiffel one is allowed to use an expanded class which doesn't allocate from the heap. From a developer's perspective one rarely has to think about conversion from Int to Float as it is automatic. My question is this: Why did Haskell not choose a similar approach to modeling Num. Specifically, lets consider the Int instance. Here is the rationale for my question:
[1..3] = [1,2,3]
[1..3.5] = [1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0] -- rounds up
The second list was something that I was not expecting because there are by definition infinite floating point numbers between any two integers. Of course once we test the sequence it is clear that it is returning the floor of the floating point number rounded up. One of the reasons these conversions are needed is allow us to compute mean of a set of Integers for example.
In Eiffel the number type hierarchy is a bit more programmer friendly and the conversion happens as needed: for example creating a sequence can still be a set of Ints that result in a floating point mean. This has a readability advantage.
Is there a reason that expanded class was not implemented in Haskell?Any references will greatly help.
#ony: the point about parallel strategies: wont we face the same issue when using primitives? The manual does discourage using primitives and that makes sense to me in general where ever we can use primitives we probably need to use the abstract type. The issue I faced when trying to a mean of numbers is the missing Fractional Int instance and as to why does 5/3 not promote to a floating point instead of having to create floating point array to achieve the same result. There must be a reason as to why Fractional instance of Int and Integer is not defined? That could help me understand the rationale better.
#leftroundabout: the question is not about expanded classes per se but the convenience that such a feature can offer although that feature alone is not sufficient to handle the type promotion to float from an int for example as mentioned in my response to #ony. Lets take the classic example of a mean and try to define it as
> [Int] :: Double
let mean xs = sum xs / length xs (--not valid haskell code)
[Int] :: Double
let mean = sum xs / fromIntegral (length xs)
I would have liked it if I did not have to call the fromIntegral to get the mean function to work and that ties to the missing Fractional Int. Although the explanation seems to make sense, it has to, what I dont understand is if I am clear that I expect a double and I state it in my type signature is that not sufficient to do the appropriate conversion?
[a..b] is shorthand for enumFromTo a b, a method of the Enum typeclass. It begins at a and succs until the first time b is exceeded.
[a,b..c] is shorthand for enumFromThenTo a b c is similar to enumFromTo except instead of succing it adds the difference b-a each time. By default this difference is computed by roundtripping through Int so fractional differences may or may not be respected. That said, Double works as you'd expect
Prelude> [0.0, 0.5.. 10]
[a..] is shorthand for enumFrom a which just succs forever.
[a,b..] is shorthand for enumFromThen a b which just adds (b-a) forever.
As for behaviour #J.Abrahamson already replied. That's definition enumFromThenTo.
As for design...
Actually GHC have Float# that represents unboxed type (can be allocated anywhere, but value is strict).
Since Haskell is a lazy language it assumes that most of the values are not required initially, until they actually referred with a primitive with a strict arguments.
Consider length [2..10]. In this case without optimization Haskell may even avoid generation of numbers and simply build up a list (without values). Probably more useful example takeWhile (<100) [x*(x-1) | x <- [2..]].
But you shouldn't think that we have overhead here since you are writing in language that abstracts away all that stuff with thumbs (except of strict notation). Haskell compiler have to take this as a work for itself. I.e. when compiler will be able to tell that all elements of list will be referenced (transformed to normal form) and it decides to process it within one stack of returns it can allocate it on stack.
Also with such approach you can gain more out of your code by using multiple CPU cores. Imagine that using Strategies your list being processed on a different cores and thus they should share common data on heap (not on stack).
Coming from C++, I find generic programming indispensable. I wonder how people approach that in Haskell?
Say how do write generic swap function in Haskell?
Is there an equivalent concept of partial specialization in Haskell?
In C++, I can partially specialize the generic swap function with a special one for a generic map/hash_map container that has a special swap method for O(1) container swap. How do you do that in Haskell or what's the canonical example of generic programming in Haskell?
This is closely related to your other question about Haskell and quicksort. I think you probably need to read at least the introduction of a book about Haskell. It sounds as if you haven't yet grasped the key point about it which is that it bans you from modifying the values of existing variables.
Swap (as understood and used in C++) is, by its very nature, all about modifying existing values. It's so we can use a name to refer to a container, and replace that container with completely different contents, and specialize that operation to be fast (and exception-free) for specific containers, allowing us to implement a modify-and-publish approach (crucial for writing exception-safe code or attempting to write lock-free code).
You can write a generic swap in Haskell, but it would probably take a pair of values and return a new pair containing the same values with their positions reversed, or something like that. Not really the same thing, and not having the same uses. It wouldn't make any sense to try and specialise it for a map by digging inside that map and swapping its individual member variables, because you're just not allowed to do things like that in Haskell (you can do the specialization, but not the modifying of variables).
Suppose we wanted to "measure" a list in Haskell:
measure :: [a] -> Integer
That's a type declaration. It means that the function measure takes a list of anything (a is a generic type parameter because it starts with a lowercase letter) and returns an Integer. So this works for a list of any element type - it's what would be called a function template in C++, or a polymorphic function in Haskell (not the same as a polymorphic class in C++).
We can now define that by providing specializations for each interesting case:
measure [] = 0
i.e. measure the empty list and you get zero.
Here's a very general definition that covers all other cases:
measure (h:r) = 1 + measure r
The bit in parentheses on the LHS is a pattern. It means: take a list, break off the head and call it h, call the remaining part r. Those names are then parameters we can use. This will match any list with at least one item on it.
If you've tried template metaprogramming in C++ this will all be old hat to you, because it involves exactly the same style - recursion to do loops, specialization to make the recursion terminate. Except that in Haskell it works at runtime (specialization of the function for particular values or patterns of values).
As Earwicker sais, the example is not as meaningful in Haskell. If you absolutely want to have it anyway, here is something similar (swapping the two parts of a pair), c&p from an interactive session:
GHCi, version 6.8.2: http://www.haskell.org/ghc/ :? for help
Loading package base ... linking ... done.
Prelude> let swap (a,b) = (b,a)
Prelude> swap("hello", "world")
Prelude> swap(1,2)
Prelude> swap("hello",2)
In Haskell, functions are as generic (polymorphic) as possible - the compiler will infer the "Most general type". For example, TheMarko's example swap is polymorphic by default in the absence of a type signature:
*Main> let swap (a,b) = (b,a)
*Main> :t swap
swap :: (t, t1) -> (t1, t)
As for partial specialization, ghc has a non-98 extension:
Also, note that there's a mismatch in terminology. What's called generic in c++, Java, and C# is called polymorphic in Haskell. "Generic" in Haskell usually means polytypic:
But, aboe i use the c++ meaning of generic.
In Haskell you would create type classes. Type classes are not like classes in OO languages. Take the Numeric type class It says that anything that is an instance of the class can perform certain operations(+ - * /) so Integer is a member of Numeric and provides implementations of the functions necessary to be considered Numeric and can be used anywhere a Numeric is expected.
Say you want to be able to foo Ints and Strings. Then you would declare Int and String to be
instances of the type class Foo. Now anywhere you see the type (Foo a) you can now use Int or String.
The reason why you can't add ints and floats directly is because add has the type (Numeric a) a -> a -> a a is a type variable and just like regular variables it can only be bound once so as soon as you bind it to Int every a in the list must be Int.
After reading enough in a Haskell book to really understand Earwicker's answer I'd suggest you also read about type classes. I'm not sure what “partial specialization” means, but it sounds like they could come close.