Applying bash string operators on a constant string - string

I'm trying to use bash string operators on a constant string. For instance, you can do the following on variable $foo:
$ foo=a:b:c; echo ${foo##*:}
Now, if the "a:b:c" string is constant, I would like to have a more concise solution like:
echo ${"a:b:c"##*:}
However, this is not valid bash syntax. Is there any way to perform this?
[The reason I need to do this (rather than hardcoding the result of the substitution, ie. "c" here) is because I have a command template where a "%h" placeholder is replaced by something before running the command; the result of the substitution is seen as a constant by bash.]

That's not possible using parameter expansion.
You could use other commands for this like sed/awk/expr.
but I don't see the requirement for this.
You could just do:
echo ${tmp##*:}
Or if speed is not an issue, and you don't want to clutter the current environment with unneeded variables:
(tmp=%h; echo ${tmp##*:})
Anyway, you'd be better off using the command template to do the string manipulation or using something simple like cut:
# get third filed delimited by :
$ cut -d: -f3<<<'a:b:c'
Or more sophisticated like awk or sed:
#get last field separated by ':'
$ awk -F: '{print $NF}'<<<'a:b:c'
$ sed 's/.*:\([^:]*\)/\1/'<<<'a:b:c'
Depends on what you need.

You could use expr to get a similar result:
$ expr match "a:b:c" '.*:\(.*\)'

You may be able to use Bash regex matching:
[[ "a:b:c" =~ $pattern ]]
echo "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"
But why can't you do your template substitution into a variable assignment, then use the variable in the parameter expansion?


Linux sed expression to convert the camelCase keys to underscore strings

I could not get the regex to convert only the key from a key value pair from camel case to underscore sting.
The expressions like sed -E 's/\B[A-Z]/_\U&/g' converts the full value, but I would like to limit the conversion only to the key here.
$ echo UserPoolId="eu-west-1_6K6Q2bT9c" | sed -E 's/\B[A-Z]/_\U&/g'
but i would like to get User_Pool_Id=eu-west-1_6K6Q2bT9c
With GNU awk for the 3rd arg to match() and gensub():
$ echo 'UserPoolId="eu-west-1_6K6Q2bT9c"' |
awk 'match($0,/([^=]+=)"(.*)"/,a) { $0=gensub(/([[:lower:]])([[:upper:]])/,"\\1_\\2","g",a[1]) a[2]} 1'
I don't know if it's what you'd want for this case or not but anyway:
$ echo 'UserPoolID="eu-west-1_6K6Q2bT9c"' |
awk 'match($0,/([^=]+=)"(.*)"/,a) { $0=gensub(/([[:lower:]])([[:upper:]])/,"\\1_\\2","g",a[1]) a[2]} 1'
Note that ID remains as _ID and isn't converted to _I_D.
If you have only one = sign and you want to modify the camel case before the = sign, with GNU sed you can iterate until all substitutions are done:
echo UserPoolId="eu-west-1_6K6Q2bT9c" | sed -E ':a;s/([a-z])([A-Z].*=.*)/\1_\2/;ta'
:a sets label a, ta branches to label a if the previous s command substituted something. The s command in the loop inserts a _ between a lower case and an upper case before the equal sign.
In your example this will first insert a _ between User and Pool, and then between Pool and Id.
Doing this in sed is somewhat challenging because you need a more complex regex and a more complex script. Perhaps a better solution would be to use the shell's substitution facilities to isolate the part you want to operate on.
sed -E -e 's/\B[A-Z]/_\U&/g' -e "s/\$/$suffix/" <<<"$prefix"
Bash also has built-in parameter expansion to convert the first character of a string to upper case, but perhaps this is sufficient to solve your immediate problem.
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed 's/=/&\n/;h;s/\B[[:upper:]]/_&/g;G;s/\n.*\n//' file
Introduce a newline after the = and copy the result to the hold space.
Insert underscores in the required places.
Append the copy to the current line and remove the middle, leaving the answer.

Bash - Extracting just the date and time from a string variable with other surrounding text being excluded

I'm new to sed and have been trying to use it with no luck yet in this case.
I'm reading through a log file and I store the prior line into a variable so that I can extract out the date if needed.
variable string example:
jcl/jclnt.log-[05/06/20 16:42:52.964]:jclnt ST:
I'm only wanting the date and timestamp in the square brackets. I want to ignore the characters before and after. The date and time format are always the same length and format. I can match on it with a regex, just not sure how to extract it from a variable into a new variable with only the data inside the square brackets.
I tried something like this:
priordate= echo "$prior" | awk -F'[][]' '{print $2}'
But that didn't work.
It should work if you remove the space before your echo.
echo "jcl/jclnt.log-[05/06/20 16:42:52.964]:jclnt ST:" | awk -F'[][]' '{print $2}'
05/06/20 16:42:52.964
and then make the statement thus: priordate=$(echo ...)
You can use Bash's native regular expression matching. This is a quick and dirty regular expression that just relies on capturing whatever is between [ and ]. You can certainly make it more specific if necessary.
s="jcl/jclnt.log-[05/06/20 16:42:52.964]:jclnt ST:"
if [[ "${s}" =~ $pattern ]]
echo "${date_time}"
05/06/20 16:42:52.964

linux bash sed-command with variable

I have a variable in a linux bash ".sh" script
now I want to create a new variable ($name) that contains only the part of $data before the underscore, so
I thought of doing this with sed
name=$(echo "$dataset" | sed 's/_.*//');
but this doesn't seem to work. What am I doing wrong?
No need to call an external process(sed). Instead you can use shell's parameter substitution like this:
$ data="test_1"
$ echo "${data%%_*}"
${var%%Pattern} Remove from $var the longest part of Pattern that matches the back end(from the right) of $var.
${var%Pattern} for removing shortest pattern
More info on parameter substitution can be found here.
You can store it in a variable like this:
$ name="${data%%_*}"
$ echo "$name"

Rename a variable in a for loop

Lets say i have a nested for loop:
for i in $test
for j in $test2
jj=$j | sed s/'tRap\/tRapTrain'/'BEEML\/BEEMLTrain'/g
if [ name == name2 ]
qsub $i $j $jj
Now the problem occurs when i try to rename the variable $j into variable $jj. I only get empty values back for submitting the script within the if statement. Is there another way to rename variables so that i can pass them through to the if part of the code?
PS. i tried 3 for loops but this makes the script awfully slow.
Your problem is piping the assignment into sed. Try something like
jj=$(echo $j | sed s/'tRap\/tRapTrain'/'BEEML\/BEEMLTrain'/g)
This uses command substitution to assign jj.
This is not correct:
jj=$j | sed s/'tRap\/tRapTrain'/'BEEML\/BEEMLTrain'/g
In order to assign the output of a command to a variable you need to use command substitution like this:
jj=$(sed s/'tRap\/tRapTrain'/'BEEML\/BEEMLTrain'/g <<< "$j")
You may not even have to use sed because bash has in-built string replacement. For example, the following will replace foo with bar in the j variable and assign it to jj:
There is also a problem with your if-statement. It should be:
if [ "$name" == "$name2" ]
A tiny little thing:
Sed treats the first character after the action selector as the field separator.
Knowing this you can translate your expresion:
sed s/'tRap\/tRapTrain'/'BEEML\/BEEMLTrain'/g
sed s%'tRap/tRapTrain'%'BEEML/BEEMLTrain'%g
So you don't have to worry about scaping your slashes when substituting paths. I normally use '%', but feel free to use any other character. I think the optimal approach would be using a non printable character:
SEP=$'\001' ; sed s${SEP}'tRap/tRapTrain'${SEP}'BEEML/BEEMLTrain'${SEP}g

how to replace a special characters by character using shell

I have a string variable x=tmp/variable/custom-sqr-sample/test/example
in the script, what I want to do is to replace all the “-” with the /,
after that,I should get the following string
Can anyone help me?
I tried the following syntax
it didnot work
exa=$(echo $exa|sed 's/-///g')
sed basically supports any delimiter, which comes in handy when one tries to match a /, most common are |, # and #, pick one that's not in the string you need to work on.
$ echo $x
$ sed 's#-#/#g' <<< $x
In the commend you tried above, all you need is to escape the slash, i.e.
echo $exa | sed 's/-/\//g'
but choosing a different delimiter is nicer.
The tr tool may be a better choice than sed in this case:
echo "$x" | tr -- - /
(The -- isn't strictly necessary, but keeps tr (and humans) from mistaking - for an option.)
In bash, you can use parameter substitution:
$ exa=tmp/variable/custom-sqr-sample/test/example
$ exa=${exa//-/\/}
$ echo $exa
