Upgrade cassandra 1.0.6 version to cassandra 1.0.7 version - cassandra

I use Apache Cassandra 1.0.6, but this release seems to have some bugs which were fixed in 1.0.7. One particular bug fix is for a 'too many files' exception. I googled the exception and found out that 1.0.7 release fixes this and that 1.0.7 is more stable than the 1.0.6 release of Cassandra.
How can I upgrade without any loss of data? Is it fine to upgrade from 1.0.6 to 1.0.7?

Cassandra upgrade instructions are always located in NEWS.txt in binary distribution. For version 1.0.7 it says:
- Nothing specific to 1.0.7, please report to instruction for 1.0.6
So, rolling upgrade of your cluster should be just fine to upgrade from 1.0.6


How to downgrade Thrift version on Ubuntu?

I am using Thrift version 0.14.0 on my Ubuntu (20.04.2 LTS).
However, I need to downgrade it to version 0.9.3 for working purposes.
I try to replace version 0.9.3, remove the current thrift version but it doesn't work.
Despite many ways to install the custom version, the current version is still 0.14.0 (thrift --version)
Can you give me the solution? Thank you so much.

Problem to Install pyspark of version 2.3

I was trying to install pyspark 2.3 from the last couple days. But I have found out Version 3.0.1 and 2.4.7 only so far. Actually I was trying to run a code implemented in pyspark 2.3 as a part of my project. Is that version still available now ? Please send me the essential resources to install pyspark 2.3 if it is available to install as well as shareable. As it seems tough to me to implement that code in version 3.0.1.
Pyspark 2.3 should still be available via Conda-Forge.
Please checkout https://anaconda.org/conda-forge/pyspark/files?version=2.3.2
There you will find the following and more packages for a direct download:
If you don't want the raw packages, you can also install it via conda:
conda install -c conda-forge pyspark=2.3.2

best_score_ parameter from GridSearchCV from spark-sklearn doesn't work with version 0.2.3

I am looking to use best_score_ parameter from GridSearchCV function, but it looks like that is not present in the latest version of the library spark-sklearn (version 0.2.3). When I'm trying to uninstall the latest version and reinstall and older version (with version 0.2.0) with the command
pip install spark-sklearn-0.2.0
It does not work. How can I install older versions of spark-sklearn library in my cluster environments? best_score_ parameter seems to work fine in version 0.2.0.
There is a known issue with spark-sklearn version 0.2.3 for not having best_score_ parameter in gridSearchCV. The issue can be found here at
To install older version of the library, use the following command:
pip install spark-sklearn==0.2.0

Orchard CMS: Upgrade from 1.3.9 to 1.10.1

I have an old 1.3.9 version of Orchard I'd like to upgrade to the latest version. I'd be happy to upgrade in steps (i.e. 1.3.9 -> 1.4.2 -> ... -> 1.10.1) but I can't find the install zips for older versions. It appears the earliest on GitHub is 1.8.2. I tried upgrading to that but it didn't work.
So I'm looking for recommendations on how to proceed.

Upgrade Arangodb on Mac OS

What is the best procedure to use to upgrade from 2.1.2 to 2.2.0 on Mac OS?
I have tried to use:
$ brew upgrade arangodb
That results in a message that 2.1.2 is already installed.
Do I need to remove 2.1.2 and then install 2.2.0? If so what happens to existing databases?
geoff coleman
The brew formular is not yet updated. You can use
brew upgrade https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fceller/homebrew/master/Library/Formula/arangodb.rb
for the time being.
The database needs to be converted after upgrading. Please execute
/usr/local/opt/arangodb/sbin/arangod --log.file - --upgrade
This will upgrade your data files to 2.2.
