How to find out and control where the Perl modules stored locally? - linux

Some Perl modules, such as DBI, need to be downloaded, compiled and installed.
I'm connecting to a remote production testing computer, for which I have only my local user password (no root, for obvious reasons). I've used wget to download some external modules that I need, such as DBI, and unpacked these resulting in directories like ~/modules/DBI-<version>.
Normally, when compiling something for Linux, you run configure to pre-configure everything before installation; and one of its switches is --prefix=<some_dir>, which controls where the compiled executable and all compiled dependencies will ultimately end up.
But for Perl modules, you don't run configure, so my first question is:
Can I control where the compiled modules (e.g. go when I run make? If so, how?
Failing that, I at least need to update #INC, so I can refer to the module; so my second question is:
How can I find out where the compiled modules went when I ran make?
I can't issue make install after compiling, and moreover, I've been asked not to. (I've been asked to design the script so that it doesn't rely on external modules being in the standard system path.)

perl modules should either be installed with the distributions's system, like you did with gentoo or pkg_add on BSD, etc. or by using CPAN. Don't do what you're doing, that is going to confuse you & the system.
perl -MCPAN -e "install DBI"

You can use local::lib to install Perl modules in a custom directory. Modules so installed can be used from Perl scripts:
use local::lib '/path/to/custom/directory'; # Custom modules can be `use`d from hereon
cpanm uses local::lib internally when you use the -l or -L flag. To install a module in the current directory:
cpanm -l. DBI

The installation directory is set when the makefile for the module is built. Each module comes with a Makefile.PL which must be run to build the makefile, taking into account the current Perl configuration. Makefile.PL has the option PREFIX that says where the build is going to be installed, so after unpacking the module's distribution and cding to the unpacked directory you can say
perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/module/directory/path
make test
make install
This process is described in the Perl documentation - read perldoc perlmodinstall. You could go into the CPAN shell and use the 'o' (lower-case) oprion that allows you to change the options passed to makefile.PL, but I think the manual build/test/install is more straightforward and gives you more control over the process.
Remember to add
use lib qw(/module/directory/path);
to the start of your program to make sure Perl searches the new directory for modules.


Yum/apt-get before cpan to manage UNIX system-wide Perl modules?

Perl's cpan command is a powerful way to manage Perl modules. However, when maintaining modules system-wide under UNIX, Michal Ingeli notes that another possible option is
yum install 'perl(PerlModuleName)'. If available, should yum be my first resort in this case?
For example, the command cpanm CGI installs the CGI module under my ~/perl5 directory, which may be best if the CGI module is only needed by scripts run under my account. But this won't provide the CGI module to scripts run by other accounts.
I can use cpanm -l <directory> to force the cpanm command to load modules to a specific directory (e.g., cpanm -l /usr/local CGI to install CGI to /usr/local/lib/perl5), or I can edit ~/cpan/CPAN/ to change the default install location cpan uses.
But on nearly all systems, multiple Perl system library locations exist (/usr/local/share/perl5, /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl, /usr/lib64/perl5, etc.), and choosing the correct one is somewhat arbitrary since these are not generated by the cpan command.
With this in mind, should I turn to yum (if available) before cpan for system-wide UNIX Perl module management? It's easy enough to test with a command like:
yum install 'perl(LWP::Simple)'
If yum failed in this instance, I would fall back to:
cpanm -l <directory> LWP::Simple
What do you recommend in this type of case, and why?
(Note that nxadm has answered a more general question about this.)
To summarize answers so far:
If at all possible, use the system package manager to update CPAN modules. E.g., for LWP::Simple:
yum install 'perl(LWP::Simple)', or
apt-get install liblwp-simple-perl
If the preceding fails, try to implement a separate Perl environment in which to use CPAN modules not present in the system-wide libraries. Consider local::lib or Perlbrew for this;
Only if the above options don't apply, use cpanm -l <directory> to load the module to a system-wide directory.
I can't speak from experience with RPM/yum systems, but I have done a lot of work with Perl applications on Debian systems and I do highly recommend going with the system packaged versions of CPAN modules if you can. I know a lot of people disagree and historically they may have had good reason but I've been doing it for a long time and find it works very well.
In the Debian world there are an enormous number of Perl modules in pre-packaged form and if you happen to need one that isn't packaged you can build your own package with dh-make-perl and put it in your local apt repository. Being able to run apt-get install your-application and have it pull in all the required dependencies is a real time saver when your code is moving through Dev -> Staging/UAT -> Production workflows. It also gives you confidence that the version of a particular module you're deploying to production is the same as the one you tested in UAT.
One thing you absolutely should not do is use cpanm or the cpan shell as root to install modules into the system directories. If you decide to install direct from CPAN, then use local::lib to install the modules in an application-specific lib directory.
[Edit] Some sample commands as requested:
On a Debian-based system, you would first install the dh-make-perl tool:
sudo apt-get-install dh-make-perl
Then to download a package from CPAN and build it into a .deb file you would run a command like this*:
dh-make-perl --build --cpan Algorithm::CouponCode
You could install the resulting .deb file with:
sudo dpkg -i libalgorithm-couponcode-perl_1.005-1_all.deb
Managing your own apt repository is a whole other topic. In my case I'd copy the .deb to an appropriate directory on the local apt server and run a script to update the index (I think our script uses dpkg-scanpackages).
Note in my opening paragraph above I recommend using systems packages "if you can". To be clear, I meant in the case where most of the modules you want are already packaged by Debain. The example above did not build packages for any dependencies. If your app involves installing modules which have long dependency chains that are not in Debian already, then using cpanm and local::lib will simplify the install. But then you shoulder the burden of repeating that as your code advances through staging to production servers. And you may need to use cpanfile or carton to make sure you're getting the same versions at each step.
* one gotcha: if you have previously set up local::lib so that cpan installs go into a private directory (e.g.: /home/user/perl5) then that will affect the pathnames used in the .deb produced by dh-make-perl. To avoid that, run this before dh-make-perl:
Your system's perl was put there for your system's use. The folks that maintain your distribution will update it when they see fit to another version that suits the needs of your system. Using your system's Package Manager to manage it is really your best idea.
Feel free to use it, but if you need a different version, for whatever reason, you are best rolling your own into a separate location. When maintaining your own perl install, use CPAN.

Set environmental vars and enable core dumps in autotools build

I am using Autotools for my current project. I'm using Ubuntu and Linux mint. With Autotools I can tell it to check a users's system to check for any required libraries my project needs in order to function properly. Now I would like to check if a user's system has enabled core dumps and if not, then execute the command ulimit -c unlimited to enable core dumps. How and where do I specify this?
Also, once the user has executed the make command to compile the source code, they execute sudo make install in order to move the binaries at /usr/local/bin/MYPROJECT. I want to add the location of my project's binaries into the path environmental variable, so that the user can execute any of the binaries in my project from a terminal without the need of typing the full path. How and where do I specify this in Autotools?
I'm thinking this is something I would add in the file, but I haven't found any examples on how I can do this. Any help would be appreciated.
It sounds as if you basically misunderstand what installation of a software
package on Linux is about.
The job of autotools is to build a portable installation package of your
software. When I install your package, it does not become your decision
whether programs that crash will generate core dumps on my computer
when I run them. It does not become your decision what PATH I use to
invoke programs by unqualified name. These are my decisions or defaults
that I have accepted from my OS distribution.
If you execute ulimit -c unlimited, the command will in any case
only apply to the shell in which it is invoked. It doesn't
reconfigure the host system (!).
If you would like users to be able to invoke your program by unqualified
name, the normal procedure is make your package install it by default in the place,
/usr/local/bin, that unix-like OSes traditionally add to a
user's default PATH for finding locally installed programs. That is
where autotools will configure it to be installed, by default. Change it
only if you don't want your program to be in the user's default PATH.
And in any case, a user can decide where your software is installed by
passing --prefix=/path/of/my/choice to the ./configure command. Unless
you have some unavoidable reason not to, make your package installation
use the defaults that everybody expects and leave it up to the installing user
to change them.
Bottom line: You are asking how to do installation actions with autotools that
are not meant to be done with autotools, because they are not meant to be
done by package installations.

Install CPAN Modules without messing up the system Perl installation

I have heard that it is best to not install modules from CPAN where your system's version of Perl is. I know how to install modules using the command line, I was just wondering if there is a way to keep CPAN separate from the system's core Perl.
Should I:
Download the source and make a directory specifically for these modules?
Anybody have any other ideas or implementations they have used successfully?
I am using Arch Linux with Perl 5.16.2.
Are you looking for something like local::lib
local::lib - create and use a local lib/ for perl modules with PERL5LIB
Download and extract the latest version of local::lib:
curl -LO
tar xzf local-lib-1.008004.tar.gz
cd local-lib-1.008004/
Deploy it:
perl Makefile.PL --bootstrap=$HOME/perl5
make test
make install
Save persistent configuration:
cat << PROFILE >> $HOME/.profile
eval \$(perl -I\$HOME/perl5/lib/perl5/ -Mlocal::lib)
Now, you can logoff/logon your session or simply source ~/.profile.
After that steps, CPAN modules will be installed locally.
You don't need to install the module manually. You just need to have somewhere to install it to, and your environment configured to install it there. Then you can use cpan/cpanp/cpanm/etc as normal. (cpan minus wins for me)
Setting up that environment manually is a bit of a pain, so most people use an application to set up the configuration for them.
The two main choices for this are:
local::lib — This sets up your environment variables so you can install modules away from the system perl, but continues to use the system perl.
Perlbrew — this installs a complete perl for you so lets you avoid your system perl entirely, and use a more up to date version of perl itself then might come with your system. It also manages multiple perl installs side by side (so you can test your modules against different versions of perl).
Personally, I prefer Perlbrew (as it makes it easy to play with shiny new features like the yada yada operator and smart match (not that smart match is all that new now) but it takes longer to set up (as you have to compile perl).
I have heard that it is best to not install modules from CPAN where your system's version of Perl is.
The idea is to avoid breaking your distro's tools by upgrading a module they use.
Installing the modules to a fresh directory and telling Perl about it using PERL5LIB (which is what aforementioned install::lib does) is not going to help at all in that case, since Perl sees exactly the same thing as if you had installed the module in the usual site directory.
(One would mainly use PERL5LIB to install modules when one doesn't have permission to install to the default directories.)
The other problem with using the system Perl is that you are prevented from upgrading it.
The solution to both is to install your own build of Perl. This is very easy to do using perlbrew.
What's about cpanminus?
CPAN minus module
Why don't you pack the modules into real packages, rpm or dep style? That way you keep control over the installed software, you can remove and update the packages as required and as you are used to. So instead of bypassing the management, which rarely is a good idea, you stay in control.
If you are using an rpm based distribution I really recommend OBS for this task. You can create your own project, configure sources, test them and have packages created for all sorts of distributions and architectures. And when you import your home projects repository into your software management then installing the packages comes down to a single click.

Make install, but not to default directories?

I want to run 'make install' so I have everything I need, but I'd like it to install the things in their own folder as opposed to the system's /usr/bin etc. is that possible? even if it references tools in the /usr/bin etc.?
It depends on the package. If the Makefile is generated by GNU autotools (./configure) you can usually set the target location like so:
./configure --prefix=/somewhere/else/than/usr/local
If the Makefile is not generated by autotools, but distributed along with the software, simply open it up in an editor and change it. The install target directory is probably defined in a variable somewhere.
Since don't know which version of automake you can use DESTDIR environment variable.
See Makefile to be sure.
For example:
export DESTDIR="$HOME/Software/LocalInstall" && make -j4 install
make DESTDIR=./new/customized/path install
This quick command worked for me for opencv release 3.2.0 installation on Ubuntu 16. DESTDIR path can be relative as well as absolute.
Such redirection can also be useful in case user does not have admin privileges as long as DESTDIR location has right access for the user. e.g /home//
It could be dependent upon what is supported by the module you are trying to compile. If your makefile is generated by using autotools, use:
when running the ./configure
some packages allow you to also override when running:
make prefix=<myinstalldir>
however, if your not using ./configure, only way to know for sure is to open up the makefile and check. It should be one of the first few variables at the top.
If the package provides a Makefile.PL - one can use:
perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/home/my/local/lib LIB=/home/my/local/lib
make test
make install
* further explanation:
I tried the above solutions. None worked.
In the end I opened Makefile file and manually changed prefix path to desired installation path like below.
PREFIX ?= "installation path"
When I tried --prefix, "make" complained that there is not such command input. However, perhaps some packages accepts --prefix which is of course a cleaner solution.
try using INSTALL_ROOT.

What should Linux/Unix 'make install' consist of?

I've written a C++ program (command line, portable code) and I'm trying to release a Linux version at the same time as the Windows version. I've written a makefile as follows:
ayane: *.cpp *.h
g++ -Wno-write-strings -oayane *.cpp
Straightforward enough so far; but I'm given to understand it's customary to have a second step, make install. So when I put the install: target in the makefile... what command should be associated with it? (If possible I'd prefer it to work on all Unix systems as well as Linux.)
A less trivial installer will copy several things into place, first insuring that the appropriate paths exists (using mkdir -p or similar). Typically something like this:
the executable goes in $INSTALL_PATH/bin
any libraries built for external consumption go in $INSTALL_PATH/lib or $INSTALL_PATH/lib/yourappname
man pages go in $INSTALL_PATH/share/man/man1 and possibly other sections if appropriate
other docs go in $INSTALL_PATH/share/yourappname
default configuration files go in $INSTALL_PATH/etc/yourappname
headers for other to link against go in $INSTALL_PATH/include/yourappname
Installation path
The INSTALL_PATH is an input to the build system, and usually defaults to /usr/local. This gives your user the flexibility to install under their $HOME without needing elevated permission.
In the simplest case just use
at the top of the makefile. Then the user can override it by setting an environment variable in their shell.
You also occasionally see make installs that build a manifest to help with de-installation. The manifest can even be written as a script to do the work.
Another approach is just to have a make uninstall that looks for the things make install places, and removes them if they exist.
In the simplest case you just copy the newly created executable into the /usr/local/bin path. Of course, it's usually more complicated than that.
Notice that most of these operations require special rights, which is why make install is usually invoked using sudo.
make install is usually the step that "installs" the binary into the correct place.
For example, when compiling Vim, make install may place it in /usr/local/bin
Not all Makefiles have a make install
